combativeness 中文意思翻译
combativeness 词性/词形变化,combativeness变形
副词: combatively |名词: combativeness |
combativeness 短语词组
1、combativeness synonym ─── 好斗同义词
2、combativeness meaning ─── 格斗意义
3、combativeness icd-10 ─── 战斗力icd-10
4、combativeness means ─── 好斗意味着
5、combativeness define ─── 战斗力定义
combativeness 相似词语短语
1、covetiveness ─── 贪欲
2、cumulativeness ─── 累积
3、costiveness ─── 便秘
4、comatoseness ─── 昏迷
5、causativeness ─── 因果性
6、comparativeness ─── 相对性(comparative的变体)
7、cogitativeness ─── 深思熟虑
8、compatibleness ─── 配伍性
9、amativeness ─── n.恋爱;色情
combativeness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、She bought a beautiful comb. ─── 她买了一把漂亮的梳子。
2、Some farmers comb their cashmere goats to remove the hair. ─── 一些农民通过为开士米山羊梳理来脱羊毛。
3、You'd better bring toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, slippers, and towels. ─── 你要带牙刷、膏、子、鞋和毛巾。
4、To comb(hair,for example) away from a dividing line,as on the scalp. ─── 左右分梳把(如,头发)从分缝处向两边梳理,如在头皮上梳理。
5、She pawed through her purse for a comb. ─── 她在手提包里乱翻一气找梳子。
6、They ran to her and pulled the comb out of her hair. ─── 便跑过去把梳子从她的头发上拔下来。
7、much easier then for each of us to aim every day at conclusive disproofs - at strong inference - without either reluctance or combativeness. ─── 于是,我们每团体每天都很容易把目的集中在最后的反驳证据上,——集中在激烈的推理上- - -既不相互勉强性也不相互争斗。
8、In all intricate comb after connecting, again comb. ─── 在所有的缠结梳通以后,再梳头发。
9、This is the way we comb our hair on a cold and frosty morning. ─── 在一个寒冷,下霜的早晨,我们就是这样梳梳头。
10、She opened her bag (= her handbag)and took out her comb. ─── 她打开手提包,取出梳子。
11、Using oxhorn comb will make you feel no static electricity. ─── 使用牛角梳不会产生静电感。
12、He will comb his hair at the table, even though he knows I don't like it. ─── 他偏偏要在饭桌哪儿梳头, 还明明知道我腻味这事儿.
13、The "b" in "comb" is not sounded. ─── comb这个词里的"b"是不发音的。
14、She is trying to comb some useful thing out of the tangle. ─── 她正试图从那堆乱糟糟的东西里找出些有用之物。
15、way that women express their combativeness tends to differ from the way men express theirs, she observed. ─── 她观察,女性表达她们好斗的方式往往和男性表达的方式不同。
16、Your wife will comb your hair for you. ─── 你妻子会痛骂你一顿的。
17、I will. and I'll comb my hair myself, too. ─── 我会的。我还会自己梳头。
18、Don't forget to comb your hair before you go out. ─── 不要忘记临出门梳梳头。
19、She absent-mindedly played with some hairs which clung to the comb. ─── 她心不在焉地玩弄着梳子上粘附着的几根头发。
20、You can comb it any way you like and even wash it as many times as you like. ─── 您高兴怎么梳理都可以,甚至你想多洗几次都没有关系。
21、You have an adroit way of inserting your comb, which flatters the skin. ─── 你有一种熟练的手法来运用你的梳子,使皮肤舒适。
22、She always carries a comb in her pocket. ─── 她口袋里总带着一把梳子。
23、Your hair is so messy. Let me comb it for you. ─── 你的头发真乱,我来帮你梳一梳吧。
24、His first job was to comb the Pripet Marshes looking for Jews. ─── 他的首要任务是梳理普利佩特沼泽来看管犹太人。
25、She handed me her powder compact, lipstick, and a comb. ─── 她把她的粉盒、口红和一把梳子交给了我。
26、Your hair needs a(good)comb. ─── 你的头发需要(好好)梳一梳.
27、She could make her hair stand up with the comb. ─── 她能用梳子使头发站起来。
28、Comb your mind for as much as you know about your ancestors. ─── 好好想一下,尽力回忆一下你所知道的有关你祖先的事。
29、However, the way that women express their combativeness tends to differ from the way men express theirs, she observed. ─── 只是,据她观察,女性表达她们好斗的方式往往和男性表达的方式不同。
30、A lock of your hair is sticking up. Go and comb it. ─── 你的头发翘起来了,要梳一梳。
31、John: Why Not! I am using my cutie's comb for you! ─── 为什么不!我用的是我老婆的梳子给你梳头!
32、However, the way that women express their combativeness tends to differ from the way men express theirs, she observed. ─── 只是,据她观察,女性表达她们好斗的方式往往和男性表达的方式不同。
33、Hold hairpiece wearing in the palm in wood, comb clear and coherent. ─── 将假发架在木托上,梳理通顺。
34、She swept her hair back with a comb. ─── 她用梳子将头发往后梳。
35、She raked a comb through her hair. ─── 她用梳子梳理头发。
36、But the snow was still pure poison apples and magic comb Piandetuantuan turn. ─── 但单纯的白雪还是被毒苹果和魔法梳子骗得团团转。
37、Do you comb or brush your hair? ─── 你梳理或刷洗头发吗?
38、To comb(hair, for example) away from a dividing line, as on the scalp. ─── 左右分梳把(如,头发)从分缝处向两边梳理,如在头皮上梳理
39、I often comb my hair at seven. ─── 我七点钟梳头。
40、Means must be devised to comb the right things out of the tangle. ─── 必须设法从这堆乱七八糟的东西中挑出合适的东西来。
41、You don't sound the 'b' in the word comb. ─── 在 comb 这个单词里,字母 b 不发音。
42、The cap of a jester is decorated to resemble the comb of a rooster. ─── 小丑的帽子,装饰得像公鸡的肉冠。
43、I was unwilling to lend her my comb. ─── 我不愿把梳子借给她。
44、He 'will comb his hair at the table, even though he knows I don't like it. ─── 他偏偏要在饭桌哪儿梳头,还明明知道我腻味这事儿。
45、And it's feared the death toll could rise as Indian authorities comb the sites. ─── 并且令人担心的是,随着印度当局搜索遇袭地点,死亡人数还可能上升。
46、High-spiritedness can quickly become combativeness when tempers run short. ─── 你高涨的情绪很可能演变成旺盛的斗志。
47、We use a comb to tidy our hair. ─── 我们用梳子来梳理头发。
48、Your hair's so tangled that I can't comb it. ─── 你的头发太乱了,我梳不动。
49、All the counts in Cumberland will not cut the comb of me. ─── 任何一个昆布兰的伯爵都不能屈辱我。
50、His followers Johann Kaspar Spurzheim and George Combe divided the scalp into areas they labeled with traits such as combativeness, cautiousness, and form perception. ─── 其门生斯珀津姆和库姆将头皮分区,分别贴上标签,表明好斗、谨慎和形成知觉。
51、Effect of Laser and Photodynamic Therapy on Comb Capillary[J]. ─── 引用该论文 廖明德,陈石海,韦强,殷国前,刘庆丰.
52、For this, you can use a comb with soft bristles. ─── 对此,你可以使用一把软猪鬃刷。
53、Police experts are sifting all the evidence with a fine tooth comb. ─── 专业警察正在仔细检查所有的证据。
54、Therefore, it is necessary to comb some important theory terms retroactively. ─── 因此,我们也有必要对一些重要的理论术语进行追本溯源式地梳理。
55、I shave, brush my teeth, and comb my hair. ─── 我修面,刷牙,梳头。
56、Your hair needs a good comb. ─── 你的头发得好好梳一梳。
57、Why not just get a special necklace comb just for your stache? ─── 为什么不戴个梳子坠的项链呢?
58、The third issue discusses the combativeness of the persuasive advertising in the common retailer channel. ─── 第三个议题探讨说服性广告在共同零售商通路结构中所产生的利益冲突问题。
59、Your hair is so tangled that I can't comb it. ─── 你的头发太蓬乱,我没法梳。
60、Her hands were cold and shaky when she began to redden her lips and run a comb through her hair. ─── 当她开始涂口红和梳理头发时,她的双手冰冷发抖。
61、Don' t forget to comb your hair before you go out ! ─── 不要忘记临出门梳梳头!
62、Comb your past for anecdotes that make those points. ─── 为作那些点的轶事梳头发你的过去。
63、She bent to retrieve her comb from the floor. ─── 她弯腰从地上捡起她的梳子。
64、I went over that document with a fine-toothed comb. ─── 我一字不漏地仔细阅读了那份文件。
65、Little girl A:use to comb hair hair. ─── 小女孩A:用来梳头发的。
66、High-spiritedness can quickly become combativeness when tempers run short. ─── 你高涨的情绪很可能演变成旺盛的斗志。
67、You may be facilitating your boss's combativeness by bowing your head and taking it, rather than speaking up or walking out. ─── 也许你会低头忍受,而不去直言、辞职从而在助长了你的老板的霸气;
68、Brush or comb your kitten regularly. ─── 定期梳理它的毛发。
69、Your hair needs a (good) comb. ─── 你的头发需要(好好)梳一梳.
70、The beekeeper is cutting off the honey comb in order to get honey. ─── 养蜂人正在割蜜。
71、He sent his daughter a nice comb as a birthday gift. ─── 他送给他女儿一把漂亮的梳子作为生日礼物。
72、The same sort of thing sometimes happens to your own hair if you comb it hard. ─── 如果你使劲地梳头发,你自己的头发也会发生同样的情况。
73、He is too arrogant, and we must cut his comb. ─── 他太狂妄了,我们很煞一煞他的威风。
74、You may be facilitating your boss's combativeness by bowing your head and taking it, rather than speaking up or walking out. ─── 也许你会低头忍受,而不去直言、辞职从而在助长了你的老板的霸气;
75、You need a comb, a toothbrush and toothpaste. ─── 你需要一个梳子,一把牙刷和牙膏。
76、Both of these comb harrows are complete. ─── 两件而字耙完整。
77、Shape of Chinese map is a cock crowing, and Mohe River is red comb of the cock. ─── 中国地图的形状是一只报晓的雄鸡,漠河就是这只雄鸡的红冠。
78、Anhui Dongtai Textile Co., Ltd.|T/C yarn T/C yarn comb p... ─── 安徽省东泰纺织有限公司:涤棉纱,精梳涤棉纱,纯棉纱线,棉纱,涤棉气..
79、A rooster's comb is shiny red. ─── 公鸡的鸡冠子颜色鲜红。
80、Nello had already seized and flourished his comb. ─── 内洛已经拿起梳子在挥舞。
81、The cap of a jester, decorated to resemble the comb of a rooster. ─── 小丑的帽子小丑的帽子,装饰得像公鸡的肉冠
82、Don't forget to comb your hair! ─── 别忘了梳一下头发!
83、I shave,brush my teeth,and comb my hair. ─── 我刮脸,刷牙,梳头。
84、One convinced a teller that a comb in his waistband was a gun. ─── 其中一个劫匪就使得出纳相信他腰间别的那把梳子是杆枪。
85、English: A galled horse will not endure the comb. ─── 中文:擦伤的马不耐梳。
86、Mother went through the drawer looking for her comb. ─── 妈妈翻抽屉找她的梳子。
87、She wore a small comb as an ornament. ─── 她佩戴了一把小梳子作为装饰品。
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