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09-11 投稿


enlightener 发音


英:  美:

enlightener 中文意思翻译



enlightener 短语词组

1、enlightener definition ─── 启蒙者定义

2、enlightener home inspection ─── 开明家访

3、enlightener databrawl ─── 启蒙者

4、enlightener newspaper ─── 启蒙报

5、enlightener define ─── 启蒙者定义

6、enlightener org ─── 启蒙组织

7、enlightener bible study ─── 启蒙者圣经研究

enlightener 词性/词形变化,enlightener变形

动词现在分词: enlightening |动词过去分词: enlightened |动词过去式: enlightened |名词: enlightener |动词第三人称单数: enlightens |

enlightener 反义词


enlightener 同义词

educated | disillusioned | schooled | well-grounded | literate | progressive | reasonable | well-educated | aware | cultured | liberal | cultivated | advised | rational | knowledgeable | well-read | initiate | open-minded | sensitive | knowing | learned | understanding | scholarly | coached | lettered | apprised | erudite | tolerant | wise

enlightener 相似词语短语

1、enlighten ─── vt.启发,启蒙;教导,开导;照耀

2、enlightening ─── adj.使人领悟的,有启发作用的;v.启蒙;通知;教育;解释;照耀,照亮(enlighten的现在分词)

3、unenlightened ─── adj.落后的;无知的;未受启迪的

4、unlightened ─── 无照明

5、brightener ─── n.[化工]光亮剂;增白剂;[机]抛光剂

6、lightener ─── 美白剂

7、enlightened ─── adj.开明的;文明的;有知识的;觉悟的;v.启迪;解释;照亮(enlighten的过去式和过去分词)

8、enlightens ─── vt.启发,启蒙;教导,开导;照耀

9、enlightenment ─── n.启迪;启蒙运动;教化

enlightener 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The object of his novel writing is to amuse and enlighten the general readers. ─── 他写小说的目的在于使一般读者得到娱乐并受到教育。

2、The healthy campus culture, you can mold the character of students, enlighten the mind of students, promote all-round development of students. ─── 健康的校园文化,可以陶冶学生的情操、启迪学生心智,促进学生的全面发展。

3、I painted glede ,tiger, cat and human being , and add panda later, and take panda series as separated series from other’s enlighten. ─── 刚开始叫做“草莽英雄”,慢慢阅历增长觉得有点不合适,为了从更好的角度来反应,改成现在的名字,把草跟动物,跟人、跟社会元素结合。

4、Who the enlightener? ─── 谁是启蒙者?

5、Yan Fu is a Chinese contemPorary thought enlightener and educator as well as oneof the rePreselltatives who adVocate the saving of China by education. ─── 严复是近代中国著名的启蒙思想家和教育家,也是近代中国提倡教育救国的代表人物之一。

6、From the angle of environment to study environmental problems, we can enlighten ourselves, but it can also produce one sidedness. ─── 就环境论环境,对于认识环境问题有启蒙意义,但也容易产生片面性。

7、Within man, the Creator manifests with the strength of three outstanding emanations that enlighten all his existence. These are: WILL, LOVE AND WISDOM. ─── 在人之内里,创造者以三个显著散发的力量显化着,启示全部的他的存在。这些是:意愿,爱和智慧。

8、The Dabei Temple's monks publicize Buddha teachings on their itinerant journey , enlighten all living creatures by education ... ... ─── 大悲寺僧人在行脚途中宣扬佛法,教化众生,使得数以千万的人皈依三宝,确立正信。

9、The enlightener's profundity and the revolutionary's agitation make the two figures both possess the unique cultural value. ─── 启蒙者的深刻性和革命者的鼓动性使两个形象都具有独特的文化价值。

10、Eg. Your explanation does not so much enlighten us as confuse us. ─── 你的解释没有起到启发作用,反而把我们弄糊涂了。

11、Can you enlighten me on that? ─── 可以给我指点一下吗?

12、A great deal of work must be done to educate, enlighten and unite these more than ten million Party members, so that they can play their role as the core among the people better. ─── 对这一千多万党员,要进行广大的教育工作、说服工作、团结工作,使他们在人民中间更好地起核心的作用。

13、Do it now.Doing will teach you the details.Practice makes prefect.I love learning and hope it will enlighten the life of people all together. ─── 一旦执行了接下来你就知道该怎麽做,我相信所谓的熟能生巧我热爱学习我也希望它能启发大家拥有这样的人生哲学。

14、They work only outwardly;You instruct and enlighten our hearts. ─── 他们能做表面的工作,但训诲启迪人心的是祢。

15、For me. music does not only brings me perception of beauty, but also enlighten my wisdom and thus enhances my creative thinking. ─── 对我来说,音乐不仅带给我美的享受,还能启发人的智慧,增加我的创造性思维能力。

16、Jokes of the proper kind, properly told, can do more to enlighten questions of politics, philosophy, and literature than any number of dull arguments. ─── 在政治、理和文学的领域中,适当的嘻笑怒骂比索然无味的滔滔论调更具启发性。

17、It is no doubt that they materialize the atmosphere of culture and humanity, and these will enlighten us. ─── 他里面所散发出来的文化气息和人情味儿无疑会对我们有所启迪。

18、Can you enlighten me on this issue? ─── 你能否在这个问题上指点我一番?

19、Memo: The aim of this course is drawing inferences about other cases and if it can enlighten everybody, i think, I'm not doing useless work. ─── 备注:教程的目的在于举一反三,能对大家有启发,我的工作就没有白做。

20、Yes, try to enlighten your wardorb. Black coat is a safe choice, but do try sth more eye-catching. ─── 你穿这个颜色很好看啊!!!为什么说不合适呢,是你不喜欢这个颜色么?不要思维定势哦

21、Cheer with happy words. Enlighten with wise words. Protect people from intimidation. Work for everybody's interest. ─── 以语言三昧给人欢喜,以文字般若给人智能;以利行无畏给人依靠,以同事摄受给人信心。

22、Hence things whichhave perplexed you and made the case more obscure have served to enlighten meand to strengthen my conclusions. ─── 因此,那些使你们大惑不解并且使案情更加模糊不清的事物,却会对我有所启发,并且能加强我的论断。

23、Can you enlighten me if I do not know why you did so ? ─── 如果我不知道你们为什么这样做,你能开导我吗?

24、first combine an english dictionary, last neoclassicist enlightener ─── 编辑了第一本英文字典,最后一位古典主义启蒙家

25、What Does Nida Enlighten Us with His Translation Theory? ─── 奈达翻译理论引发的启示?

26、At the same time it can also enlighten the people, influence the tendence and motivate the progress of the city. ─── 好的艺术对白能使我们了解百姓的心态和他们所关注的问题,并感化民心,左右趋向,推动社会进步。

27、Can you enlighten me as to the new procedure? ─── 你能给我讲讲这新程序吗?

28、May these stories encourage you, enlighten you, and enrich your soul. But most of all, may they inspire you to see the real value in life. ─── 但愿这些故事鼓励你,启发你,并且丰富你的灵魂。但是最重要的,但愿它们激励你去发现生活的真正价值。

29、A longing to enlighten her was strong in him. ─── 他心里充满了想开导她的强烈欲望。

30、The central accusation is that many French writers are bullies who use garbled scientific knowledge to intimidate, rather than enlighten the reader. ─── 其抨击的核心问题是,许多法国作家很霸道,尽用些混乱不清的科学知识去吓唬读者,而不是启发他们。

31、SNMP analytical information. I read the analysis of the results, hoping to enlighten. ─── SNMP协议解析资料。本人经过分析的结果,希望各位指教。

32、Today, while facing Luxun, we not only walked into his literature world, but also walked into his spirit world as enlighten warrior. ─── 今天,面对鲁迅,我们不仅要力图走近他的文学世界,更应走近他作为启蒙战士的精神世界。

33、Can you enlighten me on this subject? ─── 关于这个问题,你能指点我一下吗?

34、The experiences of upgrading of Taiwanese PC industry may enlighten the underdevelopment countries. ─── 台湾PC产业升级的经验对发展中国家具有一定的启示。

35、Enlighten me with your thoughts on this matter. ─── 你们在如下事件上的思想启发了我。

36、The law of creative design thinking, the way to enlighten the brain to design, and to design and create rapidly and efficiently were discussed. ─── 主要论述创新思维的基本规律,如何有效启发大脑的设计创新思维,使创新设计快速有效展开,达到设计创新的目的。

37、Training that does not discipline the mind is useless. Thought that does not enlighten is worthless. ─── 学问在于治心心不治,纵学无益思惟在于悟理理不悟,纵思无益。

38、Can you enlighten me if I don't know why you did so? ─── 如果我不知道你们为什么这样做,你能开导我吗?

39、Can you enlighten her on this subject? ─── 对这个问题你能启发启发她吗?

40、She didn't enlighten him about her background. ─── 她未向他讲明自己的出身背景。

41、Those in darkness are in no position to enlighten others. ─── 以其昏昏,使人昭昭,是不行的。

42、A few devoted doctors have fought for years to enlighten the profession. ─── 一些富有献身精神的医生奋斗了多年来发展这一专业。

43、Sources from the school said that Mahjong is better and safer to enlighten kids as each piece is the same shape, size and edgeless. ─── 但幼儿园负责人称麻将有益智作用,且作为教具因没有棱角而更加安全,此乃创新之举。

44、Could you enlighten us on that? ─── 你能就此给我们点启发开导吗?

45、Enlighten Ss to learn all the things with their own ways, the students are supposed to play the major role. ─── 启发学生的独立思维能力,学生充当课堂的主要角色。

46、The doctrine of the Great learning is to enlighten the brilliant virtue, to make intimate association with people, and to strive to attain the highest accomplishment. ─── 大学之道在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。

47、I have little talent and learning, please enlighten me with your instructions. ─── 小可才疏学浅,还请老夫子多多赐教。

48、To enlighten intellectually or spiritually; enable to understand. ─── 启发,阐释智力上或精神上进行启蒙;使别人懂某事

49、Cannot enlighten your career path and philosophy, unless you take experience here as part of what makes life struggle. ─── 也不会给你的职业生涯和履历增加丰富的色彩,除非你把自己在俱乐部里面的经历作为自己人生和职业奋斗的一部分看待。

50、He didn't dare take it upon himself to enlighten her any further. ─── 他不再擅自教她什么了。

51、In return, the man of practice offers pray, wish, enlighten and disabuse to the common people. ─── 修行人则对俗家人施法、祝福、开导、解惑等等。

52、Shannon's entropy does not enlighten us about the value of information, which is highly dependent on context. ─── 夏侬熵并没有告诉我们资讯的值,那要依个别的状况而定。

53、Don't always criticize others. Dao is to examine your own thoughts, words, and deeds. Dao is to scrutinize yourself, and use your own spiritual light to enlighten yourself. ─── 不要常常去检讨别人。道就是反省自己,回光返照。

54、The poor man and the creditor have met one another: the Lord is the enlightener of them both. ─── 穷人与压迫者彼此相遇,二者皆由主获得光明。

55、Accordingly, bright red beauty pulls palmy island project to be equivalent to be in maritime and new built new enlighten do obeisance to. ─── 因此,朱美拉棕榈岛项目相当于在海上重新建造了一个新的迪拜。

56、For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness. ─── 你必点着我的灯。耶和华我的神必照明我的黑暗。

57、But it is more nearly possible for a public to enlighten itself: this is even inescapable if only the public is given its freedom. ─── 启蒙所要求的唯一条件就是自由,尤其是所有自由中最无害的那种,即人在任何问题上公开运用理性的自由。

58、It hopes that this exploratory analysis attempts to enlighten new knowledge and to provide its real utilization. ─── 一方面作为知识的??蒙,另一方面提供实际的应用。

59、Lord, enlighten me to see You at work at all times. Amen. ─── 主,耶稣基督,祢是我的光明,我的救援,我的一切。阿孟。

60、Man will make good use of them, and will, therefore, enlighten his understanding with the wisdom of the Spirit. ─── 人将善于利用它们,因此也将利用灵性的智慧启蒙“人”的理解。

61、teacher in the new world should be more like an enlightener and a discoverer who discovers and enlightens every student's wisdom and genius, make them know their potentials. ─── 新世界的教师更应该是一个启发者和发现者,发现和启发每一个同学的智慧和天才,让每一个同学发现自己的潜能。

62、Your explanation does not so much enlighten us as confuse us. ─── 你的解释没有起到启发作用,反而把我们弄糊涂了。

63、Mediator's roles are multiple: the controller, educator, negotiator, and enlightener in the proceedings. ─── 家事调解员的角色多元,是程序的控制者、教育者、协谈者、启发者。

64、Is acuteness wet how to treat especially best? Some saying that use wart enlighten good some says bad, after all what medicine is best? ─── 尖锐湿尤怎么治疗最好?有的说用疣迪好有的说不好,到底什么药最好?

65、"Husband benefit enlighten " ant pew suddenly change one's identity, became a bus, still can be table or balance beam. ─── “夫利迪”的蚂蚁长凳摇身一变,成了一辆巴士,还可以是桌子或平衡木。

66、Jesus, Enlightener of my mind! ─── 耶稣,我内心的喜乐。

67、Beginning of the century, a group of votary is carrying out a performance of reduced design,enlighten commonness vision windstorm. ─── 世纪初,一群狂热份子正进行一场名为“简约创意迪升平凡”的视觉风暴。

68、QQ outboard Class C# development, the use of the HTTP protocol, QQ onhook's basic functions. Not perfect, please enlighten. ─── QQ挂机类库,C#开发,使用HTTP协议,完成QQ挂机的基本功能.不太完善,请多指教.

69、NIV] Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten him, and who taught him the right way? Who was it that taught him knowledge or showed him the path of understanding? ─── [和合]他与谁商议,谁教导他,谁将公平的路指示他,又将知识教训他,将通达的道指教他呢?

70、"You still remember me telling you that, miss him base enlighten put bloat the terrible thought of cucumber slicer? ─── “你还记得我告诉过你那个,想把自己底迪放入腌黄瓜切片机的可怕念头吗?”

71、The proof can enlighten people on the better study for structure of measurable function and on the better understudying Luzin.N.N theorem. ─── 对可测函数的结构进行了详尽的研究,由此对鲁津定理的理解可更加深透。

72、The mind will not only deduce, speculate, and comprehend, but it will also awaken, will, enlighten and inspire. ─── 人的思想不仅能够推想、推测和理解,也能够觉醒、遂愿、启迪和激励。

73、He did not enlighten me about the President's other methods for making a record of substance. ─── 他并没有向我提示总统备制实质性记录时使用的其他方法。

74、To bring his soul back from the pit, To enlighten him with the light of the living. ─── 30为要从深坑救回人的魂,以活人之地的光照耀他。

75、Can you enlighten me as to (ie help me to understand better)the new procedure? ─── 你能给我讲讲这新程序吗

76、Lord, You are the centrality and the universality of God. Enlighten us, that we would see You, so that You make home in our hearts. ─── 主,你是神的中心,也是神的普及;你是万有的元首,也是我们的救主。愿你开启我们认识你的召会,更看见你的自己,使你安家在我们心里!

77、The development of liability limits on international carrier by air could enlighten the civil aviation law of China. ─── 国际航空运输承运人责任中损害赔偿限额的产生与发展对我国民用航空法具有重大的启示。

78、She was anxious to enlighten me about the events that led up to the dispute. ─── 她急着要使我明白引起这场争执的那些事情。

79、That all united should fail to enlighten the competent inquirer in any case is almost inconceivable. ─── 如果把这些情形联系起来,还不能使案件的调查人恍然领悟,那几乎是难以想象的事了。

80、You are selling because you want to sell advertisements, not because you want freedom of information or because you want to enlighten my people. ─── 你在我们这里吆喝买卖,无非是希望推销广告,而不是因为你希望推销言论自由,或者想启发我的人民。

81、Thus, they intervened, not to control and enslave others but to enlighten, instruct, and liberate. ─── 他们是这样才进行干涉的:不是为支配和奴役别人,而是为了开化、教育和解放他们。

82、The awkwardness of searching for him lay in enlighten Elizabeth, a proceeding which her mother could not endure to contemplate. ─── 去寻他,就要向伊丽莎白说明,这是一个难题,怎么说法呢,是她母亲不敢考虑的。

83、being students "wisdom enlightener" is the actual strategy of the development of it; ─── 做学生的“智慧启迪者”是教学机智生成发展的行动方略;

84、Nobody seemed to be anxious to enlighten me about the events that had led up to the dispute. ─── 似乎无人急于告诉我导致这次纠纷的有关事件。

85、Because, want to turn over its leaf only, argent one side can reflex the brightness of astral month, enlighten pass through silvan method. ─── 因为,只要将其叶子翻过来,银色的一面便会反射星月的光辉,照亮穿越森林的路径。

86、Enlighten means to give spiritual or intellectual insight to initiation means the condition of being initiated. Or the condition of being knowledgeable. ─── 可见,所谓启蒙,指的就是启迪,开导给予精神或智力的洞察力;或者说启蒙被启蒙的状态,学识渊博变得有知识的状况。

87、Get involved in philosophic groups that will enlighten you. ─── 参加可以启发自己的思想团体。

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