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09-11 投稿


apportions 发音

英:[əˈpɔːʃnz]  美:[əˈpɔːrʃnz]

英:  美:

apportions 中文意思翻译



apportions 短语词组

1、apportions definition ─── 分摊定义

2、apportions crossword clue ─── 分配纵横字谜线索

3、apportions meaning ─── 分配意义

4、apportions means ─── 分配手段

5、apportions electoral votes ─── 分配选举人票

6、apportions clue ─── 分配线索

7、apportions liability ─── 分摊责任

8、apportions goods ─── 分摊货物

apportions 词性/词形变化,apportions变形

动词过去分词: apportioned |动词过去式: apportioned |动词现在分词: apportioning |动词第三人称单数: apportions |

apportions 相似词语短语

1、appositions ─── n.并置,同格;同位语

2、apportioner ─── 摊派者

3、portions ─── n.部分(portion的复数形式);加大份量;v.将…分配(portion的第三人称单数形式)

4、apportioning ─── vt.分配,分派;分摊

5、apportion ─── vt.分配,分派;分摊

6、reapportions ─── vt.重新分配

7、abortions ─── n.[妇产]堕胎(abortion的复数);多次流产

8、apparitions ─── n.幽灵;幻影;鬼怪;离奇出现的东西

9、apportioned ─── vt.分配,分派;分摊

apportions 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、English: If this is disabled, the user will not be notified about pending apport crash reports. ─── 如果这里被禁用,将不能提醒用户之前的崩溃报告。

2、The report also apportions blame. ─── 该报告还归咎了主要责任。

3、The court compares the relative negligence of the parties and apportions recovery on that basis. ─── 法院衡量各方的疏忽程度来决定各方承担补偿的比例。

4、All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills. ─── 这一切都是这位圣灵所运行、随己意分给各人的。

5、Or is all apportions the matter the subordinate is idle, or is firmly all grasps all matters inside might as well gets down in hand. ─── 就是把事情都分给手下人无所事事,要不就是牢牢把所有事情都抓在手里不妨下去。

6、That one time, he is nursing apportions participates in the performance only boy. ─── 那一次,他是护理科派出参加表演唯一的男孩。

7、The recording of depreciation expense is an adjusting entry which apportions a recorded cost. ─── 记录折旧费用是一笔将已入账的成本进行分摊的调整分录。

8、The enterprises are entitled to refuse to pay all kinds of apportions, charges and fund-raisings without legal basis or beyond the scope and standards provisioned by any law or regulation. ─── 企业对没有法律法规依据或者超过法律法规规定范围和标准的各种摊派、收费、集资,有权拒绝。

9、Given by the agency of the Holy Spirit, who apportions to each member as He wills, the gifts provide all abilities and ministries needed by the church to fulfill its divinely ordained functions. ─── 这些恩赐是由圣灵按著祂自己的意思分赐给各教友,供给了教会为完成上帝指定任务所需的一切能力与职事。

10、westbank> The enterprises are entitled to refuse to pay all kinds of apportions, charges and fund-raisings without legal basis or beyond the scope and standards provisioned by any law or regulation. ─── 企业对没有法律法规依据或者超过法律法规规定范围和标准的各种摊派、收费、集资,有权拒绝。

11、To the apostate He apportions our fields. ─── 他将我们的田地分给悖逆的人。

12、The first chapter discusses the concept of operation cost of a transportation ship, its structures, characters, apportions, and describes its arising environment and growth tendency. ─── 第一章主要讨论营运船舶运输成本,对船舶运输成本的概念、结构、性质与分摊、成本细分进行了分析,从宏观上阐明了船舶运输成本的生存环境和生长趋势;

13、The population shifts will be felt following the 2010 census, when the nation apportions the 435 seats in the House of Representatives, based on population. ─── 2010年的人口普查后将很容易感受到人口数的变化,美国众议院的435个席位是通过人口数来确定的。

14、Or is all apportions the matter the subordinate is idle, or is firmly all grasps all matters inside might as well gets down in hand. ─── 要不就是把事情都分给手下人无所事事,要不就是牢牢把所有事情都抓在手里不妨下去。

15、First, writing software that apportions computational tasks among several processors remains an unwanted burden for many programmers. ─── 首先,写程式把运算工作分配给数个处理器,对程式设计师是件苦差事。

16、The report also apportions blame. ─── 该报告还归咎了主要责任。

17、time, Lincoln has also implemented a series of revolutionary policy, for example: Promulgates "Dwelling Law", apportions the western land the people; ─── 时间,林肯也已经实现一系列的革命政策, 举例来说:发布 "住处法律",分配西方的土地人;

18、The recording of depreciation expense is an adjusting entry which apportions a recorded cost. ─── 记录折旧费用是一笔将已入账的成本进行分摊的调整分录。

19、First, writing software that apportions computational tasks among several processors remains an unwanted burden for many programmers. ─── 首先,写程式把运算工作分配给数个处理器,对程式设计师是件苦差事。

20、The award shall be final, binding and shall apport the costs of arbitration to the losing Party, including reasonable lawyer's fees incurred by the prevailing Party. ─── 裁决应该是最终的、具有约束力的结果,败诉方应承担仲裁的所有费用,包括胜诉方雇佣合法律师的费用。

21、That one time, he is nursing apportions participates in the performance only boy. ─── 那一次,他是护理科派出参加表演唯一的男孩。

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