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09-11 投稿



costae 发音

英:[ˈkɑːstiː]  美:[ˈkɒstiː]

英:  美:

costae 中文意思翻译



costae 短语词组

1、costae arcuariae fluctuantes ─── [医] 浮动弓肋

2、costae verae ─── [医] 真肋, 椎胸肋

3、caput costae ─── [医] 肋骨头, 肋骨小头

4、costae spuriae ─── [医] 假肋, 弓肋

5、crista cclli costae ─── [医] 肋颈嵴

6、costae arcuariae ─── [医] 弓肋, 假肋

7、corpora costae ─── [医] 肋骨体

8、crista capitis costae ─── [医] 肋骨小头嵴

9、costae arcuariae affixae ─── [医] 附着弓肋

10、collum costae ─── [医] 肋颈

11、facies articularis tuberculi costae ─── [医] 肋结节关节面

12、articulatio capitis costae ─── [医] 肋小头关节

13、facies articularis capitis costae ─── [医] 肋骨小头关节面

14、costae moniliformis ─── [医] 念珠状肋, 佝偻病性串珠(肋)

15、costae sternales ─── [医] 胸骨肋

16、costae fluctuans decima ─── [医] 浮动第十肋, 浮肋, 斯提勒尔征

17、costae fluctuans ─── [医] 浮肋

18、angulus costae ─── [医] 肋角

19、capitulum costae ─── [医] 肋骨小头, 肋骨头

costae 词性/词形变化,costae变形

形容词: Costa Rican |

costae 相似词语短语

1、costar ─── n.合演者;合演明星;vi.合演;vt.使联袂主演;n.(Costar)人名;(英)科斯塔;(罗)科斯塔尔

2、ecostate ─── adj.无肋的

3、costate ─── adj.有肋骨的,具中脉的

4、coste ─── n.(Coste)人名;(英、法、西、罗)科斯特

5、costa ─── n.[解剖]肋骨;叶脉;[昆]前缘脉;n.(Costa)人名;(希、印尼、西、芬、罗、葡、加纳、德、意、英、法)科斯塔

6、costean ─── v.井探,掘井勘探

7、costars ─── n.合演者;合演明星;vi.合演;vt.使联袂主演;n.(Costar)人名;(英)科斯塔;(罗)科斯塔尔

8、costal ─── adj.肋的;肋骨的;前腺脉的;n.(Costal)人名;(法、西、葡)科斯塔尔

9、costard ─── n.英国种大苹果;人头

costae 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Costa Rica is a one-track mind, found you! ─── 哥是个死心眼,认定你了!

2、Ambassador Wu Wen-huei and a reporter paid a visit to Sr.Fonseca, Costa Rica's Minister of Agriculture. ─── 图4:吴文辉大使陪同笔者一行拜访哥国前农部部长方塞加。

3、Near Arrecife, take the detour on the left towards Norte de la Isla - Costa Teguise. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日1天之前,取消预订酒店将不收取费用。

4、Both sides have now agreed to attend talks mediated by Costa Rican President Oscar Arias, but the political standoff could last for months. ─── 双方目前都同意参加由哥斯达黎加总统阿里亚斯主持调停谈判,不过政治对峙可能会持续几个月的时间。

5、Starbucks will weave artisans and other Costa Ricans into the in-store promotional campaign. ─── 同时,星巴克与更多的中南美艺术家合作,加入到这场商战中。

6、Costa Rica is a democratic republic with a strong system of constitutional checks and balances. ─── 哥斯达黎加是一个民主共和国以宪法检查和平衡一个强的系统。

7、Milutinovic inspired Costa Rica to their famous 1-0 win against Andy Roxburgh's Scotland in Genoa in 1990. ─── 在1990年世界杯热那亚赛场上,米卢使哥斯达黎加队力挫安迪·罗克斯伯勒率领的苏格兰队,实现了他们著名的1比0胜利。

8、So the team looked at 50 sites from Costa Rica to Peru. ─── 因此,该团队调查了从哥斯达黎加到秘鲁的50个地方。

9、The ban of advertising so as not to promote smoking propaganda, publicity, sponsorship and promotion, said Vera Luiza da Costae Silva. ─── 她说:广告禁令是为了阻止散播有关吸烟的宣传、公关、赞助和促销,还有一些提高税收和价格的措施。

10、President of Costa Rica suggests putting environmental protection into Constitution. ─── 哥斯达黎加总统建议将环境保护列入本国宪法

11、Costa Rican President Rodrigo Carazo Odio arrived in Taiwan on October 8 for a five-day official visit. 1. ─── 哥斯大黎加总统卡拉索伉俪一行,于十月八日来华作为期五天的正式访问。

12、Klose scored two for Germany and Wanchope two for Costa Rica. ─── 克洛泽为德国独中两元,万乔普也为哥斯达黎加攻入两球。

13、In 1959, the swindle of coffee in Costa Rico paralyzed the country's economy for a certain period of time. ─── 1959年,哥斯达黎加发生的咖啡诈骗案一度使该国经济陷入瘫痪状态。

14、"This confirms that Scotland is the nearest thing there is to the Costa del Sol for aliens," a Visit Scotland spokesman said. ─── “畅游苏格兰”的发言人说:“这证明了苏格兰最可能是外星人在地球上的度假胜地。”

15、They have been sweethearts since high school but in 1997, Ms. Lam moved to Costa Rica for a year of college while Mr. Welch stayed in Davis, Calif. ─── 他们从中学时代成为恋人。 1997年,兰姆小姐到哥斯达黎加学习一年,而韦尔奇留在加利福尼亚州戴维斯。

16、The Arenal Volcano in northern Costa Rica terrified local inhabitants and tourists in August 2000 when it spouted hot gas and ash. ─── 去年8月,哥斯达黎加北部的阿雷纳尔火山就曾经突然爆发,吓坏了当地居民和旅游者。

17、Chelsea are ready to sign - and immediately loan back - PSV Eindhoven fullback Manuel Da Costa. ─── 切尔西正准备签下埃因霍芬队的后卫达科斯塔并立刻将他租回去。

18、Among the countries with cadets at the academy this year are Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Sri Lanka, and Tunisia. ─── 今年这些报送军校生的国家有阿富汗、加利亚、麦隆、斯达黎加、拉克、萨克斯坦、里兰卡以及突尼斯。

19、The Eurotel Punta Rotja is located on the Costa de los Pinos, where you can enjoy fine white sands, clear waters and beautiful pine forests. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日1天之前,取消预订酒店将不收取费用。如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。

20、A listener in Manaus, Brazil, Luiz Roberto Alves da Costa, has a question about money. ─── 一名听众在马瑙斯,巴西,路易斯罗伯托尔维斯达科斯塔,有一个关于钱的问题。

21、Chen Shuibian flies back to Taiwan Tuesday from Costa Rica, where he attended the inauguration of Costa Rican President Oscar Arias on Monday. ─── 他星期一在那里参加了哥斯达黎加总统奥斯卡.阿里亚斯的就职仪式。

22、Mr. Costa will therefore propose a Blue Emblem to recognize companies that align their rules and regulations to the universal principles of the UNCAC. ─── 因此,科斯塔先生将建议颁发蓝色徽章以表彰那些将其规则和条例与《联合国反腐败公约》的普遍原则一致起来的公司。

23、They're following a well-trodden path by buying a luxury hideaway on the Costa Brava in Spain. ─── 他们像别人一样在西班牙布拉巴海岸买了一处豪华的幽居。

24、Castle PE,Schiffman M,Herreo R et al.A prospective study of age trends in guanacaste,costa rica[J].Journal of infectious disease,2005,191(11):1808. ─── 乌兰娜,张礼婕,刘志红,等.人乳头瘤病毒检测在宫颈癌筛查中的作用[J].齐齐哈尔医学院学报,2005,26(6):611.

25、He is headed back to Taipei from a trip to Costa Rica and Paraguay. ─── 他结束对哥斯达黎加和巴拉圭的访问,在返回台湾途中。

26、A female minister's answer is to operate a small inn at Costa Rica's seashore. ─── 一位女部长的答案,是到哥斯达黎加的海滨经营一个小旅馆;

27、A unit of currency in Andorra, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Spain, and Venezeula. ─── 分使用于安道尔、哥斯达黎加、巴拉圭、西班牙及委内瑞拉的一种货币单位

28、An endangered Blue Jeans Dart Frog, Dendrobates pumilio, rests on a leaf at the INBIO Park in Heredia, Costa Rica Wednesday. ─── 周三在哥斯大黎加的荷瑞狄亚市的INBIO公园,一只濒临绝种动物草莓箭毒蛙在树叶上休息。科学家认为热带青蛙的减少与全球暖化有关。

29、Gilardino doubled the lead on 39 minutes when he met a Rui Costa corner to loop a header in off the underside of the crossbar. ─── 吉拉迪诺在第39分钟时扩大了领先优势,他接到鲁伊.科斯塔开出的角球甩头将球打入横梁下沿。

30、In 2003, Contra Costa Gospel Church heard the need of CCCC Antioch, stepped in to help through church-planting effort let by Pastor Luke Chu. ─── 2003年, 康郡华人福音教会的主任牧师朱乐华牧师知道了我们的需要, 带领康郡华人福音教会出钱出力,以植堂方式支持并牧养我们直到如今,这就是安提阿华人福音教会的由来。

31、A la manana viajaremos a la ciudad Puerto Montt por el vuelo, a la tarde realizaremos una Excursion a la Costa Sureste. ─── 上午搭乘飞机到南方一千公里处的梦港 Puerto Montt, 下午进行东南海岸近郊旅游.

32、They include Chile, Costa Rica and Panama. ─── 其中包括智利、哥斯达黎加和巴拿马。

33、China made a disappointing start to their World Cup campaign, losing two-nil to Costa Rica. ─── 中国在世界盃首仗令人失望,以零比二输给哥斯达黎加。

34、Holdridge’s toad, found only in Costa Rica, was declared extinct. ─── 只有在哥斯达黎加才能发现的霍尔德里奇蟾蜍,已被宣布灭绝。

35、The club had been able to seal the arrivals of Sandro Nesta in 2001 and Manuel Rui Costa and Pippo Inzaghi the year before in much the same way. ─── 俱乐部能够成功签下2001年的内斯塔以及以前的鲁易.科斯塔、因扎吉也是用了大体相同的做法。

36、Bananas for sale in the WTO cafeteria during the talks carry Chiquita stickers from Costa Rica. ─── 会议期间,世贸组织自助餐厅所售的香蕉上都贴着哥斯达黎加的“金吉达”商标。

37、Did you receive the mail by Costa Rica? ─── 你收到哥斯达黎加来的邮件了吗?

38、Peru, UPA!Costa Rica, - Ecuador y Honduras - Dra. ─── 主题: Re: Nuevo gente en el grupo: UPA!

39、Remote medicine, in the form of technology for tele-care or medical tourism to Thailand and Costa Rica, also poses a threat. ─── 以远程健康护理技术或者赴泰国与哥斯达黎加的医疗行等形式进行的远程医疗也构成一种威胁。

40、How to numbering the thoracic vertebrae and costae on the consecutive CT images ─── 在轴位CT图像上计数胸椎和肋骨的方法初探

41、The Costa Rica Dome is an upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water generated by a meeting of winds and currents west of Central America. ─── 哥斯达黎加圆突区是一股冰冷、富含营养的上升流,在中美洲西部海风与洋流的交汇中形成。

42、The Arenal Volcano in northern Costa Rica terrified local inhabitants and tourists in August 2000 when it spouted hot and ash. ─── 2000年8月,哥斯达黎加北部的阿雷纳尔火山突然喷出滚烫的气体和火山灰,令当地居民和游客猝不及防,魂飞魄散。

43、Costa Rica is a poor wretch! ─── 哥也是穷光蛋一个!

44、And a Costa Rica hotel is making peace between its guests and the local feline residents. ─── 一间哥斯大黎加旅馆尝试让客人与当地猫科动物和平共处。

45、The oasis of the Costa Rica Dome would satisfy this requirement. ─── 哥斯达黎加圆突区这块海洋绿洲正能满足这种需求。

46、Segura delegation from the standard-bearer in the hands of President Arias of Costa Rica took over the national flag. ─── 代表团旗手塞古拉从阿里亚斯总统手里接过哥斯达黎加国旗。

47、Costa Rica Olympic team a total of 8 athletes, who will be starting Aug. 2 to Beijing. ─── 哥斯达黎加奥运代表团共有8名运动员,他们将在8月2日出发前往北京。

48、Meanwhile, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Paraguay and Uruguay are considering measures to reduce trans fat consumption. ─── 同时,阿根廷,巴西,智利,哥斯达黎加,巴拉圭和乌拉圭正在考虑措施以降低反式脂肪酸摄入。

49、There are five things he has found as a common thread from Japan to Costa Rica to Loma Linda, California. ─── 他认为有五点秘诀,这些是居住在日本,哥斯达黎加及加利福尼亚的罗玛琳达的人们的共同之处。

50、On the other hand, the cost of hand labor, which is intensive in banana, is expensive in Costa Rica. ─── 另一方面,香蕉生产上大量使用的手工劳动在该国成本昂贵。

51、Multi-radiating costae and stout tubercles on the valves are much more important than that of serration structure in high taxonomic status for the family Afrograptidae. ─── 作者认为这一构造被视为非洲叶肢介科分类的主要依据是不合适的,壳瓣的放射褶或粗瘤构造在高级分类上更重要, 进而对该科的含义进行了厘定;

52、Costa Rica with you now want to go to live with! ─── 哥现在就想跟你一起走、一起生活!

53、ban of advertising so as not to promote smoking propaganda, publicity, sponsorship and promotion," said Vera Luiza da Costae Silva. ─── 广告禁令是为了阻止散播有关吸烟的宣传、公关、赞助和促销,还有一些提高税收和价格的措施。”

54、Midfielders Ambrosini and Manuel Rui Costa are set to be included in the starting 11. ─── 中场球员安布罗西尼和曼努埃尔。鲁伊。科斯塔将出现在首发阵容当中。

55、Premier Sun Yun-suan and President Rodrigo Carazo of Costa Rica answering questions at a press conference after signing a joint communique. ─── 图1:孙院长与哥斯大黎加总统卡拉柔签署联合公报后举行记者招待会。

56、Baby white-faced capuchin monkeys play in a Costa Rican rain forest. ─── 僧帽猴拥有小孩子一样的白色的脸,经常出没在哥斯达黎加的雨林。

57、The Swanhilda cast off from the docks at Port Costa. ─── “斯万希尔黛号”从可斯达港的码头解缆开船。

58、The hosts conceded twice against Costa Rica, and the absence of a sweeper was questioned in the press. ─── 东道主德国队在揭幕战中被哥斯达黎加打进两球,媒体也在质问球队为什么不设立一名清道夫。

59、De Costa said he is confident that those responsible for the attack on President Ramos Horta will be caught. ─── 他说,他有信心抓获袭击总统拉莫斯-奥尔塔的人。

60、Costa Rica will always treasure your brother's pig! ─── 哥永远会珍惜你这个猪弟弟的!

61、A shadow falls on the entrance to the giant steer exhibit at the Orange County Fair in Costa Mesa, California. ─── 在加州橙郡举行的一次牛仔集会上,一名牛仔的影子倒映在会场的入口处。

62、Surrounding the hotel you will find numerous walking trails which follow the stunning landscape of the Costa Brava. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日2天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

63、Among the countries with the cadets in the academy this year are Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Sri Lanka and Tunisia. ─── 今年的外籍学员来自下列国家:阿富汗、加利亚、麦隆、拉克、萨克、里兰卡和突尼斯。

64、Their quest pits them against the governments of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, the medical establishment, and the Catholic Church. ─── 他们的寻求历程使他们与尼加拉瓜和哥斯达黎加政府、医疗设备、天主教会进行了斗争。

65、Costa Rican initiates celebrated the true New Year and the start of the Golden Age for all humanity with a two-day retreat and large party. ─── 哥斯大黎加同修以禅二与大型盛会来庆贺真正的新年,并揭开人类黄金新世纪的序幕。

66、Costa Rica becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty. ─── 1916年,哥斯达黎加成为布宜诺斯艾利斯版权条约的签字国之一。

67、Contra Costa Youth Orchestra performed at Disneyland during the 2008 president day long weekend. ─── 佳妮所在的少年乐队于2008总统节在洛杉矶的迪斯尼乐园演出。

68、In the international arena. "He hoped that the athletes can win glory for Costa Rica luster. ─── 人在国际舞台的代表。”他希望运动员能为哥斯达黎加争光添彩。

69、Colombiaanse Meisjes in Costa Rica. Mooie Dames. De Meisjes van de club. ─── 哥伦比亚女孩在格斯达里加。俏丽的夫人。俱乐部女孩。

70、We showed a lot of personality tonight against a strong team. It was a better performance than Costa Rica( a2-0 defeat), where we made more mistakes. ─── 今晚我们反对一强烈队展示许多个性.与我们犯更多错误的哥斯达黎加(2-0败)比,它是一更成绩好.

71、Things really could be at that point, Costa Rica will not shrink! ─── 可事情真的到了那个地步,哥是不会退缩的!

72、Talks on a free-trade deal with the European Union are stalled, awaiting Costa Rica's debate on DR-CAFTA. ─── 与欧盟的自由贸易事务谈判则被延后了,因为要等哥斯达黎加把DR-CAFTA的架吵完。

73、In a statement, Costa said it took "the nutritional balance of all its food and drink very seriously". ─── 在一份声明中咖世家表示,该公司"严肃对待所有食品和饮料的营养平衡".

74、He and his colleague, Keron Walters, 22, were being treated in a hospital in the Costa Rican town of Limon for dehydration. ─── 他与同事,廿二岁的华特斯,己被送往哥斯达黎加里蒙镇的一家医院,二人有脱水症状。

75、Our products can be exported to the United States, Indonesia, and South Africa, Oman, Costa Rica and other countries and regions. ─── 公司产品远销美国、印尼、南非、阿曼,哥斯达黎加、越南等国家和地区。

76、He has written for The Chronicle, the Contra Costa Times, New America Media and KQED. ─── 他已经为年代记写, 反对肋骨泰晤士报、新的美国媒体和 KQED。

77、Off the shores of Costa Rica, scientists study a stronghold of whales that once hovered near extinction. ─── 哥斯达黎加附近海域是科学家研究鲸鱼栖息的场所,这里的鲸鱼曾经几近灭绝。

78、A hummingbird picks up more than nectar at a flower in Costa Rica's Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve. ─── 一只蜂鸟吸进比较多的花蜜,花卉在哥斯达黎加的蒙特沃尔德云雾森林保存。

79、An avid surfer and environmentalist, Peirsol recently built a house in Costa Rica, and is an advocate for preserving the oceans. ─── 做为一个冲浪爱好者和环境保护论者,佩尔索尔最近在哥斯达黎加盖了一个房子,这也算是对保护海滨的一个倡导。

80、The Central American Peace Accord was signed in Guatemala City by presidents from Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras and El Salvador. ─── 危地马拉·加拉瓜、斯达尼加、都拉斯和萨尔瓦多5国总统在危地马拉城签署《中美洲和平协议》。

81、Chelsea are believed to have agreed the summer transfer of Portuguese defender Manuel da Costa. ─── 切尔西相信葡萄牙后卫曼纽尔.达科斯塔会在夏天加盟。

82、What is the currency of Costa Rica? ─── 哥斯大黎加的货币单位是什麽?

83、Having a costa or costae; ribbed. ─── 具有肋或脊的;肋状的

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