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09-11 投稿


severance 发音

英:[ˈsevərəns]  美:[ˈsevərəns]

英:  美:

severance 中文意思翻译




severance 网络释义

n. 分离;断绝;隔离;区别n. (Severance)人名;(英)塞弗伦斯

severance 常用词组

severance pay ─── 解雇费;离职金

severance package ─── 解雇补偿金;解雇金条款;遣散费

severance 短语词组

1、severance agreement ─── [网络] 离职合同;协议;聘用终止协议

2、severance policy ─── 遣散费政策

3、severance taxes ─── 采掘税

4、severance pay ─── 解雇费 [经] ─── 解雇费, 遣散费

5、severance allowance ─── 遣散费

6、negotiate severance ─── 协商遣散费

7、per severance n. ─── 毅力,不屈不挠的精神

8、military severance pay ─── [法] 转业费

9、Severance package ─── 解雇补偿费,遣散费(数额通常为三个月的工资)。

10、severance hall ─── 遣散大厅

11、severance definition ─── 遣散费定义

12、Entitled to Severance Pay ─── 有权领取遣散费

13、severance benefit ─── 退职福利金

14、severance twc ─── 遣散费

15、severance wage ─── 解雇时加发的工资

16、severance tax ─── [经] 采掘税

17、motion for severance ─── [法] 分别审判的动议

18、Disability Severance Pay ─── [医]残疾离职金

19、date of severance ─── [法] 退伙日

severance 词性/词形变化,severance变形

名词复数: severalties |

severance 相似词语短语

1、severable ─── adj.可割断的,可断开的

2、securance ─── 安全

3、sevenpence ─── 七便士

4、severances ─── n.分离;断绝;隔离;区别;遣散;离职补偿金;n.(Severance)人名;(英)塞弗伦斯

5、deliverance ─── n.释放,解救;救助;判决

6、perseverance ─── n.坚持不懈;不屈不挠;n.耐性;毅力

7、reiterance ─── 重复

8、penetrance ─── n.(遗传)[遗]外显率;穿透性,透入度

9、disseverance ─── n.分裂

severance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fatima: Excuse me are you Doctor Sever? ─── 女:对不起,你是西弗医生?

2、BUT as for me and my household, we will sever the LORD! ─── (至于我和我家,我们必定侍奉耶和华!

3、"Pay cut, less medical benefits, loss of my vacation and loss of my severance package when I get laid off here," he said. ─── “工资减少了,医疗补助也减少了,带薪假期取消了,要是哪天我也被解雇了,连遣散费都没有。”

4、Before 1949 60 percent of families was the big ones with sever generations. ─── 1949年以前,中国几世同堂的大家庭占总户数的60%以上.

5、So far he has resisted a clamour in Turkey to loosen or even sever his country's close ties with Israel. ─── 到目前为止,他顶住了国内要求放松甚至解除土耳其与以色列的紧密联系的抗议活动。

6、Mr. Lynch said the conversation was supposed to be about his severance, but quickly became an "ambush. " ─── 林奇说,那次谈话本应是关于他的遣散,但很快就变成了一次“伏击”。

7、So 30,000 employees could be offered severance packages before the planned plant closures even take effect. ─── 因此在计划中的工厂关闭之前,30000名员工可以享受一次性买断。

8、She said she voluntarily left her position on which she has worked for two decades, adding she received a severance payment she deserved. ─── 她表示是自己主动要求离开这份已经工作了二十余年的工作岗位,退休时她领到了自己那份应得的遣散费。

9、I'll call for you at sever this evening. ─── 今晚七点我来接你。

10、He said the Vatican must sever links with Taiwan and refrain from interfering in China's internal affairs. ─── 他说,梵蒂冈必须切断与台湾的联系,也不能干涉中国的内政。

11、Sever chest or back pain could signal a heart attack. ─── 剧烈的胸痛或背痛可能是心脏病发作的信号。

12、The willingness to sever trade for political purposes is even stronger in Washington. ─── 为了政治目的而愿意中断贸易的情绪在华盛顿更为强烈。

13、The severance payments received by the employees concerned are not chargeable to Salaries Tax under sections 8 and 9 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. ─── 员工收到的遣散费并非税务条例第8及9条所指的应课薪俸税收入。

14、The hurrican inflicted sever damage on the island. ─── 台风使这个岛蒙受了严重的损失。

15、Do you know how many months severance pay the company offers? ─── 你知道公司给的资遣费有几个月吗?

16、Would you get a nice severance package? ─── 你是不是会得到一笔还不赖的离职金?

17、He said the idea for the murder came from the spoof horror film Severance, which Clarke had watched. ─── 他说谋杀的主意来自于克拉克看过的虚构的恐怖片《断绝》。

18、She wanted to sever all her connections with the firm. ─── 她想断绝和那家公司的所有联系。

19、However, exemption will not be extended to that part of gratuities and retirement benefits used to offset the severance payment long service payment. ─── 不过,这项税务宽免并不适用于用作抵销遣散费长期服务金的酬金及退休计划利益。

20、The sacred thread and the tuft of hair were consigned to the fire, completing his severance from caste, sex, and society. ─── 婆罗门圣线和杂乱丛生的头发都要交付给火焰,完全地弃绝了种姓,性别和社会。

21、The client inspects the information of AtoN position at intervals and transmits it to sever. ─── 客户端定时产生航标位置信息(AIS 21),通过网络发送到服务器端。

22、It is not that we have to change the world, but our inner tranquillity will sever us from the world and immune us from its influences. ─── 并不是我们改变这个世界,而我们的心里安宁,世界就和我们无关,对我们不会有影响。

23、Team Foundation Build and the team's test rig (agents) are deployed to additional sever nodes. ─── Team Foundation Build和团队的测试远程测试机组(Rig)(代理)部署到其他的服务器节点上。

24、When a company plans lay-offs it may have a severance plan in effect. If so severance payments may be provided if your employment is terminated. ─── 如果一个公司计划裁员的话肯定会有立即生效的遣散计划.如果是这样在你被开除的时候便会有遣散费.

25、Musician: Ladies and gentlemen, I now give you the man behind Shrinkarama 91, Doctor Jason Sever. ─── 乐手:女士们、先生们!请史英克拉玛91的组织者讲话,他是杰森西弗!

26、China and Chad have re-established diplomatic relations after the Central African nation agreed to sever ties with Taiwan. ─── 中国及查得在这个中非国家同意与台湾断交后重新建立了外交关系。

27、In memory process, SQL sentences are put into the sever port to accelerate the speed of network system access and maintain the data base better. ─── 存储过程将SQL语句存放在服务器端,使网页系统访问的速度提高,同时也使数据库便于维护。

28、He tries everything to get laid off fromhisjob so he can receive a severance package. ─── 他想尽办法被解雇,以此获得离职费。

29、Despite their findings, the researchers said people should not sever their relationships . ─── 尽管有了这些新发现,研究人员称友谊还是应该维持的。

30、She had to sever all ties with her parents. ─── 她不得不断绝与父母的一切联系。

31、Suppose your system comprises sever al large ICs, A through E, all fed by a central clock-repeater chip. ─── 假设系统包含若干大型集成电路A到E,由中央时钟转发芯片控制。

32、If you still want money, then it isn't an alimoney, it's severance pay. ─── 如果你坚持要钱的话,那也不是赡养费而是遣散费。

33、Kate: Mike Sever you scared me half to death. ─── 凯特:迈克西弗,你把我吓得半死。

34、Small packages have become big business for Severance Foods, a manufacturer of private-label tortilla chips in Hartford, CT. ─── 小封装已成为大企业遣散食品,制造自有品牌芯片的哈特福德饼, CT检查。

35、Yes, sever a l d a ys a go, I re a d t he newsp a per, it s a ys that a boy w a s de a d in a hosp ita l. ─── 对了,几天前我读报纸,上面说一个男孩在死在医院了。

36、If you do not believe in me, then sever the connection. Go believe in someone else, and serve him with undisturbed attention. Follow his words. ─── 如果你们不相信师父,那一刀两断,去相信别人,一心不乱地侍奉他,听他的话,试试看有没有结果。

37、A su tantial compe ation given to top executives as a severance bonus when they are terminated from the positio in the event of a corporate merger or takeover. ─── 在发生合并或兼并的情况下,公司高层行政领导离开其职位时所获得的丰厚补偿,作为高额离职补助金。

38、Deleting a folder with files from the sever cause an error to appear? ─── 当删除服务器上一个含有文件的目录时,会出错?

39、Business and union leaders were able to reach a deal with Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase to provide $1.75 million for employees' severance pay. ─── 公司和工会领导人和美国银行、摩根大通达成一致,提供175万美元的员工辞退补偿金。

40、A gross breakdown in relationships: a severance of all relations. ─── 关系全面破裂。

41、The company will also provide outplacement support and severance packages for those who have to leave. ─── 公司也将会提供他业辅导服务支援和人的离职补偿金必须离开。

42、Everything that the sever winter takes, early spring will give you return. ─── 严冬掠去的一切,新春会给你还来诗的意义。

43、Under sever hypoxia HIF-1 was modest but IAP-2 was abundantly detected. ─── 复氧后HIF-1不表达,IAP-2恢复基线表达;

44、For example, to sever Shanghai from the rest of China would definitely not be as disastrous to China as would be the severance of New York from the rest of the United States. ─── 例如将上海和中国其他地方割断,对于中国的损害,绝没有将纽约和美国其他地方割断对于美国的损害那样严重。

45、The defender had threatened to sever his ties after months of haggling over a new deal. ─── 在持续数月的新合同要价中,布朗一度要挟要终止与曼联的关系。

46、In fact, we won't bat an eyelid even if you decide to sever the transpacific information cables in order to obtain the total control you wanted. ─── 事实上,我们并不反对你通过切断太平洋海底光缆而获得对信息的绝对控制;

47、To stay with my boyfriend I had to sever all ties with my family. ─── 他来电话说他会帮我出国,说我们会有另一个孩子,我们会拿到绿卡,我们会发财。

48、Business Union leaders were able to reach a deal with Bank of America and GP Morgan Chase to provide 1.75 million dollars for employees' severance pay. ─── 工会领导人与美洲银行、摩根斯坦利达成一项协议,为工人提供175万美元的解雇费。

49、Yes. Well, at least I had one month's warning and my severance pay is already in the bank. ─── 对,嗯,至少我一个月前收到通知了,而且我的遣散费已经在银行里了。

50、Sever snowstorms wreaked havoc on traffic. ─── 严重的暴风雪使交通瘫痪.

51、We were offered 13 weeks' severance pay. ─── 我们得了13个星期的离职补偿金。

52、On February 5, 1999, the fund's coverage for severance payment was raised to $50,000 plus 50 per cent of any entitlement in excess of $50,000. ─── 一九九九年二月五日,基金在遣散费方面的保障提高至5万元,超出5万元者另可获发余额的50%。

53、And the limit of 2.99 times salary for the tax deductibility of golden parachutes [severance or change-in-control payments made to executives]. ─── 和极限的2.99倍工资的减税金色降落伞[遣散或更改在控制支付管理人员]。

54、She was able to meet her financial needs through both her severance payment and receiving a pay-out for half the value of her home. ─── 失业金和原来为房产一半价值所支付费用的退还金是她这段时期的花费的主要经济支持。

55、Mr. Scott said he knew nothing of the fraud and left with a substantial severance payment. ─── 斯科特说,他对欺诈行为一无所知。之后便带着一大笔遣散费离开了公司。

56、Teck expects to take a charge of approximately $35 million in the first quarter for severance and other related costs associated with this reduction. ─── Teck期望通过相关的剥离和其他成本削减在一季度减少大约3500万美元的费用。

57、A complete or radical severance of closely connected things. ─── 分离紧密联系的事物之间的完全的或急剧的分离

58、Luke confronted Shimrra himself used paired lightsabers to sever the Supreme Overlord's huge head from his body. ─── 卢克拔出双剑与希姆拉对决,斩下了至尊君主硕大的头颅。

59、To protect themselves, job candidates also should try to request that a severance package be included in any employment contract. ─── 为了保护自己,求职人士还应该努力争取在未来工作合同内写入离职协议。

60、As with any connection string addressing SQL Sever instances, you must point to the server by name (or IP address) and provide an instance name. ─── 对于说明SQL Sever实例的任意连接字符串,您必须按名称(或IP地址)指向服务器并提供一个实例名。

61、Thrombocytopenia was more caused by hematopathy, and middle or sever degree was more. ─── 妊娠合并贫血患者,血小板减少多因血液系统疾病引起,减低程度多为中、重度减低;

62、The girls who sever in the shop are the own's daughters. ─── 在店里接待顾客的那几个女孩都是店老板的女儿。

63、You really want me to sever ties with all my close relatives? ─── 你真要我断六亲?

64、If are leaving your company as a top executive, you'll be given your final severance package. ─── 如果你以高管的身份离开公司,你能拿到遣散费。

65、As a matter of principle we had to sever relations with Taiwan if we wanted to establish diplomatic relations with Beijing. ─── 如果我们想同北京建立外交关系,原则上我们必须同台湾断绝关系。

66、Additionally, he said companies will be required to disclose all benefits provided to their top managers, and that severance packages will be limited. ─── 他还补充说公司必须公开对公司主要经理的奖励,离职补偿金的支付也会有所限定。

67、Sever frost has bound the soil. ─── 严寒把土壤都冻了起来。

68、Sever on a jury, if called on. ─── 为陪审效力如被叫到。

69、Each unit can simultaneously communicate with up to sever other units per piconet. ─── 在一个微微网中,每个单元都能同时与其它各单元进行通信。

70、As a matter of principle we had to sever relations with Taiwan if we wanted to establish diplomatic relations with Peking. ─── 如果我们想同北京建立外交关系,原则上我们必须同台湾断绝关系。

71、A knife to sever any friendly duty, any form, was easy to his hand in that remote city. ─── 在这个遥远的城市,同任何对朋友的责任或任何形式的礼节一刀两断,是件极容易的事。

72、If he wants to sever his connection with a bank like this to go with a man like that, it's his own lookout. ─── 假使他愿意同这样一个银行断绝关系而在同那样一个人合作,那是他自己的事情。

73、Sam was so highly valued until he was fired, Millipore added about $40,000 to his 4) severance package for job placement services. ─── 不过因为在此之前山姆先生十分德高望重,所以密理博公司在给他的资遣费中额外加了约四万美元,以便他重新找到工作。

74、Sever itching can interfere with sleep or lead to pain for damage from scratching. ─── 严重的瘙痒会干扰睡眠或是导致由于抓挠引起的损伤带来的疼痛。

75、The severance of diplomatic relations,of communications,of family ties. ─── 外交关系、通讯、家庭关系的断绝。

76、He purchased the house with the lowest price and sold out with high price sever years later. ─── 他以极低的价格购入此房,几年后又以高价卖出。

77、Later, he successively entourage severance alone transferred to the first business incubationfu ning xian Taiwan. ─── 后来他陆续遣散随从,只身转移到抚宁县台头营潜伏。

78、On February 5,1999,the fund's coverage for severance payment was raised to $50,000 plus 50 percent of any entitlement in excess of $50,000. ─── 1999年2月5日,基金在遣散费方面的保障提高至5万元,超出5万元者另可获发余额的50%。

79、He is to arrive at sever in the morning. ─── 他预订早晨七时抵埠。

80、Asynchronous COM is a kind of different asynchronous transfer mode between sender and sever components. ─── 异步COM是客户和服务器组件之间相互通信中的异步传输模式。

81、The bankruptcy filing jeopardizes severance payments awarded to employees over the past year as an inducement to leave their jobs. ─── 申请破产保护的行为危及员工们领取过去一年的相关遣散费,这成为大家离职的诱因。

82、Better to reign in hell than sever in heaven. ─── 与其在天堂当仆人,不如在地狱做阎王。

83、Sorry,the number you dialed is out of sever now,please dialed it later. ─── 对不起,您所拨打的电话不在服务区,请您稍后再拨。

84、Dr. Whiteside: Hello Doctor Sever, How are we feeling today? ─── 医生:你好,西弗医生,感觉怎么样?

85、Firms typically provide the main pensions of staff they jettison, as well as lump-sum severance packages. ─── 公司通常需承担被解雇员工的大部分养老金,并一次性支付买断费。

86、You must take over if the bitch neglects to remove a sac or sever an umbilical cord. ─── 如果母犬没有扯掉胎衣或者是咬断脐带,主人就要接手母犬的工作。

87、The employees, most of whom got the bad news Wednesday, will get severance packages and outplacement help, he said. ─── 他补充说,他们会继续注意形势的变化,但“我们不敢说裁员已经结束了”。

88、In the most sever cases, fluence fluids are injected into the body. ─── 在最严重的病例中,会将体液注射到人体内。

89、He has attacked the “extravagant salaries and severance deals of CEOs”. ─── 他指责“CEO们的工资和辞退赔偿高得离谱”。

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