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09-11 投稿


scold 发音

英:[skəʊld]  美:[skold]

英:  美:

scold 中文意思翻译




scold 网络释义

vi. 责骂;叱责vt. 骂;责骂n. 责骂;爱责骂的人

scold 反义词


scold 同义词

call down | blame | censor | fury | talk | scolder | nagger | skin | chide | talk to | grouch | trounce | chew up | vituperate | upbraid | rag | lecture | revile | discipline | rebuke | common scold | caution | reproof | nag | grumble | condemn | accuse | remonstrate | berate | chew out | tick off | admonish | reproach | lambast | to | tell off |reprimand | reprove | dress down | take to task | bawl out | jaw | lambaste | denounce

scold 短语词组

1、scold example ─── 骂人的例子

2、scold synonym ─── 责骂同义词

3、it scold ─── 它骂

4、scold sharply ─── 痛加斥责严厉斥责

5、that scold ─── 那次责骂

6、scold foreigners ─── 骂外国人

7、scold harshly crossword ─── 严厉地骂纵横字谜

8、scold at ─── 责骂某人

9、common scold ─── 整天骂人闹得四邻不安的泼妇

10、scold meaning ─── 骂的意思

11、scold harshly ─── 严厉地责骂

12、a common scold ─── 泼妇

scold 词性/词形变化,scold变形

副词: scoldingly |动词过去分词: scolded |名词: scolder |动词现在分词: scolding |动词第三人称单数: scolds |动词过去式: scolded |

scold 习惯用语

1、common scold ─── 整天骂人闹得四邻不安的泼妇

scold 相似词语短语

1、scolded ─── v.责骂,训斥(scold的过去式);批评

2、sold ─── v.卖,销售(sell的过去式和过去分词);n.(Sold)人名;(瑞典)索尔德

3、scolder ─── 责骂者

4、acold ─── adj.寒冷的

5、scowled ─── v.怒视(某人或某物);n.怒容

6、cold ─── adj.寒冷的;冷淡的,不热情的;失去知觉的;n.寒冷;感冒;adv.完全地

7、scald ─── vt.烫伤;烫洗;加热;晒焦;vi.烫伤;烫洗;煮沸;n.烫伤;烫洗

8、scolex ─── n.头节;寄生蠕虫的幼虫;头筛

9、scolds ─── vi.责骂;叱责;vt.骂;责骂;n.责骂;爱责骂的人

scold 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't scold him,it's not his fault. ─── 别责备他,这不是他的错。

2、Now, if another person comes and tells about the child, that this child has done, immediately he (Indian parents) will scold the child. ─── 在印度,如果有其他人来向家长告孩子的状,家长立马就会训斥他的孩子。

3、You can pull a long face and scold people into religion. ─── 你可以拉长脸教训人们皈依宗教。

4、Outside, return a meeting chaperonage to send out some huge ring and noise, usually be scold while strike table! ─── 外,还会伴随着发出一些巨响与噪音,通常就是边骂边拍桌子啦!

5、"Oh, Scarlett, don't scold me! ─── "啊,请不要责怪我!

6、Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. ─── 在打我之前请你想想。我有尖利的牙齿能伤害你,但我从来没用过。

7、I will not scold you, my little Frantz. ─── “我的小法兰兹,我不会责骂你。

8、After holding to scold the folded wife, a second-hand husband moulds tha e threshold in shorthand onqthe highland. ─── 在赞成责骂被折叠的妻子之后,二手丈夫在高地以速记法铸成了一个门槛。

9、Don't scold me for such a trifle. ─── 不要因为这样的小事责备我。

10、"Scold and adulation", cause the silence of literary criticism. ─── “骂杀与捧杀”,导致评论萎缩,是文学衰寂的重要原因。 文艺评论需要实事求是的态度。

11、What led you to scold us all today? ─── 什么事使你今天大骂我们?

12、Harry: Miss Smith, will you scold a boy for something he didn't do? Miss Smith: Of couse not. Harry: That't great. I didn't do my homework. ─── 亨利:丝密斯老师,如果孩子没有做什么,你会责备他?丝密斯老师:当然不会了!亨利:那太好了,我没有做家庭作业。

13、You must soon come and scold me, if I have done wrong, and kiss me, if I have done right. ─── 你应该快点来,要是我做得不对就骂我;要是我做得对就吻我。

14、You harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over.She breaks down in tears. ─── 你狠狠地臭骂女儿一顿,令她陷于痛苦之中。

15、Husbands are in heaven whose wives scold not . ─── 丈夫不挨妻子骂,犹如生活在天堂。

16、You may scold a carpenter who has made you a bad table, though you cannot make a table. ─── 你可以斥责一位拙劣的匠人为你做了一张坏桌子,尽管你自己不会做。

17、Don't scold the child.' It's not his fault. ─── 不要责备这个孩子,这不是他的错。

18、You shouldn't scold him on the slightest pretence. ─── 你不应该以一点点借口就责骂他。

19、Rather than scold me, he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize to our neighbor. ─── 他不但没责骂我,反而称赞我的诚实,并鼓励我向邻居道歉。

20、They protested to his stepmother, demanding that she scold him. ─── 他们有一次居然在他继母的面前批评他的行动,要她好好管教他。

21、Don't take any notice of the boy. If you scold him, he'll only start acting up. ─── 不要理那孩子,你要是责骂他,他反倒会开始调皮捣蛋。

22、Don't scold him; he is a mere child. ─── 别责备他,他只不过是个孩子。

23、However, Laotse said that the praise from official or boss is not better than their scold. ─── 可是,老子却说,受到长官以及老板夸奖的那些人,心里其实也好过不到哪里去。

24、"Take it easy on Alex and don't scold him too much," said Mrs. Green to Mr. Green. ─── "对亚历克斯耐心点,别过于责骂他。"格林太太向格林先生交代说。

25、Let him be. If you scold him,he will act up. ─── 别理他,如果你骂他,他就会顽皮。

26、Why do you scold us? We know nothing. ─── 你为什么骂人?我们怎么知道。

27、Before you scold me for being uncooperative,please ask yourself if something might be bothering me. ─── 在你责骂我不听话,顽固,懒惰之前,请你想想,是否有什么正困扰着我。

28、It's just as if it were a task he was compelled to perform--this interview--for fear his father should scold him. ─── 那正像是他被迫来完成一个任务似的——这次见面——唯恐他父亲会骂他。

29、Why couldn't they ever talk about that thing? Why couldn't he even scold her? ─── 他们究竟为什么不能谈那件事?他为什么连责骂她都不能呢?

30、As I am late, the teacher will surely scold me. ─── 因为我晚了,老师一定会骂我。

31、Don't scold him too much. After all, he is still a child. ─── 不要太责怪他,毕竟他还是个孩子。

32、His bate, pointing to Simon to scold: "Blamed, you boil to me. ─── 他大怒,指着西蒙骂道:“混蛋,你给我滚出去。”

33、Mom,your method is not right.You only scold me everyday! ─── 儿子:妈,您这教育方法不合理,天天就骂我!

34、Oh, I'll let her scold. ─── 噢,我会让她骂的。

35、The people in cars scold you. ─── 车子里的人会骂你。

36、Don't scold the boy; he'll come round in time. ─── 不要责骂这孩子,他过了那一阵就会好的。

37、You harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over. ─── 你狠狠地臭骂女儿一顿,令她陷于痛苦之中。

38、Don't scold her; she's nothing but a child. ─── 不要责骂她;她只不过是个孩子。

39、"Take it easy on Alex and don't scold him too much, " said Mrs. Green to Mr. Green. ─── "对亚历克斯耐心点,别过于责骂他。"格林太太向格林先生交代说。

40、He had read the memorandum to scold. ─── 他看了备忘录骂了起来。

41、The authoritative person didn't scold me. ─── 咦,最有权威的这个人没有劈头盖脸给我一顿。

42、His father gave him a bad scold this morning. ─── 他父亲今晨狠狠训了他一顿。

43、"Oh, Captain Randall, don't scold them! ─── "唔,兰德尔队长,请不要责备他们!

44、Don't scold what often complains because his life is so hard maked by himself. ─── 不要太苛求抱怨的人,他把自己的日子弄得够难过的了。

45、Don't scold the child.It's not his fault. ─── 别责怪那孩子, 那不是他的过错。

46、Don't scold the boy.He'll come round in time. ─── 不要责骂这个男孩,他终会平静下来的。

47、Don't scold him any more or he'll get angry. ─── 你可别再说他了,再说,他就要毛了。

48、Don't scold him. He did this totally out of habit. ─── 不要批评他了。他这么做完全是出于习惯。

49、Don't scold him; it is not his fault. ─── 不要骂他, 这不是他的错。

50、Before you scold me for being uncooperative, please ask yourself if something might be bothering me. ─── 在你骂我不合作,固执或懒惰之前,请你先想想我是否有其他隐忧。

51、But I was surprised to find that Bessie did not scold me at all. In fact she was so kind to me that I became brave enough to ask a question. ─── 但令我惊奇的是贝茜根本没有训斥我。实际上,她待我很好,我竟壮着胆子问了她一个问题。

52、"Get away!We have no nail here!"The bellboy scold a way. ─── “滚开!我们这里没有钉子!”侍者骂道。

53、Don't scold me any more,I am as anguished as you. ─── 别再责备我了!我和你一样痛苦.

54、A girl of ten, you say, and she presumes to scold her lawful king. ─── 一个十岁的女孩,你说,可她却胆敢指责她合法的国王。”

55、Don't scold him, he had said sorry to us. ─── 不要责备他了,他已经向我们道歉了。

56、"No, she doesn't scold me very often. ─── “太太这一年多来倒也不常骂我。

57、He does not dare to see his father. He is afraid of being scold. ─── 他不敢见他父亲,怕挨骂。

58、A child has many fantasy in his mind, when he tries to tell you his imaginary world, do not scold him. ─── 孩子的心中有著许多的幻想,当他试著告诉你他的想像世界时,不要马上斥为无稽;

59、Don't always scold and give lots of praise instead. ─── 不要总是批评,而要给予赞扬。

60、When he prelected, the humor was humorous, thoroughly, the 嬉 smiled 怒 to scold, all presentable chapter. ─── 他讲课时,幽默诙谐,淋漓尽致,嬉笑怒骂,皆成文章。

61、They scold us because of their love and responsibility on us. ─── 他们会责骂我们是出于对我们的爱和责任。

62、His mother's lower lip was coming at him.: His mother was to be angry and to scold him. ─── 他母亲的下嘴唇向他撇了撇。

63、Don't scold the child without reason. ─── 不可无缘无故地责骂小孩。

64、You should scold parents who can't educate their children, not children. ─── 不要责怪孩子不好,怪那些没有教好孩子的大人。

65、Don't scold her, she's nothing but a child. ─── 不要责骂她, 她只不过是个孩子。

66、He does not dare to see his father. He is afraid of his scold . ─── 他不敢见他父亲,怕挨骂。

67、If I had not done something, would you scold me for it? ─── 你会为了一件我没做的事,而责骂我吗?

68、Everyone is at scold today_________LinTao. He is ill in bed at home. ─── (林涛没上学)除了李涛之外,大家都上学了。林涛在家卧床生病。

69、Do not scold him too much; he is at best a child. ─── 不要太责骂他; 他只不过是个孩子。

70、As soon as Hamlet came into her room, his mother began to scold him for what he had done to the king. ─── 哈姆雷特一走进她的房间,他的母亲就为他对国王所做的事开始责骂他。

71、Midway up a break, dressed in a black jeans, come up to eye Lou fierce light, mouth keep scold. ─── 中途上来了一个黑人,穿一身破牛仔裤,一上来就眼露凶光,嘴里面不停的骂。

72、In fact, teachers seldom had reason to scold me because I was obedient, and loved to do my work well. ─── 事实上,老师很少有理由去责骂我,因为我很服从和喜欢做好我的作业。

73、Take it easy on John and don't scold him too much. ─── 别生约翰的气,不要过分责骂他。

74、Don' t scold her -- she' s too young to understand. ─── 别责备她,她太小不懂事。

75、Weird! You are pulling down your own house. Why must you scold yourself? ─── [译:奇怪,明明是自已将要拆掉房子,为什麽还要用骂话骂自己?

76、If your superior is in a bad mood today and scold you for a mistake that you did not do, how will you react? ─── 如果你的上司今天心情不好并且责怪你而你认为你没有做错,你会有什么反应

77、For the attention of the it, profession with painful scold, the friend's vigilance. ─── 为之,行业的注意和痛骂,朋友的警觉。

78、He also used to have a Kazakh Army hat on hand, which he would wear when he wanted to scold his assistants. ─── 他也曾经现场戴过一顶Kazakh的军帽,当他批评他的助手时,他戴过它。

79、However, he always forgives the disadvantage of others and is ready to help them not scold them. ─── 可是,他对别人的缺点却是宽容得不能再宽容了,总是想着去帮助他们而不是责备他们。

80、He just went to work every day and came home and she'd have a list of sins we'd committed and he'd scold us about them. ─── 他只是每天上班、回家,他还有一张我们已经犯下的被他斥责的过错的清单。是妈妈一个人维持着这个家的和平。

81、Their bad grades are always lectured by teachers, scold by parents and looked down upon by neighbors. ─── 他们恶劣的成绩常要遭受老师的训斥,家长的责骂的以及邻居们各色的眼光......

82、He has already shed tears for his mistakes, and I can't bear to scold him any more. ─── 他也为自己的错误流下了眼泪,我就不落忍再批评他了。

83、If he finds out, he'll scold me. ─── 如果他发现了,他会责骂我。

84、"Take it easy on Alex and don't scold him too much," said Mrs Green to Mr Green. ─── “对亚历克斯耐心点,别过于责骂他。”格林太太向格林先生交代说。

85、One day he was out and we began to scold him by enumerating his wrongdoings and vent our anger together. ─── 因为大家都只敢怒不敢言,有一天他不在,大家聚在一起以数落他的不是作为发泄。

86、If we do something wrong or we let down our parents' wishes, they may scold us severely or gently remonstrate with us. ─── 再说假如我们做错了,或者不能满父母的心意,父母免不了要责备,或者疾言厉色地骂一顿,或者只温和地教训几句。

87、A crowd of children disporting are running about around grow-ups, which caused grow-ups’ scold. ─── 一群嬉戏玩耍的孩子,始终围着大人们追来跑去,短不了惹得人们骂上几句。

88、Don't scold him, it is not his fault. ─── 不要骂他,这不是他的错。

89、The girl of 27 opposite upstairs scold its Yue:Mental derangement!Whole give up cachinnation. ─── 27对面楼上的女生骂其曰:神经病!全舍大笑。

have a cold和cold有什么区别?

感冒和寒冷。英文单词很单一,没有我们汉子词汇丰富,寓意深刻。cold 是冷的意思

比如:Today the weather is cold(今天天气真冷)(直观看是:今天这天气是冷的。翻译成中文就是:今天真冷。)

have a cold 是[感冒]的意思。(直观上是:有一个冷,意思是身体感觉到冷了。翻译成中文就是:感冒了)

比如:I have a cold (我感冒了)

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