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ferruginous 发音

英:[feˈrʊdʒənəs]  美:[feˈruːdʒɪnəs]

英:  美:

ferruginous 中文意思翻译



ferruginous 短语词组

1、Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl ─── 坚韧的俾格米-奥威尔

2、ferruginous ct ─── 铁质ct

3、Ferruginous Lark ─── 强壮的百灵鸟

4、ferruginous body ─── 含铁小体

5、ferruginous duck n. ─── 白眼潜鸭

6、ferruginous clay ─── 含铁黏土

7、ferruginous hawk ─── 铁锈鹰

8、ferruginous owl ─── 铁猫头鹰

9、ferruginous rock ─── 铁质岩

10、ferruginous soil ─── 坚韧的土壤

11、Ferruginous Wood-Partridge ─── 结实的木桥

12、Ferruginous Partridge ─── 结实的鹧鸪

13、ferruginous def ─── 铁质def

ferruginous 相似词语短语

1、ferruginous ducks ─── n.白眼潜鸭

2、ferruginous duck ─── n.白眼潜鸭

3、farraginous ─── adj.混杂的,杂凑的;杂七杂八的

4、porriginous ─── 多孔的

5、serpiginous ─── adj.匐行的;波形的

6、ceruminous ─── adj.耳垢的;盯聍的;耳蜡的

7、terrigenous ─── adj.(海洋沉积)陆生的;陆地的

8、aeruginous ─── adj.铜绿色的

9、vertiginous ─── adj.令人眩晕的,眼花的;高而陡峭的;旋转的;不稳定的

ferruginous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Stems ascending or erect, simple, densely ferruginous-furfuraceous, sparsely puberulent. ─── 茎上升或直立,单,浓密铁锈色软鳞片,疏生微柔毛。

2、of bitter brief life, if the memory when is ferruginous flake, groan, aged of the indulge in self-admiration on ha-ha lichenous. ─── 一把刻刀,深深浅浅地刻一脸皱纹,深嵌的不是苦短人生;风雨岁月,儿时的记忆如铁锈剥落,一声叹息,苍老了矮墙上孤芳自赏的青苔。

3、Petioles 6-10 mm, canaliculate, ferruginous pubescent; ─── 叶柄6-10毫米,具沟,被铁锈色短柔毛;

4、gray ferruginous soil ─── 灰色铁质土

5、Petiole 2-3.8 cm, densely ferruginous pubescent with long setose hairs; ─── 叶柄2-3.8厘米,密被被铁锈色短柔毛具长刚毛;

6、abaxial surface scattered strigose, also with a layer of appressed woolly and ferruginous appressed hairs. ─── 背面星散具糙伏毛,也是具一层贴伏的具绵状毛和铁锈色的贴伏毛的。

7、Thematic wall with bluestone ferruginous board show irregular put. ─── 主题墙以青石铁锈板呈不规则摆放。

8、a ferruginous spring ─── 含铁矿泉

9、Branches terete, ca. 5 mm in diam., densely ferruginous tomentose.Leaves imparipinnate, 22-30 cm, axis densely shortly tomentose; ─── 圆柱状的分枝,直径约5毫米,密被锈色绒毛叶奇数羽状,22-30厘米,轴密被短被绒毛;

10、Application Research of Ferruginous Waste in Sintering Production ─── 钢铁废料在烧结生产中的应用研究

11、central petiolule 2-3 cm, lateral petiolules 1-2 cm, densely ferruginous pubescent; ─── 中心的小叶柄2-3厘米,侧小叶柄1-2厘米,密被被铁锈色短柔毛;

12、Calyx lobes ferruginous stellate pubescent, entire or inconspicuously 5-toothed. ─── 萼裂片铁锈色的星状短柔毛,全缘或者难以觉察5齿状。

13、Kapeng syderolite deposit is large,occurred in purple clayey ferruginous mudstone and grey-green clayey shale of Lower Silurian series. ─── 卡棚大型紫砂陶土矿主要赋存于志留系下统紫红色粘土质含铁泥岩和灰绿色粘土质页岩中,分上下2个含矿岩系,4个矿层。

14、Branches grayish brown, terete, rugose, ferruginous pilosulose when young. ─── 分枝淡灰棕色,圆柱状,具皱纹,幼时铁锈色具小柔毛。

15、Ovary (4 or)5-carpellate;styles united into a column.Fruit (immature) globose, ca. 3 mm in diam., ferruginous pubescent;styles persistent, ca. 1.5 mm. ─── 花柱合并成一柱状球状的果(未发育完全),直径约3毫米,被铁锈色短柔毛花柱宿存,长约1.5毫米。

16、When flay shoemaker and boss speak of this thing after, he takes off the shoe, showed tiptoe part to taking the white sock of ferruginous red likewise. ─── 后去皮鞋店与老板说起这件事时,他把鞋一脱,同样露出了脚尖部分带着铁锈红色的白袜子。

17、Keywords ferruginous compound secondary resource comprehensively reuse; ─── 含铁化合物;二次资源;综合利用;

18、Purify silt, can ferruginous, but cannot complete purify furring and bacterium, virus, belong to primary filter. ─── 能去除泥沙、铁锈,但无法彻底去除水垢和细菌、病毒,属于初级过滤。

19、K-Ar Isochronous Age of Ferruginous Metamorphic Rock Formation in Luan County, Hebei Province and Its Geological Significance ─── 河北滦县一带含铁变质岩系K-Ar等时年龄值及其地质年代意义

20、The asbestos fiber becomes coated with iron and calcium, which is why it is often referred to as a "ferruginous body" as seen here with an iron stain. ─── 石棉纤维的表面覆盖有一层铁或钙,这就是为什么用铁染色时石棉纤维经常被称为“含铁小体”。

21、ferruginous gas mud ─── 含铁尘泥

22、Purify silt, can ferruginous , but cannot complete purify furring and bacterium, virus, belong to primary filter. ─── 能去除泥沙、铁锈,但无法彻底去除水垢和细菌、病毒,属于初级过滤。

23、Young branchlets and petioles ferruginous hispid-setose; leaves adaxially usually scabrid-hispid. ─── 幼枝和叶柄铁锈色具糙硬毛具刚毛;正面的叶通常粗糙具糙硬毛。

24、branchlets ferruginous tomentose, later grayish brown, glabrous, lenticellate. ─── 小枝被锈色绒毛,过后淡灰棕色,无毛,具皮孔。

25、Seeds reniform, ca. 3 mm, densely ferruginous puberulent. ─── 种子肾形,约3毫米,密被铁锈色。

26、ferruginous quartzite ─── 含铁石英岩

27、Ferruginous Babbler ─── n. 锈色雅鹛

28、Drupe obcordate or elliptic, oblique, ca. 2 cm in diam., densely ferruginous pubescent, without distinct sutures. ─── 核果倒心形或椭圆形,偏斜,直径约2厘米,密被铁锈色短柔毛,没有离生的缝。

29、Sterile ovary globose, densely ferruginous villous. ─── 不育的子房球状,密被具铁锈色长柔毛。


31、ferruginous deposits ─── 含铁沉积物铁矿床

32、Microscopic Feature Studies on Ferruginous Minerals in Coal Measures ─── 煤系地层中铁质矿物微观特征研究

33、ferruginous dross ─── 含铁浮渣

34、ferruginous clay ─── 含铁粘土

35、ferruginous zinc oxide ore ─── 含铁氧化锌矿

36、ferruginous pills ─── 碳酸亚铁丸

37、rachis canescent or ferruginous tomentose, ca. 16 cm, 2-bracteate. ─── 被灰白毛的轴或者被锈色绒毛,大约16厘米,2具苞片。

38、Sterile ovary globose, densely ferruginous villous. ─── 不育的子房球状,密被具铁锈色长柔毛。

39、pedicels 8-11 mm, densely setose with long, ferruginous hairs. ─── 花梗8-11毫米,密被刚毛有长的,铁锈色的毛。

40、Inflorescences cauliflorous, to 65 cm when fruiting, ferruginous tomentose; ─── 茎生花的花序,达65厘米结果时,被锈色绒毛;

41、Floral branchlets densely ferruginous velutinous, lenticels subconspicuous, two-year-old branches glabrous, lenticels inconspicuous; ─── 花小枝密被铁锈色短绒毛,皮孔近明显,无毛的二年老枝,皮孔不明显;

42、ferruginous lime ─── 含铁石灰

43、branches of current year densely ferruginous to dark scaly. ─── 当年的枝密被的铁锈色的到深色鳞片。

44、Keywords ferruginous waste;sintering process;sinter;blending material; ─── 钢铁废料;烧结生产;烧结矿;混匀料;

45、Dodson RF.Analysis of ferruginous bodies in bbronchealveolar larage from foundry workers[J].Bri J Ind Med,1993,50:1032. ─── 兰海燕,于飞,邵文,等.石棉对铸造工人影响的病理观察[J].中国工业医学杂志,2000,13(1):28.

46、Follicles narrowly ellipsoid, 3-5 cm, both surfaces densely ferruginous villous, apex shortly beaked. ─── 蓇葖果狭椭圆形,3-5厘米,两面浓密具铁锈色长柔毛,先端具短喙。

47、Erosion mechanism of ferruginous crucible for melting zinc was lucubrated,and several methods which can improve corrosion resistance and service life of ferruginous crucible were introduced. ─── 详细论述了熔锌铁质坩埚的腐蚀机制,介绍了几种能够有效改善铁质坩埚抗腐蚀性能、提高坩埚使用寿命的方法。

48、Stems ascending or erect, simple or rarely branched, lower stems ferruginous-furfuraceous, glabrous. ─── 茎上升或直立,单的或很少分枝,下部茎铁锈色软鳞片,无毛。

49、Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl ─── n. 赤褐鸺鹠

50、Inflorescence densely ferruginous or yellow-brownish tomentose.Flowers yellow-green, 7.5-8.5 mm in diam., ferruginous pilose, in terminal or axillary dichasial cymes. ─── 花黄色绿色,直径的7.5-8.5毫米,铁锈色具柔毛,在顶生或腋生二歧聚伞花序里。

51、floral subtending bracts ca. 1.5 mm, densely ferruginous tomentose. ─── 花的对着苞片约1.5毫米,密被锈色绒毛。

52、Any iron and steel plant will always produces tens of thousands of the ferruginous wastes yearly. ─── 钢铁厂内每年产生数万吨含铁垃圾,回收其中的铁资源是企业发展的需要。

53、ferruginous waste ─── 含铁废料

54、Stylist turns over convention, on vertex angle line and the processing of the line that play a base, bluestone is used over platform ferruginous board. ─── 设计师一反常规,在顶角线和踢脚线的处理上,地台之上采用青石铁锈板。

55、Old branches mostly with woody wings; branchlets, petioles, and abaxial leaf surface densely ferruginous pilose, adaxially pubescent. ─── 无毛的叶片背面,先端渐尖,边缘锐使成锯齿波,脉或配对。

56、Steel Residue Aeting as Ferruginous Correcting Material ─── 钢渣作铁质校正原料在生产中的应用

57、Inflorescence terminal, an umbellate or cymose panicle, 3(-7)-flowered, ferruginous puberulous and with glandular trichomes. ─── 花序顶生,伞形或圆锥花序,3(-7)花,铁锈色并且具腺毛。

58、Shrubs;branchlets short, shortly ferruginous spreading setose and glandular-setose. ─── 灌木小枝短,不久铁锈色的开展具刚毛和腺具刚毛。

59、petiole 7-11 mm, canescent or ferruginous tomentose; ─── 叶柄7-11毫米,被灰白毛的或被锈色绒毛;

60、ferruginous soil ─── 氯化亚铁

61、Surface scales obvious, white to ferruginous, peltate, ca. 0.2 mm in diam. ─── 表面鳞片明显,白色到铁锈色,盾形,直径约0.2毫米。

62、Inflorescence usually a solitary umbel; peduncle and pedicels ferruginous pubescent. ─── 通常的花序一单生伞形花序;花序梗和花梗被铁锈色短柔毛。

63、Branches, leaves, and inflorescences densely yellowish or ferruginous stellate, later glabrescent. ─── 枝,叶,并且花序密被淡黄或铁锈色,晚些时候后脱落的。

64、ferruginous discharges ─── 含铁水排放

65、Dysodia ferruginous ─── n. 锈黄后窗网蛾

66、Ferruginous Antbird ─── n. 赤褐蚁鸟

67、Branchlets gray-brown, canescent or ferruginous tomentose. ─── 小枝灰棕色,被灰白毛或者被锈色绒毛。

68、;pedicels 3-7 mm, expanding to 1 cm in fruit, ferruginous or yellowish tomentose. ─── 花梗3-7毫米,在果期扩大到1厘米,铁锈色或者淡黄被绒毛。

69、Branches with conic prickles and densely ferruginous tomentose at first, later glabrescent. ─── 最初的枝具圆锥形皮刺和密被锈色绒毛,后脱落的。

70、Application of cement stirring pile in reinforcing ferruginous tailings ground works ─── 粉体搅拌桩在铁质尾矿地基加固中的应用

71、Stems ascending or erect, usually branched, ferruginous-furfuraceous, tuberculate, glabrous. ─── 茎上升或直立,通常分枝,铁锈色软鳞片,具瘤,无毛。

72、leaflet petiolule 1-3 mm, with ferruginous stellate hairs; ─── 小叶小叶柄1-3毫米,具铁锈色星状毛;

73、Ferruginous Wood-Partridge ─── n. 锈红林鹧鸪

74、Inflorescences many branched, nearly as long as or longer than leaves, ferruginous tomentose. ─── 花序多分枝,近等长或长于叶,被锈色绒毛。

75、The main facies of Suining formation are ferruginous -shale film, anhydrite, dolomite and calcite. ─── 遂宁组最主要的成岩相组合为铁泥膜-硬石膏-白云石-方解石成岩相;

76、Stipular spine 1, hooklike recurved, 3-5 mm, ferruginous pilose, base broad and compressed; ─── 托叶刺1,钩状下弯,3-5毫米,铁锈色具柔毛,基部宽和压缩;

77、Ferruginous Lark ─── n. 赤褐歌百灵

78、He says, many leather shoes, sandal uses ferruginous red now or black leather goods is become liner, great majority can fade. ─── 他说,现在不少皮鞋、凉鞋都用铁锈红色或黑色皮革制品当衬里,绝大多数都会褪色。

79、few people fly Goshawks, but the hot summers here are to hot for our Northern Goshawks I did not know you had Ferruginous hawks there. ─── 一些人飞行苍鹰,但是这里热的夏天是对热我不知道的我们的北苍鹰的您有铁的鹰那里。

80、Fruit subglobose, ca. 1.5 cm, densely ferruginous tomentose, lenticellate. ─── 果近球形,约1.5厘米,密被锈色绒毛,具皮孔。

81、Stems ascending, branched, ferruginous-furfuraceous, glabrous. ─── 茎上升,分枝,铁锈色软鳞片,无毛。

82、During ealy-middle Silurian, episodic-fluid activity produced albite rock, barite rock, ferruginous carbonate rock, siliceous rock and ore deposits of Pb-Zn and mineralization of Au. ─── 早、中志留世继续发展,形成了钠长石岩、重晶石岩、铁碳酸盐岩、硅质岩与铅-锌、金矿床;

83、Keywords ferruginous limestone;inherent assistants;interaction interface;efficiency of sulfur retention; ─── 含铁灰岩;固有助剂;反应界面;固硫率;

84、Fruiting peduncles and pedicels dilating, ferruginous tomentose. ─── 果梗和花梗扩大,被锈色绒毛。

85、ferruginous sandstone ─── 含铁砂石

86、Branchlets tetragonous, stout, longitudinally striate, densely ferruginous or dirty yellow villous; ─── 小枝四棱,粗,纵向具条纹,浓密铁锈色或者脏黄具长柔毛;

87、Young branches with dense ferruginous scales. ─── 幼枝具紧密的铁锈色的鳞片。

88、Inflorescences terminal or nearly axillary near apex, often large, multiflowered, ferruginous pubescent. ─── 花序顶生或近先端近的腋生的,通常大,多花的,被铁锈色短柔毛。

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