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09-11 投稿



emissivity 发音

英:[[ˌemɪ'sɪvɪtɪ]]  美:[[ˌemə'sɪvətɪ]]

英:  美:

emissivity 中文意思翻译



emissivity 短语词组

1、effective emissivity ─── 有效发射率

2、cathode emissivity ─── 阴极发射率

3、color emissivity ─── [建] 发色性

4、electronic emissivity ─── 电子发射率

5、electron emissivity ─── [电] 电子发射系数

6、monochromatic emissivity ─── [电] 单色发射率

7、directional emissivity ─── 定向发射率;方向发射率

8、apparent emissivity ─── 视在发射率,表观发射率

9、emissivity coefficient ─── 发射率系数

10、total spectral emissivity ─── [电] 总光谱发射率

11、absorptivity-emissivity ratio ─── [医]吸收发射比

12、total emissivity ─── [电] 总发射率

13、spectral emissivity ─── [电] 频谱发射因数

emissivity 词性/词形变化,emissivity变形


emissivity 相似词语短语

1、erosivity ─── 侵蚀性;磨蚀程度

2、fissility ─── n.易裂性;可裂变性

3、passivity ─── n.被动性;被动结构;无抵抗

4、omissively ─── 漏洞百出

5、emissive ─── adj.发射的;放射性的;发出的

6、remissively ─── 宽宏大量地

7、resistivity ─── n.[电]电阻率;抵抗力;电阻系数

8、impassivity ─── n.平静;无神经;泰然自若

9、emotivity ─── 感触性;易感性

emissivity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the solar and near infrared region it is more usual to speak of absorptivity than emissivity ─── 在日射和近红外区段内,讨论吸收率比讨论发射率更为普遍。

2、A New Algorithm for Temperature and Spectral Emissivity Retrieval Over Active Fires in the TIR Spectral Range ─── 在TIR光谱范围活动火上方进行温度和光谱发射率反演的新算法

3、Keywords tundish;liquid steel;continuous temperature measurement;on-line blackbody cavity;emissivity; ─── 中间包;钢水;连续温度测量;在线黑体空腔;发射率;

4、low emissivity glass ─── 低辐射玻璃

5、Key problems on energy saving of high emissivity coating at middle temperature are discussed. ─── 本文论述高发射率涂料在中温下使用,节能的若干关键问题。

6、Finally, the concept of the effective emissivity is introduced, and the system performance is evaluated. ─── 最后,引入有效发射率的概念,对优化前后系统杂散辐射性能进行了评价。

7、Retrieve surface emissivity from airborne Fourier transform infrared spectrum ─── 地表发射率的机载傅里叶变换红外光谱反演方法研究

8、volume emissivity ─── 体发射率


10、Estimation Method of Land Surface Emissivity for Retrieving Land Surface Temperature From Landsat TM6 Data ─── 6反演地表温度所需地表辐射率参数的估计方法

11、The Estimation of Land Surface Emissivity for Landsat TM Thermal Infrared Band ─── TM热红外波段等效比辐射率估算

12、Calculation of Optical Cross Sections and Infrared Emissivity Spectra of Collssol Composite Micro-particles in Aerosphere ─── 大气汽溶胶复合微粒子群的光学截面及红外发射率光谱的计算

13、In order to offset influence of emissivity change,two wavelengths of colorimetric thermometer should be a little apart and located in such a waveband that the emissivity is constant or gently varied. ─── 为抵消辐射率变化的影响,比色温度计的两波长应相距较近并处于辐射率恒定或变化平缓的波段。

14、The pellicle resistance heater which can work continuously and has high emissivity is primarily developed.Its temperature can be accurately controlled. ─── 初步研制成了高发射率、可持续工作并能实现精确控温的高精度薄膜电阻加热板。

15、Measurement of Directional Emissivity in Lab Using Two-channel and Two-temperature Method ─── 利用双通道双温度在室内测量方向比辐射率

16、spectral radiant emissivity ─── 光谱辐射率光谱发射率

17、BSM is modified to calculate the scattering coefficient and emissivity of soil moisture profile. ─── 其结果和KM模型一致,表明了BSM模型的正确性。

18、emissivity coefficient ─── 发射系数

19、The Present Research and Developing Trend Toward of Low Emissivity Camouflage Coating ─── 低发射率伪装涂料的研究现状与发展方向

20、At least one final insulating layer with low thermal emissivity is then applied to optimise electrical efficiency. ─── 再涂布至少一层热辐射率低的最外绝缘层,以优化电效率。

21、The IR radiation intensity of target depends on the temperature and the IR emissivity of it. ─── 目标的红外辐射强度是由目标表面温度和目标表面发射率两个因素决定的。

22、Keywords silicon-containing polyimide;barium titanate;mesoporous silica;nanocomposite film;dielectric property;infrared emissivity;transmissivity;thermal property; ─── 含硅聚酰亚胺;钛酸钡;介孔二氧化硅;纳米复合薄膜;介电性能;红外发射率;透光率;热性能;

23、As the emissivity increases, the radiative transfer increases, and hence the fluid flow and heat transfer increases. ─── 在几何外型上,较大的长宽比,其热传效果较差,但流体速度及平均温度较高;

24、low - emissivity ─── 低红外发射率

25、Review on the Models of the Emissivity of the Sea Surface at L-band ─── L波段海水辐射率模型综述

26、Land surface emissivity (LSE) is an essential parameter for land surface temperature (LST) retrieval from thermal remote sensing data. ─── 地表比辐射率是用热红外波段遥感数据反演地表温度的关键参数。

27、Keywords emissivity;blackbody model;ultra-attenuation;nanocrystallization; ─── 发射率;黑体模型;超细化;纳米化;

28、THEORETICAL STUDY OF MULTI-WAVELENGTH RADIATION THERMOMETRY--Autosearch for Emissivity Expression General ─── 多光谱辐射测温的理论研究--发射率模型的自动判别

29、Keywords multichannel;infrared transparent;emissivity; ─── 多波段;红外透明;发射率;

30、monochromatic emissivity ─── 单色发射率


32、visible emissivity ─── 可见发射率

33、Keywords online blackbody cavity;effective emissivity;material emissivity;optimization of installation parameter;artificial intelligence; ─── 关键词在线黑体空腔;有效发射率;材料发射率;安装参数优化;人工智能方法;

34、The true temperature and the multi-wavelength normal spectral emissivity of the specimen are measured by a multi-wavelength pyrometer. ─── 利用多光谱辐射测温法获得材料在多个光谱下的辐射信息,从而计算出试样的真温和在多个光谱下的法向光谱发射率。

35、In tokamak plasma radiation diagnostics,an emissivity profile derived from line integrated radiation measurement data with Abel inversion or tomographic analysis is averaged over a poloidal cross section of the plasma chord. ─── 在托卡马克等离子体辐射诊断中,通过阿贝尔反演或层析分析从线积分辐射率中得到的空间分布,是辐射率在束线宽度范围内的平均值的分布。

36、luminous emissivity ─── 发光率

37、Calculation of optical cross sections and infrared emissivity spectra of collsol composite micro-particles in aerosphere ─── 大气汽溶胶复合微粒子的光学截面及红外发射率光谱的计算

38、Tri-waveband Method for Temperature Measurement of the Object with Monotonic Emissivity Property ─── 具有单调发射率表现的三波段温度测量方法

39、Estimation of the Angular Variation of the Land Surface Emissivity in Heterogeneous Areas with the ATSR/ERS-1 Data ─── 利用ATSR/ERS-1资料研究复杂下垫面比辐射率的变化

40、Reducing the surface emissivity of a clothing ensemble is not in fact a very effective way of increasing its thermal insulation. ─── 事实上减少整套服装的表面发射率并不是增加其隔热性能的最有效途径。

41、Keywords Freezer door glass;Low emissivity film;Anti dewing; ─── 冰柜门玻璃;低辐射薄膜;防止结露;

42、spectral emissivity ─── 光谱发射率

43、Calculation of optical cross sections and infrared emissivity spectra of collosol micro-particles in aerosphere ─── 大气汽溶胶微粒子光学截面及红外发射率光谱的计算

44、colar emissivity ─── 发色性

45、With increase of the ITO film surface resistivity, the infrared emissivity of the material increases first, then tends to a certain value. ─── 结果表明,材料的红外发射率随ITO膜表面电阻率的增加先增加,后趋于一定值。

46、The use of metallised fabrics is sometimes proposed to reduce the emissivity of a fabric. ─── 不时地有人建议采用镀有金属膜的织物以减少织物的发射率。

47、Atmospheric emissivity ─── 天空比辐射率

48、hemispherical emissivity ─── 半球释放性

49、At 10 um the emissivity of the sky is about 0. 1, whereas for a conventional telescope it is 0. 5. ─── 在10微米处,天空的发射率约为0.1,而一架普通望远镜的发射率为0.5。

50、secondary emissivity coefficient ─── 二次放射系数

51、In general,the assumption of mathematical models between spectral emissivity and wavelength is required in radiation thermometry. ─── 在多光谱辐射测温技术中常需要假设光谱发射率与波长之间的数学模型。

52、The same result is obtained under various temperature, but the heated temperature will also influence the value of its emissivity, which shows the influence of the environment. ─── 不同?度下的所测得的远红外线放射率值也是同样结果。但是测试时的加热?度确实也会造成远红外线放射率的测试值,所以环境?度也会造成影响。

53、The result shows that the blackbody emissivity is over 0.999 and can been taken as a radiation standard for calibrating the infrared tympanic thermometers. ─── 999,完全能作为红外耳温计分度的标准辐射源。

54、Low emissivity film coated on the glass can considerable reduce dewing of the glass door of a freezer. ─── 分析了低辐射薄膜防止可视冰柜门玻璃表面结露的性能并进行了实验研究。

55、Low emissivity ─── 低发射率

56、total hemisphere emissivity ─── 半球向总发射率

57、Studies of Anti-dewing Performance of Freezer Door Coated with Low Emissivity Film ─── 冰柜门玻璃用低辐射薄膜的防结露性能的理论和实验研究

58、Temperature and salinity dependence of sea surface emissivity in the thermal infrared ─── 与热红外海面比辐射率有关的温度和盐度

59、Cai Xiaoshu,Luo Wude.In--situ measurement of temperature and emissivity of pulverized coal flame with spectrum analysis[J].Journal of Engineering Thermophysics,2000,21(6):779-782(in Chinese). ─── [7]蔡小舒,罗武德.光谱法测量煤粉火焰温度和黑度的研究[J].工程热物理学报,2000,21(6):779-782.

60、leaf emissivity ─── 叶片发射率

61、A spectral emissivity measurement apparatus using laser diode ─── 一种利用激光作为光源实现的光谱发射率测量装置

62、Emissivity of Irritant Gas HCl in Different Scale Fire Experiments ─── 刺激性气体HCl在不同尺度火灾实验中的释放行为

63、Furthermore, ITO films have high microwave reflectivity and low infrared emissivity, which may play an important role on radar and infrared stealth technology. ─── 同时ITO薄膜还具有很高的电磁波反射率和较低的红外发射率,这是雷达隐身及红外隐身的关键。

64、Its accuracy is reduced for some realities, such as the uncertain emissivity of the surface, strongly reflection from the environment radiation sources and etc. ─── 但是,在许多的实际情况下,辐射测温的精度受到一定的影响,这主要是由于被测试件表面发射率的不确定性、较强的环境辐射等。

65、absorptivity emissivity ratio ─── 吸收发射比

66、Land surface emissivity and atmospheric transmittance are the two key parameters which are used to retrieve LST. ─── 大气透过率和地表比辐射率是求解地表温度的两个关键参数。

67、land surface emissivity ─── 地表比辐射率

68、By inserting a tube into the melted iron to form a greybody tube and to make the emissivity steady.The temperature of the melted iron can be obtained using a optical fiber thermometer. ─── 其中一种途径即利用一个空芯导管插入铁水中,形成一个近似灰体腔,使腔内铁水表面发射率基本不变,然后利用光纤比色测温仪示出温度。

69、Variable emissivity ─── 变发射率

70、High Emissivity and Magnetic Coupling Process in Accretion Disc Radiation ─── 吸积盘辐射的高发射率指数研究

71、photoelectric emissivity ─── 光电发射率

72、Coatings specially designed for reduced optical reflectivity or emissivity. ─── 十七、专门设计用来降低光学反射或辐射的涂料。

73、This paper reports on the camouflage effectiveness of the coatings of different emissivity and the individual aluminum plates camouflaged by the coatings. ─── 在一种典型的南方草地背景下,随着阳光辐射和昼夜环境温度的变化,研究了不同发射率涂料样品的红外伪装效率;

74、Keywords emissivity;polyethylene;film thickness;substrate; ─── 发射率;聚乙烯;薄膜厚度;基板;

75、Keywords ternary polyethylene-co-propylene rubber;infrared transparent binders;infrared emissivity; ─── 三元乙丙橡胶;热红外透明粘合剂;红外发射率;

76、Land surface emissivity and atmospheric transmittance are the two key parameters which are used to retrieve LST. ─── 大气透过率和地表比辐射率是求解地表温度的两个关键参数。

77、Based on the difference in emissivity of the solid-liquid surface, the output data of infrared sensor, which can accurately reveal the liquid-solid transformation, is demonstrated. ─── 利用金属固相与液相表面发射率的差异从熔池凝固温度曲线中提取能准确反映液--固转变的特征信息, 以此推算了熔池表面的凝固速率;

78、Optimization algorithm for spectral emissivity model ─── 光谱发射率模型优化算法研究

79、Application of GJT-High Emissivity Ceramic Coating in Furnace ─── GJT-高温辐射陶瓷涂料在常压炉的应用

80、of metallised fabrics is sometimes proposed to reduce the emissivity of a fabric. ─── 不时地有人建议采用镀有金属膜的织物以减少织物的发射率。

81、Reducing the surface emissivity of a clothing ensemble is not in fact a very effective way of increasing its thermal insulation ─── 事实上减少整套服装的表面发射率并不是增加其隔热性能的最有效途径。

82、Keywords low infrared emissivity;infrared camouflage coatings;research advance; ─── 低红外发射率;红外隐身涂料;研究进展;

83、The infrared camouflage fiber is prepared with a polymer matrix material, low-infrared-emissivity powder and additives. ─── 所述的红外隐身纤维由高分子基体材料、低红外发射率粉体以及添加剂制成。

84、(4)emissivity reaches steady state after the 2nd hour due to the surface oxidation becoming fully developed. ─── (4)铝合金在加热2小时后,由于氧化层成长趋于缓和,以至于放射率趋于稳定。

85、Easy camera controls, including emissivity & reflective temperature settings to help you troubleshoot with accuracy & confidence. ─── 简单的相机控制,包括发射及反射温度设定,以帮助您解决与准确性和信心。

86、A Calculation Method of Temperature Correction for the Radiation Pyrometer With Fixed Emissivity in Calibration ─── 固定发射率辐射温度计校准中的温度修正计算方法

87、Keywords multispectral thermometry;radiation thermometer;high temperature measurement;one point calibration;emissivity;blackbody;Monte-Carlo method; ─── 多光谱测温;辐射温度计;高温测量;一点定标法;发射率;黑体;蒙特卡罗法;

88、low emissivity coated glass ─── 低辐射镀膜玻璃

89、Keywords waste incineration;Schwel-Brenn-Process;Thermoselect-Process;emiss ion of pollutants; ─── 垃圾焚烧;热解-焚烧法;热解-气化法;污染物排放;

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