erysipelas 发音
英: 美:
erysipelas 中文意思翻译
erysipelas 词性/词形变化,erysipelas变形
形容词: erysipelatous |
erysipelas 短语词组
1、erysipelas facialis ─── [医] 面部丹毒
2、erysipelas pustulosum ─── [医] 脓疱性丹毒
3、coast erysipelas ─── [医] 蟠尾丝虫结节
4、erysipelas sera ─── [医] 丹毒血清
5、erysipelas gangraenosum ─── [医] 坏疽性丹毒
6、erysipelas recurrens ─── [医] 复发性丹毒
7、erysipelas internum ─── [医] 内部丹毒, 阴道丹毒
8、erysipelas grave internum ─── [医] 内部重丹毒, 阴道子宫腹膜丹毒
9、erysipelas perstans ─── [医] 顽固性丹毒
10、erysipelas ambulans ─── [医] 逍遥性丹毒, 游走性丹毒
11、erysipelas medicamentosum ─── [医] 丹毒样药疹
12、erysipelas diffusum ─── [医] 弥漫性丹毒
13、erysipelas glabrum ─── [医] 平滑丹毒, 紧张性丹毒
14、erysipelas phlegmonosum ─── [医] 蜂窝织炎性丹毒
15、erysipelas serpiginosum ─── [医] 匐行性丹毒
16、erysipelas verrucosum ─── [医] 疣状丹毒
17、erysipelas toxin ─── [医] 丹毒毒素
18、erysipelas bullosum ─── [医] 大疱性丹毒
19、erysipelas antitoxin ─── [医] 丹毒抗毒素
erysipelas 相似词语短语
1、archipelagoes ─── n.群岛,列岛;多岛的海区
2、swine erysipelas ─── 猪丹毒症,猪丹毒
3、erysipelothrix ─── 丹毒丝菌属;红皮杆菌属
4、erysipeloids ─── n.[皮肤]类丹毒
5、erysipeloid ─── n.[皮肤]类丹毒
6、archipelagos ─── 群岛,列岛(archipelago的名词复数)
7、erysipelatous ─── adj.丹毒的
8、archipelago ─── n.群岛,列岛;多岛的海区
9、-rillas ─── 里拉斯
erysipelas 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Clinical Study on Treatment of 45 Cases of Lower Limb Erysipelas with Sanmiao Pill ─── 三妙丸抗下肢丹毒复发45例临床研究
2、erysipelas phlegmonosum ─── [医] 蜂窝织炎性丹毒
3、In case of intractable tinea, carbuncles, erysipelas, sprain and contusion, the local place can be pricked by this method. ─── 如顽癣、疖肿、丹毒、扭、挫伤均可在局部散刺出血。
4、Progress in study on Turkey Erysipelas ─── 火鸡丹毒研究进展
5、chronic recurrent erysipelas ─── 慢性复发性丹毒
6、A Case of Allergic Reaction in Piglets Due to Vaccination with a Triple Inactivated Vaccine of Classical Swine Fever, Swine Erysipelas and Swine Pasteurellosis ─── 一起仔猪注射猪瘟、猪丹毒、猪肺疫三联灭活苗引起的过敏反应
7、Turkey Erysipelas is caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. ─── 火鸡丹毒是由红斑丹毒丝菌引起的一种火鸡的传染病。
8、No. Your sleeves are soaked with Erysipelas. They reek of black scorpions. ─── 不。你衣服上有鹤顶红,还有毒蝎子的气味。
9、The erysipelas organism is quite resistant to salting, pickling, and smoking ─── 猪丹毒杆菌对盐腌,酸浸,烟熏很有抵抗力。
10、erysipelas:an acute disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by a species of hemolytic streptococcus and marked by localized inflammation and fever. ─── "丹毒:由一种溶血性链球菌引起的皮肤或皮下组织突发性疾病,其症状是局部发炎和发烧."
11、erysipelas medicamentosum ─── [医] 丹毒样药疹
12、erysipelas bullosum ─── [医] 大疱性丹毒
13、erysipelas toxin ─── [医] 丹毒毒素
14、Streptococcus erysipelas ─── 丹毒链球菌
15、Treatment of Erysipelas by Bloodletting ─── 放血疗法治疗丹毒
16、swine erysipelas antiserum ─── 抗猪丹毒血清
17、swine erysipelas serum ─── 猪丹毒血清
18、erysipelas grave internum ─── [医] 内部重丹毒, 阴道子宫腹膜丹毒
19、sergical erysipelas ─── [医] 外伤性丹毒
20、For erysipelas (St. Anthony's fire), acute cholecystitis, boils and other acute inflammatory swelling. ─── 对丹毒,疖肿,急性胆囊炎等各种急性炎肿有卓效。
21、malignant erysipelas ─── [医] 恶性丹毒
22、erysipelas on back and sides ─── 内发丹毒
23、erysipelas gangraenosum ─── 坏疽性丹毒
24、swine erysipelas sera ─── [医] 猪丹毒血清
25、infatile pedal and lumbar erysipelas ─── 烟火丹
26、Serological surveillance of swine erysipelas and assay of protective antiserum titer by Dot-PPA-ELISA ─── Dot-PPA-ELISA对猪丹毒的免疫监测及抗体保护效价的测定
27、Postpartum or puerperal erysipelas ─── 产后或产褥期丹毒
28、erysipelas vesiculosum ─── [医] 疱性丹毒
29、Pathological Lesions of Artificial Erysipelas Infection to Meat Pigeon ─── 人工感染猪丹毒杆菌肉鸽的病理变化
30、erysipelas recurrens ─── [医] 复发性丹毒
31、Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of cutaneous acupuncture in treating erysipelas with hard swollen skin. ─── 目的:观察皮肤针治疗丹毒局部皮肤硬肿的临床疗效。
32、erysipelas organism is quite resistant to salting, pickling, and smoking. ─── 猪丹毒杆菌对盐腌,酸浸,烟熏很有抵抗力。
33、swine erysipelas bacillus ─── [医] 猪丹毒杆菌, [猪]红斑丹毒丝菌
34、multi-coloured erysipelas ─── 五色丹, 油肿赤硫丹
35、acute infantile erysipelas ─── 朱田火丹
37、Patch of erysipelas ─── 丹毒斑
38、erysipelas internum ─── [医] 内部丹毒, 阴道丹毒
39、erysipelas serpiginosum ─── 匐行性丹毒
40、coast erysipelas ─── [医] 蟠尾丝虫结节
41、swine erysipelas ─── 猪丹毒
42、recurrent erysipelas ─── 复发性丹毒
43、white erysipelas ─── [医] 白色丹毒
44、6. Cupping in conjunction with blood letting is indicated for treatment of acute sprains with blood stasis, carbuncles and ulcers, some skin diseases, such as erysipelas, neurodermatitic, etc. ─── 多用于痹证,刺血拔罐运用于急性扭伤有瘀血者,疮疡、部分皮肤病,如丹毒、神经性皮炎等。收藏指正
45、Got erysipelas how to be treated, what should notice at ordinary times? ─── 得了丹毒怎么治疗,平时要注意什么?
46、idiopathic erysipelas ─── [医] 自发性丹毒
47、Significant Swine Erysipelas Occurrence due to Sudden Climate Changes ─── 气候骤变导致猪丹毒病的显著发生
48、There was no history of lymphangeitis, lymph node enlargement or erysipelas. ─── 从无淋巴管炎、淋巴结肿大及丹毒史。
49、erysipelas glabrum ─── [医] 平滑丹毒, 紧张性丹毒
50、the father of microbiology, who developed vaccines against chicken cholera, anthrax, and swine erysipelas . ─── 微生物学之父,他发展出疫苗对抗鸡瘟、炭疽及猪丹毒。
51、Cupping in conjunction with blood letting is indicated for treatment of acute sprains with blood stasis, carbuncles and ulcers, some skin diseases, such as erysipelas, neurodermatitic, etc. ─── 多用于痹证,刺血拔罐运用于急性扭伤有瘀血者,疮疡、部分皮肤病,如丹毒、神经性皮炎等。
52、dyspeptic erysipelas ─── 伤食发丹, 滞热丹毒, 食滞丹毒
53、With simultaneous salmon ella or swine erysipelas infection, the spleen may be enlarged and dark. ─── 由于同时感染沙门氏菌病或猪丹毒,脾脏可能增大和发黑。
54、Erysipelas and cellulitis are now considered variants of the same bacterial infection and require the same therapy. ─── 丹毒和蜂窝织炎现在被认为变种相同的细菌感染,需要同样的治疗。
55、Understanding on diagnosis and treatment of erysipelas disease in pig ─── 猪丹毒病的诊疗体会
56、He blood-letting puncturing established by academician ShiXuemin has the effective result in treatment of asthma, facial paralysis, erysipelas and all kinds of pain syndromes. ─── 创立刺络疗法治疗支气管哮喘、面瘫、丹毒及各种痛症有很好的疗效。
57、swine erysipelas vaccine ─── 猪丹毒菌苗
58、erysipelas sera ─── [医] 丹毒血清
59、But the total effective rates of carbuncle and erysipelas of the study group were significantly higher than those of the control group (P
60、leg erysipelas ─── 流火, 肾气游风, 腿游风, 肾游风, 腿游丹
61、zoonotic erysipelas ─── [医] 类丹毒
62、erysipelas perstans ─── [医] 顽固性丹毒
63、erysipelas eczema ─── 丹轸
64、acute erysipelas ─── 天火热疮, 野火丹
65、the father of microbiology, who developed vaccines against chicken cholera, anthrax, and swine erysipelas. ─── 微生物学之父,他发展出疫苗对抗鸡瘟、炭疽及猪丹毒。
66、erysipelas on leg ─── 流火
67、Experience on the Treatment of Erysipelas Suis by the Combination of Traditional Chinese and Western Medical Treatment ─── 中西医结合治疗猪丹毒的体会
68、infantile erysipelas ─── 小儿丹毒, 小儿赤游丹
69、vesicular erysipelas ─── 水疱病
70、erythema silk erysipelas bacteria of Clostridium perfringens ─── 产气荚膜梭菌
71、OBJECTIVE: To discuss the economic effects of different pharmacotherapy in the treatment of erysipelas . ─── 目的:探讨不同治疗方案对丹毒所产生的经济效果。
72、erysipelas ambulans ─── [医] 逍遥性丹毒, 游走性丹毒
73、Lombardy erysipelas ─── [医] 糙皮病, 蜀黍红斑, 陪拉格
74、erysipelas antitoxin ─── [医] 丹毒抗毒素
75、necrotizing erysipelas ─── 坏死性丹毒素
76、Ru yi jin huang san was commonly used by traditional Chinese medicine to treat swelling pain of sore, erysipelas flowing, injury for external application. ─── 如意金黄散是中医治疗疮疡肿痛、丹毒流注,跌打损伤的常用外用药。
77、terrified erysipelas ─── 惊丹
78、Important secondary infections are: APP, Pasteurella spp, Mycoplasma, Atrophic Rhinitis, Salmonella, E coli, Erysipelas; Staphylococcus hyicus and Streptococci. ─── 严重的继发感染包括:放线杆菌胸膜肺炎、巴氏杆菌属细菌、支原体、萎缩性鼻炎、沙门氏菌、大肠杆菌、丹毒、猪葡萄球菌和链球菌等感染。
79、costal erysipelas ─── 残火丹
80、erysipelas vaccinating set ─── 丹毒接种器械包
81、erysipelas diffusum ─── 弥漫性丹毒
82、External Treatment of Erysipelas in Lower Extremity ─── 下肢丹毒的中医外治疗法
83、erysipelas verrucosum ─── [医] 疣状丹毒
84、erysipelas pustulosum ─── [医] 脓疱性丹毒
85、How is swine erysipelas treated? ─── 猪丹毒怎么治疗?
86、Erysipelas is considered a specific type of cellulitis and is treated as such. ─── 丹毒是一种特定类型的蜂窝组织炎,是这样的待遇。
87、severe facial erysipelas with pharyngitis ─── 大头瘟, 鸬鹚瘟, 大头风, 大头毒, 大头痛, 大头伤寒
88、Chronic recurrent streptoccocal erysipelas ─── 慢性复发性链球菌性丹毒
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