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09-11 投稿


unfixed 发音

英:[ʌnˈfɪkst]  美:[ʌnˈfɪkst]

英:  美:

unfixed 中文意思翻译



unfixed 反义词


unfixed 短语词组

1、unfixed sandpaintings ─── 不固定的沙画

2、unfixed term ─── 无固定期限

3、unfixed time ─── 不定时

4、unfixed date ─── 不固定日期

unfixed 词性/词形变化,unfixed变形

动词过去分词: unfixed |动词现在分词: unfixing |动词过去式: unfixed |动词第三人称单数: unfixes |

unfixed 同义词

planetary | unknown |floating | nebulous

unfixed 相似词语短语

1、confixed ─── 混合的

2、unmixed ─── adj.纯粹的;未混杂他物的

3、unfixes ─── vt.解开;脱下;使不安定

4、unfired ─── adj.[热]未燃烧的;未点燃的

5、infixed ─── v.把……植入;插入(中缀);用力插入;adj.中缀的;n.中缀

6、unfiled ─── 未归档的

7、suffixed ─── n.后缀,词尾;v.添后缀

8、unfilled ─── adj.空的;没有填充的

9、unfilmed ─── adj.尚未拍成影片的;未敷膜的

unfixed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Juan Yu , Wei Yan, Wenyuan Li, C. Y. Chung, K. P. Wong. An unfixed piecewise optimal reactive power flow model and its algorithm for AC-DC systems. 2008 IEEE ─── 余娟,颜伟,徐国禹,李文沅.配电网合环网络模型及其馈线电流的计算.中国高等学校电力系统及其自动化专业第21届学术年会,南宁,广西大学,2005.11

2、Unfixed dyes could be removed with chelate in boiling. ─── 在皂煮中加入螯合分散剂能有效地去除浮色。


4、Analyzing the Methods of Organizing Back Fielder Making a Moving Attack in Unfixed Area in Modern Basketball ─── 当前篮球控球后卫不定区域移动式组织进攻方法分析

5、Use of Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter in Flow Detection of Unfixed Component Compounding Gas ─── 超声波气体流量计在非固定组分的混合气体流量测量中的应用

6、The scattered coil - outlet - temperature (COT) and the unfixed temperature errors would influence severely the operation of cracking furnace and the ethylene yield. ─── 各裂解炉管出口温度(COT)偏差的发散和误差的不确定,将对裂解炉操作和乙烯收率带来很大的影响。

7、The world is reversed in a camera obscura first, but it remains unfixed until you squeeze the airbag, then the image remains there.A dark place harbors a seemingly real world. ─── 在一个暗箱子先将世界颠倒成像,那个时候还不确定,用手捏一下气囊,影就留在那里了,一个黑暗的地方,装着一个看似真实的世界。

8、It is perhaps not too much to say that any calamity the moment it is apprehended by the reason alone loses nearly all its power to disturb and unfix us. ─── 毫不夸张地说,任何灾难,一旦被理性“俘获”,便已然丧失的了扰乱人心之力。

9、unfixed phase slurry ─── 无固相泥浆

10、Keywords reactive dyes;soaping agents;unfixed dyes;staining;surfactants; ─── 活性染料;皂洗剂;浮色;沾色;表面活性剂;

11、A Genetic Algorithm for Obtaining the Optimal Locomotive Working Diagram with Double-Shoulder Circuit Locomotive Routing by the Mode of Unfixed Traction ─── 不固定牵引方式双肩回交路机车最优配置的遗传算法

12、Analysis of 8 MN tension straighten-leveller clamper unfix reason ─── 8 MN张力矫直机拉伸夹头打滑的原因

13、I believe in earlier (and unfixed) versions that the software allowed the creation of more than three alias entities but current software now enforces the limitation. ─── 如果有需要立即关注的问题或疑问,请提交呼叫,或与您的惠普响应中心联系。

14、SL cylindrical roller bearings are heavy series full complement double row bearings.Thee are two types:one has unfixed end (Series SL01 and Series SL04),the other has fixed end (Series SL02). ─── SL型圆柱滚子轴承是双列满滚子型超重负荷轴承,有固定侧(SL01型,SL04型)和自由侧(SL02型)两种。

15、Cognition the continuous of the object and the form come to a decision of limited rational misty.Many unfixed factors in the process of knowing come to a decision the rational indetermination again. ─── 认识对象的连续性和认识方式的离散性决定了有限理性的模糊性,认识过程的诸多随机因素又决定了理性的不确定性。

16、The flag SHIP_STOPPER is available, if you think we should not ship with this bug unfixed in the product. ─── 如果您认为我们在修正这个bug之前不应该发布该产品,可以使用SHIP_STOPPER 标志。

17、My strategy for staying unfixed is to always have ideas for the next venture or adventure. ─── 所以要维持一个不固定的生活方式,我的方法是永远设定好下一个冒险。

18、unfixed point ─── 不定点

19、New Dynamic Algorithm of Decision Process of Unfixed Step Number ─── 不定期决策过程优化模型的算法研究

20、The contract becomes valid and forceful in a fixed period of time or in an unfixed period of time. ─── 合同在某个确定或不确定的期限内生效。

21、Statement of the Unfixed Thinking in the Architectural Design Process Extracted from the Modern Art ─── 从现代艺术视野阐述建筑设计的非定式思考

22、unfixed term ─── 无固定期限

23、Because the SOHO needs a free and flexible but not a separate space,the designing of office furniture is required to be changed,united freely,unfixed and made up of models. ─── 出于SOHO方式对灵活自由空间而不是单独空间的追求,办公家具设计越来越趋向可改造性、自由组合性和不确定性,以及模数化形式的应用。

24、The company would consult opinions about company business, management, and other aspects from the employee by way of fixed or unfixed date opinion survey in written or by interviews. ─── 公司将通过定期或不定期、书面或面谈式意见调查向员工征询对公司业务、管理等方面的意见,员工可完全凭自己的真实想法反馈而无须有任何顾虑。

25、That means leaking pipes could have gone unfixed long enough to create the right conditions for the sinkhole. ─── 这意味着,漏水管道被搁置的时间可能已经很长,足以创造出形成深坑的适合条件。

26、Recently, how did the author go to country of Sichuan canal county to investigate the issue that should handle after unfixed deficient? ─── 最近,笔者到四川渠县农村调查了解脱贫后该怎么办的问题?

27、Keywords undetermined coefficient method;unfixed equation;balancing;oxidation-reduction reaction equations; ─── 待定系数法;不定方程;配平;氧化还原反应方程式;

28、The ink distribution in different part of verterbral cartilage endplate(fix or unfix) were observed, and the ink distribution in same part of verterbral cartilage(test or control group) were compared. ─── 结果:软骨终板有血管从中经过,椎间盘营养来源分主要和次要途径,内固定后软骨终板和椎体之间产生分离,椎间盘会新生较多小血管,且血管缓慢而淤积。

29、The main conclusions are: 1) Liquid nitrogen environment is perfect for the preservation of fixed picoplankton sample and may reduce some cell loss of unfixed sample; ─── 实验主要结论为:1)液氮环境适于贮存固定的微微型浮游生物样品,而未固定样品在液氮中贮存后细胞密度有损失;

30、unfixed chrome ─── 未结合的铬

31、1.There are still many unfixed factors in the international financial market and economic trend. ─── 国际金融市场和经济走向还有许多不确定因素。

32、Is the wrench unfixed from the slot? ─── 是不是没卡在槽内?

33、unfixed cost ─── 变动成本

34、There is still an unfixed performance problem with user-albums if there are a lot of users with their own user-album. ─── 如果存在大量拥有各自相册的用户,在用户相册性能方面就会出问题,这个问题尚未得到解决。

35、cyclic unfixed channel assignment ─── 循环不定位信道选接方式

36、A Mutating Evolution Algorithm for Locomotive Diagram with Double Shoulders-Circuit Locomotive Routing by the Mode that Unfixed Traction ─── 基于变异进化的不固定牵引方式双肩回交路机车最优配置算法

37、Outer the pressure that makes the work when going all out, make me flashy have the idea of unfixed life. ─── 在外打拼时工作的压力,让我一瞬间有解脱生命的念头。

38、He would have risen, and unfixed her fingers by the act--she clung fast, gasping: there was mad resolution in her face. ─── 他想站起来,要松开她的手指——但她紧紧搂住,喘着气:在她脸上现出疯狂的决心。

39、unfixed sand ─── 未固定沙流沙

40、This instrument work together with carpet thickness tester, used to measure the loss of texile carpet under unfixed weight. ─── 本仪器和测厚仪配套使用,可用于测定纺织地毯在动负荷下厚度的损失。性能符合国家标准。

41、Pricing tool that the article researched is unfixed discount rate that is the ratio of the price on each sell subsection to the initialization. ─── 本文研究的定价工具即变折扣率是指每段销售区间上的价格与初始价格的比值,该比值是随段数变动的。

42、An Unfixed Piecewise Model of Reactive Optimization and Its Algorithms Considering Generator Capability Limits ─── 考虑发电机安全运行极限的非固定分段无功优化模型及其算法

43、Although in identical compression algorithm falls, the compressibility of the watch also is unfixed. ─── 即使在相同的压缩算法下,表的压缩率也是不固定的。

44、Their new discovery unfixed all established notions. ─── 他们的新发现动摇了一切固有观念。

45、to unfix bayonet ─── 下刺刀

46、uncertain; undecided; undefined; unfixed; indefinite ─── 未定

47、Someone says, abandoning is a kind of disengagement, but I abandoned, why to feel unfixed what, can you tell me why? ─── 有人说,放弃是一种解脱,可我放弃了,为什么感觉不到解脱了什么,能告诉我为什么吗?

48、The problems with their model are gradually increasing as those problems remain uncriticized and unfixed. ─── 由于这些问题得不到批评与纠正,生物进化论模型的问题也越来越严重。

49、When it is the most painful to be in, is the suicide only unfixed way? ─── 在最痛苦的时候,自杀是不是唯一的解脱办法?

50、Unfixed length of bar code. ─── 条码字符个数不固定的条码。

51、Analyses "Five Persistences" and Management of Unfixed Population ─── 试析“五个坚持”与流动人口管理

52、unfixed types ─── 流动性

53、Moving in unfixed districts ─── 不定区域移动

54、You unfix the yellow maple leaves to testify my leaving in autumn ─── 你摘下黄色枫叶证明我在秋天离开

55、Standard for petroleum unfixed equipment isolation technique ─── 石油浮放设备隔震技术标准

56、unfixed cost bidding ─── 无标底招标

57、Two kinds of forms that were unfixed crystal form and stalactite appearance in urethra inner calculus. ─── 尿道内结石有2种形态:不固定的晶体形状或钟乳石样。

58、unfixed fault ─── 不固定故障

59、It is cowardly to death. Unfixed still and painful? ─── 死是懦弱.还是解脱痛苦?

60、Why a kind of depressive mood is when be lovelorn? Why be a kind of unfixed mood? ─── 在失恋的时候为什么都是一种压抑的心情呢?为什么不是一种解脱的心情呢?

61、unfixed beat with unfixed measure ─── “无(定)拍也无(定)节”

62、That new unfixed social boundaries as well. ─── 新的弹性同样放松了社会的边界。

63、I bought the book from an unfixed seller. ─── 我从流动小贩那里买到了那本书。

64、It is unfixed for the company and me to choose leave. ─── 对于个人,最昂贵的成本是犹豫不决,最丰厚的利润是马上行动。

65、Their new discovery unfixed all established notions. ─── 他们的新发现动摇了一切固有观念。

66、unfixed fire-loads ─── 火灾荷载密度

67、Labor contract with unfixed term is applied commonly in many marketing countries,and it is indicated as the most effective contract term that can make labor relations stable. ─── 无固定期限合同是很多市场经济国家通常适用的也是被证明最有效稳定劳动关系的合同期限。

68、Legal Issues concerning Compensation and the Unfixed - term Labor Contract: A Discussion ─── 经济补偿金·无固定期限劳动合同的法律问题

69、(Condition of 4) psychedelic covet: Scarcer, have occasionally brief photism, phonism persecutes with messier, unfixed covet. ─── ( 4)幻觉妄想状态:较少见,偶有短暂的幻视、幻听和较零乱、不固定的迫害妄想等。

70、I'm not sure what the perfect solution for an unfixed lifestyle is. ─── 我自己对不固定的生活方式也没有一个完善的方案。

71、All donations to the “Helping Hands Fund” are voluntary and unfixed in accordance with any donator’s financial ability and we will of course appreciate your generous contribution at any time. ─── 各会员对爱心基金的捐赠完全是自愿行为。

72、It is unfix for the compani and me to choos leave. ─── 虽然利息有点高。

73、If the parties do not conclude it in written form, it shall be deemed an unfixed lease. ─── 当事人未采用书面形式的,视为不定期租赁。

74、Keywords reactive dyes;soaping;unfixed dye;enzyme;soybean fiber; ─── 活性染料;皂洗;浮色;酶;大豆纤维;

75、work in unfixed places ─── 打游击

76、Study on forward curative effect of unfixed continuation phase short-course chemotherapy for smear positive untreated pulmonary tuberculosis ─── 初治涂阳肺结核不固定化疗期短程化疗远期疗效观察

77、(order of command) Unfix bayonets! ─── 下刺刀!

78、new unfixed social boundaries as well. ─── 新的弹性同样放松了社会的边界。

79、Because the SOHO needs a free and flexible but not a separate space, the designing of office furniture is required to be changed, united freely, unfixed and made up of models. ─── 摘要出于SOHO方式对灵活自由空间而不是单独空间的追求,办公家具设计越来越趋向可改造性、自由组合性和不确定性,以及模数化形式的应用。

80、Methods During the operation, the cranial flap was floated on the bone window between the pachymeninx and periosteum with bone tip unfixed. ─── 方法术中让颅骨瓣浮于骨窗上硬脑膜与骨膜之间,骨瓣不做固定。

81、to unfix a screw ─── 卸下螺钉

82、A new channel controlled mode for the cordless telephone (cyclic unfixed channel assignment with a half channels) is proposed. ─── 提出一种新的无绳电话信道控制方式:二分之一信道组循环不定位方式。

83、Items that are left broken and unfixed may be symbolic of "broken" things or unsolved problems in your life. ─── 留着损坏了的东西而不把它修好,可能就是你生活中产生坏事和没有解决好问题的象征。

84、A basic deposit account will suit you. It is characterized by unfixed terms and easy deposits and withdrawals. ─── 基本账户正合适,它的特点是期限不固定,存取方便。

85、Keywords Unfixed diffuser;Dilution and dispersion;Submerged wastewater discharge in river; ─── 位移式扩散器;稀释扩散:潜没排江;

86、Its multi-brand operating faces the trial of brands overlap and unfixed market orientation. ─── 科龙的多品牌运作面临品牌重叠,定位不清的考验。

87、By minimizing the costs of reactive power and the system active power loss, the novel ORPF model is proposed.The model is an unfixed and piecewise mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem. ─── 建立了以系统有功网损费用与发电机无功辅助费用之和最小为目标函数的无功优化模型,其对应的优化问题是一个具有非固定分段特点的非线性混合整数规划问题。

88、unfixed - term labor contract ─── 无固定期限劳动合同

89、The removal percents of unfixed dyes on soybean fibers dyed by VS and VS/MCT dyes were nearly (equal).However,whether enzyme soaping agent was suitable for soybean fibers depended on individual dyes. ─── 研究表明,用乙烯砜和乙烯砜/一氯均三嗪活性染料染色的大豆纤维酶洗和皂洗的浮色去除率基本相同,但酶洗工艺是否适用于大豆纤维活性染料染色,应根据染料具体品种而定。

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