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09-11 投稿



hereupon 发音

英:[ˌhɪrəˈpɑːn]  美:[ˌhɪərəˈpɒn]

英:  美:

hereupon 中文意思翻译



hereupon 网络释义

hereupon 相似词语短语

1、harp upon ─── 喋喋不休

2、croupon ─── 全后背皮

3、thereupon ─── adv.于是;随即;关于那,在其上

4、herein ─── adv.本文中,本书中;于此,在此;n.(Herein)(美、德)赫赖因(人名)

5、hereto ─── adv.到此为止;关于这个;对于此事,于此;对此(地、物、问题等)

6、hereon ─── adv.关于此,关于这个;在此;从此

7、herefrom ─── adv.从此;由此

8、hereof ─── adv.关于这个,就此;在本文件中

9、whereupon ─── conj.于是;随之,接着;马上;因此;adv.因此

hereupon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Owing to the rising of Christianity and the concourse of Hellenisrn (mythology) with Hebraism (religion), the Western culture has hereupon arrived on the stratosphere of the consciousness of tragedy. ─── 由于基督教的兴起,希腊文化(神话)和希伯莱文化(宗教)的合流,西方文化于此达到了悲剧意识的最高阶段。

2、A coach was hereupon sent for, or pretended to be sent for. ─── 于是他派人去叫一辆马车,他们假装去叫。

3、Hereupon the hedgehog departed, for the hare was quite satisfied with this. ─── 于是刺猬离开了,野兔对这一切也很满意。

4、Some countermeasures for promoting the management of kitchen wastes in Shanghai were hereupon proposed. ─── 在此基础上,提出促进上海餐厨垃圾处理管理的对策建议。

5、Hereupon he thought that where the key was, the lock must be also, and dug in the ground and found an iron chest. ─── 他想,既然钥匙在,锁也一定就在附近,便往地里挖,挖出了个铁盒子。

6、Hereupon the King said, "There is nothing above my daughter;therefore to bound up to her is the highest jump that can be made; ─── 国王说:“谁跳到我的女儿身上去,谁就要算是跳得最高的了,因为这就是跳高的目的。

7、hereupon, the passengers stumbled aboard. ─── 于是,旅客们就迟疑着上了船(或飞机)。

8、Hereupon the hedgehog departed, for the hare was quite satisfied with this. ─── 于是刺猬离开了,野兔对这一切也很满意。

9、On this; hereupon. ─── 关于这在这一点上;随即

10、On this;hereupon. ─── 关于这在这一点上;随即

11、Hereupon Mr.Grundy owes it to his character as a master of drama that Tristan's wife should overhear these proceedings; ─── 这当儿,多亏了歌伦第先生身为戏剧大家的手段,安排崔斯坦的妻子无意中听到了这些;

12、Hereupon, the writer select eighty-eight single-syllable words from Hakka dialect particularly and make practical and distinct research for their sources. ─── 于此,本论文特选客家方言中八十八个单音节词从词源上进行了较为认真严谨的考索。

13、However, be regarded as a clean kitchen again, the individual body will neglect a province, hereupon, it, became the small dead Angle son in your kitchen sanitation — Soot machine carton. ─── 不过呢,就算是再干净的厨房,也有个别人会忽略一个地方,于是,它,就成为了你厨房卫生中的小死角儿- - - - - -油烟机盒。

14、Hereupon the appropriate scope of importing foreign investment is ensured and the national industries are protected and the import of technology is increased. ─── 由此保证了引进外资的规模适当、保护国内的产业、加强技术的引进、掌握经济的主动权,但是这些政策使日本资本的输出与吸收不协调,削弱了国际竞争力;

15、The ancient Chinese therapist Sun Simiao said: “Man's life is very important, and just like gold.I provide my patient with a prescription, they will recover hereupon. ─── 中国唐代“药王”医学家孙思邈说:“人命至重,有贵千金,一方济世,得愈于此”。

16、Hereupon the Father of Majesty emanated the Mother of Life and the Mother of Life emanated the first man. ─── 于是父亲对国王陛下的母亲发出的生命和母亲的生活产生的第一人。

17、Groundwork for a historical theory was hereupon established ─── 改变历史的一代理论基石由此建立

18、" W hereupon he began again to think that my brain was disturbed, of which he gave me a hint, and advised me to go to bed in a cabin he had provided. ─── 听我这么一说,他又开始认为我的脑子有毛病了;他暗示我,我是神经错乱,劝我到他给我预备的一间舱房里去睡觉。

19、Hereupon a rose-bush thus addressed it: “Miserable pride on account of borrowed sweetness! ─── 一丛玫瑰这样对它说:“凭着借来的甜蜜而骄傲真是太可怜了!

20、A coach was hereupon sent for,or pretended to be sent for. ─── 于是他派人去叫一辆马车,他们假装去叫。

21、Hereupon people no longer the character of the contented with monotone or portrait, but hope to deliver the video on the toil. ─── 于是人们不再满足于单调的文字或者图象,而希望能在网上传输视频。

22、Hereupon , the select make full worries of antrum cover up into the character all deeply, then smile to go on the strong life. ─── 于是,选择把满腔心事都深埋进文字,然后微笑着继续坚强的人生。

23、Hereupon he thought that where the key was, the lock must be also, and dug in the ground and found an iron chest. ─── 他想,既然钥匙在,锁也一定就在附近,便往地里挖,挖出了个铁盒子。

24、Hereupon, Pearl broke away from her mother, and, running to the brook, stooped over it, and bathed her forehead, until the unwelcome kiss was quite washed off and diffused through a long lapse of the gliding water. ─── 珠儿立刻挣脱她母亲拉着她的手,跑到小溪边上,猫下身子,洗起她的额头,直到那不受欢迎的亲吻完全给洗净,散进潺潺流逝的溪水之中。

25、Hereupon therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he did not only break the Sabbath, but also said God was his Father, making himself equal to God. ─── 为此犹太人越发想要杀害他,因为他不但犯了安息日,而且又称天主是自己的父,使自己与天主平等。

26、Hereupon, the select make full worries of antrum cover up into the character all deeply, then smile to go on the strong life. ─── 于是,选择把满腔心事都深埋进文字,然后微笑着继续坚强的人生。

27、In the other direction the windpipe extends to the interval between the lungs, and hereupon bifurcates into each of the two divisions of the lung; ─── 在其他方向上气管延伸到肺之间的空隙,并且在此分岔进入肺的两部分。

28、18 Hereupon therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he did not only break the sabbath, but also said God was his Father, making himself equal to God. ─── 为此犹太人越发想要杀害他,因为他不但犯了安息日,而且又称天主是自己的父,使自己与天主平等。

29、Hereupon people no longer the character of the contented with monotone or portrait, but hope to deliver the video on the toil. ─── 于是人们不再满足于单调的文字或者图象,而希望能在网上传输视频。

30、Hereupon, Minyuan sincerely welcome your visit and suggestion, waiting to cooperate with you! ─── 在此,携至诚之心诚邀各界朋友莅临指导,共商发展大计!

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