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09-11 投稿



demurred 发音

英:[dɪˈmɜːd]  美:[dɪˈmɜːrd]

英:  美:

demurred 中文意思翻译





demurred 词性/词形变化,demurred变形

动词过去分词: demurred |动词第三人称单数: demurs |形容词: demurrable |动词过去式: demurred |动词现在分词: demurring |

demurred 相似词语短语

1、demerged ─── vt.使分解;使…分离;vi.分为若干子公司

2、demarked ─── 去标记

3、-murred ─── 阴沉的

4、demurrers ─── n.异议;抗辩;妨诉抗辩

5、demurrer ─── n.异议;抗辩;妨诉抗辩

6、deferred ─── adj.延期的;v.推迟(defer的过去式及过去分词形式)

7、debarred ─── vt.阻止;排除;防止;n.(Debar)人名;(法)德巴尔

8、demersed ─── 堕落的

9、deburred ─── v.抛光,修边;去除毛边;除去脏物

demurred 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、demurred at the suggestion. ─── 反对这项建议。

2、she demurred, but then finally agreed. ─── 她开始表示反对,但最终还是同意了。

3、"Well, I'm not the King," I demurred. ─── “这个,,,我不是老大,”我犹豫了一下。

4、But when asked if he would have his actual wedding at the same place, Mr. Kwong demurred. ─── 不过在邝先生被问到是否要在同个地点举行正式婚礼时,他有别的想法

5、When Lord Xinling showed him the seal and announced that he was going to take charge of the army, Jin Bi demurred and refused to believe that the king had ordered any such action. ─── 信陵君带着朱亥来到大军驻扎地。晋鄙见了兵符怀疑说:“大王既叫我暂不前进,又怎会随便叫你替代我呢?”

6、They accepted without demur. ─── 他们接受了,没有提出异议。

7、A reporter involved in writing it demurred when asked about it Thursday. ─── 参与撰写这则报导的一位记者在周四被问及时语焉不详。

8、“I demur to the demolition idea,” said one elder.“It will cause outsiders to denigrate our church. ─── “我反对这项拆除计划,”一个长老说,“它会引起外界诋毁我们的教会的。”

9、They demurred at working on Sundays. ─── 他们反对星期日工作。

10、Intel admits last week, a when spokesman of legal general affairs described fair trade commission " demur states " . ─── 上周英特尔认可,法令事务讲话人形容了公允商业委员会的一份“异议声明”。

11、The majority were in favour of the plan,but a few demurred. ─── 大多数人赞成这项计划,但几个人反对。

12、Apple's board asked him to stay permanently, of course, but he demurred, explaining that he already had a company to run. ─── 苹果董事会当然是一再要求乔布斯长期留任,但是他明确表示自己要忙于经营新公司。

13、to demur at working on Sunday ─── 反对在星期日上班

14、Of course, athletes rarely demur when offered a gently used medal. ─── 当然,对于接受二手奖牌,运动员们很少提出异议。

15、Mr Obama, keen to avoid the partisan warfare that bogged down his two predecessors, has demurred. ─── 奥巴马犹豫了,他极力想要避免党派之争(这些斗争曾让他前两任总统深陷泥潭)。

16、20. Counsel stated that there was no case to answers, but the judge demurred. ─── 律师声明没有必要进行答辩,但法官表示不同意。

17、Counsel stated that there was no case to answers, but the judge demurred. ─── 律师声明没有必要进行答辩,但法官表示不同意。

18、20.Counsel stated that there was no case to answers, but the judge demurred. ─── 律师声明没有必要进行答辩,但法官表示不同意。

19、It would seem hazardous to demur at(to)a proposition which is so widely accepted ─── 对一项如此广泛地接受的建议表示反对似乎是危险的。

20、Lawyer demur what the attestor said truly. ─── 律师对证人的话的真实性提出了怀疑。

21、I demur to working on Sundays ─── 我反对星期天工作。

22、After some delay and demur, a door, the old Bailey grudingly turned on its hinges and allowed him to squeeze himself into court. ─── 在一阵耽误和踌躇之后,那门很不情愿地开了一条缝,让杰瑞.克朗彻挤进了法庭。

23、7. After some delay and demur, a door, the old Bailey grudingly turned on its hinges and allowed him to squeeze himself into court. ─── 在一阵耽误和踌躇之后,那门很不情愿地开了一条缝,让杰瑞.克朗彻挤进了法庭。收藏指正

24、Her did the maidens entreat with gentle words and cunningly persuade to unfasten without demur the bolted bars from the gates. ─── 少女们用恭维的词令央告这位尊神,机灵地劝她同意把插牢的门闩拿开。

25、When McNamara demurred again for the same reason, a frustrated Kennedy exclaimed: “ Bob, there is no school to learn to be president, either!” ─── 哈哈 又是个值得深思的问题 问题吗总是闲人的专利!!!!现在发现执著是一种人生的美好 你相信吗?

26、We proposed that dinner be served before the last guest arrived, but the hostess demurred. ─── 我们提议在最后一个客人到之前就开饭,但是女主人反对。

27、Asked if she would do it before the contests on Tuesday, she demurred, “I'm a little busy right now. ─── 当问及她是否将在周二的竞选之前做这件事时,她否认了,“我到时有点忙。”

28、to demur to evidence ─── 对证据提出异议

29、She considered the suggestion but demurred. ─── 她考虑过这个建议,但是踌躇不定。

30、Asked if it had a name, Mr. Wang demurred. ─── 当问到酒厂是否有名字时,王先生表示反对。

31、“Don't say that, Lester,” she demurred, going over in her mind all that had been between them. ─── “你别那么说吧,”她说着,心上登时浮现出他们当初在一起的一切情景来。

32、He accepted the criticism without demur ─── 他毫无异议地接受了批评。

33、The purpose of the paper is to provide reference in the defendant demur of patent approaching lawsuit in our country, which has reality meaning. ─── 全文意在为我国专利侵权诉讼中被告的抗辩提供参考,具有现实意义。

34、Miss Liu demur does not say, gave a sweet heart 900 yuan when go up personally entirely. ─── 刘小姐二话不说,将身上的 900元全部给了恋人。

35、The classmates wanted to make her the monitor,but she demurred. ─── 同班同学想推选她当班长,可是她不愿意。

36、As I demur, another call comes, from the prime minister’s office. ─── 因为我与首相办公室产生异议,另一个电话响了。

37、The doctor demurred, but Piercey was insistent. ─── 医生表示异议,但是皮尔西坚持不懈。

38、7. “What? I am nobody and worthless? I demur at your words, brat.” The short man interrupts. ─── “什么?我不是东西?小子我反对你的说法!”矮人叫。收藏指正

39、Therefore, as the accused side, if there was no approaching action actually, they should demur powerfully, or else their interest would be damaged. ─── 因此,作为被控侵权方,如果事实上不存在侵权行为,应进行有理有力的抗辩,否则自己的利益将会受到损失。

40、They demurred at working overtime. ─── 他们反对加班。

41、"It was his fever talking," he had said, but Maester Aemon had demurred. ─── “他一定是发烧了在胡言乱语,”他这么说,但伊蒙学士提出了异议。

42、"If I told you, " Nabokov demurred, with teasing courtesy, "that would be an interview. " ─── 「如果我告诉了你,」纳博科夫的礼貌里带着揶揄,他反对道:「那就要变成采访了。」

43、It should demur for quality assurance in 30 days when the delivery arrives. ─── 品质异议需在货物到达目的口岸30日之内提出。

44、He demurred to the suggestion that he was not very keen on the Anzio landing. ─── 他对人们议论他不太关心安齐奥登陆战表示异议。

45、So far the national Department of Agriculture has demurred, though Texans can get their hands on some federal money through a grasslands-conservation programme. ─── 但到目前为止,农业部对此还持有异议,不过德州可以通过牧地草原保护计划,获得联邦政府资金的资助。

46、Ask Chinese officials whether they care about winning the most gold medals, and they will demur politely: winning, they say, isn't everything. ─── 当问起中国官员他们是不是在乎赢得最多的金牌,他们会礼貌的反对:他们说,胜利不是所有。

47、His own possessions, safety, life, he would have hazarded for Lucie and her child, without a moment's demur; but the great trust he held was not his own, and as to that business charge he was a strict man of business. ─── 为了露西和她的孩子他可以拿自己的生命、财产和安全去冒险,但由他负责的巨大公司却不属于他,对待业务责任他一向是个严格的办事人员。

48、When one party offers new evidence, the opposing party may demur in virtue of different approaches within proper term. ─── 一方当事人提出新的证据,对方当事人可以通过不同的途径,在合理期限内提出抗辩。

49、Mr Zhang demur does not say, collect immediately went going up 10 thousand yuan of cash. ─── 张先生二话不说,马上汇去了上万元现金。

50、They demurred at the proposal. ─── 他们反对那项建议。

51、Any entity with any demur against the list may present its demur within four days so that the administrative department of land and resources can verify and solve the problem. ─── 对公布的有效报名机构名单有异议的,可在4日内提出,国土资源行政主管部门核实解决。

52、Firsthands over the name card without demur instead some reluctantly. ─── 二话不说先递名片反而有些勉强。

53、The main content of demurrer and its standard and measure in idiographic implement are different from country to country about the law prescript of patent approaching demur and judicature practice. ─── 在不同国家关于专利侵权抗辩的法律规定及司法实践中,对抗辩的事由及其具体实施的标准和尺度都存在着很大的差异。

54、To this help sb to deal with an emergency lift, demur of hold of very few person. ─── 对此救急之举,很少人持有异议。

55、"What? I am nobody and worthless? I demur at your words, brat." The short man interrupts. ─── “什么?我不是东西?小子我反对你的说法!”矮人叫。

56、demur the instance ─── [法] 对诉讼程序提出抗辩

57、Messrs.Langone and Holzman demurred. ─── 兰格与霍茨曼两人则表示反对。

58、Without demur, they joined the party in my rooms ─── 他们没有推辞就到我的屋里一起聚餐了。

59、After 3 youths enter store, demur does not say, grab " rub filar " is wiped toward the head. ─── 三青年进店后,二话不说,抓起"摩丝"往头上抹。"

60、“No,” she demurred. ─── “不,”她拒绝了。

61、demur at ─── 反对; 表示异议

62、The demurred at the idea of not paying. ─── 他们对不付帐表示异议。

63、I suggested putting the matter to a vote , but the chairman demurred to it. ─── 会议结束前对该项提议进行了表决。

64、Workers demurred at working on Sundays ─── 工人们反对在星期天工作。

65、4.He demurred to my statement. ─── 他对我的陈述提出异议。

66、Basis GB T 1.1- 2 0 0 0 is brief the normative use point that discussed a watch, to the demur of non-standard use circumstance that expresses in active standard. ─── 依据GB T 1.1- 2 0 0 0简要论述了表的规范使用要点 ,对现行标准中表的不规范使用情况提出异议。

67、And the army, under its recently appointed chief, General Ashfaq Kayani, did not demur. ─── 在新近任命的AshfaqKayani将军的领导下,军队确实没有反对。

68、Where the principal exercise the agent's rights against the third party, the third party may claim its demur in respect of the agent against the principal. ─── 委托人行使受托人对第三人的权利的,第三人可以向委托人主张其对受托人的抗辩。

69、Prelitigation demur right is the special right the general guarantor has against the creditor. ─── 先诉抗辩权是一般保证人对债权人享有的专有抗辩权。

70、To the copyright issue that just produced, windstorm expresses, put in demur to adjudicating a result, be in further appeal process. ─── 对于刚发生的版权纠纷,暴风表示,对判决结果存在异议,正在进一步上诉过程中。

71、"But", the Master demurred, "that is the last word in realization. ─── “但是,”师父提出异议,“最后一句话就是对神的实现。

72、She demurred at the difficulty. ─── 她因困难而踌躇。

73、“What? I am nobody and worthless? I demur at your words, brat.” The short man interrupts. ─── “什么?我不是东西?小子我反对你的说法!”矮人叫。

74、At first she demurred, but then finally agreed. ─── 她开始表示反对,但最终还是同意了。

75、demur incident ─── 抗辩事由

76、to demur ─── 抗议

77、"Don't say that, Lester, " she demurred , going over in her mind all that had been between them. ─── “你别那么说吧,”她说着,心上登时浮现出他们当初在一起的一切情景来。

78、O'Brien's servant, however, had admitted the two of them without demur ─── 但是,奥勃良的仆人二话不说,让他们两人进来。

79、It has demurred from demanding that the rule of law be respected and has instead put its arm around the dictator. ─── 2000年,我们跟随克林顿总统访问南亚,在伊斯兰堡作了四小时的停留,克林顿总统坚持和巴基斯坦人民对话。

80、' That's what every guy likes to hear, of course, but I demurred slightly -- 'How do you know, you've never seen any others? ─── 是什么每个男人都喜欢听见的,当然,但我轻微地提出了我的见解--`您从未看见任何其他您怎么知道它是这么的大?

81、After some delay and demur, the door grudgingly turned on its hinges a very little way, and allowed Mr. Jerry Cruncher to squeeze himself into court. ─── 在一阵耽误和踌躇之后,那门很不情愿地开了一条缝,让杰瑞 - 克朗彻挤进了法庭。

82、What? I am nobody and worthless? I demur at your words, brat.” The short man interrupts. ─── 什么?我不是东西?小子我反对你的说法!”矮人叫。

83、The employees demurred at working overtime. ─── 从业人员对加班表示异议。

84、Nevertheless however the netizen is opposite this practice demur, "So cautious, either be rectified you, however oneself rectify him a legendary venomous insect. ─── 不过却有网友对此做法提出异议,“这样小心翼翼,不是被人整你,而是自己整蛊自己。”

85、In December the state legislature asked her to sack ICF, but she demurred, saying that to start all over again with a new firm would just set things back further. ─── 在12月,国家立法机关让她解雇ICF,布兰科没有接受,她说(已经与前一个公司协商了那么久了)从新再与另一家新公司谈,(整个计划)又退回很多(步)。

86、If the bargainor responsibility, you should reply and give treatment in 20 days since you receivs the demur. ─── 如责任属于卖方,卖方应于收到异议20天内答复买方,并提出处理意见。

87、Almost all the minor parties demurred to the new election rules. ─── 几乎所有的少数党都反对新的选举规定。

88、At first he demurred, but then finally agreed. ─── 他刚开始表示反对,但最终还是同意了。

89、” Mr Obama has demurred, arguing the first needs time to work. ─── 但奥巴马否定了这项提议,他认为第一轮的刺激计划发挥作用尚需时日。

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