mart 发音
英:[mɑːrt] 美:[mɑːt]
英: 美:
mart 中文意思翻译
mart 网络释义
n. 集市;商业中心n. (Mart)人名;(爱沙)马尔特;(塞、法、土库、阿塞、俄)马尔特
mart 词性/词形变化,mart变形
mart 短语词组
1、marriage mart ─── [网络] 婚礼场
2、gold mart ─── 黄金集市
3、Arisaema Mart ─── [医] 天南星属
4、wal-mart ─── 沃尔玛公司; 全球最大的零售公司,由山姆· ─── 沃尔顿创办。
5、fast mart ─── 快速购物中心
6、Call-A-Mart n. ─── 电话订货的超级市场
7、Trust Mart ─── 相信马丁
8、build mart ─── 构建集市
9、crop mart ─── 作物市场
10、century mart ─── 世纪商业城
11、mini-mart ─── 小型超市
12、doll mart ─── 玩偶市场
13、Myristica officinalis Mart. ─── [医] 巴西肉豆蔻
14、bubble mart ─── 泡 ─── 泡超市
15、happy mart ─── 快乐超市
16、abc mart abc ─── 超市
17、Gymnogongrus Mart. ─── [医] 叉枝藻属
18、departmental data mart ─── 部门数据集市
19、c mart c ─── 集市
mart 相似词语短语
1、art ─── 艺术
2、marts ─── n.集市;[贸易]市场(mart的复数);n.(Marts)人名;(俄)马尔茨;(英)马茨
3、fart ─── v.放屁;n.放屁;讨厌的人;n.(Fart)(俄)法尔(人名)
4、Hart ─── n.雄赤鹿(复数harts);n.(Hart)人名;(匈)豪尔特;(西、法)阿特;(英、罗、捷、芬、德)哈特
5、Bart ─── abbr.从男爵(Baronet);n.巴特(男子名);n.(Bart)人名;(英)巴特;(匈)鲍尔特;(德、罗、荷、瑞典、俄、法)巴尔特
6、Smart ─── adj.聪明的;巧妙的;敏捷的;厉害的;潇洒的;剧烈的;时髦的;n.(Smart)(法)斯马尔;(英、德)斯马特(人名)
7、dart ─── n.飞镖;急驰,飞奔;一阵剧痛;(衣服的)褶;热带和亚热带鱼类;v.急冲,飞奔;投掷,投射;把(目光)飞快扫向;n.(Dart)(美、英、加、澳、法)达特(人名)
8、cart ─── n.二轮运货马车;vt.用车装载;vi.驾运货马车;用运货车运送;n.(Cart)人名;(法)卡尔;(英、芬)卡特
9、-art ─── -艺术
mart 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、After six years market economy experience, Beijing Photography Equipment City has become the most successful professional photographic mart in China in comparison with other marts in the industry. ─── 北京摄影器材城经过六年市场经济的洗礼,已成为全国同行业中运作最成功的摄影专业市场。
2、Wal-Mart has struggled with five straight quarters of declines in revenue at stores open at least a year. ─── 沃尔玛努力在与连续五个季度下降的收入奋斗,在开店至少一年的时间。
3、In this paper,the concepts of data warehouse,data mart,metadata, OLAP are introduced and three implementation strategies of data warehouse,two methods of OLAP are analyzed and compared. ─── 主要介绍了数据仓库、数据集市、元数据、联机分析处理的概念 ,分析并比较了建立数据仓库的三种策略以及联机分析处理技术OLAP的两种方法ROLAP和MOLAP
4、London developed into the general mart of Europe. ─── 伦敦发展成为欧洲的综合市
5、Cspedes, Agramonte, Maceo, Gmez, and Mart were the first names engraved in our minds. ─── 塞斯佩德斯,阿格拉蒙特,马塞奥,戈麦斯和巴蒂是首先铭刻在我们心里的名字。
6、Less loss management in big mart ─── 大卖场的防损耗管理
7、Besides, the delegation visited the International Trade Mart and Mengna Holding Co., Ltd. (Yuki ─── 在义期间,代表团成员还参观了国际商贸城、梦娜控股集团等地。
8、It is students of business management, not archaeologists, who should be interested in Mrs. B (Rose Blumkin), the 94-year-old chairman of Nebraska Furniture Mart. ─── 事实上应该是商学院而非考古学系的学生,需要多多研究B太太-这位NFM高龄94岁的负责人。
9、Jim looked at him admiringly. "How d'ye do it, anyway, Mart?" ─── 吉姆羡慕地望着他,“不过,你是怎么叫她们入迷的,马?”
10、Statistical Analysis Frame of Complex Data Mining and MART & MCMC Applications in CRM ─── 复杂数据挖掘统计分析框架及MART和MCMC方法在客户关系管理中的应用
11、Keeper Lukasz Fabianski takes the No 21 shirt from the departing Mart Poom. ─── 守门员卢卡斯·法比安斯基将接受普姆留下的21号球衣。
12、Seventy-three-year-old George McNeilon selected his food in Value Mart more carefully than NASA chose its candidates for the space shuttle. ─── 七十三岁的乔治 - 麦克尼朗在特价市场精挑细选着各种食品,其小心程度比美国国家航空和航天局为航天飞机挑选飞行员有过之而无不及。
13、A surprise awaited them in Wal-Mart. ─── 一件意想不到的事情正在沃尔玛里等待着他们。
15、Wal-Mart reported another poor quarter in America, with revenue dipping again from stores that have been open for at least a year. ─── 沃尔玛美国第四季度的(收益)报告再次惨淡,同店销售额(见注)有所下降。
16、Ma eke a right, pass two stop signs and you will run into a Wal Mart. ─── 在你的左手边你会看到一座就可以表达出丁字路口的意思了.
17、CMO Global Trade Co., Ltd is a leading China mart online investment services company in China with over 5 years of experience . ─── 奇美电子全球贸易有限公司,是一家领先的中国投资公司的在线服务公司在华5年以上的经验。
18、so i went into the mart with a shop basket, find some beer, then goto the red wine counter see if i can find some of my favorite. ─── "你好,你看这两瓶红酒我应该买那个呢?".我抬头一看,一老外,像欧洲人或英国人,但是个子不高.
19、The store character is somewhat between those of REI and Sports Mart in the Silicon Valley. ─── 商品主要有背包(欧洲品牌),帐篷,睡袋,轮滑等。
20、Women and Children theme store is located in the center of Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist Mart Co., with area of 2186 sqr m. ─── 地处豫园商城中心位置,使用面积约为2186平方米,主要分为三层,以经营女士羊毛衫、儿童服装、文具用品为主。
21、Last year we rented two buses - for $100 - to take shareholders interested in the trip to the Furniture Mart. ─── 去年我们花了100元租两台巴士载着有兴趣的股东到家具广场,
22、Gymnogongrus Mart. ─── [医] 叉枝藻属
23、The Research and Application of Transformer Data Mart ─── 变压器数据集市的研究与应用
24、He seemed to walk in the direction of Wu Mart. ─── 他好像是朝物美商城的方向走的。
25、Address: 3 Fengqi Road, 1st floor of Trust Mart Supercenter. ─── 下城区凤起路3号好又多超市1楼.
26、Research on data mart system based on OLAP queries ─── 基于OLAP查询的数据集市系统的研究
27、He killed Mart Wiley, a deputy sheriff, at a Lost Nation kitchen-dance two years ago. ─── 两年前他在边陲地区的一次厨房舞会上杀死了副长官马
28、For a data mart to succeed, the IT department must be committed to a team-oriented structure that reflects its role as internal consultant. ─── 对于成功的数据集市而言,信息技术部门必须对反映其作为内部顾问作用的面向小组的结构作出承诺。
29、Today Welch will tell you what GE learned about asset management from Toyota or about quick market intelligence from Wal Mart. ─── 今 天 , 韦 尔 奇 会 告 诉 你 通 用 电 气 公 司 在 生 产 管 理 方 面 从 丰 田 公 司 学 到 的 东 西 , 或 是 在 快 速 获 取 市 场 情 报 方 面 从 沃 尔 玛 公 司 学 到 的 东 西 。
30、Arisaema Mart. ─── 天南星属
31、He was a slave on board the brig Creole, of Richmond, bound to New Orleans, that great slave mart, with a hundred and four others. ─── 他与一百零四名其它黑奴一起关在里士满的“克里奥”号双桅帆船上,运往奴隶大市场新奥尔良州。
32、Research of Logistics Ensuring Data Mart Model ─── 后勤保障过程中数据集市模型的研究
33、Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist Mart Co., Ltd ─── 上海豫园旅游商城股份有限公司
34、At last, the paper introduced a modeling method used for data market and applied it to the development of "Southwest Airlines Decision Support System" in which this method is used to design and realize the relevant data mart. ─── 同时引入了一个数据集市建模方法,并且用于“西南航空决策支持系统”开发实践中,完成了相应数据集市的设计和实现。
35、Wal-Mart, the nation's largest chain, used to help lift the total industry number, but in April it stopped reporting monthly sales figures. ─── 沃尔玛,美国最大的连锁零售商,曾经帮助整个行业的提升,但是他们在四月份停止汇报销售数据。
36、The second step is to connect this data mart to the well-known Taiwan flower data warehouse so that users can monitor the interactions of five data marts. ─── 其次是将此资料超市与台湾区花卉资料仓储连线使得使用者可以监督五个资料超市的互动情况。
37、Austere, ecstatic craftsman, set apart From all who traffic in Apollo's mart, On thy phrased paten shall the Splendour be! ─── 其他报刊、杂志、网络媒体欲转载、链接、转贴或者以其他方式复制本文,务必注明“酷酷英语网”字样。如对稿件内容有疑议,请及时与酷酷英语网联系。
38、On the basis of overall situation , we put forward a kind of realize method , which from the data mart to the data warehouse in tax administration system. ─── 在全局观念的前提下,提出了一种税务系统从数据集市到数据仓库实现方法。
39、The paper introduces data warehouse,data mart, operational data storage and data warehouse architecture and gives the design scheme. ─── 介绍了数据仓库、数据集市、操作数据存储以及数据仓库系统的体系结构,给出了设计方案。
40、And by great waters the seed of Sihor, the harvest of the river, is her revenue; and she is a mart of nations. ─── 在大水之上,西曷的粮食、罗河的庄稼是推罗的进项;他作列国的大码头。
41、The only change vendors made was to reposition their existing products in a manner that acknowledged the realities of the emerging data mart market. ─── 供应商做的唯一变动是以认识新兴的数据集市市场现实的方式重新定位其已有的产品。
42、Its registered fund is 500,000,0RMB.We are member of CIFA and “Shipping Mart” of www.shippingchina.com. ─── 公司主要成员均从事国际货运行业多年,业务熟练且有很强的客户服务理念和团队协作精神。
43、Comparing to ART, MART has the advantages of iterative speed and iterative precision, while SIRT overcomes the problem of illegibility and SBFM can reduce the noise sharply. ─── 与传统的ART法相比,MART法在迭代速度和迭代精度上有较大的优越性,SIRT法克服了采用代数重构技术所带来的模糊性,SBFM法使重构结果噪声明显减小。
44、When Jos Mart named the things that every man ought to do before he dies, the list did not include "Liberate a country. " ─── 乔斯商业中心列出了人们在死亡之前应该做的事,其中并不包括“解放国家”。
45、Traditional data warehouse involves a widely accepted topology of ODS, data warehouse, data mart and BI tools. ─── 传统数据仓库由ODS(Operational Data Stone)、数据仓库、数据集市和BI工具组成。
46、It describes all design and implementation methods with which we bui8ld data warehouse/data mart and program client platform. Accordingly,it gives out an engineering model to set up decision support application. ─── 它从后台数据仓库/数据集市的构建到前台客户端的编制都提出了设计与实现的方法,从而提出了建立决策支持应用的一种工程应用模式。
47、Based on this data mart, a new method that used data miningtechnique according to DGA data was offered for transformer fault diagnosis. ─── 在数据集市的基础上尝试利用基于DGA的数据挖掘技术进行故障诊断,为变压器故障诊断提供了新的方法。
48、All Natural Crystal sell as Wholesale Price!!!Hurgie Crystal JB Trading now is coming to Johor, Saleng TJ Mart!!! ─── 天然水晶全部以批发价为临售价!合意天然水晶!现已来到古来佳市场!
49、Architecture of Power Distribution Dispatching Automation System Based on the Concept of Data Mart ─── 基于数据集市配电网调度自动化系统体系结构
50、Before implementing a data mart, a company should be aware of the relationship between its IT and user groups. ─── 在实现数据集市之前,公司应该知道信息技术部门与用户群之间的关系。
51、At the Walt Mart Supermarket. ─── 在沃尔玛超市。
52、Make a right, patwo stop sigand you will run into a Wal Mart. ─── 向右转,经过二个。
53、All our products selling is new .better price .better life. the international trade price mart price at your home. ─── 以上全部是全新的产品.更好的价格,更美好的生活.国际商贸城的价格在你家!
54、Wal-Mart spokesman Anthony Rose said the company is cooperating in an ongoing investigation of the arrested and detained employees. ─── 沃尔玛发言人罗斯(AnthonyRose)说,该公司正在协助对被逮捕和拘留员工正在进行的调查。
55、This is not the laziest... I simply put seanonings bought from food mart into steamed fish... ─── 在烫鱼的同时,把生油,酱油,姜,葱花等等杂物混在一起,放进碗里,
56、Buffalo News, Fechheimer, Kirby, Nebraska Furniture Mart, Scott Fetzer Manufacturing Group, See's Candies, and World Book. ─── -水牛城报纸、费区海默西服、寇比吸尘器、内布拉斯加家具、史考特飞兹集团、喜斯糖果与世界百科全书,
57、Database table or view, choose your WebSphere Commerce Analyzer data mart name from the Database server drop-down. ─── 上从数据库服务器下拉列表中选择您的WebSphere Commerce Analyzer数据集市名。
58、Basic function requirement for management Information system of mart ─── 商场管理信息系统基本功能要求
60、He had the mien of the chief of the eunuchs in the slave mart, discovering a Venus among the blowsy females, and the air of an amateur recognizing a Raphael in a heap of daubs. ─── 他当时的神态就象一个阉奴总管在奴隶市场的大肚皮女人堆中发现一个维纳斯,在劣等油画堆中识别一幅拉斐尔真迹的鉴赏家。
61、Turning on a sixpence, he struck a sweet volley into the bottom corner, leaving goalkeeper Mart Poom no chance. ─── 在一个小角度转身之后,他临空抽射将球打入球门下角,没有给对方门将马特·普姆丝毫的机会。
62、Based on the concept of data mart,the architecture of power distribution dispatching automation system is built to satisfy the demand of data communion and providing data upward and to overcome data inconsistency and system deficiency. ─── 以数据集市为基础构建了配电网调度自动化系统的体系结构,以满足该系统数据共享和向上提供数据的要求,从而克服现有系统数据一致性、系统性差等方面的问题。
63、But Jordanian external condition is insufficient, QIZ should become the production with middle east main area, sightseeing and mart, way is very long still. ─── 但约旦的客观条件不足,QIZ要成为中东地区主要的生产、观光和商业中心,道路还很漫长。
64、Mart van den Bergh, a goal pursued by the whole variety, low prices and quality service. ─── 宏达商城追求的目标是全品种,低价格和优质服务。
65、Today, after 10 years, we will open more than 200 stores in China to allow more customers to enjoy Lotte Mart across China. ─── 10年后的今天,我们将在中国开200多家卖场,让更多的顾客在中国各地都能享受乐天玛特。
66、Multilayer OLAP Application Model Based on Data Mart ─── 基于数据集市的多层OLAP应用模型
67、JMNetEDW simplifies the data warehouse architecture, has used the JMELT tool which independently is designed, has removed the department data mart and has added the immediate query. ─── JMNetEDW简化了企业级数据仓库架构,采用了自行设计的JMELT数据抽取工具,去掉了部门级数据集市,加入了即时查询。
68、Revenue at Wal-Mart stores open at least a year, a key measurement of any retailer's health, has fallen for six straight quarters. ─── 开张一年以上的沃尔玛商店的收入,是衡量零售商健康的关键标准,已经连续六个月下降。
69、Shanghai Yu Yuan Mart Hui Jing Lou Hotel ─── 上海预园商城会景楼大酒店
70、Have watched the International martial mart competition at "Ao ti center " ! ─── 在奥体中心观看了一次很精彩的世界搏击比赛。
71、MART ( Muhiplicative Algebraic Reconstruction Technique) ─── 乘积代数重建技术(MART)
72、Ere they went onward, each one to the mart's ─── 听取我三两声稍微响亮些的音乐,/这才继续赶路,奔赴市场或是圣殿、
73、All he saw was a van with tinted windows parked under the oversized awning of Flushing Food Mart across the street. ─── 他只看见一辆车窗贴了遮阳纸的货车,停在对面法拉盛食品市场的超大雨篷下。
74、stock control helped Wal-Mart to reduce its expenses by $2 billion in 1997. ─── 库存管理的改善使沃尔玛公司在1997年减少了20亿美元的开支。
75、Before implementing a data mart,a company should be aware of the relationship between its IT and user groups. ─── 在推行数据市之前,公司应该知道信息技术部门与用户群之间的关系。
76、The ones that spoke of mainly are data warehouse and the data mart, OLAP and data mining, and show technologies in the front-ends. ─── 主要谈到的是数据仓库和数据集市、联机分析处理和数据挖掘以及前端展示技术。
77、Today Welch will tell you what GE learned about asset management from Toyota or about quick market intellignece from Wal Mart. ─── 今天,韦尔奇会告诉你通用电气公司在生产管理方面从丰田公司学到的东西,或是在快速获取市场情报方面从沃尔玛公司学到的东西。
78、London is an international mart for stocks and shares. ─── 伦敦是个国际证券与股票的交易中心。
79、Myristica officinalis Mart. ─── [医] 巴西肉豆蔻
80、Feasible research on Shanghai Mart investment ─── 上海商城投资项目可行性研究
81、Trust - Mart square enjoys a good frame in Guangzhou for its large sales volume, diversified service, all - round taluction in overheads and price as well as itS own brand and specificmembership. ─── 好又多量贩广场以大量销售,多样化服务,全方位降低经营费用和价格,并实行自有品牌以及与众不同的会员制,使好又多享誉羊城。
82、Female economists agree with men that Europe has too much regulation and that Wal-mart is good for society. ─── 女性经济学家同意男性的观点,即欧洲监管过多,以及沃尔玛对社会有益。
83、The practice result indicates that in constructing petroleum prospecting information system data mart is more concise and more practical than data warehouse,and its generalization and application are more feasible. ─── 实践结果表明,对于油气勘探信息系统建设而言,数据集市比数据仓库更为简洁、更为实用,其推广和应用也更为可行。
84、Hearing that Yiwu people would arrange exhibitions in the market, local business people and purchasers swarmed into Shenzhen Longgang Commodities Wholesale Mart. ─── 听说义乌人在市场展示区布展,深圳龙岗小商品批发城的经营户及当地采购商纷纷赶到市场。
85、Shanghai Yu Yuan Mart Huiji Lou Hotel ─── 上海远洋宾馆
86、"Carry network sale channel, medium and small businesses sells better faster land to countrywide each district the product, open thereby inside trade mart. ─── “通过网络销售渠道,中小企业将更好更快地把产品销售到全国各地,从而打开内贸市场。
87、Now is open branch at Saleng Johor TJ Mart. ─── 一切产品都以批发价为临售价来出售。
88、Russian immigrant, she built the mart from a pawnshop into the largest furniture store in North America.Her strategy was to undersell the big shots, and she was a merciless negotiator. ─── 他收到很多来自人们的忠告:起初他们认为能够管理好自己的债务最后却被债务所淹没。
89、Before boarding the subway, he stepped into Value Mart again to see if by any chance his gloves had been returned to the lost and found office. ─── 上地铁之前,他又来到特价市场看看,是否有人已经把他的手套送到了失物招领处。
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