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intercalation 发音

英:[ɪnˌtɜːrkəˈleʃən]  美:[ɪntɜːkəˈleɪʃən]

英:  美:

intercalation 中文意思翻译



intercalation 短语词组

1、intercalation compound ─── [化] 层间化合物

2、intercalation protein ─── 插层蛋白

3、intercalation coordination compound ─── [化] 夹层配位化合物

4、intercalation chemistry ─── [化] 插层化学

5、muddy intercalation ─── 泥质夹层

6、intercalation complex ─── 夹层复合体

intercalation 词性/词形变化,intercalation变形

动词现在分词: intercalating |形容词: intercalative |动词第三人称单数: intercalates |动词过去式: intercalated |动词过去分词: intercalated |名词: intercalation |

intercalation 相似词语短语

1、intercalating ─── v.设置(闰年或闰月);添加(天)到日历中;把……插入(intercalate的现在分词)

2、intercalative ─── 插层

3、interlardation ─── 交错

4、internalization ─── n.内在化;成为主观

5、internalisation ─── n.内化

6、interrelation ─── n.相互关系

7、intergradation ─── n.间渡;逐渐融合;过渡形式;中间形式

8、interpolation ─── n.插入;篡改;填写;插值

9、interosculation ─── n.互相结合

intercalation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The time response characteristics of negative nonlinear intercalation photoswitch are discussed based on the photo induced thermal effect. ─── 根据光致热效应讨论了负非线性夹层式光开关的时间响应特性。

2、According the results, the intercalation of polymer leads to the change of interface structures and produces new properties. ─── 从而说明了聚合物的嵌入,导致界面结构的变化,使材料呈现新性能。

3、Study of Layered Lithium Intercalation Multi-Element Transition Metal Oxides ─── 层状嵌锂多元过渡金属氧化物的研究

4、free energy of intercalation ─── 嵌入自由能

5、Eustatic lake level and source change had resulted in intercalation development in braided delta system. ─── 湖面的升降和物源的摆动使辫状三角洲沉积体系中发育夹层。

6、The property improvements caused by the fillers are attributed to partial intercalation of the organoclay by natural rubber on the basis of XRD and TEM results. ─── 固相改性蒙脱土片天然橡胶不但具有明显的补强效果,大幅度提高材料的力学性能和耐热氧老化性能,而且还具有很好的促进硫化作用。

7、LDH-ASP intercalation compound ─── LDH-ASP复合物

8、Traditional Chinese Lunisolar Calendar and Its Intercalation ─── 中国传统夏历及其置闰

9、The basic spacing expanded from 7. 18A to 11. 22Aand 11. 32A respectively after the intercalation was perfectly accom-plished in kaolinite. ─── 夹层作用完成后,层面间距从7.18A分别扩大到11.22A和11.32A。

10、Intercalation and Selective IR Adsorption of Hydrotalcite ─── 水滑石的插层及其选择性红外吸收性能

11、PP/MMT (polypropylene/MMT) nanocomposite was prepared by melt intercalation of PP and nancomposite which was treated by Alkylammonium. ─── 摘要膨润土用十六烷基三甲基溴化铵处理后,再与聚丙烯(PP)熔融共混制得PP/改性形膨润土插层复合材料。

12、intercalation coordination compound ─── 夹层配合物

13、intercalation polymerization ─── 插层聚合

14、FTIR results showed that the crystallinity and the crystallization behavior of PVDC in PVDC/MEE composites were significantly affected by layered mica due to the intercalation of mica. ─── 傅立叶红外线光谱结果显示,氟素云母片层会影响聚偏二氯乙烯结晶结构与结晶行为,其结晶性随氟素云母添加量的增加而降低。

15、The pure kaolinite-acetamide intercalation compounds are obtained by washing products with ethanol in the absence of water. ─── 乙酰胺在熔融状态下直接插层高岭石,产物经无水乙醇洗涤,得到纯净的高岭石/乙酰胺插层复合物。

16、Keywords epoxy resin;organobentonite;intercalation;peel; ─── 环氧树脂;有机膨润土;插层;剥离;

17、According to the drilling design and the principles of wellbore track formation, the three intercalation models -cylindrical spiral, special circular arc and natural parameters - were figured out. ─── 根据钻进方式和井眼轨道的形成规律,提出了圆柱螺线、空间圆弧和自然参数三种典型的插值模型。

18、"Xin Meng Bao" Tea pillow chooses high-density purified cotton as its facefabric and adds peucine cotton or pearl contton in the intercalation. ─── 所生产"馨梦宝"健康茶枕系列:以其独特的工艺和时尚的理念,得到现代消费者的认可和赞赏。

19、Keywords low-grade graphite oxidation intercalation expansible graphite; ─── 低碳含量石墨;氧化;插层;膨胀石墨;

20、The structural properties of five kinds of doped-carbons andtheir intercalation mechanisms in Lithium-Ion batteries were summarized. ─── 对五种掺杂型炭材料的结构特征及其在锂离子电池中的嵌入机理作一综述。

21、Li-ion battery system is a successful example for putting the intercalation theory into practice. ─── 摘要锂离子电池为将嵌入理论付诸实践的一个成功的实例。

22、In situ intercalation polymerization ─── 原位插层聚合

23、The intercalations are divided into five types, such as muddy intercalation, silty intercalation, calcareous intercalation, marly intercalation, and gravel intercalation. ─── 夹层类型主要有泥岩夹层、粉砂质泥岩夹层、灰质夹层、泥灰质夹层和砾石质夹层5种。

24、Planar intercalations are divided into three types, such as continuous laminar intercalation, unstable sheet intercalation, and irregular alluvial fill intercalation. ─── 夹层的平面分布特征有层状连续分布、片状不稳分布和不规则冲刷充填分布3种。

25、This article divide the research about the intercalation and pillar supporting of phyllosilicates into organic and inorganic from the term of intercalator. ─── 本文从插层剂的角度将层状硅酸盐插层、柱撑研究分为有机和无机两个方面,并从这两个方面进行探讨。

26、Keywords quinacridine;DNA;intercalation model; ─── 喹吖啶;DNA;插入模式;

27、organic intercalation reagent ─── 有机插层剂

28、The total energy of the layered material decreases after intercalation lithium. ─── 在层状结构材料中嵌入锂离子,体系总能量降低。

29、The results show that the intercalation of pharmaceutically active compounds that form stable anions is feasible approach for the storage then subsequent controlled release of bioactive agents. ─── 模拟人体内环境对该类磁性药物/水滑石纳米复合材料的释放性能进行了研究。

30、The research have proved that the genesis of this kind of clay and intercalation is a solution- replacement products in carbonate rocks. ─── 研究表明,这类夹层及其粘土物质系顺碳酸层间溶蚀-交代的产物。

31、PP/MMT nanocomposites. PP/MMT nanocomposites were successfully prepared with OMMT/MPP/EP(MMTOme) and OMMT/MPP(MMTOm) by melt intercalation, PP/OMMT nanocomposite was prepared with OMMT also. ─── 在PP/MMT复合体系部分,采用OMMT/MPP(MMT_(OM))和OMMT/MPP/EP(MMT_(OME))两种蒙脱土纳米母料成功制得了PP/MMT纳米复合材料,另外还直接利用OMMT制得PP/OMMT纳米复合材料。

32、Recent aspects and trends of polymer nano -composites prepared with intercalation method have been mainly expounded in the article. ─── 主要阐述了用层间插入反应法制成的聚合物纳米复合材料。

33、intercalation compound bentonite ─── 插层膨润土

34、The stress and strain on low dip angle clay gouged intercalation D5 is close to yield value within local parts at the intersecting curtains and is in the state of elasticity on discontinuities D7, D6, f7, F4, p60, F2, F10 and in curtains. ─── 坝基内倾向下游的缓倾角泥化夹层D_5结构面的应力、应变在帷幕相交处局部区域接近屈服,D_7、D_6、f_7、F_4、F_(60)、F_2、F_(10)等结构面及帷幕的应力、应变均处于弹性状态

35、Dynamic melting intercalation ─── 动态熔融插层

36、emulsion intercalation method ─── 乳液插层法

37、Montmorillonite dispersed in PP matrix in the form of intercalation, only a little was in the form of flaky texture. ─── 蒙脱土在PP基体中主要以插层形式存在,同时存在少量的剥离结构。

38、Abstract: The polymer-inorganic intercalation compounds comprising polymer as a guest and layered inorganic solid as a host are novel functional materials with promising applications in many fields. ─── 文摘:由高分子和插入无机层状固体层间形成的夹层化合物是近年发展起来的一类具有诱人前景的新型功能材料,在许多领域具有广阔应用前景。

39、The results show that the voltage is affected mostly by vacancy intercalation energy, and that the configurational entropy has a small effect. ─── 对该式中各参数的分析表明:嵌锂电压主要取决于空位嵌锂能,嵌锂过程中的组态熵的变化对电压的贡献较小;

40、Its interlayer distance increases from 1.54 nm to 2.26 nm. (2) Use quaternary salt with epoxy groups as intercalation guest to intercalate mont morillonite and characterize it with FTIR and XRD. ─── 本文主要内容如下: (1)选用带有羟基基团的季铵盐插层剂改性蒙脱土,用XRD对其层间距的变化进行表征,其层间距由1.54 nm增大到2.26 nm。

41、Study of lithium intercalation into coated flake graphite ─── 包覆鳞片石墨嵌锂行为的研究

42、Organic modified montmorillonite was prepared with ionic liquids as the intercalation agent, and the space between was studied. ─── 以离子液体作为插层剂制备有机蒙脱土,研究其层间距的变化和影响因素。

43、Laminar blending and intercalation compounding were two new technologies to improve plastic barrier property. ─── 层状共混和插层复合是两种改进塑料阻隔性的新技术。

44、solid-solid intercalation assembly ─── 固相插层组装

45、Ethidium binds preferentially to double-stranded nucleic acids, and its fluorescence emission increases dramatically upon intercalation. ─── 对于后一种方法,将底物的两端标记以合适的荧光染料,成本很高;

46、The recent developments in research of intercalation compound of polymer/clay nanocomposites were outlined in this paper. ─── 对聚合物/粘土纳米复合材料的研究进展进行了概述。

47、X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates the intercalation of ethylene acrylate polymer chains in to Sod-MMT galleries and the exfoliation in the case of OMMT. ─── X射线衍射仪(XRD)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)研究结果表明,乙烯丙烯酸聚合物分子链插入了Sod-MMT的廊道和OMMT的层间。

48、Keywords acetamide;montmorillonite;intercalation;adsorption; ─── 乙酰胺;蒙脱土;层间嵌入;吸附;

49、Quercetin was bound to monomeric G-quadruplex by intercalation mode while to dimeric G-quadruplex by groove binding mode. ─── 槲皮素与单体的作用模式为嵌插,而与二聚体为沟槽键接。


51、The mudded intercalation is the key structural face in controlling the slope deformation and stabilization and its strength value is variable because of its rheological property. ─── 泥化夹层是控制边坡变形及稳定的关键性结构面,其强度值因其具有流变特性而变化。

52、intercalation compounds CoCh ─── 层间化合物

53、On different charge & discharge condition, the porous intercalation electrode was controlled by different mechanism. ─── 在不同的条件下,多孔嵌入电极过程将由不同的机理控制。

54、intercalation and de-intercalation mechanism ─── 嵌脱机理

55、Simulation of Infinite Intercalation in Rock Mass ─── 岩体中无限区域软弱夹层的模拟

56、Principle of Negative Nonlinear Intercalation Photoswitch[J]. ─── 引用该论文 高艳霞,贺渝龙,是度芳.

57、By control of adding aromatic oil or compatilizer, SBR/OMMT nanocomposites with two types of microstructure were obtained by emulsion intercalation method. ─── 摘要通过控制加入芳烃油、相容剂,采用乳液插层法制得了2种不同亚微观结构的SBR/有机蒙脱土(OMMT)纳米复合材料。

58、motion of weak intercalation ─── 夹层运动

59、Windbreaker in his hands intercalation of Douli, ─── 双手插在风衣的兜里

60、liquid crystal intercalation reagent ─── 液晶插层剂

61、Keywords Photoelectrochemistry;Li-CuO cell;Intercalation reaction; ─── 光电化学;锂-氧化铜电池;嵌入反应;

62、Intercalation preparation method ─── 插层复合法

63、intercalation nanocomposites ─── 插层型纳米复合材料

64、The voltage stability is basically restricted by the change of intercalation energy that results from inserted lithium ions and the deoxidization of cations. ─── 已嵌入的锂离子及其邻近阳离子的还原所导致的嵌锂能的变化是影响电压平稳性的关键因素。

65、LDPE/nano-meter LDH composite material is made by means of intercalation,then agricultural greenhouse film is produced by extrusion blowing with the material. ─── 对棚膜的力学性能、透光性能、耐老化性能、流滴消雾性能进行测试。

66、The second part investingates the intercalation of DMSO in kaolinite with molecular dynamics simulation. ─── 二是二甲基亚砜(DMSO)有机化高岭石的分子动力学模拟。

67、Weak intercalation is the main weak surface which controls the rock stability. ─── 软弱夹层是控制岩体稳定性的主要弱面。

68、Dresselhaus also did founding work in intercalation physics, the determination of the properties of materials that are interlaced with other materials, such as graphite with alkali metal layers. ─── 崔瑟豪斯也为嵌位物理(intercalationphysics)做了开创性的研究,就是测定层状物质掺杂他物后的物性变化,例如在石墨层中嵌入碱金属原子。

69、An intercalation complex of hydrated nacrite is formed by initial nacrite intercalated withhydrazine, and then replaced with water tholecules by washing with water. ─── 应用联氨,使珍珠陶石形成其夹层物,然后再用水洗获得水合珍珠陶石。

70、In order to study the performance of VPO laminated structure, intercalation was carried on with the organic alkylamine and the metal complexes as the guest species respectively. ─── 为研究VPO前驱体层状结构的插层组装性能,分别以烷基胺和金属配合物作为客体进行插层反应。


72、melting replacement intercalation method ─── 熔融置换插层法

73、Keywords intercalation;voltage;configurational energy;entropy; ─── 嵌入;电压;组态能;熵;

74、With XRD and IR, the authors conducted studies on the intercalation of acrylamide andsalts of fatty acids in kaolinite of coal-bearing strata and its stability. ─── 本文利用XRD和IR研究了丙烯酰胺和脂肪酸盐与煤系高岭石的夹层作用及稳定性。

75、The dispersion of the layers of semi-exfoliation composite was more homogeneous and the size of the layer was smaller than those of the intercalation one. ─── 对两种纳米复合材料的物理性能测试表明,插层型纳米复合材料的缺口冲击强度提高幅度最大,同时耐热性并没有降低;

76、DSC indicates that thermal stability of the composites is enhanced.This is due to the intercalation of molecular chains of matrix with exfoliated layers of MMT. ─── DSC表明,剥离型纳米复合材料的热稳定性提高,这是由于蒙脱土纳米片层与基体大分子链相互作用的结果。

77、The mechanism of lithium intercalation process had been discussed. ─── 了锂离子嵌入过程的机理。

78、intercalation compound organic bentonite ─── 插层有机膨润土

79、Job Responsibility:1.Check payment requisition form, match invoice, GRNs, contract terms 2.Check interco payable, interc...... ... ─── 公司名称:法中轨道交通运输设备(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-11

80、Gentle-dip weak intercalation ─── 桩基

81、According to different intercalation mechanism and intercalation ways , the intercalation methods are majorly classified into two categories, solution intercalation and melt intercalation. ─── 根据插层机理和方法的差别,插层法主要分为溶液插层和熔融插层两类。

82、Preparation of composites requires large amounts of grapheme, so amounts of graphene oxide are prepared by intercalation oxide technology. ─── 复合材料制备需要大量的石墨烯,于是我们利用插层氧化技术,实现了氧化石墨烯的大量制备。

83、It is proposed that carbyne can be stabilized by some potential techniques such as end-lapping oligoynes, carbyne intercalation compounds, etc. ─── 分析认为线状卡宾碳的稳定性与其类型、所处气氛、环境有关,提出可以通过插层化合物和端部基团连接等方法获得稳定的线状卡宾碳。

84、Intercalation Nano-meter Composite ─── 插层型

85、Graphite intercalation compounds, as a important kind of compounds, not only retain the good original graphitic properties, but also are evoked to show some fine performances. ─── 摘要石墨层间化合物是一种重要的化合物,它不仅保留了石墨原有的优良特性,还被激发出一些优异的物化性能。

86、The research provides a reference for o ther s imilar ur b an interc hange reformation. ─── 方案 实施后达到了预期效果,本研究为解决 类似城市立交改造问题提供了参考。

87、The intercalation of montmorillonite in the PP matrix was examined by X-ray diffraction method. ─── 摘要用X-射线衍射仪研究了蒙脱土的聚丙烯中的插层情况;

88、Dai, B.;Zhang, G.A DFT study of h-BN compared with graphite in forming alkali metal intercalation compounds, Material Chemistry and Physics 2002, 78, 304. ─── 张严,张桂玲,戴柏青.三元硼环、碳环和氮环比较的从头算研究,哈尔滨师范大学自然科学学报1998,14,57.

89、The ways of pre-process can be through the oxidation, intercalation and heating the intercalated graphite. ─── 复合材料的导电机理可以用渗滤理论来解释。

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