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09-11 投稿


manifestly 发音


英:  美:

manifestly 中文意思翻译



manifestly 网络释义

adv. 显然地;明白地

manifestly 短语词组

1、manifestly absurd ─── 明显荒谬的

2、manifestly false ─── 明显虚假的

3、manifestly depicts ─── 明显地描绘

4、manifestly clear ─── 明显清楚

5、manifestly haraway ─── 显然是哈拉韦

6、manifestly depict ─── 明显地描绘

7、manifestly shown ─── 明显显示

8、manifestly unfounded ─── 明显没有根据

9、manifestly login ─── 明显登录

10、manifestly unreal ─── 明显不真实的

11、manifestly mean ─── 明显刻薄的

12、manifestly unfit ─── 明显不适合

13、manifestly homogenous ─── 明显同质的

14、manifestly define ─── 明确定义

15、manifestly defined ─── 明确定义的

16、manifestly app ─── 明显的应用程序

manifestly 词性/词形变化,manifestly变形

动词第三人称单数: manifests |副词: manifestly |动词过去分词: manifested |动词过去式: manifested |动词现在分词: manifesting |

manifestly 相似词语短语

1、manifestable ─── 明显的

2、manifested ─── adj.证明的;已显示的;显然的;v.显示;证明(manifest的过去分词)

3、manifesto ─── n.宣言;声明;告示;vi.发表宣言

4、manifestos ─── n.宣言;声明;告示(manifesto的变形)

5、manifestible ─── 明显的

6、manifest ─── v.表明,清楚显示(尤指情感、态度或品质);证明;(病症)显现;(鬼魂或神灵)出现;在清单上记录;adj.显然的,明显的;显现出的;n.载货单,货单;旅客名单;货运列车编组清单;adv.明显地

7、manifestant ─── 发起(或参加)示威运动者

8、manifests ─── v.表明,清楚显示(尤指情感、态度或品质);证明;(病症)显现;(鬼魂或神灵)出现;在清单上记录;adj.显然的,明显的;显现出的;n.载货单,货单;旅客名单;货运列车编组清单;adv.明显地

9、manifester ─── 显能者

manifestly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For example, the structure of the manifest file looks as follows. ─── 例如,清单文件的结构如下所示。

2、Even they will manifestly behold the Beauty of God in that world. ─── 在那个世界,他们甚至会清晰地看见上帝的圣美。

3、To manifest traits associated with old age. ─── 使变老出现和老年有关的特征

4、Great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh. ─── 大哉,敬虔的奥秘,无人不以为然!就是神在肉身显现。

5、How does it manifest itself in the field of culture? ─── 在文化上如何表现这种区别呢?

6、Governments are already trying to deal with public anger about manifestly unfair gains by capping bankers' bonuses. ─── 要平息民愤,政府也已经采取了措施,对银行家所得分红加以限制,以抑制明显的不公平收益。

7、The assembly element is the top-level element for the application manifest. ─── assembly元素是应用程序清单的顶层元素。

8、The assembly element is the top-level element for the deployment manifest. ─── assembly元素是部署清单的顶层元素。

9、Second, both manifest distinctive dispirited thoughts. ─── 其二,两者所体现的颓废不同。

10、The password used for signing a manifest with a digital certificate. ─── 使用数字证书对清单进行签名时所用的密码。

11、Morse, who was pleased at his manifest improvement. ─── 她见了他明显的进步很为高兴。

12、Maybe she has a skin infection.Cellulitis?That could manifest with tachycardia. ─── |也许她的皮肤是传染病 蜂窝组织炎?

13、is manifestly absurd. ─── 是荒唐至极。

14、Her manifest lack of interest in the project has provoked severe criticism. ─── 她对这个计划明显缺乏兴趣,已经激起了严厉的批评。

15、Fear was manifest on her face. ─── 她脸上显露出惧怕的神情。

16、The assembly must be the name of a file that contains an assembly manifest. ─── assembly必须是包含程序集清单的文件的名称。

17、If you desire a new beloved, then intend it so and allow the dream to manifest. ─── 如果你渴望一位爱人,那么如此意愿并让梦想显化。

18、The following illustration shows the different ways the manifest can be stored. ─── 以下插图显示了清单的不同存储方法。

19、There'd be no point in submitting documents to the customs before they have the ship's manifest. ─── 在海关没有拿到船舶的载货清单以前去提呈申报是没有用的。

20、Its manifestly easier to realize some goals here than it would be in the U.S. ─── 在这里显然比在美国更容易实现某些目标。

21、Whether advocates and orators had liberty to plead in causes manifestly known to be unjust, vexatious, or oppressive? ─── 如果判案明显不公平,故意与人为难,或者欺压一方,辩护人和原告有没有申明抗辩的自由?

22、According to this manifest there were twenty seven crew members on board. ─── 名单显示,飞机上有二十七名机组人员。

23、To create a level of indirection a manifest file on the server is used. ─── 为产生一间接级别,在服务器上使用一个显式的文件。

24、What do you wish me to make manifest? ─── 你希望我显化些什么?

25、The symtoms manifest themselves ten day later. ─── 10天后症状显露出来了。

26、This dance was to manifest this great victory. ─── 内容就是表现武王克商的丰功伟业。

27、The problems with multiple Undo are not due to its behavior as much as they are due to its manifest model. ─── 多次撤销存在的问题不是因为它的行为,而是因为其显式模型。

28、Element should uniquely identify the deployment manifest. ─── 元素应唯一标识部署清单。

29、For integrity used doth the one; but integrity professed, and with a manifest detestation of bribery,doth the other. ─── 因为一个人自己实行的节操是约束自己和仆役的,而宣扬出去的节操,再加上公开的对贿赂的厌恨,则是约束他人的。

30、This shall be the return of God Goddess to Earth in so being made manifest. ─── 在如此显化中,这会是神/女神返回地球。

31、When he arrived at the train station, he hurried through his breakfast, manifestly ill at ease and keeping a sharp eye about him. ─── 到达火车站後,他匆忙吃完早餐,显然很不自在,并警惕地注视四周。

32、Sorrow was manifest on her face. ─── 她脸上露出悲哀。

33、How Will the Aquarian Age Manifest? ─── 太空时代将如何发生?

34、Fear was manifest on his face. ─── 他脸上显露出恐惧的表情。

35、Her ability is manifest, but she is not attractive. ─── 她才能出众,但长相并不动人。

36、They feel smoking is due to the lack of moral education and upbringing, it is not a type of expression you manifest. ─── 他们好象觉得吸烟是缺乏教养﹑没有修养的一种表现。

37、One's dreams therefore should manifest as a result of one's ascent. ─── 作为你提升的结果,你的梦想因此会显化。

38、The inner earth peoples have also manifest guru patterns. ─── 地心人类也显化了古鲁的模式。

39、They were pleased at his manifest improvement. ─── 他们对他明显的进步感到高兴。

40、A quick check of the station's manifest showed that Whitson had planned more than 40 shrimp meals for her stay. ─── 从空间站的物品清单中可以看出,佩吉为她的太空之行一共准备了40顿"虾餐"。

41、Use the Manifest Tool property pages to set build options for mt. Exe. ─── 使用“清单工具”属性页可以为mt.exe设置生成选项。

42、However if a problem arises in one of the last three issues it will manifest itself in some form on an illness. ─── 不过,如果后三项出了问题,他总会以某种疾病的方式表现出来。

43、We alighted upon a sign which manifestly referred to billiards . ─── 我们无意中看见一块显然是指弹子房的招牌。

44、Karma often dictates what one can or cannot manifest. ─── 业力经常指示你能显化什么,不能显化什么。

45、The manifest file is new in Eclipse 3. ─── manifest文件是Eclipse 3中的新功能。

46、The hash values are stored in the file table of the assembly manifest. ─── 哈希值存储在程序集清单的文件表中。

47、He doesn't manifest much interest in his studies. ─── 他对学习没表现出多大兴趣。

48、It was their manifest failure to modernize the country's industries. ─── 他们使国家进行工业现代化, 明显失败了。

49、Give thanks for what does manifest. ─── 为被显化的致谢。

50、She doesn't manifest any interest. ─── 她没显露出任何兴趣。

51、Save and close the deployment manifest file. ─── 保存并关闭部署清单文件。

52、Signs a ClickOnce manifest or PE file. ─── 为ClickOnce清单或PE文件签名。

53、But the Fed's hair is manifestly not on fire, nor do most politicians seem to see any urgency about the situation. ─── 然而,显然,美联储的头发并未着火,大多数政客似乎也没有看出情况有多么紧急。

54、In order to manifest the company the value to struggle! ─── 为体现公司的价值而奋斗!

55、In that time, an awesome awakening will begin to manifest. ─── 在那时候,一个有威严的觉醒将开始显示。

56、Any thought you hold will manifest. ─── 你所拥有的任何思想都会显现。

57、Character image quality One must manifest a make-up artist's modelling ability. ─── 人物形象的好坏:一是体现一个化装师的造型的能力;

58、When he arrived at the train station, he hurried through his breakfast, manifestly ill at ease and keeping a sharp eye about him. ─── 到达火车站后,他匆忙吃完早餐,显然很不自在,并警惕地注视四周。

59、Whosoever is found variable, and changeth manifestly, without manifest cause, giveth suspicion of corruption. ─── 一个人要是被人认为反复无常,或者无明显的原故而公开地变更了,就要招致贪污之嫌疑的。

60、We could attack and acquire specific designated objectives, possibly indefinately, though occupying such a country is manifestly impossible. ─── 我们可以打击或达到一些预先指定的目标,虽然要占领那样的一个国家明显是不可能的。

61、If they reappear, they manifest themselves in certain typical ways. ─── 一旦它们重复出现就会以特有的方法表现出来。

62、Generate an external manifest by using app. Manifest. ─── 使用app.manifest生成外部清单。

63、To display or present a manifest of(cargo). ─── 出示货单展示或出示(货物)的清单

64、Toilet phobia can simply be manifest as a mild distaste for public loos. ─── 公厕恐惧症的症状有可能只是不太喜欢上公共厕所。

65、When to Manifest the Advantages of Chinese-made Fabrics? ─── 中国画料优势何时凸显?

66、That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak. ─── 4叫我按着所该说的话,将这奥秘发明出来。

67、The problem of aging didn't manifest itself until the Eleventh National Party Congress [held in August 1977]. ─── 从党的十一大(1977年8月召开的)开始突现老龄化问题。

68、my dear fellow ! " he stammered , manifestly taken aback and quite forgetting his pose . " where d you think we are ? ─── 不,亲爱的,”他结结巴巴说道,显得不知所措,忘记做出装腔作势的样子,“你也不看看这儿是什么地方!

69、To manifest his inborn powers, he has but to concentrate to effect change, tapping a reservoir of mental strength. ─── 只要将心神专注于所要造成的变化效应,并且汲取出一部分心灵之力,他就能够展现出他那天赋的能力。

70、The anger he felt is manifest in his paintings. ─── 他的愤怒明显地表现在他的绘画之中。

71、But the effects of mortal shocks only manifest themselves slowly . ─── 但是一个人受了致命的打击,反应是慢慢地显露出来的。

72、She manifestly failed to last the mile-and-a-half of the race. ─── 她显然没有跑完1.5英里的比赛。

73、He may change his religion at will may manifest his faith in teaching, worship and observance. ─── 他可以随意改变宗教信仰,可以在教职,礼拜或仪式中表明他的信仰。

74、His vanity sticks out so manifestly that it is evident to all. ─── 他的虚荣心如此明显,大家都看得清楚。

75、The suffering, emptiness, and impermanence of the world manifest the truth. ─── 世有苦空无常,故有真理示现。

76、The human form was not originally designed to manifest unconsciously. ─── 人类形态最初没有被设计来显化无意识。

77、He's got a stateroom listed as a cargo hold on the manifest. ─── 他将头等舱伪造成装货物的仓库。

78、He doesn't manifest much interest in his his studies. ─── 他表现出对学业没多大兴趣。

79、She doesn't manifest much desire to the marriage. ─── 她没有显露出多少对那婚姻的欲望。

80、Q: If it is the source, why and how does it manifest itself? ─── 假如它是本源,它为什麽及如何显现?

81、He smiled at the manifest absurdity. ─── 他对这明显的谬论付之一笑。

82、Open your deployment manifest in MageUI. Exe. ─── 在MageUI.exe中打开部署清单。

83、The party has manifestly failed to achieve its goal. ─── 这一政党显然没有达到自己的目标。

84、Forms manifest fresco, designer thinks by images. ─── 壁画本身是以形式来表达,设计师就是以图像来思维的。

85、Many last year manifest donations for themselves also to cover Conclave fees. ─── 去年许多人也为自己显化了够秘会费用的捐款。

86、There'dbe no point in submitting documents to the customs before they have t he ship's manifest, would there? ─── 在海关没有拿到船舶的载货清单以前,去提呈申报单是没有用的,是吗?

87、The duplicate of the manifest of the cargo must be kept by the buyer. ─── 买家应该保留货物清单的复印件。

88、She does not manifest much desire to marry him. ─── 她没有表白真想嫁给他的意愿。

89、His high fever attested to his illness; The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication. ─── 他发高烧证明他病了。

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