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09-11 投稿


auxiliaries 发音

英:[ɔ:gˈzɪləris]  美:[ɔ:gˈzɪlɪəris]

英:  美:

auxiliaries 中文意思翻译


n.助动词 ( auxiliary的名词复数 ); 辅助工,辅助人员


auxiliaries 短语词组

1、auxiliaries pso2 ─── 助剂pso2

2、auxiliaries army ─── 辅助军

3、modal auxiliaries definition ─── 模态辅助词定义

4、auxiliaries load ─── 辅机负载

5、auxiliaries control module ─── 辅机控制组件

6、auxiliaries def ─── 辅助设备定义

7、auxiliaries ww2 ─── 辅助设备ww2

8、textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries ─── [化] 染整助剂

9、auxiliaries 734 ─── 辅助设备734

10、open for auxiliaries ─── 对辅助设备开放

11、auxiliaries list ─── 辅助设备清单

auxiliaries 词性/词形变化,auxiliaries变形

形容词: auxetic |副词: auxetically |

auxiliaries 常用词组

auxiliary equipment ─── 辅助设备,附属设备;备用设备

auxiliary power ─── 厂用电力

auxiliary system ─── 辅助系统

auxiliaries 相似词语短语

1、ancillaries ─── 辅助设备

2、judiciaries ─── n.司法部;法官;司法制度;adj.司法的;法官的;法院的

3、auxiliary tones ─── 配调

4、auxiliary ─── adj.辅助的;副的;附加的;(发动机、设备等)备用的;n.助动词;辅助者,辅助物;附属机构;(北美)志愿队;(海军的)辅助舰队

5、vexillaries ─── n.旗手;adj.军旗的(等于vexillar)

6、auxiliary notes ─── 配调

7、auxiliary verbs ─── 助动词

8、maxillaries ─── adj.上颌骨的,上颌的;n.上颌骨

9、axillaries ─── adj.[植]腋生的;腋窝的;叶腋的;n.[鸟]腋羽

auxiliaries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Problems and strategies facing the state-owned enterprise after implementing the division of principles and auxiliaries ─── 国有企业实行主辅分离面临的问题及对策

2、We also supply all kinds of - parts and superior auxiliaries. ─── 可以随时向您提供各种配件,各种配套的精良辅机.

3、Condition Maintenance of Auxiliaries in Songyu Power Plant ─── 嵩屿电厂辅机状态检修

4、the division of principles and auxiliaries ─── 主辅分离

5、Any auxiliaries for the safety valve should be completed and work normally. ─── 安全阀外部相关附件完整无损并且正常.

6、Your remarks in the court were necessary auxiliaries to my brother's acquittal. ─── 你法庭上的陈词是宣判我哥哥无罪必不可少的辅助陈述.

7、The auxiliaries to absorb polyphenol effectively include Germany silica gel (removal rate as 4.33%), PVPP (removal rate as 3.82%), and bentonite (removal rate as 3.89%). ─── 对多酚类物质有较大吸附作用的助剂有德国矽胶(去除率为4.33%)、PVPP(去除率为3.82%)和皂土(去除率为3.89%);

8、The antibacterial finishing of woven cashmere products is introduced from the selection of auxiliaries,the mechanisms of the antibacterial behaviors,the process and so on. ─── 介绍了羊绒机织品的抗菌整理,从助剂的选用、抗菌的机理、整理的工艺路线以及工艺条件几方面进行了研究。

9、PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTABILITIES Working on detail of the rotate machines and auxiliaries in air separation field, suc...... ... ─── 公司名称:空气化工产品(中国)投资有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-6-10

10、Water is mainly composed of pesticides, solvents, auxiliaries three parts. ─── 水性上光油主要由主剂 、 溶剂 、 助剂三大部分组成.

11、Excellent compatibility, can be used with pitch and other auxiliaries. ─── 兼容性良好,可与树脂等其它助剂并用。

12、Keywords Textile Auxiliaries;Dispersants For Dye Manuf.;Penetrants;Oxidants;Development; ─── 印染助剂;染料分散剂;渗透剂;

13、dyeing and printing auxiliaries ─── 印染助剂

14、Composition : It is composed of several anionic surfactants, rust - proofing agents and auxiliaries. ─── 组成: 多种表面活性剂, 防锈 剂,辅助添加剂.

15、dyeing and finishing auxiliaries for textile ─── [化] 纺织染整助剂

16、Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 4 : boiler auxiliaries - Section 9 : sootblowers. ─── 动力站设备的征购指南.第4部分:锅炉附件.第9节:吹灰机

17、Auxiliaries used in the acid - proof and alkali resistant finishing of polyester/viscose blended fabric are introduced. ─── 介绍了涤粘混纺织物防酸防碱整理工艺助剂及产品特性。

18、One half of the cycle consists of the boiler (or heat source) and its auxiliaries; the other, the thermodynamic cycle, consists of turbine, generator, condenser, feed pump and feed-water heaters. ─── 循环的一半是由锅炉(或热源)及其助剂组成;另一半,即热力循环,包括汽轮机,发电机,冷凝器,给水泵和给水加热器。

19、A typical continuous fractionating column equipped with the necessary auxiliaries and containing rectifying and stripping sections is shown in Fig. 21.7. ─── 图21.7所示的是一个典型的连续操作精馏塔。它配备有必要的辅助设施,包括精馏段与提馏段两部分。

20、Design and Application of 300 MW Fossil Fired Power Plant Auxiliaries'Dry Cooling Control System ─── 300MW火电厂干冷式辅助冷却控制系统设计和应用

21、Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 4: boiler auxiliaries - Section 9: sootblowers. ─── 动力站设备的征购指南。第4部分:锅炉附件。

22、Functional finishing auxiliaries ─── 功能性整理剂

23、The powder took the volume auxiliaries, reduced the sealant production cost. ─── 滑石粉作为体积填充剂, 降低了密封胶的生产成本.

24、Guide for the procurement of power station equipment - Turbine auxiliaries - Feedwater heaters ─── 发电站设备采购指南。涡轮机辅助设备。给水加热器

25、Triadimefon, paclobutrazol, diniconazole, yect, JXB, pesticide emulsifier, oil field chemicals, surface active agent, dyeing and finishing auxiliaries for textile. ─── 三唑酮、多效唑、烯唑醇、异恶草酮、甲辛宝、农药乳化剂、油田化学品、表面活性剂、纺织染整助剂。


27、Keywords PVC calendaring leather;modification of ADC blowing agent;inhibiting auxiliaries;accelerating auxiliaries; ─── PVC压延革;ADC发泡剂改性;抑制助剂;促进助剂;

28、Pigment exhaust dyeing and relative auxiliaries,dyeing methods and after-finishing of pigment dyed products were introduced. ─── 介绍了涂料浸染工艺和助剂、涂料浸染方法及涂料染色产品的后整理工艺。

29、In English the future tense is often rendered by means of auxiliaries. ─── 在英语中,未来式常用助动词来表现。

30、I need some auxiliaries . ─── 我需要一些帮手。

31、High temperature pressure dyeing process using microencapsulated disperse dyes without auxiliaries ─── 分散染料微胶囊高温高压无助剂染色

32、Cool various parts of the furnace and its auxiliaries. ─── 冷却炉子的各个部分及其辅助设备.

33、textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries ─── [化] 染整助剂

34、The effect of different chemicals and textile auxiliaries are tested and compared. ─── 试验并比较了各种不同的化学药品和纺织助剂的作用.

35、RA 1440 is a acrylic resin polymer and auxiliaries compound designed to be suitable of finishing of flexible leathers. ─── RA 1440是丙烯酸树脂与助剂的复合树脂,适合于各种耐曲绕性革涂饰。

36、In order to decrease the dosage of additive package for gear oil, the service performance of the sulfur and phosphorus contained additive and its synergistic effect with the auxiliaries were studied. ─── 为解决通用齿轮油复合剂加剂量偏高的问题,在实验室研究了含硫添加剂、含磷添加剂的使用性能以及它们与辅助添加剂的复合效应。

37、Orthoses and auxiliaries are important to the people with lower limb disabled in their daily lives. ─── 中文摘要肢架辅具的使用对肢体行动不便的生活上是相当重要。

38、There are many auxiliaries with high rotating speed in a power plant such as pumps, fans, motors, etc. ─── 在火力发电厂中,存在着大量的高速旋转辅助设备如给水泵、风机、马达等。

39、Study of the pigment dyeing, finishing and choice of auxiliaries for ready-made cloths ─── 成衣涂料染色和整理工艺及助剂的选用

40、provide basic care, but are not qualified nurses. ─── 护士们提供基本护理,但没有护士资格。

41、The elements, auxiliaries and properties of DCS control system are introduced. The main control policy is proposed. The operation and maintenance of the system are summarized. ─── 对DCS控制系统的构成、配置及性能进行了必要的阐述,提出了主要控制方案,总结了系统的运行和维护情况。

42、EU Directive on Restricted Use of APEO and Its Effect on China's Textile Auxiliaries Industry ─── APEO的限用和对我国纺织助剂的影响

43、The I&C power supply system should provide an independent, division oriented, continuous, reliable, regulated, single-phase AC power supply from the NPP auxiliaries power supply system. ─── 仪表与控制系统的电源系统应与NPP辅助设备的电源系统互相独立,并且为分段型、连续、可靠、可调的单相交流电源。

44、Transportation of final products to site including oil and other auxiliaries, etc. ─── 包括变压器油以及其他附件在内的成品运输执行.

45、These unwarlike auxiliaries gave way like cheese to a knife. ─── 这支未经阵战的辅助部队就象利刃下的奶酪一样,一触即溃.

46、The research results provided also the theoretic supports for the use of new surfactants and development of new dyeing auxiliaries. ─── 为新型表面活性剂的应用和新型染色助剂的开发提供了理论依据。

47、This paper introduces the operation principle of auxiliaries and matters needing attention in desizing, scouring, fixing and finishing. ─── 在选好、用好染化料同时,要加强环保意识,从而提高染色的一次成功率,降低回修率。

48、Cool various parts of the furnace and its auxiliaries . ─── 冷却炉子的各个部分及其辅助设备。

49、These auxiliaries have made our work much easier. ─── 有了这些辅助人员, 我们的工作才顺利多了。

50、In English the future tense is often rendered by means of auxiliaries. ─── 在英语中,将来时常用助动词来表现.

51、The auxiliaries to absorb proteins effectively include tannic acid (removal rate as 52.8 %),carrageenin (removal rate as 33.5 %),and Zhe No.1 silica gel (removal rate as 33.2 %). ─── 吸附酒体蛋白质比较有效的助剂有单宁酸(去除率为52.8%)、卡拉胶(去除率为33.5%)和浙1号硅胶(去除率为33.2%);

52、NF EN 60927/A2-2005 Auxiliaries for lamps - Starting devices (other than glow tarters) - Performance requirements. 5 ─── 1997灯的辅件--起动装置(非辉光起动器)--性能要求32页

53、The company mainly produces textile auxiliaries, the necessary raw materials for inorganic chemicals, organic chemicals, textile auxiliaries, and so on. ─── 公司主要生产纺织印染助剂,所需原料为无机化工,有机化工,纺织印染助剂等.

54、Moreover,the evolution and developing of application of reactive dyes on wool dyeing including dyestuff,auxiliaries and using method were introduced. ─── 同时介绍了活性染料在羊毛染色方面,染料、助剂等方面的沿革与发展趋势。

55、In any case, that spring and summer he mounted senseless raids on enemy auxiliaries. ─── 哈莱姆地区为塔塔格里亚家族摇旗呐喊的人一个个给打死了。

56、Manufacturers of dyestuffs, thickeners, chemicals and auxiliaries for the textile industry. ─── 染料制造商, 增稠剂, 化学品和助剂,用于纺织行业.

57、The coordinate use of auxiliaries is a way to increase the reactive dye fastness ─── 助剂的配合使用是提高活性染料染色牢度的有效途径

58、Though there is not much difference in the frequency of modal auxiliaries as a whole in their writings, statistically significant differences do exist concerning the use of can, might, and would. ─── 就情态助动词而言,虽然中外作者在使用频率上没有太大差别,但个别词,如 can, might 和would的使用上却有显著差异。

59、The guidance AI's death was near; it cut in auxiliaries , eager for that moment. ─── 导航智能电脑的最后时刻就快到了,它中断了辅助设备,迫不及待的等待着那一刻的到来。

60、RC 1451 is a acrylic resin polymer, polyurethane and auxiliaries compound. ─── RC 1451是一支聚氨酯的综合树脂。

61、Application Engineer - Auxiliaries Pretreatment ─── 应用工程师-助剂前处理

62、various parts of the cooling furnace and its auxiliaries ─── 冷却炉子的各个部分及其辅助设备

63、The authors point out in this thesis that modal verbs and auxiliaries are identical to each other in syntactical functions,therefore they should be taken as the same category. ─── 对情态动词的句法特点进行了分析,并在这一分析的基础上提出了自己的看法,认为情态动词和助动词具有句法上的同一性,应该属于同一语类,这更符合句法普遍性和经济性的特点。

64、Reliability Analysis of Main Auxiliaries in Songyu Thermal Power Plant ─── 嵩屿电厂主要辅机可靠性分析

65、Its nomenclature including glues the nature of the auxiliaries of operation (oil, grease etc) ─── 它的命名,包括黏和剂,辅助材料(机油,油脂)等的特性

66、A kind of cationic monomer is copolymerized with ethylene monomers in solution, in which the auxiliaries and initator are added, then the cationic resin retanning agent is abtained. ─── 一种阳离子单体与含乙烯基类单体,在助剂、引发剂存在条件下进行溶液聚合,制得阳离子树脂复鞣剂。

67、The variety of auxiliaries and to improve the color fastness to wet crocking are put forward. ─── 环染的产生原因.给出提高湿摩擦牢度的相应措施,以及提高湿摩擦牢度的助剂.

68、rubber auxiliaries manufacturer mainly produce rubber scorch retardant,rubber peptizer,etc. ─── 专业生产橡胶防焦剂,橡胶塑解剂等有关助剂。

69、The compressor and the motor are coupled and the entire unit is mounted on a common base-plate with air-cooling system, local control system, lube system and auxiliaries. ─── 压缩机和电机由联轴器连接,整个机组包括冷却系统、控制系统、油润滑系统及其它辅助设备都安装在一个钢制公用底座上。

70、Identification and Analysis of Quaternary Ammonium Salt Auxiliaries ─── 季铵盐类纺织助剂的鉴定和分析

71、Based on elastic emulsion,compounded with auxiliaries such as film forming aids,dispersing agent and moistening agent,a highly elastic exterior wall paint was developed. ─── 以弹性乳液为基料,辅以成膜助剂、分散剂、润湿剂等助剂,研制出一种高弹性外墙涂料。

72、Mood Auxiliaries in the know in Kazakh Language ─── 哈萨克语知情语气助词

73、It is one of the earliest electroplate auxiliaries factories set up in Shanghai. ─── 上海永生助剂厂是上海市成立最早的电镀助剂厂之一。

74、Application of Frequency Converter in Fossil Fuel Power Plant Auxiliaries and Its Economic Evaluation ─── 变频器在火电厂辅机的应用与经济性评价

75、A transformer supplying auxiliaries of a power station. ─── 向电站的辅助设备供电的变压器。

76、High quality glazed ceramic tile was prepared by using flyash as a main material and other silicate materials as auxiliaries. ─── 以粉煤灰为主要原料,以其它硅酸盐原料做辅助料,试制出性能优良的陶瓷釉面砖。

77、The Situation of China's Printing and Dyeing Industry in 2008 and Its Future Development Trend, and the Demand for Auxiliaries. ─── 2008年我国印染行业情况与未来发展趋势及对印染助剂的要求;

78、The emergency measure consisting of the disconnection of unit to maintain the supply of its auxiliaries. ─── 将发电单元机组从系统断开、能维持对自身辅助设备供电的紧急措施。

79、The present situation and market trends of plastic auxiliaries oversea are briefly introduced, and the future development is also introduced. ─── 介绍当前国外塑料助剂行业动态和助剂今后发展趋势。

80、mainly produce paint auxiliaries such as disperser,defoamer.anti-settling agents,etc. ─── 主要生产涂料助剂防沉剂,分散剂,流平剂,消泡剂,锤纹剂。

81、Selection of the auxiliaries for dyeing silk with BF type reactive dyes ─── BF型活性染料蚕丝染色的助剂选用

82、Application Engineer - Auxiliaries Finishing ─── 应用工程师-助剂后整理

83、The company mainly produces Fibreglass products, unsaturated polyester resin gel coat and auxiliaries, FRP products, Geo materials, Intensive chemicals. ─── 公司主要生产玻璃纤维制品、不饱和聚酯树脂类及辅料系列、玻璃钢复合材料、交通建设土工材料、精细化工类玻璃纤维粘结剂等。

84、Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries: The use of auxiliary substances (e.g., solvents, separation agents, etc.) should be made unnecessary wherever possible and innocuous when used. ─── 安全的溶剂和辅助剂:尽可能的避免使用辅助物质(像是溶剂、分离试剂等),假如无法避免,也要选用无毒害的。

85、According to the different roles played in the formation of verb phrases, verbs are divided into two major classes: main verbs and auxiliaries . ─── 动词按其在构成动词词组中所起的作用分为主动词和助动词两大类。

86、And the application of glycollic acid in the fields of chemical cleaning, auxiliaries and materials were introduced in detail. ─── 并对羟基乙酸在化学清洗、助剂和材料等方面的应用进行了详细的介绍。

87、The research covers shafting and rudder products used in various carrying vessels, engineering vessels, naval auxiliaries, surface vessels and underwater submarines. ─── 公司有研以范畴:各种运输船、工程船、军辅船、水面舰船、水下潜艇等轴舵系配套。

88、Datymer A.,Interactions between auxiliaries and dyes in the dyes in the dyebath,Rev.Prog.Color,1993(23):40 ─── 宋心远,沈煜如,分散染料助剂增溶染色,染整技术,1999(4):5

89、The auxiliaries helpful for wine heat stability include carrageenin, U.S. silica gel and active carbon. ─── 对酒体热稳定性产生较大作用的助剂有卡拉胶、美国矽胶和活性炭。

90、An Selective Study of Compounding Varnish and Auxiliaries by Blending acrylic Acid Resin and Ammoniac Alcohol ─── 丙烯酸树脂与氨醇树脂共混配制清漆及其助剂的选择研究

91、Liquid crystal ink is mainly composed of multicarboxyl and LCD capsule, auxiliaries, binders, defoaming agent. ─── 液晶油不朱次给由水溶性树脂、液晶胶囊 、 助剂 、 拆开料 、 消泡剂构成.

92、Application of multi-function preparation auxiliaries in yarn dyeing ─── 多功能前处理助剂在染纱中的应用

93、Developing Trends in Textile Printing %26 Dyeing Auxiliaries Sector at Home and Abroad ─── 国内外纺织印染助剂发展新动向

94、Levelling agent is one of important textile auxiliaries and it has dying performances such as migrating and retarding abilities.It can improve the dyeing result evidently. ─── 匀染剂具有缓染性和移染性,可有效改善染料的匀染性达到均匀染色的结果,从而提高染料的应用性能。

95、Do not remove any (protective) covers of the auxiliaries! ─── 不要拆除任何辅助电器设备的(保护)外盖!

96、A person is liable for damage caused by his auxiliaries acting within the scope of their functions provided that they violated the required standard of conduct. ─── 任何人都应对其辅助者在职权范围内违反被要求的行为标准造成的损害负责任。

97、The auxiliaries to absorb proteins effectively include tannic acid (removal rate as 52.8%), carrageenin (removal rate as 33.5%), and Zhe No.1 silica gel (removal rate as 33.2%). ─── 吸附酒体蛋白质比较有效的助剂有单宁酸(去除率为52.8%)、卡拉胶(去除率为33.5%)和浙1号矽胶(去除率为33.2%);

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