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09-11 投稿


appointee 发音

英:[ə,pɒɪn'tiː]  美:[ə,pɔɪn'ti]

英:  美:

appointee 中文意思翻译



appointee 词性/词形变化,appointee变形


appointee 相似词语短语

1、appointor ─── n.指定人;任命者;财产受益人

2、appoint ─── vt.任命;指定;约定;vi.任命;委派

3、appointive ─── adj.任命的;委派的

4、-appointed ─── v.任命(工作、角色);约定(时间、地点);命令;受权处置(财产)(appoint的过去式及过去分词);adj.指定的;被委任的;(建筑、房间)按一定方式(或标准)陈设(或布置)的

5、appoints ─── vt.任命;指定;约定;vi.任命;委派

6、appointment ─── n.任命;约定;任命的职位

7、appointed ─── v.任命(工作、角色);约定(时间、地点);命令;受权处置(财产)(appoint的过去式及过去分词);adj.指定的;被委任的;(建筑、房间)按一定方式(或标准)陈设(或布置)的

8、appointer ─── n.任命者;指派者

9、appointees ─── n.被任命者

appointee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is most important to appoint at least one Executor when you make your Will. ─── 在你立遗嘱的时候,指定至少一名遗嘱执行人是至关重要的。

2、The wealth of nearly every political appointee is scrutinized in South Korea, and opposition politicians routinely call for Mr.Lee to appoint less-wealthy people to high positions. ─── 在韩国,几乎每一位接受政治任命者的家产都会受到人们的严格审查,反对党的政治家也例行要求李明博任命不那么有钱的人担任要职。

3、The strange costume is this matter, if stem good, call New appointee! ─── 奇装异服这事,如果干得好,就叫新人类!

4、They decided to kick him upstairs and appoint a younger man to take his place. ─── 他们决定对他明升暗降,让一位比他年轻的人来接替他目前的职位。

5、Could you appoint a skillman to here? ─── 你们可以派个技术员过来吗?

6、Do they appoint him secretary? ─── 他们任命他为秘书了吗?

7、That's good.So I guess I'll have to make an appoint to see you. ─── 不错。我猜我要见你的话得预约了。

8、To appoint as an ambassador to a foreign government. ─── 委派,派出委任一驻外国政府的大使

9、Boswell wants to appoint you to a special arts committee. ─── 将任命你到一个特别艺术委员会。

10、As a layman and an appointee of Caesar Bardas, Photios earned the enmity of the zealots, who focused their attention on the cause of the deposed patriarch Ignatios.2. ─── 作为一个世俗人士,同时也是恺撒巴达斯任命的牧首,佛提乌斯成了狂热派的对头,他们将注意力集中在伊格那丢斯牧首被废黜的原因上。

11、Be careful whom you appoint to the position of manager. ─── 你该当心你所任命的那个经理。

12、He can also appoint agents working under him and share their commissions. ─── 他还能任命为他工作的代理,并分享他们的佣金。

13、They clashed over who to appoint. ─── 他们对要任命谁意见相左。

14、Supplier - The lead supplier representative is to be the project manager or manager appointee. ─── 供应商--供应方的首席代表应是项目经理或是该项目经理指定的代表。

15、As does President Obama, who said his second appointee to the court earned respect "across the political spectrum. " ─── 正如奥巴马总统所言,他对最高法院第二次提名赢得了“超越政治派别的”尊重。

16、The TSR will be based in Shanghai but required to travel around in China.The appointee will report to Technical ...... ... ─── 公司名称:安配色(泰国)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-11

17、Be used as New appointee, I was painful, not other at that time, was other people all T I.BE! ─── 做为新人,我当时很痛苦,不为其他,只为别人都T我.是!

18、To appoint to a naval or military command. ─── 委派任命司令官或舰长

19、In such event, the Provider shall have the discretion to appoint a substitute Panelist. ─── 在这样的情况下,服务提供方因该有权决定指派替代的陪审员。

20、Franklin D.Roosevelt was the first U.S. president to appoint women to high government posts. ─── FranklinD.Roosevelt是第一位任命妇女为政府高层职员的美国总统。

21、So Mr.Martino agreed to appoint team leaders to help coordinate. ─── 因此,马丁奴同意指定小组领导协助协调双方的合作。

22、Says one prospective Cabinet appointee: "You cannot predict from one set of convictions what her views would be on another series of topics. ─── 一位准阁员说:“你无法预见她在这件事上的立场是否能适用于另一件事。

23、If we come to terms,we'll appoint you as our agent. ─── 如果达成协议,我们将指定你为我方的代理。

24、HKUST Business School Shenzhen MBA Office The appointee will be responsible for (a) developing marketing and communica...... ... ─── 公司名称:香港科技大学深圳研究院工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-7-15

25、A system will be set up to assess and appoint university faculty. ─── 大学教师职务评聘将制度化。

26、May he be enthroned in God's presence forever; appoint your love and faithfulness to protect him. ─── 他必永远坐在神面前。愿你预备慈爱和诚实保佑他。

27、The ruling on April 3rd was unanimous and written by a Republican appointee. ─── 4月3日的判决获得了全体法官的一致通过,最终由共和党的一位法官写下最后的判词。

28、A Committee member may not appoint any alternate. ─── 委员会成员不能委任代表。

29、If you could agree to our terms, we would appoint you as our sole agent. ─── 如果你们同意这些条件,我们将指定你们为我方独家代理。

30、The king would appoint one of his creatures to the post. ─── 国王要派他的一名奴仆去任这差事.

31、Appoint me thy wages, and I will give it. ─── 又说,请你定你的工价,我就给你。

32、For a presidential appointee to raise rates in an election year requires some steel. ─── 身为总统任命的官员,在大选年要调高利率需要一些勇气。

33、He could not force the bishop to appoint him. ─── 他无法强迫主教委派他。

34、The appointee of a company's management representatives will face the supervise of the board. ─── 被任命的管理人员代表需要面对董事会的监管。

35、The task of the appointee will be to significantly raise the profile of IT and add real value to the business. ─── 反之亦然。请指出重要词汇和表达中存在的“术语”。小知识:招聘广告的通用格式。

36、We agree with your suggestions and are prepared to appoint you as our representative for... ─── 同意你的建议并准备任命你为我方...代表。

37、If they appoint Smithson manager there'll be trouble with the staff as sure as God made little apples. ─── 如果史密森被任命为经理,职员中一定会出乱子。

38、The principal can appoint one or several commission agents in the same area at the same time. ─── 一个主人可以在同一时间同一地区指定一个或几个佣金代理。

39、To nominate for or appoint to a duty,an office,or an honor. ─── 任命指定被派到某一职位、职务或荣誉。

40、To appoint or serve as a deputy. ─── 代理,成为代理

41、You may appoint a proxy to vote for you. ─── 你可以委托他人代你投票。

42、You were about to appoint the Tigress and that thing fell in front of her. ─── 你是要指小虎的结果那东西掉到了她面前。

43、As a top manager, he should appoint none but people on their merit. ─── 作为一位总经理,他应该任人为贤。

44、Why do you want to appoint this man as a director? The last company he worked for caved in. ─── 为什么你要把这个人任命为经理?他上次工作的那家公司垮掉了。

45、Candidate or his election agent may appoint not more than 3 polling agents. ─── 候选人或其选举代理人可委任不超过3名监察投票代理人。

46、Originally, according to the Russian person's parlance, the wine is bitter, not drink, should become it sweet with the kiss of New appointee. ─── 原来,按照俄罗斯人的说法,酒是苦的,不好喝,应该用新人的吻把它变甜。

47、I am a New appointee! ─── 我是一只新的手!

48、Appoint a Department representative to be part of the EHS committee. ─── 委任一位部门成员作为环境健康安全委员会的成员之一。

49、This year, is a year that New appointee generation out. ─── 这一年,是新人辈出的一年。

50、Do they appoint him for the secretary? ─── 他们任命他为秘书了吗?

51、Job Duties: Reports to the General Manager - Retail, the appointee will be fully accountable for the management ...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海唯讯人力资源有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-3-29

52、We will increase our turnover if you appoint us as your sole agent. ─── 只要指定我们为你方的独家代理,我们可以增营业额。

53、Company decided to appoint a new treasurer. ─── 公司决定任命一位新司库。

54、Party committees should appoint suitable leading comrades to take charge of the work. ─── 党委要指定适当的领导同志来主持这件事。

55、On the contrary, the Federal Reserve is already heavily entrenched in the political process, as the Fed chairman is a political appointee. ─── 恰恰相反,美联储一直是政治圈的一部分,美联储主席就是一个政治上的任命(6)。

56、If we come to terms, we'll appoint you as our agent. ─── 假如达成协议,咱们将指定你为咱方的代理。

57、If can be done appoint earth up unripe, fractional line can fall a lot of! ─── 假如可以做委培生,分数线可以降很多!

58、Did they appoint him secretary ? ─── 他们任命他做秘书了吗?

59、You'll find it most worthwhile if you appoint us as your sole agent. ─── 如果指定我们为你们的独家代理,你们会觉得特别值。

60、YB Zulhasnan is just a political appointee of the lame duck Prime Minister. ─── 尊贵的祖哈斯南只不过是瘸脚鸭首相的政治傀儡。

61、Informed as to who is their employee OH &S representatie(s) and specified management appointee (see 4.4.1). ─── 了解谁是他们的职业健康安全员工代表和指定的管理者代表(见4.1.1)。

62、The leaders of the House and Senate appoint the commissioners. ─── 委员会的委员由众议院和参议院的领导人任命。

63、They appoint precinct election judges and other election-day officials. ─── 他们委任选举区的评判员及在大选日工作的官员。

64、Little is known about the service history of the new appointee, but he is known to have played a constructive role in the handling of the mutiny. ─── 关于这个新的任命的背景鲜为人知,但他对处理这次兵变所起的建设性作用却被大家熟知。

65、To appoint(one's debtor) as a debtor to one's creditor in place of oneself. ─── 债务转移将自己的债务人转移给自己的债权人。

66、The culprit is not Henry Tang or any other political appointee, though those officials may have been guilty of ineffective supervision of Rowse. ─── 唐英年等政治任命官员有督导不力的过失,但不是罪魁祸首。

67、Appoint the time and place for the meeting. ─── 决定开会的时间和地点吧。

68、In a fast-paced, multicultural working environment challenged with tight deadlines, the appointee will. ─── 在快节奏和跨文化工作环境的情况下,该职位主要负责。

69、Appoint an evil man to oppose him; let an accuser stand at his right hand. ─── 6愿你派一个恶人辖制他,派一个对头站在他右边。

70、I discovered that the BBG is headed by Bush appointee, James K. ─── 他们有兴趣的是全球性的冲突。

71、They appoint him the secretary . ─── 他们任命他为秘书。

72、To designate or appoint to an office, a responsibility, or an honor. ─── 任命委任或指派职务、责任或荣誉

73、The UCI shall also appoint the Derny pacer for Keirin races. ─── 国际自由车总会要指定竞轮赛的领骑员.

74、Mr Trichet's departure will create a space for a French appointee, perhaps as chief economist, to the ECB's six-strong executive board. ─── 特里谢的离职将会为ECB的六强执行委员会中的法国提供一个被任命空间,也许将会是一名首席经济学家。

75、Rush to engage sb. ahead of others; vie to be the first to appoint sb. ─── 争聘

76、Have you ever consider appoint us as your sole agent in brazil? ─── 你有没有考虑过让我们做贵方在巴西的总代理?

77、In order to solve this problem, we can appoint two variables as the parameters. ─── 为了解决这个问题,我们能指定两个变数为参数。

78、To nominate for or appoint to a duty, an office, or an honor. ─── 任命指定被派到某一职位、职务或荣誉

79、On the question of using cadres we should never appoint people by favoritism. ─── 在使用干部的问题上,我们决不能任人唯亲。

80、We can hardly appoint you as our sole agent without the increase of sale. ─── 只有你们增加营业额,我们才能指定你们作为我方的独家代理。

81、To appoint or authorize as an agent or a representative. ─── 委任任命或授权作为工作人员或代表

82、They have yet to appoint the new coach of the local team. ─── 他们仍然不得不给当地球队任命新教练。

83、Maybe we can appoint Simpson instead of Jackson to do that job. ─── 也许我们可以委派辛普桑去做这项工作,而不是杰克逊。

84、And he said, Appoint me thy wages, and I will give it. ─── 28又说,请你定你的工价,我就给你。

85、The king will appoint one of his creature to the post. ─── 国王要派他的一名奴仆去任这差事。

86、He proposes electing Franc to appoint a director. ─── 他提议推选法朗西斯爵士任董事。

87、To appoint(one's debtor)as a debtor to one's creditor in place of oneself. ─── 债务转移将自己的债务人转移给自己的债权人

88、I'm afraid we can't agree to appoint you as our sole agent because the annual turnover you promised is too low. ─── 因为你方所答应的年销售量太低,我们不能同意你方作我们的代理。

89、Only one man -- the President -- can appoint justices to the Supreme Court. ─── 只有一个人--总统--才能任命最高法院的法官。

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