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09-11 投稿



glossaries 发音

英:[ˈglɒsəriz]  美:[ˈglɔsəriz]

英:  美:

glossaries 中文意思翻译



glossaries 词性/词形变化,glossaries变形

名词: glossarist |形容词: glossarial |名词复数: glossaries |

glossaries 相似词语短语

1、glossarist ─── n.注解者;评注者;词表编辑者

2、emissaries ─── n.使者;间谍;密使;adj.间谍的;密使的

3、glossarial ─── adj.字辞注解的,语汇的

4、glossary ─── n.术语(特殊用语)表;词汇表;专业词典

5、glossas ─── n.舌;[昆]中唇舌

6、glossies ─── adj.光滑的;有光泽的

7、glossarists ─── n.注解者;评注者;词表编辑者

8、glossae ─── n.舌,中唇舌(glossa的复数)

9、glories ─── n.荣誉(glory的复数);n.(Glories)人名;(法)格洛里

glossaries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In addition, glossaries conveniently organize flowers by color and season so you can check availability and find appropriate substitutions. ─── 此外,用色彩和季节分类的花卉表让读者很方便的查阅,并在应用中便于寻找替换的花材。

2、Glossaries are also sometimes published not as the back of a book, but as a book themselves. ─── glossary也有时候不作为尾页出现,而是作为书籍本身一部分被发表出来。

3、The Official Languages Division will regularly update the glossaries published and compile new ones too. ─── 本部会不时修订已公布的辞汇,并编纂新的专题。

4、When we humph or are reads these wonderful glossaries, will remember this deep Tibet not to reveal “language master”. ─── 当我们哼起或者是读到那些美妙的词汇时,就会想起这个深藏不露的“文辞大师”。

5、deaf-and-dumb English teaching and study seems so normal.Some students had grasped serveral thousands or more English glossaries,but it is hard for them to speak fluently. ─── “聋子英语”、“哑巴英语”大量存在:有的学生掌握数千甚至上万的词汇量,却无法张嘴;

6、Holds any glossaries to be used in the project. ─── 包含项目中使用的所有词汇。

7、Nevertheless, TMX can also be used for creating and maintaining multilingual glossaries. ─── 不管怎么说,TMX也可以用来创建和维护多语言的术语表。

8、Even though the essence of the photography is the pursuance and the capture of the beauty, but Mei felt the photography is boring and difficult when her daddy said any professional glossaries. ─── 摄影本是美的追求和美的捕捉,梅爸爸多说了一些技术名词,这让女儿以为摄影是繁杂无味的。

9、More glossaries with collection of blogging terms, acronyms and abbreviations. ─── 更多的博客术语,首字母缩写词和缩略词的收集。

10、Therefore, before CAT tools were invented, dictionaries and glossaries used to be the main tool of every translator. ─── 因此,在计算机辅助翻译工具诞生之前,辞典和词汇表通常是每一个译员的主要工具。

11、I am planning a third pass at the document to do a proper SGML representation of the word glossaries and additional links in the text. ─── 我计划第三张通行证在文件做词词汇和另外的链接的一个适当的SGML表示法在文本。

12、Supplements possible to increase comprehension: audio, glossaries, etc. ─── 附录可能增加理解:音频、注释等。

13、Owing to system enhancement, the glossaries will be out of service on 29 May 2009. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. ─── 由于须进行系统提升工程,辞汇将于二零零九年五月二十九日暂停运作。不便之处,敬请见谅。

14、Included is also an dictionary English-German and some glossaries and some files (e.g. recommendation water quality) for download. ─── 网站还提供了英语及德语水资源术语表字典,可供使用者下载.

15、Textbooks sometimes have glossaries at the end. ─── 教科书有时在书末附有词汇表。

16、Abstract: This paper introduces different types of digital projects such as Mass digitization, Large-scale digitization and Non-mass digitization, lists some related glossaries. ─── 摘要: 首先划分大型数字化、大规模数字化、非大型数字化等数字化项目的类型,并列举各类型的相关术语。

17、Using the existin g document classification technology, the index of the documents is founded comb ined with the glossaries of the domain ontology. ─── 利用现有的文档自动分类技术,结合领域本体的分类词汇为文档建立索引。

18、The English six levels asked how many minutes the hearing 8 did read 17 glossaries 18 to change the wrong 5 theses to write three sections only to write two section of me to have? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>教育/科学>外语学习>英语六级的问一下听力8阅读17词汇18改错5作文要写三段的只写了两段我有多少分啊?

19、These typically explain key points, provide glossaries of terminology, or analyze the implications of the article’s content. ─── 仔细阅读边栏和图解: 它们会解释重点、提供术语词汇表或分析文章内容的涵义。

20、As well this is the case of the semantically inter-related glossaries. ─── 或在前使用的是甲词语,而到了后面却有意识地把它掉换成了别的某一词语。

21、Course navigation - Make sure your navigation tools are intuitive. Include links to "help," an online community, and glossaries or other references. ─── 课程导航-确保你的导航工具是符合人们认知习惯的。其中需要包括指向“帮助”,一个在线社区,以及词汇表或者其他参考资料的链接。

22、Both RUP and CMM have extensive glossaries. ─── RUP和CMM都有大量的词汇。

23、English is one of those most stiff languages in the world, as its essence of recording only sounds determines its infinite expansion of glossaries to express new meanings. ─── 英语是世界上最笨的语言之一,因为英语只是记录声音的本质决定了他只能无限庞大的扩充它的词汇来表达新的意思。

24、Traditional dictionaries, listing words with definitions and history; glossaries, thesauri, and translation dictionaries. ─── 传统的词典列出词的定义和历史;还有术语词典,分类词典和翻译词典。

25、Powdered milk Kidney stone When these two glossaries, because some kind of relations' bundle leaps forward the view time, lets the human be alarmed very much. ─── 奶粉?肾结石?当这两个词汇因为某种关系的捆绑跃入眼帘的时候,很让人触目惊心。

26、The following technical glossaries are compiled by Shanghai Open Translation Office during years of translation. Please come again and again for more. ─── 下列技术词典是上海开放翻译社在长期翻译过程中逐渐积累起来的。请经常光临,因为我们将不定期地增加新的内容。

27、Windows CE: International Glossaries - These glossaries provide international terminology for the individual use of specific terms in software development and localization. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

28、creating, using, importing and exporting translation databases and glossaries;exact/fuzzy matches; ─── 互联网的发展也将我们公司的翻译服务扩展到了全国各市县。

29、Secondly, Topic Maps proprietary glossaries ,Topic Maps language XTM1.0 and Topic Maps query language tolog are introduced.Topic Maps query language tolog is a language which is like SQL. ─── 接着,详细介绍了主题地图的专有术语,主题地图语言XTM1.0语法和使用方法,主题地图查询语言Tolog语言,这是一种类SQL的语言。

30、Word-searching: You always have to search for words when translating, such as company names, glossaries, industrial jargons, etc., which usually have the first letters capitalized. ─── 查词:在翻译中你总得查找一些词,例如企业名称、特殊词汇、产业用语等等,这些词的首字母通常都采用大写。

31、Style guides and glossaries ─── 文体指示和术语集

32、network glossaries ─── 网络术语

33、The glossaries are now integrated in the text so that students don't need to turn the page to find out the meaning of a word. ─── 但是,作者已经把这些事情的大概情节和分析的理论说清楚了,大家一定也已经明白其中的道理了。

34、Some linguistic scientists conjectured, these glossaries started since ancient until now and it is said at least 50,000 years. ─── 一些语言学家推测,这些词汇从古人类语言开始形成以来传承至今,至少已经被说了5万年。

35、The scholar consulted many references, including specialized glossaries. ─── 那位学者参考了许多资料,包括专门的术语表。

36、Logoport stores translation memories (TMs) and glossaries in a secure, central repository and supports many thousands of concurrent users. ─── Logoport在一个安全的中央存储库中存储翻译记忆库(TM)和词汇表,可同时支持数千用户。

37、Therefore, before CAT tools were invented, dictionaries and glossaries used to be the main tool of every translator. ─── 因此,在计算机辅助翻译工具诞生之前,辞典和词汇表通常是每一个译员的主要工具。

38、present, these glossaries, once pulls with to be listed relates, initiates the market inevitably anxiety. ─── 中信泰富、中国中铁、中国铁建等一家家中国公司都在外汇上翻了船。不过,也有金融危机的幸运儿。

39、Starting with this glossary, OLA will publish all its forthcoming glossaries by electronic means. ─── 由这辑辞汇开始,本署编纂的辞汇都会以电子形式发放。

40、Generally glossaries are useful. ─── 一般地说,词汇表很实用。

41、I am planning a third pass at the document to do a proper SGML representation of the word glossaries and additional links in the text. ─── 我计划第三张通行证在文件做词词汇和另外的链接的一个适当的SGML表示法在文本。

42、Do not use excessively many uncommon glossaries. ─── 是我们走向世界的桥梁。

43、Get books on your subject and use the terms in the index and glossaries to grow your keyword lists. ─── 书贵得受使用的名词和词汇指数成长你关键字清单.

44、InsWeb: Auto Insurance Learning Center - Provides articles, reports, glossaries and information regarding auto insurance. ─── 提供汽车保险相关常识、报告、词汇等资讯。

45、A few minor changes to character lists and glossaries. ─── 对字符和词汇做了一些小的改动。

46、Besides producing guidebooks and reference materials on official Chinese writing to facilitate drafting in Chinese,the Official Languages agency has compiled glossaries of terms commonly used in the Government. ─── 除了印制公文写作手册和其他参考资料外,法定语文事务署也编纂政府常用英汉和汉英辞汇,协助公务员撰写中文公文。

47、An extensive bibliography and glossaries are also provided. ─── 同时还提供了一个内容广泛的书目和术语表。

48、Business glossaries are one step along a pathway of creating precise semantic and representational definitions for an organization. ─── 业务术语表是为组织创建精确的语义和表示定义这一过程中的一个步骤。

49、In chapter 2, some glossaries and concepts in low power design are introduced, including some basic definition and knowledge related with CMOS and power. ─── 第二章是对多重电力源设计中一些专业术语和特定概念的介绍,包括一些基本的定义和一些与功耗有关的器件知识;

50、Logoport stores translation memories (TMs) and glossaries in a secure, central repository and supports many thousands of concurrent users. ─── Logoport在一个安全的中央存储库中存储翻译记忆库(TM)和词汇表,可同时支持数千用户。

51、At the same time, the massive glossaries which appears cannot obtain essential redundant, the reappearance, student forgetting rate is high, does not favor its reading knowledge the enhancement. ─── 同时,其中出现的大量词汇得不到必要的重复、再现,学生遗忘率非常高,不利于其阅读能力的提高。

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