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09-11 投稿



indiscriminate 发音

英:[ˌɪndɪˈskrɪmɪnət]  美:[ˌɪndɪˈskrɪmɪnət]

英:  美:

indiscriminate 中文意思翻译



indiscriminate 词性/词形变化,indiscriminate变形

名词: indiscriminateness |副词: in-discriminately |

indiscriminate 同义词

disorderly | undiscriminating | promiscuous | random | arbitrary | unsystematic | blanket | wholesale | catholic | uncritical | undiscerning | unselective | haphazard

indiscriminate 短语词组

1、indiscriminate arrest ─── [法] 滥捕, 乱捕

2、indiscriminate attack ─── 不分青红皂白的攻击

3、indiscriminate investment ─── 不加区别的投资

4、give indiscriminate praise ─── 一味恭维

5、indiscriminate lesion ─── [医] 散在性损害, 混合性损害

indiscriminate 反义词


indiscriminate 相似词语短语

1、discriminate ─── vt.歧视;区别;辨别;vi.区别;辨别

2、indiscrimination ─── n.无差别

3、indiscriminating ─── adj.不区别的;无差别的

4、discriminates ─── vt.歧视;区别;辨别;vi.区别;辨别

5、discriminated ─── 辨别

6、indiscriminately ─── adv.不加选择地;任意地

7、indiscriminative ─── adj.不加区别的;不加选择的

8、to discriminate ─── 歧视;区别

9、incriminate ─── vt.控告;暗示...有罪

indiscriminate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After months of indiscriminate fear, widespread losses and government hand-holding, the banking industry is gradually stabilising. ─── 在经历了数个月的恐慌,大面积的损失以及政府介入支持以后银行业正在逐步企稳。

2、be indiscriminate in making friends ─── 乱交朋友

3、Even the Hitlers had not destroyed it by wantoning and indiscriminate bombing to London. ─── 二战中纳粹德国对伦敦的狂轰滥炸也未能将它摧毁。

4、For this reason most people are necessarily deceived by that indiscriminate and high-sounding promise of release from penalty. ─── 基于这样的理由,大部分人们必然是被不分青红皂白并且极为夸大其词的豁免罪罚的允诺给蒙蔽了。

5、Those who never have to move house become indiscriminate collectors of what can only be described as clutter . ─── 从来不必搬家的那些人变成了无所不容的只能被称作杂物的收藏家。

6、She's always been indiscriminate in her choice of friends. ─── 她一向择友不慎。

7、Those who never have to move house become indiscriminate collectors of what can only be described as clutter . ─── 从来不必搬家的那些人变成了无所不容的只能被称作杂物的收藏家。

8、The indiscriminate, panic like selling carried over into Asia, with the Nikkei currently crashing -11.40%. ─── 不分青红皂白的恐慌抛售出现在亚洲,日经指数目前濒临崩溃,下滑了11.40 %。

9、If the liberation of the archive into democratic user-space has been a true Gutenberg moment, it is also a promiscuous and indiscriminate opening. ─── 如果说向民主的用户空间释放信息,是真正的“古腾堡”时刻,那么这也是一个乱交和不分好坏的开端。

10、But Labour may not be the only party to suffer: it has a new candidate, and the backlash seems to be indiscriminate. ─── 但工党可能不是唯一要遭受痛苦的政党:它有一个新的候选人,而反弹似乎是滥杀无辜。

11、Of course, the leap in thinking is not indiscriminate ambushes , or to design the most basic rules to follow. ─── 当然,思维的飞跃也不是漫无边际的,设计最基本的规则还是要遵循的。

12、indiscriminate infill drilling ─── 不规则加密钻井

13、It accuses Israel of “indiscriminate attacks” that resulted in civilian deaths and injuries, and also, on several occasions, of deliberately targeting civilians. ─── 代表团指责以色列“不加区分的攻击”导致了平民死亡和负伤,并在一些场合上指控以色列蓄意针对民众。

14、"It is explicitly clear from these images that this is the indiscriminate killing of whales, where you have a whale and its calf killed in this way," Garrett told reporters in Sydney. ─── “这些图片让一切真相大白, 这是对鲸的不分青红皂白的杀戮, 不管是成年鲸还是它的幼仔都是这样遭到杀戮的。”加雷特在悉尼对记者说。

15、But it is not the indiscriminate applauseof a Pollyanna. ─── 但这绝对不是在做烂好人。

16、She argued that indiscriminate compassion weakened the benefactors by disallowing them the mental and physical enrichment that life's challenges inherently procure. ─── 她主张:滥施同情会让接受同情者变得脆弱,因为这妨碍了他们心理和生理上的成长,而这种成长本来是生活的挑战所带来的必然结果。

17、indiscriminate use of pesticide ─── 农药的滥用

18、But it is not the indiscriminate applause of a Pollyanna. ─── 但这绝对不是在做烂好人,

19、Objective: To improve the problems existed for a long time in outpatient clinic such as too populous patients, with large flow, in indiscriminate order and difficult to manage etc. ─── [目的]改进门诊病人多、流量大、秩序繁乱、管理困难这一长期存在的问题[方法]门诊部在诊室、抽血室、注射室应用了电子排队系统。

20、Indiscriminate Relations and Connection Degree ─── 不可区分关系与联系度

21、However, indiscriminate use of special characters in an object name may make SQL statements and scripts difficult to read and maintain. ─── 但是,不加选择地在对象名称中使用特殊字符会使SQL语句和脚本难以阅读和维护。

22、"As they were entering the ministry of justice and before starting their indiscriminate killings, they sent three messages to Pakistan, calling for the blessing of their mastermind," he said. ─── “当他们进入司法大楼准备开始肆无忌惮地屠杀时,他们发送了三个信息到巴基斯坦,企图得到策划者的祝福。”

23、Wood is indiscriminate in his choice of friends as well as enemies. ─── 伍德不论选择朋友还是敌人都是随随便便,来者不拒。

24、The phoenix is missed holding high The danger is muttered for a long time when lifetime is indiscriminate. ─── 凤兮凤兮思高举,世乱时危久沉吟。

25、I unreservedly condemn this indiscriminate act that showed no regard for human life. ─── 对这种无视生命,随意采取行动的行为,我们表示强烈的谴责。

26、The indiscriminate use of fertilizers is damaging to the environment. ─── 化肥的滥用化正在损害环境。

27、For before the high-level subordinates suspected of sexual harassment, he said not to ask the staff, so things may be mistaken, if indiscriminate dismissal is unfair. ─── 对于之前有高层涉嫌性骚扰下属,他称没有要求该员工离职,因此事可能是误会,若胡乱解雇是不公平的。

28、By 2050, indiscriminate fishing will have taken away 90% of marine species. ─── 到2050年,不分青红皂白的捕捞将拿走90%的海洋物种。

29、East Hill Danhuo ancient city sites, to carry Mountain West, Boji Au Hill, indiscriminate lump such as five-hilly, full of ancient tombs. ─── 东为山丹霍城古址,西为背背山,簸箕凹山,乱疙瘩山等5个丘陵,布满古墓。

30、Resources that the land market rectification results or tentative and phasic and encirclements within them, the indiscriminate use of farmland issue has not been fundamentally resolved. ─── 国土资源部指出,土地市场治理整顿的成果还是初步的、阶段性的,圈占土地、乱占滥用耕地的问题尚未根本解决。

31、You should consult a Chinese medicine practitioner before using Chinese medicines for prevention and treatment of colds, and refrain from indiscriminate use of such drugs. ─── 市民使用中药预防或者治疗感冒,都须先请教中医师,不应胡乱服用。

32、He was indiscriminate in his choice of friends ─── 他择友不慎重。

33、Such as: disobedient indiscriminate urine and so on if we do not teach a child growing up can not be taught such work may be an appropriate use of force to resolve. ─── 如:不听话、乱大小便等,小时候如果不教好,长大就无法再教导,此类工作可采用适当武力解决。

34、In the late 1970s,the International Committee of the Red Cross,along with a handful of non-governmental organizations (NGOs),pressed the world to look at weapons that were particularly injurious and/or indiscriminate. ─── 在20世纪70年代末,国际红十字会和一些其他的非政府组织(NGOs)就敦促世人关注那些有害的和(或)任意使用的武器。

35、She's always been indiscriminate in her choice of friends. ─── 她一向择友不慎。

36、He said direct and indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, such as homes, hospitals and water-power supplies, are prohibited under international humanitarian law. ─── 他说,对平民百姓和住宅、医院及水电供应设施等民用设施不分青红皂白的直接攻击是国际人道主义法律所禁止的。

37、Amazon horned frogs achieve their enormous girth by being generally indiscriminate about what they eat. ─── 亚马逊角蛙是通过不加选择得进食来获取它巨大的体形的。

38、Perhaps because Mumbai stands for lucre, profane dreams and an indiscriminate openness. ─── 也许是因为孟买主张财富、世俗的梦想和对外一视同仁的开放。

39、Darkness was there, all wrapped around by darkness, and all was Water indiscriminate. ─── 唯有黑暗耳!一切为黑暗(无知)所掩,成无光之波动界。

40、President Bush, in a statement on tour in Asia, said the embassy strikes were brutal examples of the indiscriminate nature of al-Qaida's tactics. ─── 布什总统在亚洲访问的旅途上发表的声明中说,针对两个使馆的袭击显示了基地组织肆无忌惮的野蛮阴谋本质。

41、But the productivity lost from fixing bugs due to indiscriminate copy-and-paste actions quickly dwarfs any productivity gained from copying the code. ─── 但是工作效率由于修正代码而丧失,这是因为不加选择的复制粘贴操作很快降低了复制代码带来的任何工作效率。

42、The indiscriminate policies of the previous administration. ─── 前任内阁令人困惑的政策

43、Doctors have been criticized for their indiscriminate use of antibiotics. ─── 医生们被指责滥用抗生素。

44、Indiscriminate felling of trees will destroy the ecological balance of nature. ─── 乱砍乱伐会破坏整个自然环境的生态平衡。

45、Indiscriminate development of small paper mills has caused serious pollution in the area. ─── 任意发展小造纸厂给那个地区造成了严重的污染。

46、Third, 1904, is the limit, breaking the Point, I do not indiscriminate clearing firm, it can be said that the rebound over. ─── 三是1904点,是极限位,破了这个点,笔者不问青红皂白坚决清仓,也可以说反弹已经结束。

47、IV. Guppys show indiscriminate cannibalism by devouring their own offspring, although they always allow the survival of a random number of them. ─── 孔雀鱼吞食子代的过程中会随机存留部分个体,此行为属于一种不分对象的自相残杀

48、Since then, places such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Nanjing have stopped indiscriminate dog culls, an accomplishment welcomed by the international community. ─── 从那时起,北京,上海,南京等地陆续停止了残酷的犬只捕杀,这已得到了国际组织的欢迎。

49、In fact, indiscriminate ordering of tests can hae potentially serious and deleterious consequences. ─── 实际上,繁杂的检查会带来潜在的严重和有害后果。

50、Indiscriminate throwing of lighted cigarette ends. ─── 乱扔亮燃的烟蒂。

51、He is indiscriminate in reading. ─── 他读书时不加选择。

52、His great power seemed to be his power of indiscriminate admiration ─── 他最大的本领似乎是对人胡吹乱捧。

53、Another private interest that could be threatened by indiscriminate release of government files is the commercial value of trade secrets and other proprietary information. ─── 另一种因不加选择地披露政府档案而可能受到威胁的私人利益是具有商业价值的贸易秘密和其他专有信息。

54、indiscriminate reading habits; an indiscriminate mixture of colors and styles ─── 不加选择的阅读习惯;胡乱的混杂颜色和风格

55、She disapproved of her son's indiscriminate television viewing. ─── 她不赞成儿子不加选择地收看电视。

56、To deal out indiscriminate blows: hit out at anyone, whether an enemy or not ─── 不分敌我地乱打

57、He has an indiscriminate taste in music. ─── 他在音乐上无特殊品味。

58、At least 12,000 non-combatant Chinese men, women and children met their deaths in these indiscriminate killings during the first two or three days of the Japanese occupation of the city. ─── 只要看见有活动的中国人,他就会被打死。在日军占领南京后的头两三天中,至少有12000名非武装人员的中国男性、女性和儿童,死于日军的屠杀中。

59、In the late 1970s, the International Committee of the Red Cross, along with a handful of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), pressed the world to look at weapons that were particularly injurious and/or indiscriminate. ─── 在20世纪70年代末,国际红十字会和一些其他的非政府组织(NGOs)就敦促世人关注那些有害的和(或)任意使用的武器。

60、Indiscriminate swiping is a sure-fire way to rack up a large credit card debt. ─── 不理智地疯狂刷卡肯定会让你欠债越来越多。

61、Doctors have been criticized for their indiscriminate use of antibiotics. ─── 医生被指责滥用抗生素。

62、8 is illegal indiscriminate development, titling difficult; ─── 八是违规滥开发,产权登记难;

63、The protections for the imagination are indiscriminate. ─── 对想象力的保护是不分好坏的。

64、At least nine more were killed at funerals on Saturday in what witnesses said was a bout indiscriminate and unprovoked shooting. ─── 在周六的葬礼上,至少有九人遇害,目击者称,伤亡是由一阵无缘无故的任意扫射造成的。

65、Water scarcity, particularly in the arid north, is exacerbated by the indiscriminate discharge of industrial and municipal wastewater. ─── 工业和城市废水的随意排放,加剧了水资源缺乏(特别是在干旱的北方)问题。

66、The last-minute rise in government-issue quotations had taken many indiscriminate speculators by surprise, and they had crashed badly. ─── 公债库券的涨风下,压碎了许多盲目的投机者。

67、At one stage cars took up every open space: the plazas and town squares were choked, and trees were suffocated by indiscriminate parking. ─── 以前,汽车占据了每一个空地;广场和城镇广场经常堵塞;停车混乱造成大量树木死亡。

68、But none of us are able to recall standardized procedures or policies to report indiscriminate guest behavior toward us. ─── 但是,我们谁也想不起有什么标准化的程式或政策,投诉客人不分青红皂白对我们施加的行为。

69、At the same time, thought a quick profit is everything, people's predatory nature of the private mining indiscriminate digging, and the ecological environment has been callous destruction. ─── 同时,急功近利的思想作祟,人们对自然界掠夺性的私采滥挖、生态环境遭到了无情的破坏。

70、To address the indiscriminate use of plastic shopping bags, the environmental levy scheme on plastic shopping bags has commenced since 7 July 2009. ─── 为了遏止滥用塑胶购物袋的情况,塑胶购物袋环保徵费计划已于2009年7月7日起实施。

71、He is an indiscriminate reader, and likes good books and bad books. ─── 不管好书坏书,他什么都看。

72、Water retention by horticultural perlite is not an indiscriminate action. ─── 保水的园艺珍珠岩不是不分青红皂白的行动。

73、Even more forests which, a city Longku Tang Dynasty ruins of Hope Rua, Yang and Sai Hang Reservoir, Wan Baorui Villa, indiscriminate Lingyun screen is the main attraction. ─── 其中更合 原始森林,荷城唐代龙窑遗址、灵龟塔,杨和西坑水库、万宝山庄、皂幕凌云是其主要景点。

74、Academics also think that a proper land market would protect farmers from indiscriminate land grabs by local officials who often take collective ownership to mean control by themselves. ─── 学者们同样认为,地方政府常常将集体所有制理解为官方控制,而一个理性的土地市场应当保护农民免于地方政府的单一控制。

75、In our pre-departure and the lack of clear purpose, we indiscriminate ambushes to walk at a stretch chaos, is produced. ─── 在我们出发前,并没有明确的目的,我们漫无边际地乱走一气,完全是兴之所至。

76、It was General Yavid's battle plans, not Terak's indiscriminate belligerence, which kept the Marauder territory from being overrun run by their enemy enemies, such as the Duloks and the Phlogs. ─── 劫掠者的疆土之所以未被杜洛克人(Duloks)和弗洛格人(Phlogs)等敌人吞并,多亏了亚维德将军的军事才能,而非特拉克的糊涂好战。

77、Mr Djankov worries that the indiscriminate sell-off of recent weeks may dishearten reformers. ─── Djankov先生担心近几周不加区别的抛售可能打击改革者。

78、To address the indiscriminate use of plastic shopping bags, the environmental levy scheme on plastic shopping bags will commence on 7 July 2009. ─── 为了遏止滥用塑胶购物袋的情况,塑胶购物袋环保徵费计划将在2009年7月7日起实施。

79、They could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers," it added. ─── 他们会不加选择,包括那些移居者和外国旅行者经常光顾的地方。”它补充道。

80、Seventy protesters were killed by indiscriminate gunfire. ─── 70 名抗议者被乱枪射杀。

81、Not selective; indiscriminate. ─── 不选择的没有进行选择的; 不加选择地

82、"It's indiscriminate selling and not particularly thoughtful analysis of underlying company fundamentals in credit markets," said Anderson. ─── “这是一种不加区别的销售,缺乏对信贷市场相关公司基本原则的的深刻分析。”

83、And the infrequent and indiscriminate use of the Chinese language also forms a vicious circle. ─── 少用与乱用互为因果,循环相生。

84、Not selective;indiscriminate. ─── 不选择的没有进行选择的;不加选择地

85、He spoke out against the indiscriminate killing and urged restraint on Robespierre. ─── “如果我们不能携起手来让事态缓和,我们都将成为它的牺牲品。”

86、Who would make the policeman, the jailer, if woman were to refuse the indiscriminate breeding of children? ─── 如果妇女拒绝不加选择的生育,谁将制造警察、狱卒?

87、The next day he was formally charged with "breaking ranks while in formation, felonious assault, indiscriminate behavior" . ─── 第二天,他正式被指控“在列队时破坏队形,行凶殴打,行为失检”。

88、indiscriminate reading habits; an indiscriminate mixture of colors and styles. ─── 不加选择的阅读习惯;胡乱的混杂颜色和风格。

89、Boldwood had been indiscriminate in his invitations ─── 博尔德伍德的这次招待是来者不拒的。












{$i} 盆栽植物除了观赏外,还具有净化室内空气的作用。

{$i} 爷爷说,池子里那些漂亮的鲤鱼是专门供人观赏的。

{$i} 这画廊里的画意境比较独特,来观赏的人不少。

{$i} 观赏鲸鱼普遍的地区,捕鲸越来越不得人心。

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