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09-11 投稿


matron 发音

英:[ˈmeɪtrən]  美:[ˈmeɪtrən]

英:  美:

matron 中文意思翻译



matron 词性/词形变化,matron变形


matron 短语词组

1、blowy matron ─── 床垫鼓风机

2、police matron ( ─── 女监狱的) ─── 女管理员, ─── 女看守

3、a matron of honour ─── 伴娘

4、matron of honor n. ( ─── 已婚的)首席女傧相,主要伴娘

matron 相似词语短语

1、latrons ─── 拉特隆

2、natron ─── n.天然碳酸钠;[无化]泡碱;n.(Natron)人名;(阿拉伯)纳特隆

3、matrons ─── n.主妇;保姆;妇女;女舍监

4、diatron ─── 二烯酮

5、matronal ─── 母亲的

6、matronly ─── adj.主妇似的;稳重的;庄重的;威严的

7、latron ─── n.(Latron)人名;(法)拉特龙

8、patron ─── n.赞助人;保护人;主顾;n.(Patron)(英)佩特伦;(法、意、罗)帕特龙(人名)

9、empatron ─── 电磁感应加速器

matron 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A matron of honour is bridal another when go up beautiful beautiful scenery line, but limelight can have not built the leading role bride that day absolutely. ─── 伴娘是婚礼上的又一道靓丽风景线,但是风头绝对不可以盖过当日的主角新娘。

2、I suppose there is some matron with beefy forearms ─── 我想,那里现在大概有一位胳膊粗壮的女管家了吧。

3、matron of honor ─── n. (已婚的)首席女傧相, 主要伴娘

4、Much good this did her, for that worthy matron, her sleeves rolled up, her stout figure swathed in a large apron, gave her one sharp look and said: "Don't let me hear any more such foolishness, Scarlett Hamilton. ─── 可这有什么用呢,那位可敬的老太太正卷起袖子,粗壮的腰身上系着大围裙,在忙着干活呢。 她狠狠地瞪了思嘉一眼,说:"你不要再跟我说这种废话了,思嘉 - 汉密尔顿。

5、a matron outcast and forsaken, she mourns like Hecuba: Modo maxima rerum, tot generis natisque potens -- nunc trahor exul, inops. ─── 这些无休无止的争吵的战场,就叫做形而上学。

6、When Goblin Matron comes into play, you may search your library for a Goblin card. ─── 当鬼怪女舍监进场时,你可以从你的牌库中搜寻一张鬼怪牌。

7、This white-haired matron at the restaurant table was the Rachel of my dreams and desires, the supple mermaid of that snapshot? ─── 这位坐在餐桌旁白发苍苍的妇人就是我曾梦寐以求的雷切尔,照片上体态柔和的美人鱼吗?

8、Eighth ranked matron mothers always tried to use the meetings to show off the strength of their houses or to try and spy on the other houses ranked ahead of theirs. ─── 排名第八的主母总是试图在会议上炫耀家族的力量或是试图暗中监视其它排名靠前的家族。

9、He set up pyramids of plates to crash when people passed them, and rigged a mirror in a hat shop so that, when each matron posed simperingly before it, the glass cracked from side to side. ─── 他曾经把盘子堆成金字塔状,然后在有人经过时推倒它。他还对衣帽店的镜子做手脚,使之在女顾客顾影自怜时突然破碎。

10、Oh, Papa, I tell you fairly, I won't have a matron for a new stepmother. ─── 哦,爸爸,我可正经地告诉您,我可不要一个女舍监来做我的新继母。

11、She is a matron of our hospital. ─── 她是我们医院的一位护士长。

12、A wealthy matron is so proud of a valuable antique vase that she decides to have her bedroom painted the same color as the vase. ─── 一名富有的主妇对自己拥有的一个颇有价值的古董花瓶非常自豪,因而她决定把自己的卧室也绘成跟花瓶相同的颜色。

13、A married woman; a matron. ─── 已婚妇女;夫人

14、In a stucco relief she is a formidable Mesopotamia matron with earrings. ─── 在一件灰泥浮雕上,她是令人望而生畏的美索不达米亚妇女,戴著耳环。

15、brood matron ─── 繁殖母畜

16、Every matron, old or young, in Atlanta nursed and did it with an enthusiasm that seemed to Scarlett little short of fanatic. ─── 在亚特兰大,每一位或老或少的已婚妇女都在护理伤员,据思嘉看来几乎要发疯了。

17、Again a mystic sisterhood would contumaciously assert itself, as she met the sanctified frown of some matron, who, according to the rumour of all tongues, had kept cold snow within her bosom throughout life. ─── 也有时候,当她遇到某位太太时,望着她们那神圣凛然的面孔,心中便会油然生出一种神秘的妹妹之感,而那位太太却是被众口一词地公认为从来都是冷若冰霜的。

18、Week of Matron: Double growth for Matro and Matriarchs. ─── 女王周:女王产量加倍。

19、Cavell, the 47-year-old matron of a Brussels training school for nurses, was known for her compassion and sense of duty. ─── 47岁的卡维尔是布鲁塞尔护士训练学校的主管,以其慈悲和忠于职守而闻名。

20、Reflex Bow - Ceremonial Bow - Grand Matron Bow ─── 反射之弓-祭典之弓-大院长之弓

21、this is the first time i do as a matron of honor, ─── 晚上刚刚收到陈丛健哥哥的邀请,2月12号做他婚礼的伴娘。

22、Joan went there and said to the matron, "I've come to visit Captain Humphreys." ─── 琼到了医院,她对护士长说,“我来看望军官汉弗雷斯。”

23、If the matron is absent, ask the permission from the assistant if you want to go out. ─── 管理人员请假外出时请向职务代理人申请签核。

24、She is like a matron telling you off for wetting the bed ─── 她会像家庭主妇指责孩子尿了床似的指责你。

25、Housekeeping matron ─── 家庭主妇

26、1.Personality: Matron Byrtyn is famed throughout Menzoberranzan for her passionate affairs and ribald exploits. ─── 个性:拜尔汀主母以其充满激情的风流韵事和下流的行为而蜚声魔索布莱城。

27、And pleased to note that her brothers fell into guard position at either side of the entrance, as if she were already a respected matron. ─── 沙克提瞥见两个弟弟站在守卫的位置分列入口两侧,感到很满意,就好像她已经是一位主母了。

28、" "But," persisted the matron, "what need was there for secrecy? ─── “但是”,那主妇坚持说,“有什么必要去保密?”

29、Whenever the council received a new member, either through the death of a matron or the destruction of a house, it took a while for the new matron to realize this. ─── 无论何时议会接受了一个新成员,不管是通过一个主母的死或是一个家族的毁灭,新主母总是要用一段时间来意识到这一点。

30、She was wedged between a small old woman with tight-set lips and a fat matron, without a hat, who was talking shrilly and gesticulated all the time. ─── 玛丽周围都是摩尔人,身旁的两个,一个是身材矮小的老太太,紧闭着嘴唇,穿着黑衣服,另一个是没戴帽子的胖女人,说话指手划脚,声音很高。

31、Where is the matron? ─── 女总管在哪?

32、Joan went there and said to the matron, I've come to visit Captain Humphreys. ─── 琼到了医院,她对护士长说,我来看望军官汉弗雷斯。

33、Uncle Seneca, because of his wealth, attracted the attention of a poor but ambitious Philadelphia society matron ─── 赛纳加娘舅因为有钱引起了费拉德尔斐亚一个贫穷但是野心勃勃的交际妇女的垂青。

34、"I don't know," returned Carrie, warming, in spite of her first troubled feelings, toward this handsome, good-natured young matron. ─── “这我就不知道了,"嘉莉回答,对这位漂亮善良的年轻太太很热情,尽管开始时感到有些不安。

35、The matron bore down upon the terrified nurses. ─── 护士长逼近了那些惊慌的护士们。

36、This grave matron had several sorts of practice. ─── 这位假正经的妇人有好几种惯做的事情。

37、A wealthy matron is so proud of a valuable antique vase that she decides to have her bedroom painted the same color as the vase. ─── 一位富有的妇人为自己的有用的价值连城的花瓶而自豪,于是决定把她的卧室也漆成同样的颜色。

38、After the old army and the matron FanChunXiao of miracle, he comes alive, and won the "excellent frontier children" gold medal. ─── 经过老军医和护士长范春晓的奋力抢救,他竟奇迹般地活了过来,并荣获“优秀边陲儿女”金质奖章。

39、Pre-teen, Teen, Young adult, Middle age, and Matron are the five fragrance ages of woman. ─── 孩提之年、豆蔻年华、花信年华、韶华中年和富贵晚年是女子一生中五个芳馨可爱的年龄。

40、Finally, show resourcefulness in an emergency of an a matron of honour, smoke the 3 metals gasket inside marriage gauze temporarily below, just make bridal reluctance crowded go in. ─── 最后,一名伴娘急中生智,将婚纱内的3条金属衬垫暂时抽下,才让新娘勉强挤了进去。

41、I love how Mary leans against a doorway holding baby Jesus to the adoration of a couple of dirty-footed pilgrims, with all the slightly bored insouciance of any matron chatting with the neighbors. ─── 我特别喜欢看玛利亚斜靠著门边,怀抱婴儿耶稣,接受几个泥足的朝拜者的拜见的样子,感觉像是一个普通的主妇与隔壁邻居漫不经心的閒聊的场景。

42、While awaiting trial, the prison matron “Mama” Morton (Carol Woods), takes Roxie under her wing as she learns to create a new public persona of the “I killed him in self-defense“ Roxie. ─── 在候审期间,监狱长莫顿对罗西照顾有加,因为他要给罗西创造一个新的形象,那就是罗西是出于正当防卫才杀死她的情人”。

43、You can trust the Matron of this hospital to keep her nurses up to the mark. ─── 你可以信得过这家医院的护士长,她能保证她手下的护士们工作尽职尽责。

44、every visa would have to be checked by every matron. ─── 每一个家庭主妇都必须检查来者的签证。

45、Matron Herndon: You want to see him naked? ─── 你想看见他不穿衣服?

46、P >Vertumnus, (as the matron), talked to the goddess, attempting to convince her of the rewards of relationship and the dangers of rejecting love. ─── 化成老奶奶的威耳廷努斯与普玛娜聊天,努力让她认识到爱情的价值,和拒绝爱的种种危险。

47、I'm very pleased to meet you, the matron said, I'm his mother! ─── 很高兴认识你,护士长说,我是他的母亲。

48、When he came back, he was an accomplished mage, demonstrating this by besting three wizards at once in spell-combat, for the entertainment of a House Matron. ─── 当他返回的时候,他已经是一名熟练的法师,并通过在某位主母的娱乐表演上,通过使用魔法一次打败三名法师而证明了这一点。

49、And pleased to note that her brothers fell into guard position at either side of the entrance, as if she were already a respected matron. ─── 沙克提瞥见两个弟弟站在守卫的位置分列入口两侧,感到很满意,就好像她已经是一位主母了。

50、A beautiful, auburn-haired woman with the energetic yet graceful movements of an athlete, she hasn't a trace about her of the hefty Wagnerian matron of operatic clich. ─── 一位精力充沛、体态优雅的赤褐色发女性--她的样子一点也不像歌剧中典型的体型发达的瓦格尔式主妇的样子。

51、For the third time the snooted matron totally ignored him. ─── 目中无人的女霸王第三次完全不理睬他。

52、Register on the long book with the matron or her assistant after her approval. In going out, you must follow all the outgoing regulations. ─── 请假核准后须向宿舍管理员或代理人登记,如有外出依外出规定办理。

53、rigged a mirror in a hat shop so that, when each matron posed simperingly before it, ─── 他本可在城中展露头角,成为伦敦风尚典范----操一口地道绅士音,衣冠楚楚风度翩翩,长柄雨伞常不离手.

54、Should there be any circumstances happen, immediately informed the supervisor or matron, or if necessary contact 119 for assistance. ─── 发生任何状况应尽速告知主管或管理员做适当处理,必要时,请求119协助处理。

55、a dignified matron ─── 一位庄重的已婚妇女

56、He always brought his mother to church, and was the pride of all the matron. ─── 他总是领着他妈妈到教堂来,其他的妈妈都引以为豪。

57、Matron of honour Elizabeth Taylor had travelled down in her bedroom slippers, but had forgotten her shoes to change into! ─── 原来,首席女傧相伊丽莎白泰勒是穿着卧室拖鞋来的,但是忘了带要换的鞋。

58、police matron ─── 女管理员女看守

59、"I'm very pleased to meet you," the matron said, "I'm his mother!" ─── “很高兴认识你,”护士长说,“我是他的母亲。”

60、1.a governess; a woman tutor; 2.a matron who looks after small children ─── 姆

61、Tommy piously intoned, but his accent was not entirely malicious.Even the most hardened little orphan felt sympathy for an erring sister who was summoned to the office to face an annoyed matron; ─── 就算是这心肠最硬的小孤儿,对一个做错事的姊姊要被叫去见那个讨厌的女监事时,还是感到相当同情的。

62、She looked as efficient as a hospital matron, as cool as a cucumber. ─── 她看起来和医院护士长一样高效,泰然自若。

63、Objective: To understand the psychological coping modes and related factors of matron in large hospital in Wuhan. ─── 目的:了解武汉市大型医院护士长心理应对方式及其相关影响因素。

64、Matron liked to talk about herself: since her husband had studied in Japan and she had gone there with him, she counted herself a "foreign-returned student" too. ─── 舍监常常讲她自己的事情,她的丈夫在日本留学的时候,她也在日本,也算是留学。

65、I invited my little cousin to be my matron of honour at my wedding ceremony. ─── 去年我结婚时,专门请小表妹当我的喜娘。

66、a matron of honour ─── n. 伴娘

67、6.A wealthy matron is so proud of a valuable antique vase that she decides to have her bedroom painted the same color as the vase. ─── 一位富婆为拥有一只珍贵的古玩而深感骄傲,以至于她竟要把卧室漆成与花瓶同样的颜色。

68、Jerusha's eyes widened slightly; she was not accustomed to being summoned to the office to discuss the eccentricities of Trustees with the matron. ─── 乔若莎的双眼微微张大了;她不太习惯被女监事叫来办公室,讨论董事们的怪癖。

69、Matron: You'll only hurt yourself. What are you doing? Hold still. ─── 护士长:你只会伤害自己。你在干什么?

70、Matron Herndon: You'll wear what they all wear. ─── 你将会穿上他们都穿的衣服。

71、Withdraw ARC copy from the dormitory Matron when going out and fill -in return time on the log book upon your return. ─── 外出时向宿舍管理人员领取居留证影印本,返回宿舍时并填写归回时间。

72、I'm very pleased to meet you, the matron said, I'm his mother! ─── 很高兴认识你,护士长说,我是他的母亲。

73、Oh, Papa, I tell you fairly, I won't have a matron for a new stepmother ─── 哦,爸爸,我堂堂正正地告诉您,我可不要一个女舍监来做我的新继母。

74、1. The matron told me not to worry about the operation. ─── 护士长告诉我不要为手术担心。

75、The matron looked a comfortable, motherly soul but she soon showed her teeth if any of the inmates gave signs of having minds of their own. ─── 那个女看管看上去内心平静,待人像慈母一般,但是只要被收容者有迹象自作主张,她可就不那么客气了。

76、The groom's sister Karla Walton was the matron of honour. ─── 新郎的姐姐卡拉•沃尔顿是主伴娘。

77、"And so changed was Hester Prynne's repute before the public, that the matron in town most eminent for rigid morality could not have held such intercourse with less result of scandal than herself." ─── 何况海丝特·白兰在众人间的声名已经大有改变,即使是镇上以恪守妇道最为著称的妇人进行这种谈话,都不会比她少受风言风语的指责。

78、The bride chooses a close friend or relative to be her maid of honor, or matron of honor if the woman is married. ─── 新娘要选一位密友或近亲做伴娘。伴娘未婚的叫 “maid of honor”,已婚的叫 “matron of honor”。

79、The nurses came on their daily round of washing, changing, combing and prettifying the patients before the matron's inspection. ─── 护士长查房以前, 护士们要为病人梳洗、更衣、打扮, 这成为每日例行的公事。

80、"Only relatives are allowed to visit patients here," the matron said. ─── “这里只有亲属可以探望病人。”护士长说。

81、The way she spoke, too, had naturally changed out of all recognition. It was free and easy like a matron in town, quite unlike the shy, timid speech of a daughter-in-law in the country. ─── 女人说话时口音自然也完全不同了,变成像城市里做太太的大方自由,完全不是在乡下做媳妇的羞涩畏缩神气了。

82、Week of Matron: Double growth for Matrons and Matriarchs. ─── 法师周:法师产量加倍。

83、Tis treacle,' said an observant matron. ─── 那是糖浆,”一个目光敏锐的妇女说。

84、Once a matron asked Rabbi Jose (Talmud), "Why did God steal a rib from Adam? ─── 曾经有位主妇问拉比琼斯(塔木德):“神为什么要从亚当那里偷取一根肋骨?”

85、Sure, everybody in the Second Army knows that matron ─── 当然啦,第二军中,哪一个不认得那位女护士。

86、Then she dropped down on the window seat and leaned throbbing temples against the cool glass everybody's bidding, scolded and hurried by a nervous matron. ─── 她疲累地跌坐在窗户旁的椅子上,把头昏脑胀的头靠在冰凉的玻璃上。

87、But now the old matron with lack-lustre hair shuffled in to pad to and fro. ─── 但,舍监这老太太,好在地板上擦擦着,头发完全失掉了光泽,她跑来跑去:

88、Dressed in a skirt from the sewing room and a twinset that the matron had bought, and with a red ribbon threaded through her already graying hair, Naida waited for the car. ─── 奈妲身穿医院缝制的裙子和舍监买的两件套在等车,那业已发灰的头发上别着一个红蝴蝶结。

89、The nurses came on their daily round of washing,changing,combing and prettifying the patients before the matron's inspection. ─── 护士长查房以前,护士们要为病人梳洗、更衣、打扮,这成为每日例行的公事。

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