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09-11 投稿


heighten 发音

英:['haɪt(ə)n]  美:['haɪtn]

英:  美:

heighten 中文意思翻译



heighten 网络释义

vt. 提高;增高;加强;使更显著vi. 升高;变强

heighten 反义词


heighten 同义词

amplify | increase | wax | add to | reinforce | compound | enhance | deepen | rise | sharpen | aggrandize | strengthen | balloon | highlight | intensify | accentuate | dignify | raise

heighten 短语词组

1、heighten taste ─── 提高品味

2、heighten crossword ─── 加高纵横字谜

3、heighten tension ─── 提高张力

4、heighten party unity ─── 加强党的团结

5、heighten further ─── 进一步提高

6、heighten heroism ─── 增强英雄主义

7、heighten care ─── 加强护理

8、heighten alert ─── 提高警惕

9、heighten def ─── 提高def

10、heighten pa ─── 加高pa

11、blood doping to heighten ─── 血液兴奋剂将提高

heighten 词性/词形变化,heighten变形

动词过去式: heightened |动词第三人称单数: heightens |动词过去分词: heightened |名词: heightener |动词现在分词: heightening |

heighten 相似词语短语

1、frighten ─── vt.使惊吓;吓唬…;vi.害怕,惊恐

2、Leighton ─── n.雷顿(男子名)

3、heightener ─── 加高器

4、heightens ─── vt.提高;增高;加强;使更显著;vi.升高;变强

5、eighteen ─── n.十八,十八个;adj.十八个的,十八的;num.十八

6、brighten ─── vi.明亮;变亮;活跃;快乐高兴;vt.使闪亮;使生辉;使快乐高兴;n.(Brighten)人名;(英)布赖滕

7、heightened ─── v.提高,升高(heighten的过去分词)

8、retighten ─── vt.重新上紧,重新拉紧;重新固定

9、Deighton ─── n.(Deighton)人名;(英)戴顿

heighten 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Multi-nutrition essence can effectively heighten the cell vitality, meanwhile frap flab, improve skin and muscle ageing, decrease the furrow to come into being. ─── 多重营养精华能有效增强细胞活力,同时收紧松弛,改善肌肤老化,减少皱纹产生。

2、It makes resource configuration screwy, trade cost heighten, social welfare loss, corrupt and fascicular, market economy grows suffocate suffocate. ─── 它使得资源配置扭曲 ,交易成本增高 ,社会福利损失 ,腐败丛生 ,市场经济发展受阻。

3、Tonetic appreciably heighten, but had blossommed because of laryngeal vocal cords, still be for the most partThe maleTonetic. ─── 声调略微增高,但因喉头声带已经长成,大部分仍为男性声调。

4、All the common discomforts of walking in the rainseemed to heighten the menace of his pursuer. ─── 在雨中行走常见的一切不适之感,仿佛增加了他对跟踪者的恐惧。

5、The rush of the water, and the booming of the mill, bring a dreamy deafness, which seems to heighten the peacefulness of the scene. ─── 水的急流声,磨坊的轰隆声,给人带来了一种迷迷茫茫的耳聋的感觉,更替这景色增加了恬静的气氛。

6、An integrated approach will be taken in order to develop mutual assistance systems designed to heighten a sense of community and encourage local initiatives. ─── 为了发展和加强社区意识以及鼓励地方的积极性,将设立并实施一个整体性的方案开发互助系统。

7、Moreover,using the rule can classify reactions of all organic compounds systematically and heighten regularity, systematicness and orderliness of organic chemistry. ─── 同时,利用这个规则,能将各类有机化合物的反应作较系统的分类,增强了有机化学的规律性、系统性和条理性。

8、Does heighten medicine resemble advertisement really in so useful? ─── 增高药真的像广告里那么有用吗?

9、Be in for example narrow corridor, cover whole wall with the mirror, but slow and oppressive feeling, and heighten the aesthetic perception of interior design. ─── 例如在狭窄的过道,用镜子覆盖整幅墙壁,可舒缓压迫感,并且增强室内设计的美感。

10、The result shows that RTK technique is a good tool to heighten survey efficiency, especially in the difficult watching areas. ─── 实践表明,RTK测量可以较大幅度提高工作效率,尤其在通视困难地区更具明显优势。

11、Gastrodia tuber can heighten activity of antioxidase SOD and eliminate oxygen free radical,and has no noxious and side effect to animal. ─── 天麻无任何毒副作用,可反复给药,是一种药理作用广泛的中药材。

12、Its crude methods of doing so often heighten ethnic tensions. ─── 它的种种粗陋的做法常常加剧民族紧张。

13、But when the emotion that leads to stiffening the lip is more intense, and involves strong muscle tension, facial feedback may heighten emotional response. ─── 但是当导致嘴唇僵硬的情绪变得更加强烈,并导致肌肉强烈绷紧时,面部表情反应就可能会增强情绪反应。

14、In respect of induction heating, a magnetizer will considerably heighten both heating efficiency of inductor and heat treatment quality of part so as to save energy. ─── 在感应加热中,导磁体的应用能显著提高感应器的加热效率、提高产品质量、节能等。

15、Feel the rush: Get a sense of thrill and adventure for committing the crime. Use the excitement to heighten your senses and to be alert. ─── 紧迫感:对于这次犯罪要有冒险和兴奋意识,利用这种兴奋的情绪能加强你的感觉而更加灵敏。

16、Additional, hemal pressure is too low, tubal antrum is relatively narrow, blood stream is slow, easily plaque gathers, hematic viscosity heighten, and produce a head thrombosis. ─── 另外,血管压力过低,管腔相对狭窄,血流缓慢,易于血小板聚集,血粘度增高,而发生脑血栓形成。

17、Trade liberalization reforms in both sides heighten the prospects for the expansion and diversification of trade structure. ─── 双方的贸易自由化改革照亮了贸易结构扩展和向多样化发展的前景。

18、Heighten efficiency; predigest working procedure to reduce cost. ─── 在工作范围内,不断提高效率、简化工作以降低成本。

19、Main symptom decreases for limb tension heighten, quiver, motion, mask face and pose are unusual, serious person can appear gawkish. ─── 主要症状为四肢张力增高、震颤、运动减少,面具脸及姿势异常,严重者可出现痴呆。

20、Since the transitional period for China's accession to the WTO will basically end this year, we need to heighten our sense of urgency to be sure we complete all related work. ─── 今年,我国加入世贸组织过渡期将基本结束,要增强做好各项应对工作的紧迫感。

21、Goleman argues this approach is particularly valuable 'when trying to heighten team harmony, increase morale, improve communication or repair broken trust in an organization. ─── 因为这种风格很少表扬,然而经常批评,故而会打击员工士气和对工作的满意度。

22、The article introduce a new mechanism of heighten the machine tools repeatability positioning accuracyand work principle. ─── 介绍了一种提高机床重复定位精度的新机构及其工作原理。

23、A weakened immune system does not heighten the risks of catching a cold. ─── 一个弱免疫系统是不会增加感冒的感染可能性的。

24、If have apparent surge, criterion the centrum height bring down of surge, its centrum lower edge is punch-drunk, local density heighten. ─── 如有明显滑脱,则滑脱的椎体高度减低,其椎体下缘模糊不清,局部密度增高。

25、"Tonight, you all go out and work harder than ever to heighten the fighting spirit of the masses and ensure that they don't return to work tomorrow! ─── “你们全体动员,加紧工作,提高群众的斗争情绪,明天不上工!

26、So it is urgent for curriculum reform to reinforce teachers' team building and heighten the integrated quality of teachers. ─── 加强教师队伍建设,提高教师的整体素质,是新课程改革的迫切要求。

27、In order to enhance overall competitiveness,Chinese petroleum enterprises must streng then their own competitive advantage and heighten their core competence. ─── 为了提高我国石油企业的总体实力,必须建立自己的竞争优势,提升核心竞争力。

28、Otherworldly sounds coupled with great voice acting and ambient effects heighten the action of the game. ─── 不俗的音乐与良好的脚色配音,周围的音效结合让游戏增色不少.

29、The campaign is intended to heighten public awareness of the disease. ─── 这场运动的目的是使公众更加了解这种疾病。

30、Todo more exercises helps to heighten appetite. ─── 多运动有助于增进食欲。

31、If eat acidity food to spend a long time, haemal acidity heighten, the vivid motivation of systemic blood is logy, have fatigue feeling. ─── 假如吃酸性食品过多时,血液酸度增高,全身血液的活动力迟缓,并有疲惫感觉。

32、Even tacit linkage between delaying or scrapping the scheme and pleasing Russia will heighten those worries. ─── 即使延迟或撕毁此项计划,取悦俄罗斯,也会加剧忧虑。

33、Kill to kidney nondestructive commonly, but individual patient sees urea nitrogen heighten and albuminuria. ─── 一般对肾无损害,但个别病人可见尿素氮增高及蛋白尿。

34、It is discovered that mischmetal can heighten the ignition point of ZM5 alloy obviously. ─── 实验发现,混合稀土能明显提高ZM5镁合金的起燃温度。

35、Is heighten medicine used after all? ─── 增高药到底有没有用?

36、Take Chinese traditional medicine Tian Qineng heighten? ─── 吃中药田七能增高吗?

37、Create a national brand, heighten the national aspiration, keep the pace with international cutting-edge technologies, and strive to develop international markets. ─── 创民族品牌,长民族志气,技术上与国际尖端科技接轨,努力开拓国际市场。

38、Refuse to obey medicine, not operation, how fast heighten? ─── 不服药,不手术,怎样快速增高?

39、You are below made sprat meticulously " fast heighten " clad course, make you relaxed become " tall " beautiful! ─── 下面就为你精心打造了小个子“快速增高”穿衣课程,让你轻松变得又“高”又漂亮!

40、To meet the challenge of the 21th Century, countries all over the world have waged large-scale experiment m education-reform to heighten whole nation's quality . ─── 世界各国为了迎接21世纪的挑战,提高本国公民的整体素质.在基础教育阶段进行了大胆的教改尝试。

41、Sixth, we need to carry out an extensive and long-term resource conservation campaign throughout the country to heighten public awareness of the need to conserve resources. ─── 六要在全社会广泛持久地开展资源节约活动,使建设资源节约型社会深入人心,蔚成风气。

42、The policy of taking full responsibility for a task helps to heighten the farmers' enthusiasm. ─── 实行大包干儿,有利于提高农民生产积极性。

43、I think what screen dance will do, though, is heighten awareness of dance in general. ─── 我认为荧屏舞蹈会在总体上提高人们对舞蹈的认知。

44、With the heighten of airspeed, the translation of toluene was depressed, and the selectivity of p-xylene was increased. ─── 反应空速提高,甲苯转化率降低,对二甲苯选择性增加。

45、They wanted to heighten the building by the addition of a third storey. ─── 他们打算在建筑物上加建第三层楼。

46、On the base of raising filter precision,add a little diatomite can heighten the filter rate and the quality of defatted camellia oil. ─── 在提高过滤介质精度的情况下,添加一定数量的硅藻土,实验证明其能够很好地提高冷冻油脂的过滤速度,提高产品质量。

47、The groovy examination of migraine patient cerebrospinal fluid is normal normally, usually the lymphocyte of cerebrospinal fluid but heighten. ─── 偏头痛病人脑脊液的常规检查通常是正常的,一般情况下脑脊液的淋巴细胞可增高。

48、Bipolar disorders also heighten the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which sets off the fight-or-flight response to stress. ─── 双相情感障碍也加强了交感神经系统的活动性,它对压力做出战斗-逃跑的反应。

49、If firms could heighten their R&D, that could raise their market share. ─── 厂商若能加强其研发,将有助于提高其市场佔有率。

50、The experiment shows that fewer melting-back materials, higher temperature and more mixing time will decrease the mixture content, and heighten the intensity as well. ─── 实验证明,含回炉料少、熔炼温度适当增高、加强搅拌,能减少其夹杂物含量,从而提高其强度。

51、It can effectively moisten skin and muscle, Guard against the formation of arid and furrow,Heighten the delicate bright and clean of hand. ─── 多重营养精华能有效增强细胞活力,同时收紧松弛,改善肌肤老化,减少皱纹产生。

52、Using a process that substracts colors to heighten contrast reveals a hidden line of writing in what appears to be a blank space on the Temple Scroll, obe of the Dead Sea Scrolls. ─── 使用一个加大基本颜色对照的程序在似乎是坦普尔古卷上的一个空白处显示出一条书写的隐藏线,死海古卷的零散部分。

53、To heighten the effect of camouflage, the Chinese made decoys using materials found at hand. ─── 为了提高伪装的效果,中国人用手头上的材料制造了许多圈套。

54、Different of the film inside the uterus disease patient because element content heighten also meets the prostate inside body,often produce dysmenorrhoea. ─── 子宫内膜异位症患者往往由于体内前列腺素含量增高也会产生痛经。

55、when trying to heighten team harmony, increase morale, improve communication or repair broken trust in an organization. ─── 在试图增加一个组织中的团队和谐、提振士气、加强沟通或修复受损的信任时,这种方法尤其有价值。

56、Be in for example narrow channel, cover whole wall with the mirror, but slow and oppressive feeling, and heighten the aesthetic perception of interior design. ─── 例如在狭窄的信道,用镜子覆盖整幅墙壁,可舒缓压迫感,并且增强室内设计的美感。

57、If Mr Aso plans further stimulus packages, publicizing them now might only heighten the tooth-pulling pain of passing the current measures. ─── 如果麻生先生继续计划刺激方案,那这份计划的公布可能对如今这份草案的通过带来阵痛。

58、Without authorization no department or unit may work out projects for administrative charges and heighten charging standards. ─── 任何部门和单位不得擅自设立收费项目和提高收费标准。

59、He took advantage of every opportunity to heighten racial tensions. ─── 他利用一切机会加剧种族间的紧张关系。

60、What the girl loves to complain most is weight and height, disrelish oneself nevertheless fat can reduce weight, if disrelish oneself short, heighten can have bit of difficulty. ─── 女孩子最爱抱怨的就是体重和身高,不过嫌自己胖可以减肥,假如嫌自己矮,增高可就有点难度了。

61、Local media outlets will next year be trained to heighten AIDS awareness by integrating the subject matter into prime time slots, including soap operas, documentaries and sitcoms. ─── 地方媒体各分台来年将得到训练并把一些有价值的主题做成新时段节目,内容包括肥皂剧,记录片和连续剧。

62、In all modelling, quadrate batholith is the cheapest, chassis appearance is irregular, mould cost is high, shower house price also is met subsequently heighten. ─── 在所有造型中,方形底盘最便宜,底盘外形不规则,模具造价高,淋浴房价格也会随之增高。

63、Afterfinish: advanced equipment and distinctive technices heighten the apparel with perfect toughness. ─── 先进的后整设备、殊的后整工艺,使您的产品锦上添花,具有完美的质感。

64、The sight of your dear sister, however, was really dreadful; and to heighten the matter, I found her alone. ─── 不过,看见你亲爱的妹妹,确实叫我害怕。而我单独与她见面,更是火上添油。

65、The sight of your dear sister, however, was really dreadful; and to heighten the matter, I found her alone. ─── 不过,看见你亲爱的妹妹,确实叫我害怕。而我单独与她见面,更是火上添油。

66、If it fails, it could heighten the sense of abandonment. ─── 如果它失败了,就将加剧被遗弃的意识。

67、After that attack, students in Voronezh took to the streets, blocking roads and forcing the local authorities to heighten the police presence. ─── 在这次致命的攻击事件后,佛罗尼斯州的学生们佔据了街头,抗议治安恶化,要求当局拿出对策,并加强警力。

68、We must however heighten our vigilance. ─── 但是我们应当提高警惕。

69、The hospital should heighten the technical level of medical staff and improve the quality of service. ─── 医院要提高医务人员的技术水平和服务质量.

70、Some colors, such as a background fill, are shown in white to heighten their legibility. ─── 一些颜色(如背景填充)会显示为白色以提高其清晰度。

71、Unless action is taken,athletes will begin tinkering with their own DNA to boost their muscle power,heighten their oxygen?carrying capacity,and transform their endurance,they say. ─── 他们说,如果不采取行动的话,运动员们就会开始着手改变自身的DNA以促进肌肉的力量,提高机体携氧能力,以及增强耐力。

72、To accomplish these tasks, we must enhance Party spirit, eliminate factionalism, heighten the sense of discipline and improve efficiency. ─── 为了做到这些,我们要增强党性,消除派性,加强纪律性,提高工作效率。

73、But because Saimisong can cause the ground,blood sugar heighten and enteron bleed, so, hemal to the head disease is amalgamativeDiabeticPerson, also Ying Shen is used. ─── 但由于地塞米松可引起血糖增高和消化道出血,所以,对脑血管病合并糖尿病者,也应慎用。

74、Discharging opening can be regulated which can heighten control amount of materials in the basin of the machine. ─── 卸料门开度可调,可控制机盆内物料的数量。

75、As substrate is reintroduced neutrophil activity may heighten increasing production of damaging superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. ─── 再次导入酶解物,嗜中性细胞活动增强,增加破坏性超氧游离基和羟基的生产。

76、The whole Party and nation must heighten their vigilance against the conspiratorial activities of counter-revolutionaries. ─── 全党和全国人民对于反革命分子的阴谋活动,必须提高警惕性。

77、Traveling together will heighten romance this month, so if it is possible to slip away on a quick vacation in the first week, do. ─── 一起旅行意志增高浪漫史这月,如此如果它是可能的到滑离开在第一个星期的一次快的假期,做。

78、Is the Heighten CRP the Cause or Result of Atherosclerosis? ─── CRP升高是动脉粥样硬化的因还是果?

79、It cannot heighten my height after all. ─── 到底打乒乓球是不会增高的。

80、To heighten your awareness of the impact of leadership on people and their performance; and to help you identify and personalize your leadership style in order t... ─── 为提高你对他们的表现人民和领导的影响的认识,并帮助你识别和个性化的领导风格,以影响和激励周围的人。

81、And I hope the long wait of the last 5 weeks will heighten a desire to move beyond the bitterness and partisanship of the recent past. ─── 我相信凡事所出皆有原因。我也希望过去五个星期的漫长等待会让我们更期待着去除近来的不愉快和党派分歧。

82、Does everybody believe to have heighten drug really? Recommend recommend. ─── 大家相信真的有增高药吗?推荐推荐。

83、At one point, he became fascinated by the possibility that drugs could heighten physical and intellectual performance. ─── 以点,他变成被药可以增高实际的和智力的表现可能性令人入神。

84、Heighten of chroma of fat of the blood in plasma of diabetic of 85% above, send arteriosclerosis easily and cause the attention of people increasingly. ─── 85%以上糖尿病患者血浆中血脂浓度增高,易致动脉硬化而日益引起人们的重视。

85、It is an important link in raising the videorecording level to heighten a cameraman's editing consciousness. ─── 增强摄像记者的编辑意识,是提高摄像水平的重要一环。

86、Use eye shadow to heighten your eyes. ─── 使用眼影可以增大你的眼睛。

87、Unlike her father, who is a writer, Ella doesn't heighten her interest in reading and writing at all. ─── 埃拉对阅读和写作根本提不起兴趣,这不像她的作家父亲。

88、To metaphase, happen " pregnant high disease " risk is bigger, systemic blood-vessel convulsion, blood pressure heighten. ─── 到中期,发生“妊高症”的危险比较大,全身血管痉挛,血压增高。

89、In the exceptionally tense wartime conditions that then prevailed, when bad elements were discovered within our ranks, it was necessary to heighten our vigilance. ─── 在那种异常紧张的战争环境中,内部发现坏人,提高警惕是必要的。

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