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geomancy 发音

英:[ˈdʒiːoʊmænsi]  美:[ˈdʒiːəʊmænsi]

英:  美:

geomancy 中文意思翻译



geomancy 网络释义

n. 泥土占卜;撒泥占卜

geomancy 词性/词形变化,geomancy变形

形容词: geomantic |名词: geomancer |

geomancy 相似词语短语

1、aeromancy ─── n.[气象]天气预测;气候占卜学

2、oenomancy ─── 正常

3、gyromancy ─── 陀螺仪

4、geomant ─── 风水

5、theomancy ─── n.神感预言

6、geomancer ─── n.地卜者

7、geomants ─── 风水

8、ceromancy ─── 神经官能症

9、belomancy ─── n.箭卜

geomancy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Second is may obtain a fine bedding set and disguise a geomancy valuable palace book; ─── 第二就是可以获得精美床上用品一套及假装风水宝殿一本;

2、Keywords Generative Environment;Lineage Power Space;Geomancy Settlement;Order; ─── 关键词生成环境;族权空间;“风水”聚落;秩序;

3、all the necessary cultural elements of the feng shui (geomancy) geography can be found here. ─── 风水地理中必备的文化元素,在这里体现得淋漓尽致。

4、In addition, but must consider the room picks the luminosity, to face, questions and so on geomancy. ─── 此外,还要考虑到房间的采光度、朝向、风水等问题。

5、Dissection of Landscape Ecology Thought in Theory of Geomancy and Application ─── 风水说中的景观生态思想探析与应用

6、The expression"feng shui"is often translated as"Chinese geomancy"in English. ─── “风水”这种说法在英文中通常被翻译成“中式土占”。

7、Put a pot of tea beside the true fire firplace,the whole house gold,wood,water,fire,soil is five lines of complete,come to a thetallest state that the geomancy learns. ─── 在真火壁炉旁边放一壶茶,整个屋子金、木、水、火、土五行俱全了,达到了风水学的最高境界.

8、Burn a pot of water on the true fire fireplace, the whole house gold, wood, water, fire, soil is five lines of complete, come to a the tallest state that the geomancy learns. ─── 在真火壁炉上烧一壶水,整个屋子金、木、水、火、土五行俱全了,达到了风水学的最高境界。

9、"If you believe in the Eight Characters, you hope for good luck;if you believe in geomancy, you hope to beneht from the location of your ancestral graves. ─── “信八字望走好运,信风水望坟山贯气。

10、geomancy residential ─── 住宅风水

11、If you believe in the Eight Characters, you hope for good luck;if you believe in geomancy, you hope to beneht from the location of your ancestral graves. ─── 信八字望走好运,信风水望坟山贯气。

12、So I feel I should learn it and I am too lack of Geomancy knowledge. ─── 所以我觉得有必要去研究一下里面的理论,因为我觉得我太缺乏这方面的知识了。

13、Astrological geomancy An enhanced form of the traditional western style of geomancy, more closely involves Astrological practice and theory into the Geomantic charts. ─── 星座风水 加强形式的西方传统风格的风水,更密切地涉及星座理论与实践的风水图表。

14、But such as “geomancy” such “traditional culture”, then many also so, “knows its however, but does not know its reason why”. ─── 而诸如“风水”这样的“传统文化”,则多也如此,“知其然,而不知其所以然”。

15、The theory of Geomancy is studied from perspectives of landscape ecological structures &patterns. ─── 从景观生态结构与范式的角度研究风水学。

16、Geomancy is a chunky, retro geometric font that hearkens to French and American art deco. ─── Geomancy是一种厚实、复古的几何形字体,汲取了法国和美国的装饰艺术的特点。

17、The contents covered in the book are divided into five units: the Taoism sorcerers, the witchcrafts, the superstition, the favorable and unfavorable folklores and the geomancy of graveyards. ─── 对台湾民间信仰活动的人、事、物与活动过程,以图文加以介绍说明。如爬刀梯、坐钉椅、三太子与济公;

18、Shinzozhong zhi havegeng jie , erudite divination, geomancy learn Chinese Guo Pu of the originator; ─── 晋有忠直耿介、博学占卜、中国堪舆学之鼻祖郭璞;

19、1 Though invited a "rank" to her home geomancy, curious wife busy running past excitement. ─── 一日,女主人请来了一位“大仙”给她家看风水,好奇的妻子忙跑过去看热闹。

20、all the necessary cultural elements of the fengshui (geomancy) geography can be found here. ─── 风水地理中必备的文化元素,在这里体现得淋漓尽致。

21、But geomancy means divination according to geographic features, so the translation is not entirely correct. ─── 但是土占意指根据地理特征来占卜,所以这个翻译并非完全正确。

22、After 4th enters the front door, was one has turned the stair, possibly was the geomancy aspect consideration. ─── 进入大门后就是一个扭了一下的台阶,可能是风水方面的考虑。

23、Also includes the Geomancy Shapes plug-ins. ─── 还包括风水形状插件。

24、In Africa the traditional form of geomancy consists of throwing handfuls of dirt in the air and observing how the dirt falls. ─── 在非洲的传统形式的风水包括投掷捧的泥土和空气中的灰尘观测如何跌倒。

25、This is the science and art of Feng Shui(Chinese Geomancy). ─── 这是风水的科学与艺术(中国风水)。

26、As a cultural creation product, Fengshui (geomancy) rooted in the daily lives of ordinary people.It can help us to understand the belief and the world view of the people in China. ─── 摘要风水作为一种文化创造的产物,植根于普通百性的日常生活之中,是我们理解乡民的信仰、思维世界、宇宙观以及中国乡土社会之普遍生存模式的视角之一。

27、The geomancy principle mainly influences the address, layout, landscape and the faith and the mental state of the ancient town residents. ─── 主要影响古城镇选址、格局、景观以及古城镇居民的信仰和心理。

28、Everything has a colour, therefore geomancy theory feels that colour has important uses in changing your luck. ─── 因任何事物都有颜色,所以风水理论中认为颜色在风水改造中有非常重要的作用。

29、"Heroes come from the Good Landscape Geomancy", this is one of the most important motif of the legends of Mongolian place name. ─── 摘要“风水宝地出英雄”,这是蒙古族地名传说的主要母题之一。

30、Your topic is in fact about Chinese [i]geomancy[/i] . ─── 您的题目事实上是一个有关中国“风水”的话题。

31、Qiaosheruhuang of geomancy, said: "As long as you stand on this Mochizuki rhinoceros in the mountains, the sea sincere wish, to do good things, we will be able to thrive. ─── 巧舌如簧的堪舆先生说:“只要你站在这犀牛望月山上,面向大海诚心许愿,多行善事,就一定能发迹。”

32、The author thought that many discussing when discussion university start geomancy class advantages, has neglected a most basic question, that is should listen to student's opinion. ─── 笔者以为,诸多论者在探讨大学开设风水课的利弊时,忽略了一个最基本的问题,那就是应该多听听学生的意见。

33、Vivid and readable, the book, which is with both excellent pictures and texts, inserted many examples and pictures, introduces systemically the delicate relation between geomancy and city. ─── 本书系统地介绍了城市与风水的微妙的关联,其中引用了许多图片,事例,图文并茂,生动活泼,可读性强。

34、Mother's death, he specifically requested to select geomancy, Mr.Tang Zhendong face of the Flying Fengshan on a concave to be buried. ─── 母亲去世后,他特地请堪舆先生选中唐家镇东面飞天凤山上的一块凹地下葬。

35、The application of Chinese geomancy in traditional residence ─── 浅谈传统思想在中国民居中的运用

36、On the application of geomancy in plan layout of residential building ─── 浅谈风水在住宅建筑平面布局中的应用

37、Vivid and readable, the book, which is with both excellent pictures and texts, inserted many examples and pictures, introduces systemically the delicate relation between geomancy and architecture. ─── 本书系统地介绍了建筑与风水的微妙的关联,其中引用了许多图片、事例,图文并茂,生动活泼,可读性强。

38、Geomancy was not complete but somewhat useful. ─── 风水并不完全,却有时还有些许用处。

39、(First President of this study is not the real study of the Book of Changes of geographical geomancy effort, the foundation has transferred his home, not shun tune. ─── (先要调查研究这个先生是不是有真正的易经研究地理风水功夫,有没有功底把自己家调好、调顺没有。

40、B: Sure. Please select one among the following four topics offerred also by other members here, Good bye, Geomancy, Shoping and Credit. ─── 当然可以。请从下列4个中选一个,再见,风水,购物和信用。这些话题也是繁星热线的会员自己提供的。

41、This shows that to become wealthy heir to the mother of the third generation is not easy, the first thing is to have the geomancy of Jurists (geomancers) over this hurdle. ─── 可见,要成为豪门第三代继承人之母也不是易事,首先就要过了堪舆学家(风水师)这一关。

42、I consulted the dictionary for the word Geomancy. ─── 我查字典查。

43、Americans are beginning to believe in geomancy. ─── 有越来越多有钱的美国人开始相信风水。

44、geomancy study ─── 风水学

45、Geomancy theories and behavior psychology ─── 风水理论与行为心理

46、Research to the Motif of the Legend of Mongolian Place Name "Heroes Come from the Good Landscape Geomancy" ─── 蒙古族"风水宝地出英雄"母题之历史文化渊源

47、You understand geomancy? ─── 你还懂风水啊?

48、" In Africa the traditional form of geomancy consists of throwing handfuls of dirt in the air and observing how the dirt falls. ─── ” 在非洲的传统形式的风水包括投掷捧的泥土和空气中的灰尘观测如何跌倒。

49、To practise geomancy ─── 阴阳风水

50、Those who practise geomancy ─── 形家者流

51、What moreover is not allow to neglect, the geomancy class in this school is the gate elective course, must grasp by no means does the content, want to listen to lie in the interest. ─── 而且不容忽视的是,风水课在该校是门选修课,并非必须掌握的内容,想不想听全在于兴趣。

52、If we do not define science, we can classify geomancy at least as “knowledge which can imply the co-relations”, which is much better than experiences. ─── 如果,我们不对科学进行定义,我们可以把风水归类于“能够暗示相关关系的知识”。比经验进了一步。

53、Chinese emphasize the importance of geomancy, believing that the position of the coffin affects the future fortunes of the occupant's sons and grandsons. ─── 中国人重视风水,认为棺木下葬的方位会影响后世子孙祸福。

54、Provides suitable for you the geomancy stone, lives in contentment the stone; ─── 为您提供适宜的风水石,安居石;

55、We knew that, in many mountains prominent monastery ancient temple, often depends on the green hill, near the green water, secludes at the same place "the geomancy". ─── 我们接近绿的水,并且由于同一地方"土算命"依靠情况在全绿的山冈常常隔离在正知道那个的许多山突出了的修道院古代的寺院。

56、Newly married, must always have is fastidious, these have spread the geomancy taboo always needs to avoid desirably, everybody hoped that can have a perfect start. ─── 新婚嘛,总是要有很多讲究,那些一直流传的风水禁忌总是要刻意回避的,谁都希望能有一个完美的开始嘛。

57、In view of this, we can foresee a bright future for geomancy in America. ─── 有鉴于此,我们可以预见风水在美国将大有可为。

58、In Africa the traditional form of geomancy consists of throwing handfuls of dirt in the air and observing how the dirt falls. ─── 在非洲的传统形式的风水包括投掷捧的泥土和空气中的灰尘观测如何跌倒。

59、All the basic principles of Chinese geomancy point to the factors determining an ideal site for loess cave dwellings. ─── 中国风水所有的基本原则都指出确定黄土高原窑洞理想地点的因素。

60、Art, dances, recreational activity, geomancy, cooking. The dining enjoys, music, the nature, the travel, sits in meditation ─── 艺术,,跳舞,娱乐活动,风水,烹饪.餐饮享受,音乐,大自然,旅行,静坐

61、He was good at geomancy. ─── 史载其故居在海宁黄湾。

62、These hearty mystics developed the practice of geomancy - and learned to wield the fury of the earth by appeasing the restless elemental spirits. ─── 这些精力充沛的神秘人士发展出了泥土占卜术,并且学会了通过安抚不安的元素精灵来掌控大地的狂怒的方法。

63、Mrs. Wang, you are being overshadowed by the negative energy! There is something wrong with the geomancy in your house. ─── 你的家有什么风水不好,你赶快回来把你的家移过来这样就好了啦!

64、On the Theory and Practice of Tibetan Geomancy ─── 关于藏族相地理论及其实践

65、Academics Should not Boost Geomancy ─── 学术界不应该吹捧风水术

66、Put a pot of tea beside the true fire firplace, the whole house gold, wood, water, fire, soil is five lines of complete, come to a thetallest state that the geomancy learns. ─── 在真火壁炉旁边放一壶茶,整个屋子金、木、水、火、土五行俱全了,达到了风水学的最高境界。

67、geomancy legends in hometown ─── 家乡风水传说

68、geomancy practising ─── 卜筑相地

69、Geomancy was not complete but somewhat useful. ─── 风水并不完整,却有时还有些许用处。

70、Songzan Ganbu asked her to use her expertise in astrology and theories of fengshui or geomancy ─── 松赞干布请文成公主观察天象地理。

71、Feng shui is the ancient Chinese art of geomancy. ─── 风水是中国古代一种占卜的术数。

72、This form of geomancy is easy to learn and easy to perform. ─── 这种风水的形式容易学习,易于操作。

73、Thought the local authority to the geomancy belief contradictory manner, in the essence highly unifies to the village society's control. ─── 认为地方政府对风水信仰的矛盾态度,实质上高度统一于对乡村社会的控制。

74、Gannan Hakkas Area Geomancy Belief and Government Control during Ming and Qing Dynasties ─── 明清时期赣南客家地区的风水信仰与政府控制

75、In view of this,we can foresee a bright future for geomancy in America. ─── 由此可见,我们可以预见风水在美国将大有可为。

76、The construction geomancy study enjoys the lofty status in the Chinese history of architecture. ─── 摘要:建筑风水学在中国建筑史上享有崇高的地位。

77、Geomancy Belief ─── 风水信仰

78、Leibniz, the German mathematician, talked about geomancy in his dissertation called De Combinatoria. ─── 他的文章写道,“与其用一和二,我们倒不如用一和零,那样的话,我们就可以按2的数幂来计算。”

79、Taiwan richest family Guo Taiming after the wife passed away, then selected is known as “the left black dragon, right white tiger” the geomancy love garden, took the family tomb. ─── 博士学位是要经由小学、初中、高中、大学、研究所硕士班等过程,每一个阶段按部就班认真苦读而获得的才有意义。

80、The Taoism geomancy statue, is all really first the geomancy statue idea which BaiYun Daoist temple establishes from geomancy statue idea. ─── 道教风水造像,是全真第一从林———白云观创立的风水造像理念。

81、[abstract] by the housing geomancy, the restroom causes the ominous elephant most to be afraid. ─── 以住宅风水来说,厕所引起凶象最叫人害怕。

82、An enhanced form of the traditional western style of geomancy, more closely involves Astrological practice and theory into the Geomantic charts. ─── 加强形式的西方传统风格的风水,更密切地涉及星座理论与实践的风水图表。

83、It has long been regarded as an ideal place with a good geomantic omen by the geomancy experts. ─── 被历代勘舆家视为最理想的风水宝地。

84、The Chinese natural jade hall main management many kinds of watching stones, live at wonder stones and so on geomancy stone, jade, gem. ─── 山东省临朐县山水奇石馆主要经营多种观赏石,有园林石、庭院石、家居风水石、把玩玉石、宝石等奇石。

85、All kinds of "Feng Shui" Geomancy Products, Antiques, Handicrafts, Art Crafts, Crystal, Jade, Amulets, Talisman &Charms, Idols &Figurines, Old Coins &Tea Sets, Display Ornament, etc. ─── 各式各样的风水产品、古玩、手工艺品、艺术品、水晶、玉器、各种吉祥物品、旧铜钱、茶具等等。

86、It is a place where ancestral worship and the mystic art of feng shui - Asian geomancy - still grip the modern-day Korean imagination. ─── 这是祖先崇拜之地,现代韩国人仍旧信风水---亚洲的土地占卜术.

87、In traditional Western occultism, geomancy is a practice which involves either marking sixteen lines of dashes in sand or soil with a wand, or nowadays on a sheet of paper with pencil. ─── 在西方传统神秘,风水是一种惯例,涉及任何标记线破折号16沙子或土壤中的魔杖,或现在的一张纸与笔。

88、Geomancy may be primitive records of our senses and therefore materials for further researching. ─── 风水可以是人类感觉的原始纪录,因此,可以是进一步研究的资料。

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