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09-11 投稿


cornus 发音

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英:  美:

cornus 中文意思翻译




cornus 短语词组

1、apex cornus ─── 先端玉米

2、Cornus stolonifera ─── [网络] 偃伏梾木

3、Cornus sanguinea ─── [网络] 欧洲红瑞木;山茱萸;洋瑞木

4、genus Cornus ─── [网络] 山茱萸属

5、Cornus obliqua ─── [网络] us

6、bunchberry cornus canadensis ─── 加拿大山茱萸

7、Cornus canadensis ─── [网络] 加拿大草茱萸;御膳桔;棶木属

8、cornus aurora dogwood tree ─── 山茱萸

9、bunchberry cornus ─── 山茱萸

10、Cornus florida ─── [网络] us藜

11、gelatinum cornus cervis ─── [医] 鹿角霜

12、Cornus mas ─── [网络] 欧洲山茱萸;欧亚山茱萸;大果山茱萸

13、Cornus Eddie's White Wonder ─── 科纳斯·艾迪的“白色奇迹

14、Cornus macrophylla Wall. ─── [医] ┪木

15、cornus alternifolia ─── 北角鲨

16、cornus starlight ─── 山茱萸星光

17、Cornus florida L. ─── [医] 北美山茱萸

18、Cornus amomum ─── [网络] 熊果栋木

19、Cornus officinalis Sieb. ─── [医] 山东萸

cornus 相似词语短语

1、corns ─── n.[作物]玉米(corn的复数);[皮肤]鸡眼;n.(Corns)人名;(英)科恩斯

2、cornu ─── n.[解剖]角;n.(Cornu)人名;(西)科尔努;(英、法)科尔尼

3、cornutos ─── 号角

4、corneous ─── adj.角质的;似角的

5、corpus ─── n.[计]语料库;文集;本金;n.(Corpus)人名;(西)科尔普斯

6、cormus ─── n.[植]茎叶体

7、cornhusk ─── n.玉米的外壳

8、conus ─── abbr.美国大陆;美国本土(ContinentalUnitedStates)

9、cornua ─── n.角(cornu的复数)

cornus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The master also gave him a pack of leaves of Cornus and a jar of liquor soaked with chrysanthemums. ─── 师傅给了他一包山茱萸叶子和一罐菊花浸过的酒。

2、Cornu posterius medullae spinalis occipital horn of lateral ventricle ─── 侧脑室枕角:同

3、Cornus austrosinensi' (Swida austrosinensi'; ─── 华南梾木),原生于东亚。

4、Cornus florida L. ─── [医] 北美山茱萸

5、Traditional Chinese Medicine Fingerprints of Cornus Officinalis with High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Fuzzy Cluster Analysis ─── 中药山茱萸的高效液相色谱指纹图谱及其聚类分析

6、Xian Lu Tang: Curculigoside 10 grams, 12 grams psoralen, Colla Cornus Cervi, big cloud of 15 grams, 20 grams of Polygonatum. ─── 仙鹿汤:仙茅10克,补骨脂12克,鹿角胶、大云各15克,黄精20克。

7、Part oneFructus corni is dry ripe sarcocarp of Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc. ,family Cornaceae. ─── 山茱萸(Fructus corni)为山茱萸科植物山茱萸(Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc.)

8、Study on Isolation Purification and Activity for Polysaccharide from Cornus officinalis Sieb. Et Zucc. ─── 山茱萸多糖的分离纯化及活性研究。

9、Cornus wilsoniana Wanger. fruit ─── 光皮树果实

10、Tinea Circinata Treated with Cornu Ammonis Tincture ─── 中药浸剂海马酊治疗体癣

11、Keywords Cornus officinalis;polysaccharide;purification;physicochemical properties; ─── 关键词山茱萸;多糖;分离纯化;理化性质;

12、cornu coccipitale ventriculi lateralis ─── 侧脑室枕角

13、People often gather for a party, appreciate chrysanthemums, pin the leaves of Cornus on clothes. And the custom of climbing mountains and eating a special cake also features the day. ─── 人们通常聚会,赏菊,将山茱萸的叶子带衣服上。登山和吃特色糕的风俗也是这一天的特色。

14、Studies on the Funcitonal food and Edible safety of cornus of ficinals sieb. Et Zucc. ─── 山茱萸功能性食品的开发与食用安全性研究。

15、Cornus has some important therapeutical effects of tonifying the liver and kidney, restraining semen and solidifying collapse, lowering blood sugar and adjusting immunity. ─── 山茱萸具有补益肝肾、涩精固脱、降血糖和免疫调节等重要临床功效。

16、Keywords pulp of cornus;the matter extracted by water;acute toxicity;accumulative toxicity;embryotoxicity; ─── 关键词山萸肉;水提液;急性毒性;蓄积毒性;胚胎毒性;

17、Keywords Cornus;volatile oil;GC-MS; ─── 关键词山茱萸;挥发油;GC-MS;

18、The Frenchman Paul Cornu made the first manned flight in 1907. ─── 1907年法国人科尔尼研制了第一架载人直升机。

19、Study on isolation purification and activity for polysaccharide from cornus officinal is sieb. et zucc. ─── 山茱萸多糖的分离纯化及活性研究。

20、cornu posterius ventriculi lateralis ─── 侧脑室后角

21、Keywords Cornus officinalis;SP825-macroporous resin;morroniside;loganin;HPLC; ─── 山茱萸;SP825大孔吸附树脂;马钱素;莫诺苷;HPLC;

22、Title: Extraction and determination of total saponins from Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc. ─── 关键词:山茱萸;总皂苷;提取;含量测定

23、Keywords Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum Sliced;Uracil;Hypoxanthine;HPLC; ─── 关键词花鹿茸饮片;尿嘧啶;次黄嘌呤;高效液相色谱;

24、Monoblepharis polymorpha Cornu ─── 多形单毛孢

25、Cornus officinalis Sieb. ─── [医] 山东萸

26、liqueur from Cornus officinalis sieb. et Zucc ─── 山茱萸利口酒

27、Study on the Extraction Process of Loganin from Cornus Officinalis Sieb. Et Zucc. ─── 山茱萸中马钱素的提取工艺研究。

28、Keywords Cornus officinalis Sieb.et Zucc;gallic acid;High Speed Countercurrent Chromatography(HSC ─── 山茱萸;没食子酸;高速逆流色谱;

29、Studies of evolution and development of petaloid bracts in dogwoods (Cornus). ─── 中华椊物学会椊物生长与发育研讨会。


31、steeping wine of Cornus offtcinalis ─── 山茱萸浸泡酒

32、cornu temporale ventriculi lateralis ─── 侧脑室颞角

33、Cornus officinalis plantation ─── 山茱萸人工林

34、Ginseng and Cornus Cervi Pantotrichi Decoction ─── 参茸汤

35、The optimal extraction technology could provide basis for the industrialized production of the health product of Cornus. ─── 所优化的提取工艺可为山茱萸保健品的工业化生产提供依据。

36、Preliminary Report on Flowering Characters and Techniques of Flower and Fruit Retention of Cornus officinalis ─── 山茱萸开花特性与保花保果技术试验初报

37、cornu uteri dextrum/sinistrum ─── 子宫右/左角

38、iridosides of Cornus officinalis(ICO) ─── 山茱萸环烯醚萜总苷

39、Keywords Cornus officinalis;steeping wine of Cornus officinalis;ursolic acid;oleanolic acid;HPLC; ─── 山茱萸;山茱萸浸泡酒;熊果酸;齐墩果酸;高效液相色谱法;

40、Among the early spring-flowering trees the dogwood, Cornus florida, is regarded by most North Carolinians as unrivaled in beauty. ─── 在众多早春开花的树种中,山茱萸和北美山茱萸被众多北卡罗来纳州人认为是花中之王。

41、Cornus officinalis sieb et zucc ─── 山芋肉

42、The Fresnel integral can be computed on the basis of geometrical properties of the Cornu spiral. ─── 利用科纽卷线的几何特性,可以计算菲涅耳积分。

43、Keywords cornus;microtubule;microtubule-associated proteins;nerve cell;mitochondria;Alzheimers disease;sodium azide; ─── 山茱萸;微管;微管相关蛋白;神经细胞;线粒体;阿尔采末病;叠氮钠;

44、Identification of Cornus officinalis from adulterant of Vitis vinifera ─── 山茱萸掺伪品葡萄果肉的鉴定

45、Title: Dynamical Study on the Extraction Process of Cornus Officinalis Sieb. et Zucc. ─── 关键词:山茱萸;马钱素;动力学模型;浸提

46、Keywords Cornus officinalis Sieb et Zucc;development of new drug;pharmacokinetics; ─── 关键词山茱萸;新药开发;药动学;

47、cornu frontale ventriculi lateralis ─── 侧脑室额角

48、nucleus proprius cornu posterioris ─── 后角固有核

49、Keywords Cornus officinalis;RP-HPLC;loganin;assaying; ─── 山茱萸;反相高效液相色谱;马钱苷;含量测定;

50、Effects of a Peroral Fluid with Cornus Officinails Sieb. Et zucc. As its Major Constituent on Immunologic Function and Sports Endurance of Mice ─── 以山茱萸为主要成分的某口服液对小鼠免疫功能和运动耐力的影响

51、Any of various plants of the genus Cornus. ─── 山茱萸一种。

52、To determine quickly and accurately the gross saponins is an efficient insurance for the quality of Cornus officinalis natural beverage. ─── 快速、有效、简便地测出总皂甙含量是保证山茱萸汁保健饮品质量的有效方法。

53、Extraction and determination of total saponins from Cornus officinalis Sieb. Et Zucc. ─── 山茱萸总皂苷的提取分离与含量测定。

54、Cornus officinails Sieb et Zucc. ─── 山茱萸

55、Rabbit Meat Soup with Gensing and Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum ─── 参茸兔肉汤

56、Pharmacological activity-guided evaluation of the immunosuppressive fractions and components from Cornus officinals ─── 山茱萸体液免疫抑制活性成分的药理学导向评价分离

57、Saponin is one of the chief ingredients in Cornus officinalis fruits. ─── 山茱萸中的皂甙是山茱萸的主要代表成分。

58、cornu posterious ventriculi lateralis ─── 后角, 侧脑室后角

59、Hill also growing Astragalus, Cornus, and other Chinese herbal medicines. ─── 山中还生长着黄芪、山茱萸等中药材。

60、The petals of the Cornus florida variety have a notch at the tip, while those of the Japanese dogwood, Cornus kousa, come to a point. ─── 花瓣的山茱萸佛罗里达品种有缺口的提示,而日本山茱萸,山茱萸照,到了点。

61、Cornus macrophyll' (Swida macrophyll'; ─── 梾木),原生于东亚。

62、A tree (Cornus florida) of eastern North America, having small greenish flowers surrounded by four large, showy white or pink bracts that resemble petals. ─── 多花棶木:一种长于北美东部的乔木(多花棶木棶木属),开小而呈淡绿色的花,周围有四片大而艳丽的白色或粉红色类似于花瓣的苞片

63、Cornus Officinalis Sieb.et Zucc is an important wild plant resource a nd also a traditional Chinese medicinal meterial. ─── 山茱萸是一种重要的野生植物资源,也是我国传统的中药材。

64、The clinical application of Cornus officinalis,a Chinese traditional medicine,in combination regimen and the pharmacodynamics of its active components were reviewed in this paper. ─── 山茱萸是中医临床常用的传统抗衰老药物之一,本文介绍了其复方应用和化学成分,并着重对山茱萸的化学成分在药效学中的作用进行了综述。

65、The Double-Ninth Festival sees various activities such as climbing a mountain, admiring chrysanthemums, wearing cornel (Cornus officinalis) and eating Double-Ninth cake, etc. ─── 中国古代,重阳节是一个重要的节日,这一天要举行各种活动,如:登高、赏菊、插茱萸、吃重阳糕等。

66、7.The Cornus officinalis more is fit for in growing on the stone medium light loam of gravel content. ─── 在满足土壤肥力和地貌条件之外,山茱萸更适合于在石砾含量中等的轻壤土上生长。

67、Title: Study on the Extraction Process of Loganin from Cornus Officinalis Sieb. et Zucc. ─── 关键词:山茱萸;马钱素;超声波;提取

68、Nutrient function of cornus offinats seib et zucc and the present situation of its health food ─── 山茱萸的营养功能及其保健食品的研究现状

69、Cornus macrophylla Wall. ─── [医] ┪木

70、bulbus cornus posterioris ventriculi lateralis ─── 侧脑室后角球

71、Immune mechanical study of total glycoside from Cornus officinalis against rheumatoid arthritis ─── 山茱萸总苷抗类风湿关节炎免疫作用机理的初步研究

72、Keywords Cornus officinalis;Processed;Amino acid;Major and trace elements;ICP;HPLC; ─── 山茱萸;宏微量元素;氨基酸;炮制;

73、Effects of cornus officinals iridoid glycoside on cellular model of alzheimer disease induced by protein phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid ─── 山茱萸环烯醚萜苷对蛋白磷酸酶抑制剂冈田酸拟阿尔采末病细胞模型的作用

74、Effects of the Extract of the Fruit of Cornus Officinalis on Rat Splenic Lymphocytic Proliferation ─── 山茱萸分离提取物对脾淋巴细胞增殖的影响

75、Keywords cornus officinalis;saponins;macroreticular resin; ─── 山茱萸;皂苷类;大孔吸附树脂;

76、Keywords Cornus Rhinoceri and Rehmanniae Decoction;removing heat to cool blood;allergic purpura; ─── 关键词犀角地黄汤;清热凉血法;过敏性紫癜;

77、cornu anterius ventriculi lateralis ─── 侧脑室前角

78、Keywords Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc. Loganin Ultrasonic wave Extraction; ─── 山茱萸;马钱素;超声波;提取;

79、Isolation and purification of total saponins from cornus officinalis by column chromatography of macroreticular resin ─── 大孔吸附树脂法分离纯化山茱萸总皂苷

80、The abnormal cells of hippocampal Cornu Ammon second area (CA2) could be observed 5d after ischemia and markedly increase at 8d, these meant that the transient focal cerebral ischemia model was established successfully. ─── 在5d组,海马CA2区开始有细胞异常,8d后,异常细胞明显增多。 表明短暂性局灶性脑缺血模型制作成功。

81、cornu inferius ventriculi lateralis ─── 侧脑室下角

82、Karyotypes of five species of Cornus (s.l.) (Cornaceae) from China ─── 五种国产??木属(广义)植物的核型

83、Keywords Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc. Loganin Dynamic model Extraction; ─── 山茱萸;马钱素;动力学模型;浸提;

84、This will contribute much to the application and breed improvement of Cornus officinalis. ─── 结论:对山茱萸药材的应用和山茱萸的品种改良具有重要意义。

85、These proteins probably are the protein targets of kidney-yang deficiency in its cure with the Cornus. ─── 从而推测出FCE治疗肾阳虚模型小鼠的几个药物靶蛋白质。

86、nucleus proprius cornu ante rioris ─── 前角固有核

87、Treatment with excision of greater hyoid cornu under general anesthesia was effective in all cases. ─── 7名病患都在全身麻醉下,接受舌骨大角切除手术。

88、The nutrients, health functions and the present process situation of cornus were reviewed in this paper. ─── 综述了山茱萸的营养成分、保健功能及其保健食品的加工研究现状。

89、Dynamical Study on the Extraction Process of Cornus Officinalis Sieb. Et Zucc. ─── 山茱萸浸提过程的动力学研究。

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