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09-11 投稿


scrawls 发音

英:[skrɔːlz]  美:[skrɔːlz]

英:  美:

scrawls 中文意思翻译



scrawls 词性/词形变化,scrawls变形

动词过去分词: scrawled |名词: scrawler |动词现在分词: scrawling |动词过去式: scrawled |动词第三人称单数: scrawls |形容词: scrawly |

scrawls 短语词组

1、scrawls meaning ─── 潦草的意思

2、scrawls mean ─── 潦草的意思

3、scrawls artist ─── 涂鸦艺术家

4、scrawls #01 n. ─── 潦草的笔迹; ─── 潦草的字条(或短信)v.马马虎虎(或 ─── 潦草)地写n. ─── 潦草的笔迹( scrawl的名词复数 )v.乱涂, ─── 潦草地写( scrawl的第三人称单数 )

5、scrawls definition ─── 潦草的定义

scrawls 相似词语短语

1、sprawls ─── v.伸开四肢坐(或躺);蔓延;杂乱无序地拓展;n.(城市)杂乱无序拓展的地区;四肢摊开的姿势;随意扩展;蔓延物

2、crawls ─── vi.爬行;匍匐行进;vt.爬行;缓慢地行进;n.爬行;养鱼池;匍匐而行

3、scrawps ─── 涂鸦

4、bescrawls ─── 爬虫

5、scrawms ─── 紧急停堆

6、scrawly ─── adj.瞎画的;瞎写的

7、scrawl ─── v.马马虎虎(或潦草)地写;n.潦草的笔迹;潦草的字条(或短信)

8、scraws ─── 急停

9、scrowls ─── 匍匐

scrawls 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I sighed in astonishment---the utter desolation depicted in that rude scrawl was overpowering. ─── 我吃惊地叹息着---这匆匆书写下来的无限愁怆之中有一股慑人心魂的力量。

2、5.Can you decipher her scrawl? ─── 几乎不能辨认的字迹。

3、Don’t scrawl all over the wall. ─── 不要在墙上乱涂乱画。

4、scrawl out on a whim ─── 随便涂鸦

5、It was a small love letter Janet had written. The note could look like a school girl's scrawls about her dream guy. ─── 这是一份珍妮特的小情书,我们会以为它可能不过是学生妹对自己的白马王子的胡言乱语罢了。

6、Good luck to the test scorers who must decipher the scrawls of young people who've been typing on computers since the age of three! ─── 祝那些评分者好运,他们必须解读学生潦草的字迹,这些年轻人的字迹之所以潦草是因为从三岁起就是使用电脑来打字的。

7、I sighed in astonishment-the utter desolation depicted in that rude scrawl was overpowering. ─── 我吃惊地叹息着--这匆匆书写下来的无限愁怆之中有一股慑人心魂的力量。

8、2. Her signature was an illegible scrawl . ─── 她的签字潦草难辩。

9、She just sent us a scrawl on a card to say she was having a good time. ─── 她只给我们寄来一张有著潦草笔迹的明信片,说她玩的很快活。

10、Her handwriting is a scrawl. ─── 她的书写很潦草。

11、Don't scrawl on the wall. ─── 不要在墙上乱涂。

12、to scrawl a sketch ─── 潦草地画了个简图

13、But a handwriting expert determined the scrawls of the killer were not the same as Allen's, who also passed a lie detector test. ─── 不过有笔迹专家认定凶手潦草的字迹并不来自于阿伦,同时阿伦也顺利通过了测谎实验。

14、Excuse my scrawl. ─── 原谅我潦草的笔迹。

15、He had got somebody to scrawl it up for him, however, who had squeezed Death in with most inappropriate difficulty. ─── 然而,他请人来替他胡乱写上,把“死”字十分困难地硬挤在那里面。

16、Your beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to shame. ─── 你漂亮的字体把我的潦草字迹比得见不得人。

17、The Cypriot central bank, alarmed at the number of defaced banknotes in circulation, appealed to doodlers Wednesday to resist the temptation to scrawl on the country's currency. ─── 由于正在使用中的钞票有相当数量已被“毁容”,塞普勒斯中央银行近日呼吁那些涂鸦爱好者们立即停止在该国流通货币上胡写乱画的行为。

18、By that time, I had learned my penmanship.My cursive letters flowed in a fair, clean hand from my pen, far better than the crooked scrawl I had been using even a year before. ─── 那时候,我已经学会了我的书法.我的连写体字母衔接得非常漂亮,比我那一年前歪歪扭扭的,潦草的字迹要好了很多.

19、the tissues rustled up in the draught , floated softly in the air blue scrawls and under the table came to earth. ─── 那些毛样被穿堂风刮得沙沙响,蓝色的潦草字迹在空中飘荡,然后落到桌子底下。

20、Don't scribble (or scrawl) on the wall. ─── 别在墙上乱涂。

21、" He feverishly examined the four lines imprinted on the blotter, the reversal of the letters converted into an odd scrawl, and he saw no sense in it. ─── 他非常激动地细看吸墨纸上的那几行字迹,感到那些反过来的字母的形象好不拙劣奇怪,实在是任何含义也看不出来。

22、The little child was cautioned not to scrawl on the white wall. ─── 这个小孩被警告不能在雪白的墙上涂鸦。

23、He began writing in a hurried untidy scrawl: ─── 他开始匆忙地胡乱涂写道:

24、The paper was covered in scrawls. ─── 满篇潦潦草草。

25、could you decipher her scrawl? ─── 你能辨认她写的是什么吗?

26、To share my safari experience, I will snap the snow-covered scene before me, digitally scrawl "wish you were here" on my instant digital postcard and hit "send". ─── 那时,为了与人分享我野游的快乐,我将拍摄下眼前这白雪覆盖的景色画面,并在我这即景所作的数字式明信片上用数字技术草草写上“盼你在此”几个字,再敲出“发送”键发送。

27、We don’t care if we scrawl and waste them, thinking that they will come endlessly---those “old newspapers” are inexhaustible. ─── 总觉得他的一生太短暂,他离开我们的时候才63岁,可以说匆匆忙忙地度过了为别人奉献的一生。

28、Wouldn't it surprise you if you were told that she has an untidy scrawl, where the words run into one another, presenting an overall picture of messy, confused smudges? ─── 如果人家告诉你她字迹潦草凌乱,单词一个跳到另一个,真个页面就是一团糟,模糊脏乱,你会觉得惊讶吗?

29、scrawl all over the wall ─── 在墙上到处乱涂

30、scrawl a few lines ─── 潦草地写几行

31、Good luck to the test scorers who must decipher the scrawls of young people who've been typing on computers since the age of three! ─── 祝那些评分者好运,他们必须解读学生潦草的字迹,这些年轻人的字迹之所以潦草是因为从三岁起就是使用电脑来打字的。

32、scrawl v. ─── 乱写;

33、The oppressive, breathing heat and his own sickened spirit urged him to climb up, but the packed earth of the ramp showed a deep, crisscrossing scrawl of cartwheel tracks. ─── 四周压得他喘不过气来的高温,和他自己已经混乱的头脑,都在催促着他快点爬上去,但这一处斜坡的地上,却满是纵横交错的车轮印。

34、scrawl one's signature ─── 潦草地签名

35、In twenty-nine pages, most half-filled with earnest scrawl, I described my parents, brothers, pets, house, hobbies, school, sports, and plans for the future. ─── 在二十九页纸上,我用认真却多半潦草的字迹描写了我的父母、弟弟、宠物、住家、爱好、学校、体育,还有为将来定下的计划。

36、write a poor hand; scrawl ─── 字写得歪歪扭扭

37、Every bee raiser should be wary of the worms to scrawl inside as well as honets,which is the worst enemy to wait just at the entranced of the hole to do harm on purpose。” ─── 你得提防着虫子爬近来,还得提防着大黄蜂。大黄蜂这贼最恶,常常落在蜜蜂窝洞口。专干坏事。”

38、“Sometimes, I just gave her a piece of paper and a pen, and she would just quietly scrawl away. ─── 有时,我就给她一张纸和一只笔,她就会悄无声息在那乱涂乱画。”

39、He wrote a hurried scrawl. ─── 他字迹很潦草。

40、2. Can you decipher her scrawl? ─── 你能辩认出她乱写的是什么吗?

41、7.A letter written in a childish scrawl came to the post office addressed to "God". ─── 一封小孩子用歪歪扭扭的字体写给"上帝"的信被送到了邮局。

42、I could hardly read her childish scrawl. ─── 我简直认不出她那歪七扭八的字.

43、In other works, such as Take Off and Yellow Pencil Scrawl, Wang Ke’s figures communicate the artist’s reserve, aloofness and altogether wistful reflections. ─── 在其他的作品中,比如“起飞”和“黄铅笔之涂鸦”则展示了艺术家更严肃的一面。

44、What a pity! local people didn't like the scrawl works and asked us to clean it, so it disappeared one week later. ─── 很遗憾,这里的村民不喜欢这个涂鸦,所以一个星期后我们就把墙面清理干净了。

45、But sometimes, when they seemed to have had a bad day there were only hurried scrawls. ─── 但有时,他们似乎过得很糟糕,留言只是仓促完成的潦草字画。

46、scrawl a few words ─── 歪七扭八地写几个字

47、I can't be expected to read this scrawl! ─── 这种潦潦草草的东西我能看懂吗!

48、This letter must be from Frank;I recognized his scrawl. ─── 这封信一定是弗兰克写来的, 我认得他那潦草的笔迹。

49、I would scrawl my name on the cards and the name of one of my classmates on each flimsy envelope ─── "我在每张贺卡上面潦草地写上自己的名字,并且在每个薄薄的信封上写上一个同学的名字。

50、Now Tom began to scrawl something on the slate, hiding the words from the girl. ─── 这时候,汤姆又在写字板上写着什么字,还用手挡住不让那姑娘看见。

51、After practice Tuesday he was swathed in black, head to toe, sweat suit to shoes, with the only distinguishing features being the two scrawls of ink on his neck. ─── 星期四的训练中他穿了一身黑,从衣服到鞋子全是汗,只有从脖子上的纹身才可以辨认出他是谁。

52、an illegible scrawl. ─── 难以辨认的潦草的笔迹。

53、Protect the public property and do not scrawl on them. ─── 要爱护公共财物、桌椅板凳、电视机、电脑、树木花草、不要在公共场所乱涂乱画。

54、But he scrawls a message on the camp noticeboard - a wall decked with cardboard posters, each appealing for information. ─── 他说,但他在营地一面充当留言板的墙上留下字条。

55、Written on lined paper torn from a spiral notebook, such as a schoolboy would use, were words of excitement penned in a legible scrawl. ─── 在一张就像是从小学生用的活环笔记本上撕下来的有横格的纸上,父亲乱涂了些措辞激动的话,但还很好辨认。

56、Type: stainless steel net patch、black iron wire net patch、galvanization iron wire net patch、scrawl platic net patch、with circle net patch. ─── 种类: 不锈钢网片、黑铁丝网片、镀锌铁丝网片、涂塑网片、带框网片。

57、10.Her signature was an illegible scrawl. ─── 他的签字是令人看不懂的涂鸦。

58、Will the class of 2070 scrawl" We love John,Paul, George and Ringo" across their notebooks? ─── 到2070年时,这个年龄段的人还会在他们的笔记上涂写“我们爱约翰、保罗、乔治和伦戈”吗?

59、His signature was an illegible scrawl. ─── 他的签名潦草难以辨认。

60、They reserve especial loathing for scrawls, which even illiterate subjects can appreciate. ─── 他们对于涂鸦更是火冒三丈,因为这些东西甚至连文盲能都看得懂。

61、covered in scrawls. ─── 潦潦草草。

62、Bill Sparkman was found hanged from a tree, the word 'fed" scrawl ed across his chest. ─── 比尔斯派克慢被发现是悬挂在一颗树上,在他的胸上乱涂着“美联储”的字样。

63、"It was quite exciting" when a student working on his master's thesis uncovered the delicate manuscript written in Einstein's distinctive scrawl, said professor Carlo Beenakker. ─── 报道说,这份手稿是该校的一名学生在撰写硕士论文时发现的。上个世纪20年代,由于和物理学家保罗-艾伦菲斯特的朋友关系,爱因斯坦曾作为客座教授经常到访莱顿大学。

64、The development of calligraphy has always involved the combination of convention and creative free scrawl. ─── 书法的发展始终是规范性约定和潦草挥运相伴而行。

65、Maggie: Jason, I am talking about this.A check for two thousand dollars.He must have forged your signature.And its not even close, he when for an exaggerated type anal scrawl. ─── 麦琪:杰森,我指的是这个,一张发票,两千块钱,他准是模仿你的笔记,模仿的一点也不像,简直就是龙飞凤舞。

66、Vandals Scrawl Nazi Mark on Paris Mosque ─── 纳粹记号惊现巴黎清真寺

67、to scrawl out some words ─── 涂抹掉几个字

68、The last words he managed to scrawl in his lab journal were “desire to laugh”. ─── “我特想笑”,他撑着在那天的实验记录上歪歪斜斜地涂下最后这几个字。

69、At those boring meetings, people usually sit still, looking blank, or scrawl on blank paper. ─── 在寻些无聊的会议上,人们通常一动不动地坐着,面无表情,或者在白纸上乱涂乱画。

70、Ivy scrawls out a thank you to Master Cheng Yen - the greatest honor anyone could ask. ─── 她写下谢谢证严上人,这是最珍贵的心意。

71、Xiangzi was convinced that this had to be some sort of swindle: Bright, shiny coins went over the counter, and were replaced by some scrawls on a piece of paper. He warn' t going to fall for a trick like that! ─── 他觉得这不是骗局,也得是骗局; 白花花的现洋放进去,凭人家三画五画就算完事,祥子不上这个当。

72、1.(speaking humbly of one's own) very poor handwriting; 2.to daub; to scrawl ─── 涂鸦

73、But such a list belongs in the same category as childish scrawls in crayon, asking Father Christmas to bring a magic rabbit and an invisibility cloak. ─── 然而,这样的许愿单虚空而不切实际,就如同稚儿用蜡笔胡乱绘画,向圣诞老人讨要一只魔法兔子和隐形斗篷。

74、At those boring meetings people usually sit still looking blank or scrawl on blank paper. ─── 在那些无聊的会议上,人们通常一动不动地坐着,面无表情,或者在白纸上乱涂乱画。

75、Remember yourself, from the days when you were younger and rougher and wilder, more scrawl than straight line. ─── 从你更小的时候,冲劲更猛,精力更充沛,乱涂乱写多于划直线的时候,就要记住全部的自己。

76、The note could look like a school girl's scrawls about her dream guy. ─── 通过便条可以看出校园女生对其梦中白马王子的粗略描述。

77、"I can't read your spidery scrawl! ─── “鸡爪一样的字,看不清!

78、Written in her spidery scrawl ─── 她用细长而潦草的字体写的.

79、The desire to express made me forget how to draw with the pen in my hand.I just scrawl as I please, ignoring the use of ink.However, the fragrance of ink can still be sensed. ─── 这种表达的欲望让我忘掉了手中的笔如何用笔去画,我只是点点涂涂,闲置了墨,却又闻到一点墨的香。

80、9.Mari was a scrawl over the oasis, built piecemeal in a pallid, dead brick. ─── 马雷市是绿洲地区中一座凌乱的城市,是用白色的、死气沉沉的砖块一块块堆垒起来的。

81、1. As to writing, we do not encourage them to scrawl too early. ─── 至于书法,我们不鼓励他们过早地乱写。

82、A bad scrawl is so snug . . ." Stella had no need to be jealous. ─── 潦草的字迹反而让人觉得温暖。。”

83、His handwriting is a scrawl. ─── 他的字是鬼画符。

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