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09-11 投稿



dazzles 发音

英:[ˈdæzlz]  美:[ˈdæzlz]

英:  美:

dazzles 中文意思翻译



dazzles 短语词组

1、razzle-dazzles ─── 哄闹,狂饮喧闹( razzle-dazzle的第三人称单数 );(娱乐场的)晕旋转台

dazzles 词性/词形变化,dazzles变形

动词过去分词: dazzled |名词: dazzler |动词现在分词: dazzling |动词第三人称单数: dazzles |副词: dazzlingly |动词过去式: dazzled |

dazzles 相似词语短语

1、swazzles ─── n.尖叫器

2、dazzle ─── v.(强光等)使目眩;(美貌、技能等)使倾倒;使眼花缭乱;n.耀眼炫目;令人眼花缭乱的东西(或特性);耀眼的光;灿烂,绚烂

3、razzles ─── n.旋转木马;喧闹

4、dazzler ─── n.引人注目的人

5、dazzled ─── adj.目眩的;眼花缭乱的;vt.感到眼花缭乱的

6、frazzles ─── n.疲惫,精疲力竭;烫皱,煮烂;烧尽,烧焦;v.使……疲惫不堪;使……被烫皱

7、bedazzles ─── v.深深打动;(使)着迷;(使)眼花缭乱;迷惑

8、drizzles ─── vt.(毛毛雨似地)洒;(在食物上)浇(液态调料);vi.下毛毛雨;n.细雨,毛毛雨;(浇在食物上的)液态调料细流

9、undazzles ─── 无头饰。

dazzles 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shanghai dazzles visitors with its variety of places new and old, East and West. ─── 上海琳琅满目的各式处所新旧并陈、东西方并置,令游客目不暇给。

2、She makes him fetch and carry, and dazzles him. ─── 她使他俯首听差,使他眼花缭乱。

3、At close range the glare dazzles one's eyes. ─── 光采夺目,不可逼视。

4、C cruel dazzles to pack, inside or sterling, or Xin Yan, or halfback, or classic colour, more the vogue of M. ─── C酷炫的精简黑色包装,里面或纯正、或辛艳、或前卫、或古典的色彩,更将M.

5、The luster dazzles the eye ─── 璨烂夺目

6、According to the Great Wall automobile is newest the official confirmation, dazzles Li to decide goes on the market at the beginning of November, simultaneously and exports the international market. ─── 汽车的消费群体正越来越年轻,年轻消费者的出现,必将增加对时尚、运动型高品质两厢车的追逐。

7、Its whole body assumes the deep black, likes jet the midnight; The first chest actually has a group green jade green glistening, dazzles very much, has resembles baby's scarf. ─── 牠全身呈深黑色,像墨黑的午夜;前胸却有一团翠绿色的闪亮,很炫的,有似婴儿的围巾。

8、London is not a city that dazzles on first viewing. ─── 伦敦并不是第一眼就让人目眩的城市。

9、A glowing top in a dizzying spin, the Remix II dazzles patrons wandering the Kansas State Fair midway after dark. ─── 白热的顶部让人目眩地旋转着,“搅拌机二代”使得天黑之后在堪萨斯州博览会里漫步的游客们眼花缭乱。

10、An exile from home ,splendor dazzles in vain; ─── 对一个离乡背景的游子,再华丽的光辉,也是徒然闪烁;

11、Today, it's the athletic surge that dazzles us, but China will leave a similar outsize footprint in the arts, in business, in science, in education. ─── 今天,中国体育竞技上的突破让我们眼花缭乱。此外,中国还将在艺术、商业、科学和教育领域烙下深刻的印记。

12、Is treading the fashion metre, along with the cheerful melody, stepsonto dazzles Li"s stage, is outstanding us the elegant demeanour. ─── 踏着时尚的节拍,随着欢快的旋律,走上炫丽的舞台,秀出我们的风采。

13、The table-top is painted with a blue-white burnished paint. Subjected to light, as time passes, it dazzles. ─── 该桌子-顶端上画上一条蓝白温润油漆。受到灯光,随着时间的推移,它耀眼。

14、this is as true as ever: Lijiang's old town dazzles with color and liveliness. ─── 这一切大都依然如故:丽江古城是个色彩斑斓充满活力的地方。

15、Now you may affirm that has a such role in the game, was dazzles cool and the old-style fan device matter! ─── 现在你可以肯定,在游戏里拥有一个这样的角色,是件多么炫酷而又拉风的事了吧!

16、Its brief, dazzles the cool fashionable contour to be very outstanding, the vehicles are long, the width, the high optimization increased Che Neijia to ride spatial effectively comfortableness. ─── 其简约、炫酷的时尚外形十分抢眼,车辆长、宽、高的优化有效增加了车内驾乘空间的舒适性。

17、The arc bar counter dazzles dexterousness and uniqueness. ─── 向外弧出的小吧台,又炫亮了一份灵巧与别致。

18、Speaks of the re-equipping, many people can think pretty Che Tie, the exaggerating tail wing, very dazzles wide envelopment. ─── 说到改装,很多人都会想到靓丽的车贴、夸张的尾翼、酷炫的大包围。

19、Needs to pay attention do not install the spotlight in the studio, because its optical fiber stimulation, towering, will have the possibility to create dazzles. ─── 需要注意的是不要在书房里装射灯,由于其光线的刺激、突兀,有可能会造成眩光。

20、Stretching 42 miles (67.6 kilometers) along the Pacific from Carmel to San Simeon, the Big Sur Coast dazzles visitors with its craggy cliffs and dramatic ocean drop-offs. ─── 从卡梅尔市到圣西门市,大苏尔海岸线沿着太平洋绵延42英里(67.6公里)。而游客们也无不为海岸那陡峭的悬崖和多变的陡坡而感到惊奇。

21、Very dazzles the contact surface and a more amusing rule, will light once more "looks at masters' game fervor again and again" . ─── 更酷炫的界面和更好玩的规则,将再次点燃“连连看”高手们的游戏激情。

22、It that pretty dazzles the screen to conquer “lasciviously” the fellow, regardless of being male is female difficult to run away its evil clutches. ─── 它那靓丽的炫屏征服了“好色”的家伙,无论是男是女都难逃它的魔掌。

23、Once one is accustomed to such a splendid palace it no longer dazzles. ─── 如此豪华的宫殿人们一旦司空见惯了,那它就不再会引人赞叹。

24、London is not a city that dazzles on first viewing. ─── 伦敦并不是第一眼就让人目眩的城市。

25、An exile from home, splendor dazzles in vain; ─── 对一个离乡背井的游子,再华丽的光辉,徒然闪烁;

26、An exile from home, splendor dazzles in vain;Oh, give me my lowly thatch'd cottage again!The birds singing gaily, that came at my call Give me them, and the peace of mind, dearer than all! ─── 离开家的流浪人,一切都不会动我的心,只要让我能回到我简陋的家园.那些听我召唤的小鸟,快飞回我跟前,让我重温平静的生活,比一切都香甜。

27、The golden autumn most dazzles coolest doing in a big way for no reason, the spot opens mmorpg which the homepage can play! ─── 金秋最炫最酷的无端大作,点开网页就能玩的mmorpg!

28、It dazzles with brilliance. ─── 它闪闪发光。

29、The reflected sunshine dazzles people. ─── 反射的太阳光令人目眩.

30、The other is that the won success not only shines but also dazzles. ─── 其次,已获得的成功固然会发出璀璨的光芒,但也会让人头晕目眩。

31、Not unlike Osama in complexion and "otherness", Obama dazzles. ─── 奥巴马万众瞩目,在肤色上和“其他方面”不像欧萨玛。

32、China Unicom's booth is most level, divides the left and right two areas, was demonstrating the different migration and the solid net service, speak the truth, their stage effect but actually dazzles. ─── 中国联通的展台最为平实,分左、右两区,展示着不同的移动和固网业务,不过说实话,他们的舞台效果倒是蛮炫的。

33、Happiness sometimes is a smoke and fire, dazzles rottenly, eliminates, again dazzles rottenly, re-elimination. ─── 幸福像是烟花火,瞬间绽放,消失,再绽放,再消失。

34、I am a butterfly, a real butterfly, a beautiful butterfly that dazzles under the sunlight. ─── 我是一只蝶,一只蝴蝶,一只阳光下耀眼的美丽蝴蝶。

35、If the gentleman of the thou embraces beautiful jade and embeds not city, empress its person then takes stone as jade and dazzles again it is also. ─── 古之君子如抱美玉而深藏不市,后之人则以石为玉而又炫之也。

36、For example Sharp 910, 920 series renovate newly machine, upright, the outward appearance designs dazzles the color. ─── 例如夏普的910、920系列翻盖新机,方方正正,外观设计得非常炫彩。

37、When very dazzles the saddle horse when your crotch runs quickly heartily, so old-style fan device you how possibly don't become the entire vertically and horizontally mainland Wan Zhong focal point. ─── 当酷炫坐骑在你胯下尽情奔驰时,如此拉风的你怎可能不成为整个纵横大陆的万众焦点。

38、Help me to think that QQ dazzles to play with the dance regiment name , add position. ─── 您的位置:我也知道>游戏>网游>帮我想个QQ炫舞舞团名,加职位.

39、Now you may affirm that has a such role in the game, was dazzles cool and the old-style fan device matter! ─── 现在你可以肯定,在游戏里拥有一个这样的角色,是件多么炫酷而又拉风的事了吧!

40、Only feel dizzy dazzles a while, then came to China Sports Center - "bird's nest. ─── 只感到一阵头晕目炫,便来到中国体育中心--“鸟巢”。

41、In spite of her young age, she often dazzles us with her wit. ─── 别看她小小年纪,但机智聪明,常让我们刮目相看。

42、Speaks of the re-equipping, many people can think pretty Che Tie, the exaggerating tail wing, very dazzles wide envelopment. ─── 说到改装,很多人都会想到靓丽的车贴、夸张的尾翼、酷炫的大包围。

43、Does an artware have the value, is not looked that it is big enough, enough dazzles, enough unthinkable. ─── 一件艺术品有没有价值,不是看它够不够大、够不够炫,够不够令人匪夷所思。

44、The software that wants you to write only dazzles quite, so the product promotion, business that sells and so on gives entirely malic company became good. ─── 只要你编写的软件够炫,那么产品推广、销售之类的事情就全部交给苹果公司好了。

45、The service aspect, dazzles Li is in the same level vehicle the maintenance course is longest, only implementation “complete bikes 3 years or 100,000 kilometers” maintenance pledge. ─── 服务方面,炫丽是同级车中保修里程最长,唯一实施“整车3年或10万公里”的保修承诺。

46、It dazzles people. ─── 让人眼花缭乱。

47、Commercialize in 30's, a glimmer of movie star commercializes, your aring to bear a gram me is a cola, the shape dazzles cool, is everything. ─── 三十年代商品化,一线影星商品化,你是耐克我是可乐,造型炫酷,就是一切。

48、The splendor of the moment so dazzles us, our compulsively chattering minds give pause, so as not to mentally whisk us away to a place other than the here-and-now. ─── 此刻的壮美如此耀眼,我们强迫性的思维谈话停止下来,以便不把我们从“此时此刻”中赶走。

49、Brightness dazzles the eyes ─── 光彩夺目

50、Very dazzles the contact surface and a more amusing rule, will light once more “looks at masters' game fervor again and again”. ─── 更酷炫的界面和更好玩的规则,将再次点燃“连连看”高手们的游戏激情。

51、Only feel dizzy dazzles a while, then came to China Sports Center - "bird's nest. " ─── 只感到一阵头晕目炫,便来到中国体育中心--“鸟巢”。

52、Not unlike Osama in complexion and "otherness" , Obama dazzles. ─── 奥巴马万众瞩目,在肤色上和“其他方面”不像欧萨玛。

53、Does an artware have the value, is not looked that it is big enough, enough dazzles, enough unthinkable. ─── 一件艺术品有没有价值,不是看它够不够大、够不够炫,够不够令人匪夷所思。

54、I spent the brightest part of my time in dimming it,because light dazzles me. ─── (我将我的黄金岁月花在消极和糊涂里,因为时间的光辉使我眼花撩乱。)

55、Supreme Master Ching Hai Dazzles Book Fair with Unique and Glamorous Posters ─── 清海无上师惊艶书展会场

56、Long is singing the national wind which most dazzles, lets like whirling away all dust, you are in my heart the most beautiful cloud, how to have lets you remain down. ─── 悠悠的唱着最炫的民族风,让爱卷走所有的尘埃,你是我心中最美的云彩,怎么没就让你留下来。

57、she dazzles with her own brilliancy. ─── 她闪耀著属于自己的光芒。

58、Although it cannot be said that his features are handsomely sculpted, GY possesses a charm which dazzles everyone. ─── 虽然不能说是仿如雕刻出来的美形,但孔侑所持有的魅力让人炫目。

59、Between vineyards and ricotta farms, a field of bright red poppies dazzles those lucky enough to drive along the undulating hills of Tuscany. ─── 有幸沿著托斯卡纳区波澜起伏的山间行使的人们会发现在葡萄园和乳酪农场之间遍布鲜红樱粟。

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