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09-11 投稿



overworked 发音

英:[ˌoʊvərˈwɜːrkt]  美:[ˌəʊvəˈwɜːkt]

英:  美:

overworked 中文意思翻译




overworked 词性/词形变化,overworked变形

动词第三人称单数: overworks |动词过去式: overworked |动词过去分词: overworked |动词现在分词: overworking |

overworked 相似词语短语

1、overwork ─── v.使工作过度,使过度劳累;对……使用过度,滥用;n.劳累过度;过于繁重的工作

2、overword ─── n.(苏格兰)重复的词句;副歌

3、overcooked ─── adj.煮得过久的;v.煮得过久;焙烧过度(overcook的过去分词)

4、overwarmed ─── 过于暖热的

5、overwore ─── vt.使过度疲乏;使过度磨损(overwear的变形)

6、oversoaked ─── 过泡

7、overlocked ─── 积压的

8、overlooked ─── v.忽略;不理会;宽恕;(使)落选;俯视;监督;用邪恶的眼睛施魔法于(overlook的过去式及过去分词);adj.被忽视的

9、overbooked ─── adj.预订超过实际席位的;v.超额订出;预订过多(overbook的过去式)

overworked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The overworked, overextended parent may be seen as unloving, but may simply be exhausted. ─── 那些工作超时超负荷的家长可能看起来没有爱心,但也可能仅仅是太累了。

2、He killed himself by overwork. ─── 他因工作过劳而死。

3、Don't be afraid of killing yourself with overwork. ─── 别害怕会过劳致死。

4、The stay-at home wife feels overworked, under appreciated and suffocated. ─── 不上班而待在家的太太觉得过分劳累,未受到赏识,和闷得喘不过气来。

5、Congenital aneurism burst often has rage, overworked, waterWine, be pregnant the inducement such as evening. ─── 先天性动脉瘤破裂常有情绪激动、劳累、饮酒、怀孕末期等诱因。

6、You must not overwork yourself. ─── 你别太劳累了。

7、In 1901, Nightingale lost her sight because of overwork. ─── 1901年,南丁格尔因操劳过度,双目失明。

8、He was completely knocked up from overwork. ─── 他由于工作过重,累倒了。

9、You overworked your pen to the verge of toplessness. ─── 你把你的钢笔使得都快没尖了。

10、Tell her not t overwork herself, in case she should fall ill. ─── 告诉她不要过度劳累,以免生病。

11、The stay-at home wife feels overworked , under appreciated and suffocated. ─── 不上班而待在家的太太觉得过分劳累,未受到赏识,和闷得喘不过气来。

12、Petty, do you ever feel overworked? ─── 佩蒂,你是否有工作过度过?

13、Your quadriceps do the bulk of the braking and be overworked without you being aware of it. ─── 你的四头肌起到制动的作用,如果重视不够将会使它过度“劳累“。

14、He wsa brought on an illness by overwork . ─── 他由于劳累过度生了玻

15、His illness grew out of his tendency to overwork. ─── 他的病是由于工作过度所致。

16、The few decent Afghan army units are badly overworked. ─── ”一些屈指可数的像样部队过度劳累。

17、These facilities would give another two years of service except in so far as they are overworked. ─── 这些设备除非过度使用,否则还可再用两年。

18、A white-haired pioneer,her face gaunt from overwork and worry. ─── 一位白发苍苍的拓荒者,由于过度劳累和担忧而面容憔悴

19、A study finds the land of the free has become the land of the overworked and stressed. ─── 一项研究发现自由之地已经变成过劳和压力之地。

20、But Obama still runs a risk: that his overworked rhetoric loses its power and boomerangs on him. ─── 但是奥巴马任然冒了风险,那是他强有力的言辞在他身上失去了它的力量和(自食其果)。

21、The problem of overwork is particularly severe among men in their 30s. ─── 30来岁的男性超时工作问题尤为严重。

22、Why to often cough? Is overworked excessive possible? What is there simple method or medication? ─── 为什么老是咳嗽?劳累过度有可能吗?有什么简单的方法或药物治疗吗?

23、The staff are grossly overworked. ─── 员工累得疲惫不堪。

24、He became ill through overwork. ─── 他因工作过于劳累而病倒了。

25、What with overwork and what with hunger, he became sick at last. ─── 一半由于工作过度,一半由于饥饿,他终于病倒了。

26、You may be headed toward a classic case of death from overwork. ─── 你可能正符合典型的“过劳死”症状。

27、His illness resulted from overwork. ─── 他的病是因为过渡劳累造成的。

28、Health suffers from overwork. ─── 健康由于过分劳累而受到损害。

29、He make himself sick by overwork himself. ─── 他因工作过度而得

30、He has overworked for weeks. ─── 他已经过度工作了几个星期。

31、She said she realized that she did not want to become an overworked corporate warrior like her father. ─── 她明白,她并不想和她爸爸一样,为公司加班加点地工作。

32、His illness is attributable to overwork. ─── 他的病可归因于劳累过度。

33、Perhaps she's too tired from overwork. ─── 也许她工作太累了。

34、His illness was due to overwork. ─── 他的病是由于工作过度。

35、You'll become iii if you continue to overwork. ─── 你这样劳累下去就要病了。

36、A co-worker appears to be overworked and any comment from you could send her over the edge. ─── 同事加班时,你的言论会激怒她,所以圆滑些,小心些。

37、Workers complain to the boss of their overwork. ─── 因为工作过度,工人向老板诉苦。

38、Overtaxed, overworked and paid off with a knife, a club or a rope. ─── 人民苛捐杂税,超负荷的工作所得到的报酬就是大刀,棍棒加套索!

39、Overwork has reduced him to a physical wreck. ─── 他过度劳累而损害了健康。

40、He is the victim of his own success,eg because overwork has made him ill. ─── 他成了自己成就的牺牲品(如积劳成疾).

41、His illness was induced by overwork. ─── 他的病是因工作过度而引起的。

42、Nervous tension brought on by overwork. ─── 因劳累过度所造成的神经紧张。

43、He strained his heart by overwork. ─── 他因过劳而心脏负担过重。

44、overworked or over-committed at home and on the job will not get you where you want to be in life. ─── 在家里还是工作上,过度劳累或过度投入都不会让你的生活达到你想要的状态。

45、He fell ill from constant overwork. ─── 他积劳成疾。

46、He was suffering from stress brought on by overwork. ─── 他正苦于超负荷工作带来的压力。

47、By evening, I was washed out from overwork. ─── 到了傍晚,我被过多的工作累得精疲力尽

48、His health is endangered by overwork. ─── 他的健康因劳累过度而受到损害。

49、He is played out by overwork and worry. ─── 他因过分劳累和焦虑而精疲力竭。

50、He is a complete wreck from overwork. ─── 他因过度劳累而弄坏了身体。

51、The doctor said I must cut overwork out. ─── 医生说我必须停止过度劳累。

52、After the overwork, let us go to take midnight snack. ─── 加完班,一起去宵夜。

53、You should not overwork your strength. ─── 你不应过用你的精力。

54、You must have overworked yourself. ─── 你肯定是工作过度了。

55、They suffered greatly from overwork. ─── 他们因为工作过度吃了很大的苦头。

56、His illness was a result of overwork. ─── 他的病是过度疲劳的结果。

57、Understaffed and overworked IT departments just may not get around to applying patches as soon as they're released. ─── 人手不足、工作过度的IT部门不能在补丁发布后立即开始应用。

58、What with overwork and ( what with) so little sleep, she fell ill. ─── 一半由于工作过度的劳累,一半由于睡眠不足,她病倒了。

59、His health collapsed because of overwork. ─── 他的身体因工作过度而垮掉了。

60、I'm sure you have suffered from overwork. ─── 你肯定是劳累过度了。

61、What with overwork and (what with) undernourishment, she fell ill. ─── 一来操劳过度,二来营养不良,她病倒了。

62、It might be prudent not to overwork those good angels. ─── 不过还是谨慎点儿,别让这些善良的天使操劳过度。

63、Now you're trusting another company, with programmers as overworked as you are, to get all the details of a data format right. ─── 现在您信任另外一家公司,为保证数据格式的每个细节都正确,他们的程序员和您们一样在超负荷工作。

64、Self- make men are very apt to usurp the prerogative of the almighty and overwork themselves. ─── 全凭一己奋斗而成功的人,大有篡夺上帝的大权之势而过度工作。

65、One should not overwork oneself. ─── 一个人不应该过分劳累。

66、You would be well advised not to overwork yourself. ─── 你不要过分劳累。

67、Perhaps I suffered a little from overwork. ─── 也许我是因过度劳累而不舒服。

68、She was in a very overwork state after the accident. ─── 事故发生後她精神十分紧张。

69、What with overwork and what with undernourishment his brother became very ill. ─── 一方面因为工作过度,一方面因为营养不良,他哥哥病得很重。

70、In order to afford my schooling, my parents often overworked. ─── 为了挣钱供我上学,父母亲经常超负荷工作。

71、Even when my dad was overworked, he'd happily hop on a plane if I said I needed help. ─── 甚至当我的爸爸是劳累,他会很高兴的跳上一架飞机如果我说我需要帮助。

72、He often overworked,and that's the key for more bonus. ─── 他经常加班,这是他多拿奖金的关键原因。

73、You'll become ill if you continue to overwork. ─── 你这样劳累下去就要病了.

74、He worried (overworked) himself into consumption. ─── 他忧虑(劳累)过度而患肺

75、He overworked too much that he fell ill in bed . ─── 他太过分劳累以至生病而卧床。

76、Ecological" has become one of the most overworked adjectives among manufacturers of garden supplies. ─── 生态的”已成为园艺用品制造商最为滥用的形容词之一。

77、The overwork that increases temporarily among them, charter flight 121 sortie. ─── 其中临时增加的加班、包机121架次。

78、His illness was brought on by money worries and overwork. ─── 他的病是因操心钱和劳累过度而造成的。

79、A few days ago, a 25-year-old young people in Huawei died of overwork. ─── 前几天,华为的一位25岁的年轻人因为连续加班给累死了。

80、He overworked himself on that new job. ─── 他做那项新工作太劳累了。

81、But the family thinks is to decorate what excessive overworked creates the room, did not care about. ─── 但一家人都以为是装修房子过度劳累造成的,没有在意。

82、In order to earn money for my study,mother often overwork. ─── 为了挣钱供我上学,母亲经常超负荷工作。

83、Here's how the losers handle it: They complain about being overworked. ─── 以下是”失败者“应对的方法:他们对工作过度而抱怨。

84、Attack it or offer it a sacrifice; force an overworked piece to abandon one or more of its functions. ─── 攻击它,或吃去它所“看管”的某个子;迫使负担过重的棋子放弃一个或几个子。

85、They were bogged down by overwork. ─── 他们被过度的工作拖住了。

86、Employees may feel that they are being overworked or underpaid. ─── 员工可能觉得自己工作量大而得到的报酬却很低。

87、He was exhausted by overwork. ─── 他因工作过度而疲惫。

88、This play has been overworked. ─── 他因工作过度而病了。

89、The trigger was a crisis two years ago, when overworked developers filed a class-action suit against the company. ─── 其导火索为两年前发生的一场危机,过度劳累的制作人对公司发起共同起诉。



累 lèi


(1) 劳累;操劳 [tired;overworked]。如:乏累(疲劳);受累;受劳累;累心(劳心);累形(使身体劳累);累掯(麻烦;劳累);累死(形容极为疲惫);不怕苦,不怕累

(2) 形容文字繁复或语言啰嗦 [verbose]。如:累坠(文字、语言繁赘);累缀(文字繁复,语言啰嗦)

(3) 烦劳;托付 [trouble;entrust;commit sth. to sb.'s care]。如:累掯(麻烦劳累);累烦(麻烦)


overworked 英[ˌəʊvəˈwɜ:kt]美[ˌoʊvərˈwɜ:rkt]v. 劳累; ( overwork的过去式和过去分词 ) 工作过度或时间过长; (词等) 滥用; 劳乏;[例句]Observe whether they seem overworked or stressed out.观察它们是否似乎过度劳累或压力过大。

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