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09-11 投稿



disablement 发音

英:[dɪsˈeɪblmənt]  美:[dɪsˈeɪblmənt]

英:  美:

disablement 中文意思翻译



disablement 同义词

inactivate | cripple | maim | debilitate | dismember |weaken | spike | lame | tire | incapacitate | handicap | disenable | deactivate | invalid | wing | enfeeble | restrict | knock out | put out of action

disablement 短语词组

1、disablement insurance ─── [经] 伤残保险

2、disablement benefit ─── 残废救济金

3、disablement pension ─── 伤残抚恤金

disablement 词性/词形变化,disablement变形

动词第三人称单数: disables |动词现在分词: disabling |动词过去分词: disabled |形容词: disabling |副词: disablingly |动词过去式: disabled |名词: disablement |

disablement 反义词


disablement 相似词语短语

1、disobligement ─── 否认

2、dimplement ─── 酒窝

3、dismantlement ─── n.拆卸;拆除的行动或状态

4、disenablement ─── n.使不能;丧失资格

5、disarmament ─── n.裁军

6、disbarment ─── n.[法]取消律师资格

7、disablements ─── n.残废;无资格;损坏

8、disrobement ─── 脱臼

9、disagreement ─── n.不一致;争论;意见不同

disablement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、disablement resettlement officer ─── 残疾人安置员

2、According to whether the characteristic elaboration was consistent with subsequent target action carried out by the protagonist,the experimental materials were divided into three categories: enablement,disablement and re-ablement version. ─── 实验材料按照特征描述与目标行为的关系总体上分为可能、不可能和重新可能三个版本。

3、Let disablement submerge alone the atomy ─── 放任无奈淹没尘埃

4、However, officials here say Pyongyang is complying with key terms of the deal including the permanent disablement of its main nuclear reactor. ─── 在华盛顿的美国官员说,平壤遵守了该协议的主要规定,包括永久终止其主要核反应堆。

5、Ischemic cerebrovascular disease is characterized by high incidence,high lethality and high rate of disablement. ─── 缺血性脑血管病具有高发病率、高致残率、高病死率的特点,及时干预、适当的干预措施对预后有很大影响。

6、None of the patients had complications of functional disablement. ─── 全部病例均未并发器官功能伤残。

7、Africa has the highest rate of child disablement in the world.Some think 10-20% may be disabled, a staggering number, but since they are rarely seen in clinics and schools that is hard to verify. ─── 非洲的孩子残疾率是全世界最高的,有人认为这个数字大概在10-20%左右,这已经足够令人震惊了,但考虑他们鲜见于门诊室和学校,很难得出确切的数字。

8、logical disablement ─── 逻辑失效

9、Covers death or permanent disablement to the insured person due to bodily injury resulting from an accident. ─── 保障被保险人由于意外受伤而导致的死亡或终身残障。

10、He was discharged from the army on account of disablement. ─── 他因伤残而退伍了。

11、Studies on Early Disablement of AC Ceramic Capacitors ─── 交流陶瓷电容器早期失效的研究

12、The main complication of osteoporosis is various fragility fractures, which led to disablement and death. ─── 其主要并发症是各种脆性骨折,也是引起病残和死亡的主要原因。

13、The disablement rate was greatly reduced for those with large area deep burn. ─── 结论:深度烧伤愈合创面,应用美比欧疤痕平预防和治疗增生性疤痕,应列为常规治疗。

14、Permanent Total disablement ─── 永久完全残废

15、disablement benefit ─── 残废救济金

16、Further Medical Certificates are required upon request during periods of disablement. ─── 于受伤期间,本公司有可能要求提供进一步的医疗证明书。

17、Does this accident result in Permanent Total Disablement of the claimant? ─── 是次意外是否导致伤者完全永久丧失任何工作谋生能力?

18、disablement insurance ─── 残废保险

19、Leeds Castle Declaration on the Prevention of Disablement; ─── 关于防止残疾的利兹堡宣言;

20、The insurance policy covers sudden death or disablement. ─── 保险单上包括突然死亡或伤残。

21、The main complication of osteoporosis is various fragility fractures, which led to disablement and death. ─── 其主要并发症是各种脆性骨折,也是引起病残和死亡的主要原因。

22、temporary disablement benefit ─── 暂时性残疾补助金

23、deformation | deformity | be maimed | disablement ─── 残废| 畸形

24、In the first part, it is concluded that load is the most fundamentality reason leading to disablement of die after experimentation research, manufacture experience and stat. ─── 第一部分是在锻模的实验研究、生产经验和调查统计的基础上,分析其失效形式和失效机理,得出引起锻模失效的最根本原因是负荷。

25、Covers death or permanent disablement to the insured person due to bodily injury resulting from an accident. ─── 保障被保险人由于意外受伤而导致的死亡或终身残障。

26、Emergency Disablement System ─── 紧急解除系统

27、He was discharged from military service on account of disablement. ─── 他因残疾被允许免除军役。

28、Intelligentized muti-functional limb treatment and rehabilitation based on micro-computer is introduced in this paper.It is mainly used for rehabilitation in the disablement of limb. ─── 本文主要介绍微机控制的智能型多功能肢体残疾康复治疗装置,它主要应用于肢体残疾的治疗和康复。

29、disablement before retirement ─── 退休年龄前丧失劳动力

30、industrial disablement benefit ─── 工伤致残养恤金

31、Context Maintaining independence of older persons is a public health priority, and identifying the factors that contribute to decline in physical function is needed to prevent or postpone the disablement process. ─── 背景:维持老年人的独立生活能力是公众健康的首要问题,为了预防或延缓生活不能自理情况的出现需要确定哪些因素影响机体功能减退。

32、physical disablement ─── 物理禁止

33、total disablement ─── 完全残废

34、Unlike the deployment manager migration, the federated node migration does not provide an option to skip the disablement of the nodeagent. ─── 与部署管理器迁移不同,联合节点迁移不提供跳过禁用节点代理的选项。

35、"We hope we can pick up the pace to do that, and there's some other elements of disablement that we'd like to move more quickly on. ─── 我们希望我们能加快步伐完成这一步骤,另外还有一些废弃程序我们也希望能加快进行。”

36、The United States would lead the disablement and provide initial funding, according to the document. ─── 声明上说,美国将主导无核化并提供初期的债务转期。

37、The United States would lead the disablement and provide initial funding, according to the document. ─── 声明上说,美国将主导无核化并提供初期的债务转期。

38、Permanent Disablement or Loss of Both Legs (from Ankle joint to Hip Joint) ─── 两下肢永久残缺(踝关节以上胯关节以下)

39、Permanent Total Disablementor Permanent Partial Disablement ─── 永久性全部或部分残疾

40、mental disablement ─── 精神残废

41、partial disablement ─── 丧失部分劳动力

42、disablement benefits ─── 伤残抚恤金

43、servo disablement ─── 伺服阻塞(封闭)

44、degree of disablement ─── 伤残程度

45、Leeds Castle Declaration on the Prevention of Disablement ─── 关于防止残疾的利兹堡宣言

46、Application of Psychological Consultation in Surgeries Causing Disablement ─── 心理咨询在有致残结果手术中的应用

47、There is no coverage for children under Accident Death or Permanent Disablement in Common Carrier. ─── 因乘坐公共交通工具导致的意外死亡赔偿或永久伤残不适用于子女保障。

48、disablement allowance ─── 残废金

49、Results The train accident trauma was often severe and complex ,and of high incidence of multiple trauma.The rates of death and disablement were also high. ─── 结果火车创伤的特点为损伤程度重、伤类复杂、多发伤发生率高以及死亡率和致残率高。

50、Objective: Ischemic cerebrovascular disease is a common disease in clinical medicine and its morbidity, disablement rate and recurrence rate are high. ─── 目的:缺血性脑血管病是临床常见病和多发病,具有发病率、致残率及复发率高的特点,严重威胁着人类的健康。

51、These anomalies could arise if random mutation reversed the disablement that originally produced the pseudogene. ─── 这种变异型的产生,可能是因为原本让基因失去功能、变成伪基因的缺损,因随机突变而修复了。

52、This article reviews the US laws regarding teachers' employment solicitude, age solicitude, treatment solicitude, sickness and disablement solicitude, privacy solicitude and opinion solicitude. ─── 本文从雇佣关怀、年龄关怀、待遇关怀、病残关怀、隐私关怀、言论关怀六个方面回顾了美国联邦政府制定的有关教师关怀的法律。

53、Clinically, ocular-perforating injury is one of the major factors which lead to children s blindness and disablement, and the most causes are unexpected trauma or accidental injury. ─── 眼球穿孔伤是儿童致残、致盲的主要原因之一。致伤原因多为意外伤或误伤。

54、Packed for extreme performance, the mobile workstation also features BIOS/port disablement and an optional fingerprint reader, a smartcard reader and hard drives with full-disk encryption. ─── 包装的极端表现,移动工作站还具有的BIOS /港口残疾和可选的指纹读取器,智能卡阅读器和硬盘驱动器与全磁盘加密。

55、disablement advisory panel ─── 伤残咨询小组

56、permanent disablement benefit ─── 永久性残疾补助金

57、We want to speed up the rate of disablement. ─── 我们希望加快去功能化的程序。

58、The insurance policy covers sudden death or disablement. ─── 保险单为突然死亡或伤残保险。

59、temporary disablement ─── 暂时性残疾

60、Total Paralysis (resulting in being permanently bedridden or permanent disablement from engaging in or giving attention to profession or occupation) ─── 全身瘫痪(必须终身卧床或永久性丧失工作能力)

61、non-contributory social security benefits, it include: (1) war pensions;(2) industrial injuries disablement benefit;(3) child benefit and (4) family credit. ─── 不需要先交费的福利金,包括战争伤亡抚恤金,工伤致残救济金,儿童补助金,低收入家庭补助金。

62、North Korea has stated it will resume disablement of its nuclear facilities. ─── 北韩已经声明将继续核设施的去核化工作。

63、The Appraisal Letter of Disablement Rate ─── 伤残等级鉴定书

64、This disablement will be in place between 10:30am UK time and 1:30pm UK time at which point we will turn on the ability to request Developer Certificates for a further 2 hours. ─── 这个残废,将在地方间上午10时30分英国时间下午1:30英国时间上的一点,我们会马上开启能够要求开发商证书,另外2个小时。

65、He says it is possible that the North's decision to reverse its disablement is a strategy linked to the upcoming U.S. presidential election. ─── 他说,北韩停止拆除核设施走回头路的决定有可能跟即将举行的美国总统大选有战略联系。

66、Permanent disablement of Loss of One Leg ─── 一下肢永久残缺

67、Result: 15 cases of this disease were all cured.No disablement happened.All the patients recovered with normal physiological function without amputation. ─── 结果:15例坏死型糖尿病足病人全部治愈,无一例致残或截肢,均恢复了正常的生理功能。

68、We want to speed up the rate of disablement. ─── 我们希望加快去功能化的程序。

69、disablement pension ─── 残废恤金

70、Cerebral Concussion Causing Permanent Disablement ─── 脑震荡致永久丧失工作能力

71、disablement advisory committee ─── 伤残咨询委员会

72、The switch also has a second position associated with disablement of the wireless communication device. ─── 此开关还具有相应于禁止使用无线通信设备的第二位置。

73、But the deal mentions only an initial "disablement" of facilities, not their abandonment. ─── 但该协议提到的只是初步停止这些核设施的运转,而不是彻底废弃。

74、Several interviews with a lower limb disablement are arranged and understand what they need. ─── 对于传统腿部肢架进行探讨,分析有无改进空间。

75、Total Paralysis (Permanent physical Disablement) ─── 全身瘫痪(永久丧失全部劳动能力)

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