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09-11 投稿



inhibitory 发音

英:[ɪnˈhɪbɪtəri]  美:[ɪnˈhɪbɪtəri]

英:  美:

inhibitory 中文意思翻译



inhibitory 同义词

inhibitory 常用词组

inhibitory action ─── 抑制作用;抑制效应;抑制酌

inhibitory 反义词


inhibitory 短语词组

1、inhibitory action ─── [计] 抑制作用 ─── [化] 抑制效应

2、excito-inhibitory ─── [医] 兴奋抑制的

3、inhibitory enzyme ─── [医] 抗酶

4、gonado-inhibitory ─── [医] 性腺抑制的

5、gastric inhibitory polypeptide ─── [化] 肠抑胃肽

6、inhibitory hormone ─── [医] 抑制激素

7、inhibitory center ─── [医] 抑制中枢

8、inhibitory nerve ─── [医] 抑制神经

9、inhibitory ganglia ─── [医] 抑制性神经节

10、inhibitory input point ─── [计] 禁止输入点

11、inhibitory differential stimulus ─── [医] 分化抑制刺激物

12、inhibitory factor ─── [医] 抑制因子

13、cardio-inhibitory center ─── [医] 心抑制中枢

14、cardio-inhibitory ─── [医] 心动抑制的

15、inhibitory fibers ─── [医] 抑制纤维

16、inhibitory input ─── [计] 禁止输入

17、inhibitory connection ─── [医] 抑制联系

18、inhibitory autacoid ─── [医] 抑素

19、cardio-inhibitory mechanism ─── [医] 心搏抑制机理

inhibitory 相似词语短语

1、subinhibitory ─── 亚抑制

2、disinhibitory ─── 去抑制

3、inhibitors ─── n.[助剂]抑制剂;禁制因素,[化学]抑制因子;阻止剂(inhibitor的复数)

4、exhibitory ─── adj.表示的,显示的

5、inhabitors ─── 居住者

6、inhibiters ─── n.抑制剂;缓蚀剂

7、inhibiter ─── n.抑制剂;缓蚀剂

8、inhibitor ─── n.[助剂]抑制剂,抗化剂;抑制者

9、inhabitor ─── 居住者

inhibitory 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、The inhibitory effect of 4mmol/L HX on COC was not different from that on DO. ─── 4mmol/L的HX对COC和DO自发成熟的抑制作用无明显差异(P>005);

3、The inhibitory rates to lung tumor were 78.33% for TW mice and 84.62% for ATF 1 mice. ─── TW和ATF1 小鼠对肿瘤发生的抑制率分别是 78 33%和84 6 2%。 结论 该项工作对筛查野生动物抗性基因具有积极意义

4、Primary Study on the mechanism shows the prospect of propamidine to be a new fungicide, with its new character of inhibitory mechanism. ─── 初步的抑制机理研究显示该化合物具有不同于其它类杀菌剂的特征,具有开发成为新型杀菌剂的前景。

5、Why didn't you inhibit him from doing that? ─── 为何你不阻止他做那种事?

6、And virus inhibitory rate was determined by CPE ( Cytopathic effect) assay. ─── 以药物对流感病毒导致的细胞病变(Cytopathic effect,CPE)的抑制率为指标,确定药物体外抗流感病毒有效浓度。

7、Aryl disulfides, for example, inhibit polyolefin oxidation. ─── 例如芳基二硫化物可抑制聚烯烃的氧化。

8、Al~3+, Sn~2+ and Ca~2+ can inhibit nonenzymatic brown of Jujube pulp. ─── Al~(3+)、Sn~(2+)和Ca~(2+)可抑制枣浆非酶褐变。

9、LPS can inhibit the apoptosis of PMNs. ─── LPS对PMNs的凋亡有抑制作用。

10、D-mannose did not inhibit hemagglutination. ─── D-甘露糖不能抑制血凝。

11、The exogenous CGRP can inhibit pulmonary hemorrhage induced by ET-1. ─── 外源性CGRP有拮抗ET-1致肺出血的作用。

12、The molecule, known as VIRIP (virus-inhibitory peptide), binds to a spiky protein on the surface of the HIV virus called gp41. ─── 这种被称为VIRIP(病毒抑制肽)的分子,结合到HIV病毒表面一种叫做gp41的道钉样蛋白质上。

13、CpG-N ODN could inhibit the surface binding and internalization of CpG-S ODN. ─── CpG-N ODN对CpG-S ODN在hPBMC细胞表面的结合和内化具有抑制作用。

14、An expensive folly could significantly inhibit our economic growth. ─── 一个价值奋发的愚蠢的行为可能严重阻碍我国经济的增进。

15、Pain and Regional Anesthesia Gabapentin Increases a Tonic Inhibitory Conductance in Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons. ─── 加巴喷啶增加海马锥体神经元中强直性抑制电导。

16、HHS can inhibit the activation of local RAS in hemorrhagic shock. ─── HHS可抑制失血性休克时组织中的RAS的激活。

17、The inhibitory extent of BDM on myosin ATPase activity of soleus and EDL was lower than that on Pt. ─── 在相同浓度下,BDM对Pt的抑制程度远远大于对肌球蛋白ATP酶活性的抑制。

18、Antibodies were used in the macrophage system to inhibit cathepsin D. ─── 巨噬细胞系统中使用了抗体来抑制组织蛋白酶D。

19、inhibitory effects of 4-hydroxycinnamic acid on the activity of monophenol oxidase in tyrosinase were studied using enzymological kinetic method. ─── 采用酶动力学方法研究了对羟基肉桂酸对酪氨酸酶单酚酶的抑制效应。

20、NO3-,Cl-and HCO3-has inhibitory action on photodegradation of 2,4-DCP. ─── NO3-、Cl-、HCO3-对2,4-DCP光降解有抑制作用;

21、The NFA and IAA-94 produced inhibitory effects on CPA-induced or PE-induced contractions in the pulmonary artery. ─── NFA和IAA-94可以舒张CPA、PE引起的肺动脉环收缩。

22、With an increasing chain length of polyethylene glycol group linked on niclosamide, the inhibitory effects weakened. ─── 随着聚乙二醇基链长的增加,药物对乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制活性依次减弱。

23、Genistein has significant inhibitory effects on mouse ACD induced by DNFB. ─── Gen对DNFB诱发的小鼠ACD有明显抑制作用。

24、Human Leukemia inhibitory factor,LIF Elisa Kit;... ─── 人白血病抑制因子(LIF)试剂盒;

25、Luteolin(12)and caffeic acid(14)were the ACE inhibitory components of this plant. ─── 其中木犀草素(12)和咖啡酸(14)为袋花忍冬中具有ACE抑制活性的化合物.

26、In addition to their anti-oxidant capability, we suggested that the inhibitory capacity on FAS was one of their health protected mechanisms. ─── 除了它们的抗氧化能力外,我们提出抑制FAS也可能是它们的保健机理之一。

27、The inhibitory effect of BEL was stronger than that of MET and DEC. ─── 其中BEL效果最好,其次是MET和DEC。

28、The inhibitory effect of gene transfection on solid tumor was observed in mice. ─── 小鼠实体瘤块模型研究基因转染抑制肝癌生长作用。

29、Title: Inhibitory Effect of Gynostemma Penlaphyllum on Damaged Genetic Material Caused by Alum. ─── 关键词:绞股蓝;明矾;微核;染色体畸变

30、To inhibit(a substance or reaction. ─── 抑制(一种物质或反应)

31、Quercetin and myricetin showed inhibitory effects on tumor induced by some chemical carcinogens. ─── 已有文献报道,槲皮素和黄芪苷对多种肿瘤细胞都有细胞毒作用,槲皮素和杨梅树皮素是多种促癌物的抑制剂。

32、Hirudoid/ Hirudoid forte inhibit enzymes that cause tissue degeneration. ─── 喜疗妥乳膏/强喜疗妥乳膏能抑制导致组织分解代谢的酶。

33、Rat leukemia inhibitory factor,LIF Elisa Kit;... ─── 大鼠白血病抑制因子(LIF)试剂盒;

34、Title: Inhibitory effects of procainamide on rabbit platelet aggregation and thromboxane B2 production in vitro. ─── 关键词:普鲁卡因胺;血小板聚集;血栓素B2;凝血酶

35、The same vessels also possess inhibitory proteins that help hold MMPs at bay. ─── 同时血管上还具有抑制性蛋白,以限制MMP的作用。

36、Clinical dose of hedyotis diffusa willd has no inhibitory action on the activity of rat CYP 1A2 in vivo and in vitro. ─── 体内、体外实验结果均表明,白花蛇舌草水提取物对大鼠肝脏CYP 1A2没有抑制作用。

37、MSFD combined with Bup showed a synergistic inhibitory effect. ─── MSFD联合Bup治疗 ,能协同抑制小鼠及大鼠的戒断反应。

38、It may either inhibit or enhance the enzyme activity. ─── 别构酶可以抑制或增强酶的活力。

39、In general, there was not tonic inhibitory effect on the release of ADH. ─── 平时缺乏对抗利尿激素释放的紧张性抑制作用;

40、Both T1+ (1.5 mmol /L) and Mn2+ (3mmol/L) could inhibit DAD and TA. ─── TI~+(1.5mmol/L)及Mn~(2+)(3mmol/L)可抑制DAD及TA。

41、Luciferase expression in E. coli/pLux1 was not affected by paromomycin at sub-growth inhibitory concentrations. ─── 反之,在低于生长抑制的浓度下,巴龙霉素不影响大肠杆菌pLux1基因荧光素酶的表达。

42、Chinese gallnut water extract may inhibit the vitality of the plaque biofilm. ─── 五倍子水提取物在较短的时间内就能对生物膜中的细菌产生一定的杀伤效应,使其活性下降。

43、What are the Steps to Inhibit Bubbles From Forming in the Detector Flow Cell? ─── 如何排除流动相中的气泡?如何排出流动池中的气泡?

44、The inhibitory percentage of L-THP on DAP was greater than that of SAP. ─── L-THP依剂量降低DAP,且降低程度大于SAP。

45、As experimental results indicated, CAWs exhibited well inhibitory effects on the bacteria tested. ─── 实验结果表明,碳原子线对于实验菌种具有良好的抗菌性能。

46、Changes in inhibitory amino acid release linked to pontine-induced atonia: An in vivo microdialysis study. ─── 与脑桥诱导缓驰相关的抑制氨基酸释放的变化:在体微透析研究。

47、UVC had the best inhibitory effect,UVB and UVA were in the next place. ─── 其中UVC对发光的抑制作用最强,依次为UVB和UVA.

48、Typically, a circuit that is"false" is neutral or in the"inhibit" state. ─── 典型的“假”电路是中性的或处于“禁止”态的电路。

49、BC TBC 169 strain had obvious inhibitory effect on the pathogenic becteriae of intestinal tract. ─── 凝结芽胞杆菌TBC 169株对肠道致病菌有显著的抑制作用。

50、They passed a law to inhibit people from parking in the street. ─── 他们通过一项法令以阻止人们在街上停车。

51、He uses the power of nature to damage and inhibit his enemies. ─── 他使用自然之力去伤害并抑止他的敌人。

52、Its inhibitory effect on K562/ADM cells is superior to etoposide. ─── GP-7抑制多药耐药白血病细胞株K562/ADM的作用优于依托泊苷。

53、An imbalance between the inhibitory and excitatory ENS could be one of the causes of diabetic diarrhea. ─── 肠自主神经的抑制-兴奋失衡可能是糖尿病腹泻的原因之一。

54、N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester could reverse the inhibitory role of somatostatin on the sphincter. ─── L-精氨酸甲酯阻断生长抑素对括约肌的抑制作用。

55、MMC could effectively inhibit the cell growth in a time-dependent manner. ─── MMC具有良好的抗肿瘤作用,呈明显的时间依赖性。

56、CONCLUSION The Tongbi capsule has inhibitory effect on acute and immune inflammation. ─── [结论]通鼻胶囊具有对抗急性及免疫性炎症的作用。

57、ACV can inhibit proliferation and induce erythrodifferentiation of K562 cells. ─── ACV对K562细胞具有抑制增殖和诱导分化作用,该结果可为慢性粒细胞白血病的治疗探索新的途径。

58、To inhibit,block,or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent. ─── 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动

59、Hemorheology change was the physiological basis of that inhibitory action to vascular intimal hyperplasia. ─── 血液流变学的变化是大黄抑制血管搭桥术后血管内膜增生的生理学基础。

60、These conditions don't have to inhibit your good time. ─── 不必让这些讨厌的事情影响你,

61、Hirudoid/Hirudoid forte inhibit enzymes that cause tissue degeneration. ─── 喜疗妥乳膏/特强喜疗妥乳膏能抑制导致组织分解代谢的酶。

62、NaCl can inhibit the growth of HP3 and slow the degradation of ABAS. ─── NaCl的存在抑制菌体的生长并降低溴胺酸降解速度 .

63、The RT-PCR result showed that the inhibitory ratio of shRNA3 on gastrin mRNA of BGC-823 was 48.1%. ─── RT-PCR结果显示,shRNA3对BGC-823细胞胃泌素mRNA的抑制率为48.1%。

64、Study the cytochemical localization of NADPH oxidase in eosinophil and the inhibitory effect of gliotoxin on its activity. ─── 观察体外诱导热应激反应对中性粒细胞凋亡及呼吸爆发功能的影响。

65、The use of wax to inhibit ozone deterioration probably goes back to 1881. ─── 使用蜡来抑制臭氧劣化可追溯到1881年。

66、Growth inhibitory effect of quercetin on SW 872 human liposarcoma cells. ─── 台湾农业化学与食品科学,2004,42(1):7-14。

67、excitatory signals are pluses, the inhibitory ones are minuses. ─── 兴奋性信号是加,抑制性信号则是减。

68、GbE can inhibit apoptosis in neuronal cells. ─── GbE对神经细胞凋亡有抑制作用

69、Higher salt concentrations alone may inhibit ion uptake. ─── 单单只是盐浓度高就会阻碍离子吸收。

70、While inhibitors of LOX,nPG and NDGA can inhibit ethylene production. ─── 外施LOX代谢产物茉莉酮酸、愈创木酸亦可促进乙烯释放,而LOX抑制剂对乙烯释放有抑制作用。

71、Experimental Study of Inhibitory Effect of Chinese Nutgall on Primary Cariogenic Bacteria in Vitro. ─── 五倍子对致龋菌抑制作用的实验研究。

72、You should inhibit wrong desires and impulses. ─── 你应当抑制不正当的欲望和行动。

73、APN also exerted a marked inhibitory effect on the release of ADP-stimulated platelet 5-HT (P

74、CGC receive inhibitory synaptic input from Golgi cells, which are mediated by gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). ─── 小脑颗粒细胞培养可作为模型系统而广泛用于研究神经元的凋亡。

75、After the enzyme was solubilized by Triton X-100,amytal no longer exertedan inhibitory effect. ─── 当胆碱脱氢酶被Triton X-100从膜上增溶下来后Amytal不再抑制溶解的胆碱脱氢酶。

76、Grease flange threads of body to inhibit rust or corrosion. ─── 在阀门法兰螺纹处涂上油脂,防止生锈或腐蚀。

77、To inhibit retroviruses interacting with the cellular proteins. ─── 抑制与细胞蛋白质相互作用的(肿瘤)逆转录病毒。

78、The ability of humoral antibodies to inhibit tumor growth varies with different cell types. ─── 体液抗体抑制肿瘤生长的能力因细胞类型不同而异。

79、Inhibitory activity of compounds against APN is measured with L-leucine p-nitroanilide as substrate. ─── 在抑制APN活性试验中,以L-亮氨酰-对硝基苯胺为底物,测定化合物对APN的抑制活性;

80、SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein could inhibit protein translation. ─── SARS冠状病毒N蛋白抑制蛋白翻译。

81、To coerce or inhibit by or as if by threats. ─── 威胁通过威胁或近乎威胁强制或禁止

82、What situations inhibit you from being yourself? ─── 为什么你不能做决定呢?

83、Nimodipine can inhibit the expression of VEGF and PDGF to a certain extent. ─── 尼莫地平在某种程度上能抑制VEGF及PDGF的表达。

84、Roundtable: Does Your City Promote or Inhibit Business Incubation? ─── 圆桌会议:你所在城市提升或抑制孵化器?

85、To inhibit,block,or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent). ─── 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动。

86、The fertilization inhibitory factors of BFF may be derived from serum rather than from follicular cells. ─── BFF的这种受精抑制因子可能来自血清而不是卵泡细胞。

87、His presence inhibit me from asking question. ─── 他的在场使我怯于提问。

88、The growth inhibitory effect of curcumin on SHG44 cells was detected by MTT chromatometry. ─── 利用MTT比色法检测姜黄素对于SHG44的增殖抑制影响;

89、Prostaglandin is the dilation of blood vessels and inhibit platelet function. ─── 前列腺素具有扩张血管和抑制血小板作用。

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