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09-11 投稿



extendible 发音

英:[ekˈstendəbl]  美:[ɪkˈstendɪbl]

英:  美:

extendible 中文意思翻译



extendible 短语词组

1、extendible data structure ─── [计] 可扩充数据结构

2、extendible programming language ─── [计] 可扩充的程序设计语言

3、extendible hashing ─── [计] 可扩充的散列法

4、extendible compiler ─── [计] 可扩充的编译程序

5、extendible arm ─── 可伸缩臂

6、extendible metalanguage ─── [计] 可扩充元语言

7、extendible computer simulator ─── [计] 可扩充计算机模拟程序

8、extendible definition ─── [计] 可扩充定义

extendible 相似词语短语

1、ascendible ─── 上升的

2、exponible ─── n.可说明的命题;adj.可说明的

3、extendable ─── adj.可延长的;可展开的;可扩张的

4、inextensible ─── adj.不能扩展的;不能伸展的

5、expandible ─── 可扩展的

6、extensile ─── adj.可伸出的;可延展的

7、descendible ─── adj.可遗传的

8、extensible ─── adj.可延长的;可扩张的

9、excludible ─── 可排除的

extendible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This dissertation mainly study the option pricing problem of the extendible option. ─── 本文主要研究可延期权的定价问题。

2、Permission to extend the time of payment or performance. ─── 延期对延期付钱或延期表演的同意、允许

3、Extend the selection down one line. ─── 将选择内容向下扩展一行。

4、The reigning European champ hopes to extend their empire here. ─── 他们获得了欧洲冠军,还想 进一步扩大战果

5、You can extend your knowledge by reading books. ─── 你可以通过读书来增长知识。

6、How far does its usefulness extend? ─── 如何进行有意义的外延?

7、I extend the loftiest respect to the hero! ─── 向张大权致以最崇高的敬意!

8、The company plans to extend its operations into Europe. ─── 公司打算将业务扩展到欧洲。

9、The use of electronics to extend man's intellect. ─── 利用电子学扩展人类才智的一门科学。

10、First, we must extend the authority of the managerial personnel. ─── 一要扩大管理人员的权限。

11、Extend your down wind leg UFA. ─── 延长三边直到以后通知。

12、If the conditions are suitable,I'd like to extend the lease. ─── 如果我觉得条件合适的话,我可以再延期。

13、They extend the features of an application. ─── 它们扩展了应用程序的特性。

14、Extend the selection one character to the left. ─── 将选择内容向左扩展一个字符。

15、Extend the selection to the end of the information. ─── 将所选内容扩展到信息的结尾。

16、As mentioned, it provides more information and is easily extendible. ─── 如上所述,它提供了更多信息,并且易于扩展。

17、A proposal to extend the highway was flung out at the meeting. ─── 延伸高速公路的建议在会议上被否决。

18、They want to extend their business scope. ─── 他们想扩大业务范围。

19、Extend the possibilities of your communicator! ─── 延长的可能性,您的沟通!

20、To extend effective control for cost saving. ─── 保证有效控制成本。

21、To extend(an area or volume) or lengthen(a line). ─── 延伸使(面或体积)扩展或使(线)延长

22、InsideHoops. com: What happens if you extend your range even more? ─── 如果你的射程继续扩大,那会怎么样呢?

23、It helped to extend, modify, and regulate creation. ─── 它帮助扩大、修改和调节创造。

24、An indoor tv antenna,2 extendible rods forming a V. ─── 一种室内天线,能够形成v形的两个棒。

25、They laboured for six years to extend the canals south to Hangzhou. ─── 他们苦干6年把运河向南修到杭州。

26、They plan to extend their research in this field. ─── 他们计划扩展他们在这个领域中的研究。

27、Extend my compliments to your parents. ─── 代我向你父母问好。

28、To extend in a bushy growth. ─── 丛生象灌木丛一样延伸

29、We will be sure to make it as our thoughts extend! ─── 思想有多远,我们就能走多远!

30、Please think twice when you extend the L/C. ─── 你要延期信用证先请三思。

31、I extend (hold out) my hand to take her hand. ─── 伸出手去够(拿)

32、Can you extend your visit a few days longer? ─── 你能多停留几天吗?

33、Responsive, flexible, and extendible infrastructure. ─── 及时响应的、灵活的且可扩展的基础设施。

34、To extend,wave or float outward,as if in the wind. ─── 向外地延伸,波动或浮动。

35、Jim didn't really have to extend himself in the examination. ─── 吉姆这次考试大可不必那么拼命。

36、Major highway projects will further extend and reinforce the main road network. ─── 大型公路工程将进一步扩大及巩固主要道路网。

37、Can' t you extend your visit for a few days ? ─── 你们访问的时间不能延长几天吗?

38、The IPC's remit will extend beyond energy. ─── IPC的触角将跨越能源行业。

39、To open and spread out(something folded); extend. ─── 展开,打开打开或铺开(如折叠物);扩展

40、Extend scheduled end time for conference. ─── 在会议结束多长时间以前可以延长会议。

41、But the APA waiver does not extend to claims for "money damages". ─── 但《行政程序法》的放弃并未扩大到包括"金钱索赔"在内。

42、Eating more fruit can extend your life span. ─── 多吃水果能延年益寿。

43、To extend as far as,The sunlight reached the wall; Can he reach?. ─── 延伸直到;阳光照在墙上;他能到达吗。

44、Having indentations that extend about halfway to the center, as in certain leaves. ─── 半裂的有锯齿状边缘的,延伸到距中心一半的距离,例如某些叶片

45、To thrust out or extend something. ─── 伸出伸出或延展某物

46、Use LEIF to extend your C++ apps as services. ─── 使用LEIF来延申你的C++ 应用。

47、To extend a loan for three more months. ─── 宽延三个多月的贷款。

48、To open and spread out (something folded); extend. ─── 展开,打开:打开或铺开(如折叠物);扩展。

49、He is so kind that he is always ready to extend help to the poor. ─── 他如此善良,随时愿意帮助穷人。

50、You may extend the sense of a word . ─── 你可以扩大一个词的涵义。

51、Another choice is to extend a school day. ─── 另外一种选择是延长每天的学习时间。

52、They are going to extend the railawy from...to... ─── 他们准备把条铁路从...延长到...

53、Can't you extend your visit for a few days? ─── 你们访问的时间不能延长几天吗?

54、Extend your arms horizontally . ─── 平伸双臂。

55、Right knee up and pointing at target extend leg. ─── 右膝抬起防守对方攻击腿。

56、They will extend warm welcome. ─── 他们将给予热烈欢迎。

57、The same quality materials could be used in the making of these extendible handles. ─── 同样品质的材料可用于生产这种可扩展手柄。

58、Allows you to extend the configuration schema. ─── 允许您扩展配置架构。

59、Extend the selection to the top row. ─── 将所选内容扩展到顶端行。

60、Most muscles extend from one bone to another. ─── 大多数肌肉接两块骨头。

61、I took out a loan to extend the factory. ─── 为了扩大厂房,我贷了一笔款。

62、In this paper, an extendible adaptive optics wave-front processor has been presented. ─── 为此提出了一种可扩展式的自适应光学系统波前处理器。

63、How far does your land extend? ─── 你的地产远至何处?

64、We tried our best to extend his life. ─── 尽最大努力延续他的生命

65、I hereby extend my hearty thanks to all of them. ─── 在这里表示诚挚的感谢。

66、Extend the selection to the end of the line. ─── 将选择内容扩展到行的末尾。

67、To help extend our vision,we need optical instruments. ─── 为了有助于扩展我们的视力,我们需要光学仪器。

68、Boundaries of the polygon may extend to infinity. ─── 多角形的边界可以延伸到无穷远处。

69、To increase the scope of; extend. ─── 增大;扩充增加范围;扩展

70、It is a barbarous way to extend territory by arms. ─── 以武力扩张领土是一种野蛮的方式。

71、Or how many leaves from it's stem extend. ─── 在哪繁多的叶子中。

72、Jim didn't really have to extend himself in the exam. ─── 吉姆大可不必为这次考试那么拼命。

73、The experiment result shows that the MFTA_VTL algorithm is stable and extendible . ─── 实验表明,该算法性能稳定,可扩展性好。

74、Is it Ok to extend an invitation by phone? ─── 利用电话邀请是否可行?

75、Extend the selection one character to the right. ─── 将选择内容向右扩展一个字符。

76、The trend of pretending to contend has extend. ─── 假装竞争的趋势已经扩展了。

77、Extend the selection one word to the right. ─── 将选择内容向右扩展一个单词。

78、A good judge can extend the boundary of justice. ─── 优秀的法官能够拓展正义的疆界.

79、A long spar extending from a mast to hold or extend the foot of a sail. ─── 帆下桁从桅杆上伸出的长杆,用来支撑或伸展帆的下端

80、Can I extend my fixed deposit when it's due? ─── 到期时我可否延续定期存款?

81、I would like to extend my warm welcome to sb. ─── 向某人表示热烈的欢迎。

82、Can you extend your visit for a few days more? ─── 你能把你的访问再延长几天吗?

83、Extendible : Sofa Control already supports a great number of applications. ─── 扩展:沙发控制已经支持大量的应用。

84、Extend the selection to the bottom row. ─── 将所选内容扩展到底端行。

85、The XZ-SJ extendible heater was a valid heating device for the oil transportation in winter in northern china. ─── SJ型伸缩式加热器的使用可有效地解决北方冬季无加热装置油罐车长途运输卸车问题。

86、Theoretically, a line can extend into infinity. ─── 从理论上来说直线可以无限地延伸。

87、Dry-cleaning can extend the life of your clothing. ─── 干洗可以延长衣服的使用寿命。

88、Fig5. Beware managers who use rotary pencils with extra fine extendible leads, they're usually precise with your operation to seconds. ─── 尤其小心那种喜欢用超细细自动铅笔的上司:他们是那种会要求你精确到分秒办事的家伙。

89、To extend or cause to extend outward. ─── 使突出使向外延伸或使突出

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