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09-11 投稿


diabase 发音

英:[ˈdaɪəˌbeɪs]  美:[ˈdaɪəbeɪs]

英:  美:

diabase 中文意思翻译



diabase 短语词组

1、diabase def ─── 辉绿岩定义

2、diabase x60 ─── 辉绿岩x60

3、diabase cnc ─── 辉绿岩数控

4、diabase dikes ─── 辉绿岩脉

5、diabase color ─── 辉绿岩色

6、diabase use ─── 辉绿岩用途

7、diabase-aplite ─── [化] 辉绿细晶岩

diabase 相似词语短语

1、database ─── n.数据库,资料库

2、diable ─── n.(Diable)人名;(法)迪亚布勒

3、debase ─── vt.降低;使…贬值;掺杂;n.(Debase)人名;(意)德巴塞

4、abase ─── v.表现卑微,卑躬屈膝;使……降低(身份、地位等)

5、diabases ─── n.辉绿岩

6、airbase ─── n.空军基地;航空基地

7、diapause ─── n.滞育(指某些昆虫的发育停滞);间歇期

8、diabasic ─── 辉绿(质)的

9、diastase ─── n.淀粉糖化酵素

diabase 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Metal-logenic type is a post-magmatic mesothermal hydrothermal solution filling metasomatic ore deposit correlated with diabase. ─── 矿床成因类型为与燕山期辉绿岩有关的岩浆期后中温热液充填交代矿床。

2、The discovery of Tertiary diabase reservoir in Jiyang Depression shows that the intrusion rock could form oil-gas accumulation with economic value in petroleum basins. ─── 济阳坳陷第三纪辉绿岩油藏的发现表明在含油气盆地中,侵入岩能形成有经济价值的油气聚集。

3、The diabase in the melange zone also exhibits high alkaline, showing almost the same distribution pattern of transition metal elements and incompatible elements as the gabbro. ─── 辉绿岩墙群属强碱铝质基性岩类,过渡族元素蛛网图与辉长岩类几乎完全相同,其不相容元素与辉长岩类总体趋势相一致,反映了一种递进岩浆演化趋势。

4、According to the geological characteristics, the mafic dykes in Huangling area mainly include diabase and diabase-prophyrite, with nearly NEE trend and NNW trend. ─── 黄陵地区的基性岩墙群主要由辉绿岩脉和辉绿玢岩脉组成 ,走向主要为NEE向 ,少量为NNW向 .

5、diabase dike swam ─── 辉绿岩墙群

6、A section of Guangzhou metro line 3 encounters a diversified geological situation, ranging from soft mucky soil, sand, hard and weak-weathered rock and diabase. ─── 摘要广州地铁3号线某盾构区间地质条件复杂,既有极为松软的淤泥质土、砂层,又有坚硬的微风化混合岩、辉绿岩等。

7、A dark,fine - grained igneous rock;diabase. ─── 粗玄岩,辉绿岩一种暗色微粒火成岩;辉绿岩

8、By means of stable isotope research,metallogenicmaterials and hydrothermal solulion came mainly from magmatic hydrothcrmal solution which was homologous to diabase. ─── 通过稳定同位素研究,成矿物质和成矿热液主要来源于与辉绿岩同源的岩浆热液。

9、337 uranium ore deposit lies to the east of the Xiazhuang orefield,and there are structural fracture groups with EW,NNE-trending,diabase and syenite vein with NW-trending in the deposit region. ─── 337铀矿床位于下庄矿田东缘,区内发育近EW向、NNE向构造裂隙群及NW向辉绿岩和正长岩脉体,发育以碱性为主的多种围岩蚀变。

10、A mottled green rock composed of diabase. ─── 绿色蛇纹石含有辉绿岩并带有花纹的绿色岩石

11、Keywords diabase fibre modification NACF application; ─── 辉绿岩纤维;改性;纳凯夫(NACF);应用;

12、basalt and diabase ─── 玄武岩与辉绿岩

13、Diabase evidence for the early Mesozoic extension in the western Tarim basin, NW China ─── 塔里木盆地西部中生代早期伸展作用的辉绿岩证据

14、main rocks in the complex are gabbro, gabbro-diabase, pyroxenite and olivine-pyroxenite etc. ─── 主要岩石类型为:辉长岩、辉长辉绿岩、辉石岩、橄榄辉石岩等。

15、glass-ceramic diabase ─── 辉绿岩铸石

16、Property test and study for RCC of artificial diabase sand mixed with fluvial sand ─── 辉绿岩人工砂掺河砂碾压混凝土性能试验研究

17、Isotopic ages of the two-s tage diabase sills are 706-723 Ma and 604-654 Ma, respectively,corresponding to the early and late Sinian period. ─── 稀土元素配分模式为轻稀土富集型,但稀土元素分馏并不强烈。

18、Distribution and Formation of Diabase Reservoir in Central Uplift of Huimin Sag ─── 惠民凹陷中央隆起带辉绿岩油藏的分布与形成

19、Some of altered diabase, dibasic altered rocks accrete with ore or as disseminated ore itself. ─── 有的蚀变辉绿岩、辉绿蚀变岩与矿石共生或本身即为浸染状矿石。

20、diabase aplite ─── 辉绿细晶岩

21、” Chemically and mineralogically, diabase closely resembles the volcanic rock basalt, but it is generally somewhat coarser grained. ─── 化学成分和矿物成分同玄武岩(basalt)极为类似,但稍粗,含有玻璃。

22、The volcanic rock series in the Rucheng basin in southeastern Hunan is composed of the basalt, diabase and basaltic pyroclastic rock. ─── 湘东南汝城盆地火山岩系由辉绿岩、玄武岩和玄武质火山碎屑岩组成,属于低钾拉斑玄武岩系。

23、The sheeted dyke complex consists of a series of diabase dykes with single-side chilled borders, one against the other and without any fillings between these dykes. ─── 席状岩墙杂岩由一系列具单向冷凝边的辉绿岩墙组成,以一墙挨一墙的形式产出,岩墙间无任何填充物。

24、Keywords diabase reservoir;microcosmic feature;injuring mechanism;research method;Shengli oil district; ─── 辉绿岩储层;微观特征;伤害机理;研究方法;胜利油区;

25、Diabase is widespread on the northern slope of the Gaoyou sag.The intrusion of diabase into the oil and gas bearing basin may change the environment of oil and gas formation. ─── 苏北盆地高邮凹陷北斜坡辉绿岩普遍发育,辉绿岩侵入到含油气盆地可以改变油气的成藏环境。

26、It consists of basement, seabeach-sandstone, gabbro (diabase) dike swarm wall group, ophilite, silicalite, limestone (kop) ,flysch, and molasses. ─── 蛇绿岩环境分析表明,部分为洋中脊环境,大部分为洋岛环境。

27、The diabase dyke (vein) is the obvious, direct and effective prospecting criteria for Ag-Au-polymetallic deposit. ─── 辉绿岩墙(脉)是本区银、金多金属矿床明显的直接的有效的找矿标志。

28、The studied diabase sills are found in Xuzhou-Suzhou area o f the southeastern part of North China Plate. ─── 同位素测年数据显示,徐宿地区的辉绿岩床是震旦纪早期和震旦纪晚期两次侵入的产物。

29、diabase dyke (vein) ─── 银金矿床

30、Diabase dyke ─── 辉绿岩墙

31、Keyword: low Ti-Fe diabase; ─── 关 键 词: 低铁钛辉绿岩;

32、Influence of the moving law of diabase on the reserve of coal-seam gas in Fuxin Coal Mining Area ─── 阜新煤田刘家区辉绿岩活动规律及对煤层气赋存的影响

33、erosion diabase ─── 蚀变辉绿岩

34、Keywords inorganic source;source rock;Bohai Bay basin;Huimin sag;diabase; ─── 无机生油;烃源岩;渤海湾盆地;惠民凹陷;辉绿岩体;

35、Two micro-disseminated gold deposits existed in diabase in Northwest Guangxi province were discovered, The deposits are controlled by faults structure and diabase, the later formed the host rock. ─── 在桂西北地区新发现了两个直接产于辉绿岩中、以辉绿岩为赋矿主岩的微细浸染型金矿床(点)。金矿床受断裂构造和岩性控制,含矿岩石为蚀变辉绿岩。

36、Using low silicon diabase to replace black cat and iron ore to prepare cement raw meal ─── 利用低硅辉绿岩代替黑页岩和铁矿石配料的体会

37、The type of gold mine of the diabase belongs to a reforming type of gold mine. ─── 桂西辉绿岩型金矿属改造型金矿,金主要来源于基性岩浆对围岩(热水沉积岩)的混熔改造。

38、Experiment on Alkali Activation of Artificial Diabase Aggregate for Baise Project ─── 百色水利枢纽辉绿岩人工骨料碱活性试验研究

39、Keywords gold mine;mineral type of diabase;material source;characteristics in mineral deposit; ─── 金矿;辉绿岩型;物质来源;矿床特征;

40、Fushan Iron Mine introduced diabase cast stone pipes in its concentrator instead of steel piplcs which have quicker wear. ─── 为了解决选矿厂钢管道磨损快的问题,符山铁矿选矿厂采用了辉绿岩铸石管道,经使用证明,铸石管道的磨损仅为普通钢管6%。

41、Characteristics of the Diabase and Altered Zone in BXP Area of Subei Basin and Relationship Between the Diabase and the Formation of Hydrocarbon Reservoir ─── 苏北盆地辉绿岩、蚀变带特征及其与油气的关系

42、anorthite diabase ─── 钙长辉绿岩

43、The diabase dyke (vein) of Later Yanshanian spurred the re-concentration of Pb-Zn ore-formation. ─── 此外燕山晚期形成的辉绿岩墙(脉)对铅锌矿床起到了再次富集成矿作用。

44、The previous research data are used to analyze material source,formation mechanism and characteristics in mineral deposit of the gold mine of diabase in the west of Guangxi,southern China. ─── 根据已有的研究资料,分析桂西辉绿岩型金矿的物质来源、形成机制及矿床特征。

45、Some of altered diabase, diabasic altered rocks accrete with ore or as disseminated ore itself. ─── 有的蚀变辉绿岩、辉绿蚀变岩与矿石共生或本身即为浸染状矿石。

46、Analyses of geological data indicate that the diabase in the third member of Xiangshan Group is of Mid-Late Cambrian in age. ─── 现有地质资料分析,把发育于香山群第三亚群辉绿岩时代下限定为早古生代。

47、Most igneous rocks in Langgu depression are products of Cenozoic magma action, with diabase intrusion and subwater effusive basalt as major forms. ─── 廊固凹陷内火成岩主要是新生代岩浆多期活动的产物。

48、Did not identify has been the development and utilization of reserves of minerals have garnet, quartz, feldspar, vermiculite, mica, granite, diabase, diorite, quartz sand, soil, etc.彭润. ─── 未查明储量已被开发利用的矿产有石榴子石、石英、长石、蛭石、云母、花岗岩、辉绿岩、闪长岩、石英砂、彭润土等。

49、The existent state of diabase was strudied with magnetic anomalies,and the existence of nappe was confirmed. ─── 利用磁异常研究辉绿岩体的赋存状态,肯定了推覆体的存在;

50、Material Source and Characteristics in Mineral Deposit of the Gold Mine of Diabase in the West of Guangxi ─── 桂西辉绿岩型金矿的物质来源和矿床特征

51、amphibolic diabase ─── 角闪辉绿岩

52、Study for the Strength and Interface Characteristic of the Diabase Aggregate Concrete ─── 辉绿岩混凝土的强度与界面特征研究

53、A dark, fine - grained igneous rock;diabase. ─── 粗玄岩,辉绿岩一种暗色微粒火成岩;辉绿岩

54、The diabase dyke (vein) is the obvious, direct and effective prospecting criteria for Ag-Au-polymetallic deposit. ─── 辉绿岩墙(脉)是本区银、金多金属矿床明显的直接的有效的找矿标志。

55、and that gabbro-diabase is the main ore-bearing horizon. ─── 辉长辉绿岩是主要的含矿层位。

56、Research on Properties of Pavement Bituminous Mixtures using Diabase and basalt ─── 辉绿岩与玄武岩沥青混凝土路面性能对比试验研究

57、Keywords Huimin sag;uplift;diabase;reservoir;fault zone; ─── 惠民凹陷;隆起带;辉绿岩;油藏;断裂带;

58、olivine diabase ─── 橄榄辉绿岩

59、The mine zone is sandwiched between an overlying block of flows, pillow lavas and minor pyroclastics, and underlying agglomerates, tuffs, and more massive diabase bodies. ─── 含矿带夹在上覆的岩流、枕状岩流和少量火山碎屑岩块与下伏的集块岩、凝灰岩和块状辉绿岩体之间。

60、Diabase-porphyrite was the splitting product of passive margin of Gondwana Continent in Late Jurassic. ─── 玢岩是冈瓦纳被动陆缘在晚古生代裂解的产物。

61、Study on the application of the diabase aggregate in wearing surface layer in asphalt pavement ─── 辉绿岩作为沥青混凝土上面层集料的应用研究

62、DMA illuminated the modulus of the diabase fiber/PVC composite improved consumedly compare with PVC. ─── DMA分析证示辉绿岩纤维/PVC复合材料的模量较纯PVC显著提高;

63、The most popular natural stones which are extracted in Turkey are mainly marble and travertine and then granite, onyx, limestone, basalt, andesite, slate, diabase. ─── 土耳其在市场上比较受欢迎的石材种类有:大理石,洞石,花岗岩,玉石,石灰石,玄武岩,安山石,板岩和辉绿岩。

64、Diabase connected depth and shallow and caused deep auriferous metallogenetic fluid through rifted fractured zone uplifting and precipitation. ─── 辉绿岩起着沟通深部与浅部构造,并使深部的含矿流体沿挤压破碎带上升、沉淀而成矿的作用。

65、Keywords Mylonitized zone;Caledonian movement;Diabase;Thermal metamorphism; ─── 糜棱岩带;加里东运动;辉绿岩;热接触变质;

66、Diabase-porphyrite was the splitting product of passive margin of Gondwana Continent in Late Jurassic. ─── 辉绿玢岩是冈瓦纳被动陆缘在晚古生代裂解的产物。

67、Now there is the development and utilization of gold, lead, zinc, iron, marble, granite, diabase, dolomite, limestone and so on. ─── 现已开发利用的有金、铅、锌、铁、大理石、花岗岩、辉绿岩、白云石、石灰石等。

68、During the Late Cretaceous the Taipingyan diabase porphyrite dikes with NNE strike emplaced into the eastern part of the Guidong composite granitoids in northern Guangdong Province. ─── 晚白垩世太平奄组辉绿玢岩位于粤北贵东复式岩体东部,呈NNE向展布。

69、This zone consists of basalt, diabase and other basic intrusive rock, and the isotopic age is between 259 Ma and 292 Ma. ─── 它们的同位素年代为(259±09)Ma-(292。0±0.5)Ma。

70、diabase porphyrite ─── 辉绿玢岩

71、u-polymetallic deposit of Yushui field possess obvious epigenetic feature,and was under the control of NE-NNE fracturestructures of Yanshan episode,and was closely correlated to Yanshan diabase. ─── 玉水矿田铜多金属矿床具明显后生特点,受燕山期形成的北东-北北东向断裂构造控制,与燕山期的辉绿岩关系密切。

72、Keywords diabase;lamprophyre;gold deposit;mineralizer; ─── 辉绿岩;煌斑岩;金矿;矿化剂;

73、ash-bed diabase ─── 凝灰辉绿岩

74、The gold deposit is located in the contact zones of diabase and strata,which are strictly controlled by the contact zones and the compressed fragmentized belts. ─── 该矿产于辉绿岩体与地层的接触带,严格受接触带和挤压破碎带的共同控制。

75、Keywords Igneous reservoir;Diabase;Origin;Igneous rock facies;Reservoir description;Reservoir formation;Zhanhua s; ─── 火成岩油气藏;辉绿岩;成因;火成岩相;储集层描述;油气藏形成;沾化凹陷;


77、What are the characteristics of diabase? ─── 辉绿岩的特征是什么?

78、Keywords diabase;petroleum inclusion;oil-gas pool;Linyi sag; ─── 辉绿岩;石油包裹体;油气藏;临邑凹陷;

79、diabase traprock ─── 辉绿暗色岩

80、Gold quartz vein is the major orebody which is controlled by E-W-extrusion fracture zone in the Damiaozi gold mineralized district.The granite-porphyry,spessartite and diabase are the major wallrock. ─── 大庙子金矿化区内金矿体以石英脉型为主,矿体的产出受东西向挤压破碎带控制,花岗斑岩和闪斜煌斑岩、辉绿岩是矿体的主要围岩。

81、konga diabase ─── 岗基辉绿岩

82、Keywords PVC, diabase fiber,composites,engineering; ─── 辉绿岩纤维;复合材料;工程化;

83、low Ti-Fe diabase ─── 低铁钛辉绿岩

84、The Karamaili ophiolite complex in East Junggar of Xinjiang province is composed of metamorphic peridotite, gabbro, diabase and basic lava. ─── 卡拉麦里蛇绿混杂岩的岩石组合为变质橄榄岩、辉长岩、辉绿岩和基性熔岩等。

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