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09-11 投稿


vouched 发音

英:[vaʊtʃt]  美:[vaʊtʃt]

英:  美:

vouched 中文意思翻译



vouched 短语词组

1、vouched invoice ─── [经] 已核定发票

2、vouched def ─── 担保定义

3、vouched ap ─── 担保ap

4、vouched syn ─── 担保syn

5、vouched audit ─── 担保审计

6、vouched company ─── 担保公司

vouched 词性/词形变化,vouched变形

动词现在分词: vouching |动词过去式: vouched |动词第三人称单数: vouches |动词过去分词: vouched |

vouched 相似词语短语

1、pouched ─── adj.有袋的;袋形的;v.把…放入袋中(pouch的过去式)

2、voucher ─── n.收据;证人;保证人;证明者;代金;vt.证实...的可靠性

3、vauched ─── vauched

4、rouched ─── 胭脂

5、douched ─── n.灌洗器;vi.冲洗;vt.冲洗;n.(Douche)人名;(法)杜什

6、touched ─── adj.受感动的,受触动的;感激的;行为怪异的,神经兮兮的;v.触摸;接触;移动,碰到;吃,喝;感动;影响;比得上;达到(某一水平等);与……有关;(在脸上)闪现(touch的过去式和过去分词)

7、couched ─── n.睡椅,长沙发;床;卧榻;vi.蹲伏,埋伏;躺着;vt.使躺下;表达;弯下;n.(Couch)人名;(英)库奇

8、vouchee ─── n.被担保人

9、avouched ─── vt.断言;保证;vi.做出保证

vouched 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They have to apologize to me and give me compensation, ' she was quoted as saying in the Mirror interview, whose accuracy Sun vouched for. ─── 他们必须向我道歉,给予我补偿。她的律师孙景伟保证采访内容是准确的。

2、confiscation vouch ─── [法] 没收凭证, 扣留凭单

3、to vouch for someone's honesty ─── 保证某人诚实

4、We can vouch for the quality. ─── 我们保证质量合格。

5、My friends will vouch for me. ─── 我的朋友们可以为我作保。

6、Vouched users are more likely to be trusted than anonymous users. ─── 比起匿名用户,认证过的用户会更值得信赖。

7、I can't vouch for this hotel (= I have no personal experience of it) but it looked wonderful from the brochure. ─── 我没住过这家旅馆,可从指南上看它很棒。

8、but he will vouch for the good conduct, the probity and honour of his friend, and is perfectly convinced that Mr.Wickham has deserved much less attention from Mr.Darcy than he has received; ─── 不过他可以担保他自己的朋友品行良好,诚实正派,他并且以为达西先生过去对待韦翰先生已经好得过分了。

9、just as important, people at the company, particularly those who came originally from Western, knew him and could vouch for him. ─── 同样重要的是,公司的员工,特别是那些从西部航空公司来的员工,也了解他,能够证明他的能力。

10、I can't vouch for the accuracy of my memory. ─── 我无法保证我的记忆正确无误。

11、A group of five women all vouch for each other. ─── 一个由5位妇女组成的小组相互担保。

12、I can vouch for the fact that he is a good worker. ─── 我保证他是好员工。

13、Duke of Venice. To vouch this, is no proof, Without more wider and more overt test Than these thin habits and poor likelihoods Of modern seeming do prefer against him. ─── 公爵没有更确实显明的证据,单单凭著这些表面上的猜测和莫须有的武断,是不能使人信服的。

14、I wish to assure my readers that I can vouch for the occurrences related in these chapters. ─── 一九三五年六月,我从南美洲的牧场返回家(曹健注:此句原译为“我从美国南方的牧场返回家”,显然是误译。

15、vouch for ─── vt. 担保(保证, 证明)

16、You put me in the General Office as a junior clerk. Since then I've never been told that I need someone to vouch for me." ─── 以后就派我在厂里帐房间办庶务,直到现在,没有对我说过要保人。”

17、Sworn in by a fool and vouched for by a scoundrel. I'm a lawyer at last. ─── 向一个傻瓜宣誓并且由一个无赖作担保。至少,我还是一名律师。

18、Others vouched for the material. ─── 其他的为这种材料作证。

19、Barnabas, however, believed in Saul He put his own good reputation on the line and vouched for him before the Jerusalem leadership. ─── 他用自己的名誉为扫罗作证,在耶路撒冷的教会领袖面前保举他。

20、I do not vouch for the truth of this story ─── 我不敢保证这个故事准是真的。

21、I had better get someone to vouch for me tonight . ─── 我最好找些人证明今晚我不在

22、Check and post the vouch of Goulds2、Check and post the vouch of RCW nanjing3、Maintain the account code4、Check ...... ... ─── 公司名称:南京优加明企业咨询有限公司工作地点:江苏省南京市发布时间:2009-6-12

23、vouch for sb ─── 宣称相信, 确认, 断言, 断定, 保证, 替(某人)担保

24、He vouched his words by his deeds. ─── 他用自己的行动证明了自己的言辞。

25、The accountant checked all the figures on the report and vouched for its accuracy. ─── 会计师确认过报告上的数字而且保证它的正确性。

26、Obversely, suppliers seeking accreditation carrying more weight than their own claims of compliance could also retain the same auditing bodies to vouch for their systems. ─── 很明显,认可比自我声称符合标准分量更重,供应商也雇用同样的审核公司来担保它们的体系。

27、God will forgive us despite the wrongs we commit against Him; even if we rebel against Him, He will still vouch for us, love us through it all. ─── 上帝将宽恕我们,侭管我们依然反对他,他仍旧保证一如既往钟爱我们。

28、I will vouch for his honesty. ─── 我愿担保他的诚实。

29、Though the Jedi general was wary of the circumstances, Bacara vouched for the unorthodox chain of command that saw the 501st ever mobile during the Outer Rim Sieges. ─── 尽管这位绝地将军对战局的变化提高了警惕,但巴卡拉担保这次越级指挥实属正常,因为501兵团一直在外环围攻战期间转战各处。

30、They have to apologize to me and give me compensation,' she was quoted as saying in the Mirror interview, whose accuracy Sun vouched for. ─── 他们必须向我道歉,给予我补偿。她的律师孙景伟保证采访内容是准确的。

31、2. I can vouch for his honesty. ─── 我可以为他的诚实做担保。

32、But he stressed that was not required by law and said search engines could not be expected to vouch for information on the Internet. ─── 不过他强调,法律并没有要求这么做,而且搜索引擎不应为网上发布的信息的真实性负责。

33、I've read this report carefully and I can vouch for its truthfulness. ─── 我已仔细看过这份报告,我可以保证它的真实性。

34、Stephanie's grandmother vouched for her story Friday with school officials. ─── 周五的时候,斯蒂芬妮的祖母向学校的工作人员确认了这则故事的真实性。

35、We are ready to vouch for the truth of the report. ─── 我们愿意保证这一报导的真实性。

36、Others vouched for the material. ─── 其他的为这种材料作证。

37、B: Well, I can't vouch for what my salesman said. All I can vouch for is what the TV was like when I took it in. ─── 啊,我不能保证我们售货员所说的话。我所能保证的只是电视机进货当时的状态。

38、I can vouch for her ability to work hard. ─── 我保证她能够努力工作。

39、I was in bed with the flu. My wife can vouch for that. ─── 我患流感卧床休息了。我的妻子可为此作证。

40、He was also required to provide two guarantors to vouch that his family would return to China. ─── 他还被要求提供两个保证人来担保他们一家肯定会回到中国。

41、Any family members to vouch for her character, ─── 她有家人为她作人格担保吗?

42、My unsoiled name, the austereness of my life, my word vouched against yours, will outweigh your accusation ─── 我的纯洁无瑕的名声,我那严肃的生活,我那些反驳你的话,都足够压倒你的控诉的。

43、I can vouch for him/his honesty. ─── 我可以为他[他的诚实]作担保。

44、A person who is in a position to recommend another or to vouch for his or her fitness, as for a job. ─── 介绍人:可以为另一人推荐或保证他或她适合做如某工作的人。

45、If you don't have employment references use other people, like people you have babysat for or neighbors, who can vouch for you. ─── 如果没有工作上的担保人,就准备其他的担保人,比如你担任临时保姆的人,或者邻居等可以为你作保的人。

46、I can't vouch for it that he is in town. ─── 我不敢保证他一定在城里。

47、I just ask you to do one thing: whatever I say to them, you vouch for my sincerity, and I'll be extremely grateful." ─── 只要我说什么,你们两位就答应什么,那就感恩不尽

48、1. the experts have vouched for the painting's authenticity. ─── 专家已经确认了该画是真迹。

49、"They are all completely under my sway," Tesla vouched, voice cracking a bit, as he edged toward the hatch. ─── “它们全都归我指挥,”泰斯拉下了保证,声音有点粗哑,缓缓移向舱门。

50、You should give the names of two people who can vouch for your honesty and reliability. ─── 你应该提供两个能担保你诚实可信的人的名字。

51、I can vouch for the reliability of the machines. ─── 我可以保证这些机器的可靠性。

52、I will vouch for her integrity. ─── 我担保她的正直。

53、With others who have been vouched for, talk turns to the latest demonstration or person to go missing. ─── 而对于另一些能确信无疑的亲友,谈话的内容则变成最近的示威游行或是宣告失踪的人士。

54、He vouched that she was really with him at the time. ─── 他保证当时她确实和他在一起。

55、I better get someone to vouch for me tonight. ─── 我最好找些人证明今晚我不在场。

56、You vouched for me. ─── 你居然还为我担保来着。

57、I am ready to vouch for the truth of the report. ─── 我愿担保这一报导的真实性。

58、Design Drawback of Vouch National Debt and Its Perfecting Path ─── 凭证式国债的设计缺陷与完善路径

59、Vouch for: to take responsibility for or express one's confidence in (a person, his behaviour, etc. ─── 为(某人,其行为等)担保或作证。

60、He vouched that she was really with him at the time. ─── 他保证当时她确实和他在一起。

61、Expense is not the only problem. Leases often require newcomers to be vouched for by other tenants. ─── 费用并不是唯一的问题,租赁协议通常需要新来的人持有其他居住者的担保。

62、Be that as it may, we do not vouch for his ability to pay. ─── 不管怎样,对他的付款能力我们不愿作出担保。

63、Be responsible for cost division and vouch audit. ─── 成本分摊及凭证审核。

64、I vouch for the quality of my products. ─── 我担保我的产品的质量。

65、I will vouch for him. ─── 我愿担保他的为人。

66、Yes, indeed, your dog is welcome at my hotel.And, if your dog will vouch for you, you're welcome to stay here, too. ─── 实际上我们非常欢迎您的狗来我们旅馆,如果它为您担保,也欢迎您来。

67、I was in bed with flu. My wife can vouch for that/me. ─── 当时我患流感卧床休息。我妻子可为此/为我作证。

68、Members of a PTA, for example, might join together to form a virtual credit union and can all vouch for each other's identity and standing. ─── 例如,一个PTA的成员可能抱团组成一个虚拟信用联盟,并且为其彼此的身份和地位做出担保。

69、I've read this report carefully and I can vouch for its correctness. ─── 我仔细看过这份报告,认为它正确无误。

70、Check and post the vouch of Goulds2、Check and post the vouch of RCW nanjing3、Maintain the account code4、Check entry bo...... ... ─── 公司名称:南京优加明企业咨询有限公司工作地点:江苏省南京市发布时间:2009-7-25

71、My wife can vouch for that. ─── 我的妻子可为此作证。

72、I can vouch for the quality of the product. ─── 我能担保产品质量。

73、I've read this report carefully and I can vouch for its accuracy. ─── 我已仔细看过这份报告,可以肯定它的精确性。

74、[NIV] I vouch for him that he is working hard for you and for those at Laodicea and Hierapolis. ─── 13[和合]他为你们和老底嘉并希拉波立的弟兄多多地劳苦,这是我可以给他作见证的。

75、Are you willing to vouch for him? ─── 你愿意为他担保吗?

76、charges that he could not vouch. ─── 对他的不能证实的控告

77、Carol: Yes, I am. I'm his sister, these are my parents and they'll vouch for me. ─── 卡罗尔:对,是我,我是他妹妹,这是我父母他们能证明。

78、I will vouch for him [his honesty]. ─── 我愿担保他的为人[诚实]。

79、I cannot vouch for the correctness of the transcript of proceeding ─── 我不能担保诉讼的官方记录是正确的。

80、vouched invoice ─── [经] 已核定发票

81、"I can't vouch for our other branches, but I've always heard that these two houses take great pains over the education of their sons." ─── "别门不知,只说这宁,荣二宅,是最教子有方的."

82、We can vouch that our products are of good quality. ─── 对于我们的产品质量,我们是完全可以拍胸脯保证的。

83、I vouch for him that he is working hard for you and for those at Laodicea and Hierapolis. ─── 他为你们和老底嘉并希拉波立的弟兄,多多的劳苦。这是我可以给他作见证的。

84、They have consulted with Fabio Capello and Franco Baldini who have effectively vouched for Beckham as a positive influence on the pitch and in the dressing-room. ─── 他们也咨询过卡佩罗和巴尔迪尼(前罗马、皇马体育总监,商业谈判专家,现任卡佩罗助手),他们都认为贝克汉姆在球场上和更衣室都会带来积极的影响。

85、They asked whether I was prepared to vouch for him. ─── 他们问我是否愿意为他作担保。

86、Only members who have been vouched for three times have the power to issue such an endorsement. ─── 只有经过三个不同的人担保过的会员才有权得到类似的徽章。

87、Instead, the finger of blame and ridicule ends up each time pointing to the charismatic heartbreaker himself, as he bids to(bid to:企图) vouch for(vouch for:担保) Hannah's hand. ─── 当这个充满魅力,令人心碎的男人努力尝试着对汉娜做出(爱的承诺)时,每每的责备和嘲笑嘎然而止了。

88、Why doesn't a densitometer always vouch for the quality of colors? ─── 为何光密度计不总能保证色彩品质?

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