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09-11 投稿


disruption 发音

英:[dɪs'rʌpʃn]  美:[dɪs'rʌpʃən]

英:  美:

disruption 中文意思翻译



disruption 网络释义

n. 破坏,毁坏;分裂,瓦解

disruption 短语词组

1、environment disruption ─── [法] 环境失调, 环境破坏

2、any disruption ─── 任何中断

3、family disruption ─── 家庭破裂

4、disruption of operation ─── 运营中断

5、a time of disruption ─── 一段混乱的时期

6、market disruption ─── [经] 市场破坏

7、disruption scenario ─── 中断场景

8、cell disruption ─── [化] 细胞破碎

9、electromagnetic disruption ─── 电磁干扰

10、atomic disruption ─── [机] 原子破裂

11、disruption prospect ─── 中断前景

12、mechanical disruption ─── 机械破碎

13、stability disruption ─── 稳定破坏

14、environmental disruption ─── [经] 环境污染, 公害

15、plane of disruption ─── 断裂面

16、endocrine disruption ─── 内分泌中断

17、programmed disruption ─── [计] 程控中断

18、longitudinal disruption ─── 纵向破坏

19、explosive disruption ─── 爆炸性破坏

disruption 词性/词形变化,disruption变形

名词: disrupter |动词过去式: disrupted |动词过去分词: disrupted |动词第三人称单数: disrupts |动词现在分词: disrupting |

disruption 相似词语短语

1、disruptions ─── 破坏,毁坏;分裂,瓦解(disruption的复数)

2、disfunction ─── n.机能不良;功能障碍,功能紊乱;adj.缺乏正常功能的

3、irruption ─── n.闯入,侵入;激剧繁殖

4、disruptor ─── n.破坏者,分裂者

5、disrupting ─── 使混乱;扰乱(disrupt的现在分词)

6、discreation ─── 自由裁量权

7、description ─── n.描述,描写;类型;说明书

8、discerption ─── n.断片;分裂

9、disruptive ─── adj.破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的

disruption 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、With SCC, a SAN failure can cause the service to experience hours of data loss and days of disruption. ─── 在使用SCC时,如果出现SAN故障,会导致在服务中出现丢失数小时数据和中断数天的情况。

2、The disruption caused by viruses could have been much greater if virus writers were bent on doing damage, he said. ─── 他说,如果病毒的作者倾向破坏的话,这些病毒能够造成大得多的破坏。

3、A completely new particle can be produced by disruption or splintering from solid or liquid surfaces. ─── 一个完全新的粒子可以由于固体或液体表面因分裂或碎裂而形成。

4、A disruption of the Federal Union, heretofore only menaced, is now formidably attempted. ─── 分裂联邦,以前还只是一种威胁,现在却已变成令人生畏的行动。

5、Like the Internet itself, DNS was designed to function even in the face of severe disruption of parts of its network. ─── 与因特网本身相似,DNS设计为甚至在部分网络受到严重破坏的情况下仍能工作。

6、Cut off the electricity, disrupt core of its system, and you thrust a dagger in capitalism's heart! ─── 如果切断了电力,破坏了这个制度的核心,你就给资本主义的心脏插进了一把尖刀。

7、Look Ma, No Hands (Wires): The Beginning of Physical Retail Disruption? ─── Look Ma,No Hands(Wires):有形零售开始消亡?

8、Fogs brought disruption to the traffic. ─── 大雾给交通带来了混乱。

9、After the disruption caused by hecklers, the council decided to meet behind locked doors in future. ─── 在扰乱者破坏之后,委员会决定秘密开会。

10、So the other group of researches formulates the possibility of disruption and builds models to analysis disruption. ─── 因此本文在后半部分还研究了两个供应商交互影响下,需求的波动周期对于两者的影响。

11、Distributed being and hive minds have their own rewards, such as greater immunity to disruption. ─── 分布式和蜂群思维有其自己的收获,比如,对分裂具有强大的免疫力。

12、But damming rivers may destroy or disrupt wildlife and other natural resources. ─── 但是,在河流上筑坝可能会破坏或扰乱野生动物生活和其它自然资源。

13、They would like to disrupt us, damage morale and hurt us with the Americans. ─── 他们想扰乱我们的布署,挫伤我们的士气,损害我们与美国人的关系。

14、Pressure Induced Disruption of Cytoskeleton and the Protein Synthesizing Machinery. ─── 压力引起的细胞骨架、及蛋白质综合体系的破坏。

15、It becomes an urgent problem tostudy the influence of subspan oscillations to disruption of bundled transmission line. ─── 因此,本文主要对输电线路多分裂导线次档距振荡进行研究分析。

16、If you disrupt routine operations, they try deadlier ones. ─── 如果你阻止了常规性袭击,他们会尝试更为致命的。

17、Other illegal operations that seriously disrupt market order. ─── 其他严重扰乱市场秩序的非法经营行为。

18、If you're building a bridge between the two, you've got to come up with a clever way to switch lanes without disruption or accident. ─── 如果你想在两者之间架建一座桥梁(译者注:港粤澳大桥),你就得想出非常巧妙的不会引起混乱和事故的设计来切换车道才行。

19、The contradiction between agriculture, hunting, and herding caused great disruption in the west. ─── 农业、狩猎和牧业间的矛盾在西部引起了很大的混乱。

20、But the attempt to smear Mr Serra threatens to disrupt his second term before it begins. ─── 但在这开始之前,抹黑塞拉的企图可能影响到他的连任。

21、The Taliban are vowing to disrupt Thursday's balloting. ─── 塔利班扬言要扰乱星期四的选举。

22、Footstep wanted to disrupt you much. ─── 多想打乱你的脚步。

23、The White House said the extra duties were necessary to combat market disruption caused by a surge in tyre imports. ─── 美国白宫却说,额外关税对于解决因轮胎进口剧增而引起的市场混乱很有必要。

24、So the law, if rigorously enforced, could disrupt the state's economy. ─── 如果这个法令真正严格执行的话,肯定会影响该州的经济。

25、To impede or disrupt in movement or action. ─── 使不能或艰于移动或行动

26、This is an atheromatous plaque in a coronary artery that shows endothelial denudation with disruption and overlying thrombus formation at the right. ─── 图示:冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块。内膜断裂剥落,右边伴有血栓形成。

27、To inhibit,block,or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent). ─── 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动。

28、Competitive bidding which causes market disruption should be avoided. ─── 公开竞标易引起市场崩溃应予避免。

29、So the enezuelans devised a structure to minimise the disruption. ─── 因此委内瑞拉就建立一种结构来使公司崩溃的可能性达到最小。

30、To inhibit,block,or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent. ─── 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动

31、To impedeor disrupt in movement or action. ─── 使不能或艰于移动或行动。

32、Tokyo has considered trying to take action against China at the WTO over the apparent disruption of exports. ─── 日本政府考虑过就出口明显受到干扰在WTO对中国采取行动。

33、We aim to help you move house with minimum disruption to yourself. ─── 我们的宗旨是帮您搬家,并尽量减少它给您带来的不便。

34、Anti-war demonstrators disrupt the meeting and 50 people are arrested. ─── 反战示威者中断了此次会议并有50人被捕。

35、Two factors weigh heavily against an imminent disruption of the champions' progress to a second title. ─── 两个重要因素会防止切尔西卫冕之路被打断。

36、It was the death of a friend from the disease which launched him on his career of disruption. ─── 包利尼是因为一位友人死于爱滋病,才开始了他的电视恶作剧生涯。

37、Senna says he is not out to maim, just disrupt a game. ─── 塞纳说他并非为了使人受伤而犯规,她只是想中断比赛。

38、Panic disorder does not need to disrupt your life in any way! ─── 不要让恐慌症以任何方式来打乱你的生活!

39、disruption of European trade during the war had thrown the economy into a tailspin. ─── 战争期间欧洲贸易的中断使经济陷入一片困境。

40、The state was in disruption. ─── 国家处于分崩离析之中。

41、One such disruption happened in San Francisco last week. ─── 上周旧金山就发生了这样一起破坏。

42、After the disruption of the world, people who lost all love all live a dissolute life. ─── 在世界经历过大灾难后,人们失去了所爱,开始了放荡的生活。

43、Thus, pathology results from a disruption of this natural process. ─── 因而,病理是由这种自然过程的中断所产生的。

44、A stroke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain. ─── 中风可导致大脑供氧中断。

45、A colour-coded rainstorm warning system is activated to warn people of serious road flooding and traffic disruption. ─── 在暴雨发生时,一套以颜色标示的暴雨警告系统会即时运作,提醒市民路面已出现严重水浸,交通受到影响。

46、The Taliban had vowed to disrupt the election and retaliate against voters. ─── 塔利班曾扬言要扰乱选举,并报复参加投票的选民。

47、Seagate will work with you to expedite a remedy to minimize any disruption to you or your business. ─── 希捷将与你一道工作,以加快补救措施,尽量减少中断您或您的业务。

48、Meanwhile the disruption would be tremendous. ─── 在这期间,就会一片混乱。

49、Farms in the total disruption of the people there, this was not mallard pheasants, but creating a group of bored men! ─── 在农场中总有捣乱的家伙出现,这次可不是野鸭野鸡了,而是一群无聊的捣乱男性!

50、Will International Rules on Subsidies Disrupt the World Trading System? ─── 关于补贴的国际规则是否会打乱世界贸易体系?

51、Even then, they will be unconsolidated, weak rubble piles susceptible to later disruption. ─── 但即便如此,聚集的物体也不扎实,只是碎石堆,一受扰动就瓦解了。

52、Mr. Pluhowski said the company plans to assess the economic impact of the disruption and will compensate sellers. ─── 普鲁霍斯基说,公司计划评估搜索故障带来的经济影响,并对卖家做出补偿。

53、Crisis of Breath. You disrupt the subject's breathing. ─── 呼吸危机:中断受术者的呼吸。

54、But the pace has been stepped up, bringing disruption for citizens. ─── 但是步伐被加速推进,从而导致了对居民的破坏。

55、A breaking up or disruption of friendly relations;an estrangement. ─── 决裂结束或断决友好关系;脱离关系

56、If we disrupt your ambition and your commitment, we disrupt your success. ─── 如果我们妨碍了你们的雄心和热情,我们就是在妨碍你们成功的道路。

57、He said:” to prioritize people's livelihood, we must avoid political vacuum and policy disruption. ─── 他表示:“要将民生放在首位,我们必须避免政治真空和政策断层。

58、If a black hole gets powerful enough it may actually pull a star into it and disrupt the orbit of many other stars. ─── 如果黑洞引力过大,它可能连恒星都会吞掉,并破坏其它许多星体的轨道。

59、No disruption or length change of connected piping is required. ─── 不需要破坏或改变管道长度。

60、Keywords: routing, rescue traffic, disruption risk, efficiency evaluation, utility function. ─── 关键词:路线选择、救灾车辆、阻断风险、效率评估、效用理论。

61、Her defense system in the Central Pacific had been breached at many points and was ripe for disruption. ─── 她在中太平洋的防御体系已被打开许多缺口,瓦解它的形势已经成熟了。

62、Noise is the most impertinent of all forms of interruption. It is not only an interruption, but is also a disruption of thought. ─── 在各种形式的干扰中,噪音最是鲁莽。它不仅仅是个干扰,它还中断了思想。

63、The city is a canvas map of disruption, cut outs of itself become gravity-free. ─── 城市一帆布独自变得无重力的分裂,切掉的部分的地图。

64、But 2007 seems more likely to be a year of choppier conditions than one of severe disruption. ─── 然而,2007年似乎更可能是波动较大的一年,而不会出现严重的破坏。

65、Obama vowed to disrupt, dismantle and defeat Al-Qaeda there. ─── 奥巴马决心在那里分化、击溃并最终消灭基地组织。

66、But on Thursday, at least, travellers faced severe disruption at Heathrow. ─── 但是这个周四乘客却在希思罗机场亲眼目睹了混乱不堪的秩序。

67、Such a desperate manoeuvre might disrupt Mr Cameron's advance on Number 10. ─── 如此孤注一掷的做法也许会阻碍卡梅伦平步青云进入唐宁街10号。

68、Insurgents still managed to disrupt the calm. ─── 叛乱者仍然设法打乱安静。

69、Flexible exchange rates offer some cushioning against foreign shifts but tend to magnify the disruption from shifts of domestic origin. ─── 变动汇率对国外的变动提供某种缓冲作用,但往往会加重国内变动所造成的破坏。

70、Assumptions - Basic understandings about unknown business disruption that the business continuity plans are based on. ─── 假定:对未知业务中断的基本了解,是业务连续性计划的基础。

71、The Islamic Jihad militant group says it fired rockets at the area to disrupt the Israeli election. ─── 伊斯兰圣战者激进组织声称,朝那个地区发射火箭是为了扰乱以色列的选举。

72、These tables supply DUAL with comprehensive route information in case of network disruption. ─── 如果网路中断,这些表格将提供DUAL完整的路径资讯。

73、There may also be disruption to existing air conditioning systems during any conversion to WACS. ─── 在现有系统改造成WACS的过程中,也可能对现有空调系统造成妨碍。

74、Sleeping late on weekends can also disrupt your circadian rhythm. ─── 周末迟睡也会打乱人体的日夜周期。

75、The quarrels of the different political parties seemed likely to disrupt the state. ─── 各政党的争执可能导致国家分裂。

76、So, in the very first day, you will vibrate with the illusion of mass illness and seemingly devastating disruption. ─── 因此,就在第一天,你将以大众疾病的幻影振动而且似乎是毁灭性的崩溃。

77、If you have to leave during class, please try to minimize the disruption. ─── 如果你不得不在上课时离开,请尽量减小中途退出的影响。

78、A breaking up or disruption of friendly relations; an estrangement. ─── 决裂结束或断决友好关系;脱离关系

79、Research on Conditions of Ultrasonic Wave Disruption of Two Lactobacillus sp. ─── 嗜酸乳杆菌;保加利亚乳杆菌;亚油酸异构酶;超声波破碎;条件

80、Her defence system in the Central Pacific had been breached at many points and was ripe for disruption. ─── 她在中太平洋的防御体系已被打开许多缺口,瓦解它的形势已经成熟了。

81、The Three Gorges reservoir on Friday saw its highest flood peak this year, but with no disruption of operations. ─── 三峡水库再星期五迎来了今年最大的洪峰,但这并没有影响它的运作。

82、The plan was designed to ensure disruption to business was kept to a minimum. ─── 该计划旨在确保对业务的妨碍保持在最低限度。

83、A disruption of any part of the digestive system upsets the whole system. ─── 其中一部分发生紊乱将会影响整个消化系统。

84、Business Disruption Costs - The costs or lost revenue associated with a disruption in normal business operations. ─── 业务中断成本:正常业务运营中断所导致的成本或收入损失。

85、Solid State Disks: Is Future Disruption on the Horizon? ─── 固态磁盘:是否会中途夭折?

86、From the top down, from disruption, the skin that can beat off dozens of times. ─── 从上而下,从下而上,使皮肤受到轻微的震动,可拍打数十次。

87、China may yet undergo internal upheavals that could disrupt its economy. ─── 中国可能还不会酝酿导致经济崩溃的内部剧变。

88、Most of us will not want to disrupt our children's education by uprooting to another country. ─── 大多数人不会为了实现移居他国的理想,而中断孩子的学业。

89、But with disruption, the fading tattoo becomes more like a toxic chemical dump. ─── 但是随着染料分解,褪色的文身会变得更像一个毒性化学物质泵。





1、阿弥佗佛(ē mí tuó fó)中阿字的普通话发音,常见有四种,ā ē ō wō。阿弥陀佛的阿字为译音用字,译自梵语的字根amita,教界一般发音为ā;e音则普遍存在于大陆影视剧中;ō wō存在于方言和地方普通话中。






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