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08-26 投稿



fishmonger 发音

英:['fɪʃmʌŋgə]  美:['fɪʃ'mʌŋgɚ]

英:  美:

fishmonger 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 鱼商


fishmonger 网络释义

n. 鱼贩;鱼商

fishmonger 词性/词形变化,fishmonger变形


fishmonger 短语词组

1、fishmonger nj ─── 新泽西州鱼贩

2、fishmonger restaurant ─── 鱼贩餐厅

3、fishmonger nh ─── 新罕布什尔州

4、fishmonger definition ─── 鱼贩的定义

5、fishmonger restaurant san diego ─── 圣地亚哥鱼贩餐厅

6、fishmonger dc ─── 鱼贩子特区

7、fishmonger ri ─── 鱼贩里

8、fishmonger define ─── 鱼贩定义

fishmonger 相似词语短语

1、fearmonger ─── n.散布恐惧心理者

2、fleshmonger ─── 肉商

3、fish finger ─── n.炸鱼条

4、fellmonger ─── n.毛皮商;羊皮商

5、fishfingers ─── 鱼鳍

6、fishmonger's ─── 鱼店

7、fleshmongers ─── 肉商

8、fishmongers ─── 鱼贩子

9、fishfinger ─── n.鱼条

fishmonger 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Look for their "tick-mark" logo on the fish, or even better, ask your fishmonger if you are lucky enough to still have one. ─── 在买鱼时不妨找找上面有没核对标志在上面,或问问鱼商他们是否还拥有这个标志。

2、fishmonger's business makes him sell fish. ─── 讨人喜欢者很少因为奉承而失败的。

3、It is the summer of 1997. 27-year-old Miu starts working as a fishmonger at Prosperity Market to pay the heavy debts of her philandering father. ─── 1997年的夏天,27岁的阿妙跟欠债累累、拈花惹草的卖鱼父亲,被逼来到富贵墟打工抵债。

4、Suddenly, he thought of an idea. He went to the fishmonger and bought two fishes and went home happily. ─── 突然,他想到一个方法,他去了鱼贩子那儿买了两条鱼,高高兴兴的回家了。

5、But fishmonger Christopher Thomas, 20, was so taken with the colossal crustacean he refused to sell and had it transferred to an aquarium instead. ─── 可是,不幸的是,当这只两英尺长、7磅重的巨型龙虾刚刚被送到水族馆后,它就死了。

6、[England] fishmonger's ─── 鱼店

7、fishmonger n. ─── 鱼贩,鱼商;

8、Resolved an issue with players not receiving the fishing crate when you accept a Fishmonger quest. ─── 当您接受鱼贩子搜寻时,解决了与不接受的球员的一个问题渔条板箱。

9、Has met unexpectedly in here two person and the fishmonger person Ama peduncle, moreover the Ama peduncle falls in love to He Luo, and starts to her to open up the pursue offensive rapidly. ─── 在这里两人与鱼商人阿玛蒂邂逅了,而且阿玛蒂对赫罗一见钟情,并迅速开始对她展开追求攻势。

10、Young fishmonger: Don’t worry about it. ─── 年轻的鱼贩:不要担心。

11、The fishmonger, on the contrary, was selfless enough to accept your sin. Just to let you get out of your guilt and feel carefree, she assumed the sin you committed. ─── 而卖鱼的女人反而不在意你的罪,她情愿替你多拿那个罪,她是那么好的一个人啊!

12、Fixing his monocle, he stopped before a fishmonger's and, with a faint smile on his face, regarded a lobster. ─── 他停在一个鱼贩摊前,正了正单片眼镜,微笑着盯着一只龙虾看。

13、I'll ask the fishmonger if he can order three dozen oysters for me. ─── 我会问问那个卖鱼的,看看他能否给我定购3打牡蛎。

14、One afternoon last summer, Mr. Black went to a fishmonger to buy some fish for supper. A friend of his was coming to have supper with him that evening. ─── 去年夏天的一个下午,布莱克先生到鱼贩那里去买鱼准备做晚饭。因为一个朋友要到他家和他一同吃晚饭。

15、“Is that so?” said the fishmonger. ─── 那个卖鱼的女人就说:“是这样吗?

16、Dennis: Go to a fishmonger! ─── 丹尼斯:那就去鱼店!

17、kind of huge fish is for the big fishmonger. ─── 这样贵重的大家伙,要等大鱼贩来收购。

18、A trace of the Atlantic blows off the shellfish on the fishmonger's bed of ice. ─── 鱼贩子们冰床上的新产品还带着大西洋的痕迹。

19、Of course, the so-called good woman was highly pleased and gave the dead cockroach to the fishmonger , who placed it in the basket of fish. ─── 那个所谓的好女人当然非常高兴,便把死掉的蟑螂给了那卖鱼的女人,放到她的篮子里。

20、A giant lobster, saved from the cooking pot by a fishmonger, has died of stress after being exhibited at an aquarium ─── 龙虾被捉后,许多人都前往鱼市场观看这只异物,可能正是因为没见过这么多人,龙虾一下子被吓着了。

21、Having walked to the end of the fruit and vegetable aisle, Basingstoke's hard-core shoppers arrive at counters of prepared food, the fishmonger, the butcher and the deli. ─── 巴辛斯托克镇的忠实顾客在逛完果蔬区后,接着就会到熟食区去。这里有鱼贩子在卖鱼;有屠夫在卖肉;还有各种各样的熟食待售。

22、Now, when he met him, the man, who then seemed already extremely weary, had requested him to take him on his crupper,to which the fishmonger had made no reply except by redoubling his gait. ─── 那外来人在遇见他时曾请求让他坐在马臀上,他当时已显得非常困顿了,那鱼贩子却一面支吾,一面加鞭走了。

23、fishmonger A dealer in or seller of fish. ─── 鱼贩一个鱼的经销商或卖方。

24、A fishmonger was fined almost $200 by a court in Helsinki for allowing his fish to suffer while on sale at a local market, a Finnish newspaper is reporting. ─── 据芬兰报纸报道,一名鱼贩被赫尔辛基一家法院罚款将近200美元,罪名是他在当地市场上卖鱼的时候听任鱼儿遭受折磨。

25、Began to carry out 1988 " food basket project " , be in only big in urban outskirts of a town already built 10 thousand mus of above to connect a fresh water fishmonger to taste base 13. ─── 1988年开始实施“菜篮子工程”,仅在大中城市城郊就已建成万亩以上连片淡水鱼商品基地13片。

26、Young fishmonger: Fish! ─── 年轻的鱼贩:鱼!

27、A giant lobster, saved from the cooking pot by a fishmonger, has died of stress after being ─── 一只死于压力的龙虾

28、Some people go back to local small businesses: the Asian greengrocer, a Greek baker and a Greek fishmonger. ─── 一些人愿意与当地的小商贩打交道,比如:亚洲菜贩,希腊面包师和希腊鱼贩。

29、Try to get your fishmonger to skin and gut the squid for you. ─── 让鱼贩子帮你收拾一下鱿鱼,去皮和内脏。

30、It was hot and most of the fish were not very fresh.The fishmonger said, “Sir, come and see, all the fish are fresh. Won't you buy one? ─── 因为天气很热所以很多鱼都不是非常新鲜了。鱼贩叫卖道:“快来看啊,新鲜的鱼!先生,你不打算买一条吗?”

31、I’ll go round to the fishmonger straight away and get a cod’s head. ─── 谢谢您,医生,我马上去鱼商那里弄个鱼头来。”

32、It was hot and most of the fish were not very fresh. The fishmonger said, "Sir, come and see, all the fish are fresh. Won't you buy one? " ─── 因为天气很热所以很多鱼都不是非常新鲜了。鱼贩叫卖道:“快来看啊,新鲜的鱼!先生,你不打算买一条吗?”

33、She bargained with the fishmonger over the price. ─── 她与鱼贩讲价钱。

34、A fishmonger's wife may feed of a conger, ─── 鱼贩子的女人吃海鳗,

35、A fishmonger, who has changed her tune, continually repeats that all of her seafood is Korean. ─── 一个鱼贩已经改了原先叫卖的调子,不过还在一遍一遍地说,她的海鲜是韩国货。

36、It’s more than 4 jin, if you didn’t believe me you can ask the fishmonger. ─── 这是4个以上的镇,如果你不相信我,你可以要求鱼贩。

37、Young fishmonger: Look, it’s close to 4.1 jin. ─── 年轻的鱼贩:瞧,这是接近4.1斤。

38、Young fishmonger: Let me think. ─── 年轻的鱼贩:让我的想法。

39、You must have made a mistake.I'm not the sinful fishmonger whom you should take to hell.I'm a good woman who has never committed any sins. ─── 黑白无常说:“好妇人,我们没弄错,我们是要带你去地狱,因为你的名字已经在那里登记了,赶快跟我们去!

40、“Then what were you doing with your face so close to the fish?” asked the fishmonger. ─── 鱼贩问道:“那你把脸离我的鱼那么近在干什么?”

41、Of course, the so-called good woman was highly pleased and gave the dead cockroach to the fishmonger, who placed it in the basket of fish. ─── 那个所谓的好女人当然非常高兴,就把死掉的蟑螂给了卖鱼的女人,放在她的篮子里。

42、Mr. Black held one fish up to his nose and smelt it. “Why are you smelling that fish? Do you think it has gone bad?” shouted the fishmonger. ─── 布莱克先生拿起一条鱼凑到鼻子跟前闻了闻。鱼贩立刻大声喊道:“嗨,你干嘛闻我的鱼,难道你认为它们不够新鲜吗?”

43、The fishmonger also gave me another fish after weighing. ─── 该鱼贩也给了我另一个鱼称重后。

44、The fishmonger weighed 4.1 jin fish and gave to Xiaoming’s father. ─── 该鱼贩体重4.1斤鱼,给小明的父亲。

45、At Treasure Island seafood market, fishmonger Joe Brown says it may be too late for the president's trip to change anything. ─── 在金银岛海鲜市场,鱼贩布朗说,总统的这次旅行要改变现状可能为时已晚。

46、buy fish at the fishmonger's/from the fishmonger ─── 从鱼贩那里买鱼.

47、ONE evening in mid-July Anwar Ibrahim was deep in the rubber-tapping state of Kelantan in northern Malaysia, urging a crowd of rural folk to vote for a devout fishmonger. ─── 七月中旬的一个傍晚,大马北部采集橡胶闻名的吉兰丹州,安瓦尔.易卜拉欣深入人群,呼吁一群乡巴佬为一位虔诚的鱼贩子投票。


blowfish 河豚catfish 鲶鱼codfish 银鳕鱼cuttlefish 墨鱼dogfish 角鲨fish 鱼fishbone 鱼骨fishbowl 鱼缸fisher 渔夫fisherman 渔民fishery 渔业fishes 鱼类fisheye 鱼目fishhook 鱼钩fishmonger 鱼贩fishnet 渔网fishpole 钓鱼竿fishpond 鱼池fishtail 鱼尾 fishworm 蠕虫fishy 腥overfish 过度捕捞selfish 自私

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