embouchure 发音
英:[,ɒmbʊ'ʃʊə] 美:['ɑmbʊ'ʃʊr]
英: 美:
embouchure 中文意思翻译
embouchure 网络释义
n. 河口;管乐器的吹口;运唇法
embouchure 词性/词形变化,embouchure变形
动词过去式: embossed |动词第三人称单数: embosses |动词现在分词: embossing |动词过去分词: embossed |名词: embosser |
embouchure 相似词语短语
1、debouchures ─── n.河口,河流的出口;谷口,山谷的出口
2、brochure ─── n.手册,小册子;n.(Brochure)(美)布罗许尔(人名)
3、embogue ─── 栓塞
4、debouchure ─── n.河口,河流的出口;谷口,山谷的出口
5、bouchée ─── 小馅饼
6、bouche ─── n.(法)钻孔;枪炮口;n.(Bouche)人名;(法)布什;(德)布赫
7、embouchures ─── n.河口;管乐器的吹口;运唇法
8、babouche ─── n.平底拖鞋;无后鞋跟的套鞋
9、bouchee ─── n.小肉馅饼;一口酥
embouchure 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Model BT - 01 Bass Flutesilver plated, French style key. Silver headjoint or only Silver embouchure with silver embouchure can be supplied as appointment. ─── BT-01型低音长笛全镀银,法式键。可以依照用户要求订做银吹嘴或者银笛头。
2、Now, these are not proofs of the double lip embouchure and it being the best one, but I feel that after starting many clarinet kids, who naturally cover both lips, and then feeling the difference in their playing, it is my clear opinion. ─── 这些不是证明双包是最好的嘴型,不过我感觉我启蒙的很多小孩,那些很自然包住双唇的发出的音色是完全不同的。
3、If the tongue is tense, that tension will carry over into the embouchure (and vice versa), interfering with vibration of the reed and frustrating the player. ─── 如果舌头太紧,这种力量会同时影响到口型,改变哨片的振动并影响演奏者。
4、Depending on your desire to play with this embouchure , you will experience difficulty in playing throat F, and high C. ─── 取决于你对使用这个口型的热切程度,你会经历一段时间难以演奏鼻音F和高音C。
5、Depending on your desire to play with this embouchure, you will experience difficulty in playing throat F, and high C. ─── 取决于你对使用这个口型的热切程度,你会经历一段时间难以演奏鼻音F和高音C。
6、Model BT - 01 Bass Flute silver plated, French style key. Silver headjoint or only Silver embouchure with silver embouchure can be supplied as appointment. ─── 01型低音长笛全镀银,法式键。可以依照用户要求订做银吹嘴或者银笛头。
7、Do not change your embouchure or anything. ─── 不要改变你的口型或者其它什么。
8、During the operation, depending on the weight of the substrate, adjusting the embouchure and suction nozzle quantity. ─── 操纵历程洋,给根据差别轻量的承印物,调动呼嘴和吸嘴的度量。
9、I suggest using double lip embouchure, in my opinion, the most beneficial embouchure, especially for solving problems of biting. ─── 我演奏时牙齿总会咬疼下唇,请问有什么办法解决?
10、Silver headjoint with ebony embouchure ─── 乌木吹口的银笛头
11、Response is certainly as important as tuning and it means how an instrument responds to your embouchure, mouthpiece and how you have learned to play over a long period of time. ─── 乐器的灵敏度也和音准一样重要,灵敏度指乐器队你的口型、笛头以及你长期以来养成的演奏方式的适应能力。
12、18K Gold: Tubings &Embouchure Others: 5K Gold. ─── 管体及吹口为18K纯金,其他部位为5K纯金。
13、cheeks are brought back to their normal embouchure position. ─── 面颊重新恢复正常口型位置。
14、Very important, you do not have to change your embouchure to single lip in order to play in the jazz style.And you simply just continue to do your regular so-called Classical training. ─── 非常重要的一点:你无需改成单包来演奏爵士,同时你也只需要继续按照古典音乐的演奏训练即可,并不妨碍你演奏爵士。
15、so you can forget about your lousy , little embouchure ─── 因此忘记关于你的恶心管弦乐。
16、Place only the mouthpiece and barrel into the mouth.Practice holding a pitch as steady as possible by alternating a normal embouchure with an embouchure with the cheeks puffed. ─── 仅将笛头 和连接管放入嘴中,练习正常口型与放松面颊口型之间的转换并尽可能保持期间音频的稳定。
17、embouchur emuzzle ─── 炮口
18、These will help you to progress improve technic, tone and of course embouchure, if done dilligently. ─── 如果你正确练习,这些将帮助你提高技巧、音色,当然还有口型。
19、Special embouchure for silver headjoint, with which we can get loud volume and very heavy bass. ─── 特制银笛头吹口,这种吹口可以获得大音量、更加厚实的低音。
20、Do not change your embouchure or anything.You must listen all of the time and at first emulate your jazz recordings, and soon you will arrive at your own style. ─── 学习爵士最简单的办法是尽可能多听爵士单簧管演奏家的录音,学习他们的演奏方式和演奏风格。
21、Homemade high quality silver headjoint. With 99.98 silver lip and embouchure, 92.5% silver pipe.This sort of headjiont can be worked as individuation requirement.( This picture is taken before electroplate ) ─── 手工纯银笛头,纯托和吹口基座采用99.98%纯银,笛头管为92.5%银合金。可以按个性化要求研制。(图为电镀前的状态)
22、Many experienced players maintain that the only way to get really good tone is to use a tongue blocking embouchure, rather than puckering to get single notes. ─── 许多有经验的乐手认为获得真正优美音色的唯一途径是使用舌堵法,而非单孔奏法。
23、Do not change your embouchure or anything. You must listen all of the time and at first emulate your jazz recordings, and soon you will arrive at your own style. ─── 不要改变你的口型或者其它什么。你首先需要去听、去模仿,然后才去找自己的风格。
24、I suggest using double lip embouchure , in my opinion, the most beneficial embouchure , especially for solving problems of biting. ─── 我建议使用双包口型——在我看来最有益的口型,同时能够解决下唇咬疼的问题。
25、5.Reeds themselves are a basic issue and take a while before you and your embouchure know what you are doing. ─── 哨片是一个很基本的硬件要素,需要你和你的口型有一段适应时间。
26、2.2. Embouchure awareness is essential. ─── 嘴型的感觉力是很必要的.
27、18K Gold: Tubings &Embouchure Others: Silver. ─── 管体及吹口为18K纯金,其他部位为纯银。
28、The surface textures of the quartz grains indicate that the sediments are mainly embouchure environment ; ─── 石英颗粒表面结构特征表明沙丘为河口沉积;
29、The cheeks are brought back to their normal embouchure position. ─── 面颊重新恢复正常口型位置。
30、The surface textures of the quartz grains indicate that the sediments are mainly embouchure environment ; ─── 石英颗粒表面结构特征表明沙丘为河口沉积;
31、I have exaggerated where I change from one embouchure to the other, but listening to this myself, I am honestly not sure which embouchure I am using at any point in the clip. ─── 我在变换的时候夸张了一下,但是如果只听这个录音,诚实地讲,我自己也无法判断某一时刻我用的是哪一种奏法。
32、DO NOT bevel the blown edge of the embouchure hole - leave it clean and sharp. ─── 不要将送声孔的边缘切成斜面,并保持其清洁与灵敏性。
33、Silver: Tubings,Embouchure,Rings,Ribs &Posts. Key Mecanism: Nickel Silver(Silver Plated ─── 纯银部分:管体,吹口唇托,套环,大筋和立柱按键及机械连动部分镍银(表面镀银)
34、24K Gold: Tubings &Embouchure Others: 9K Gold. ─── 管体及吹口为24K纯金,其他部位为9K纯金。
35、Without billowy waves and majestic vigour,the ancient Yalong river only has a total length of 6.7 kilometers from her headwaters to the embouchure at Brahmaputra. ─── 雅砻河藏语意为"从上游下来的大河",发源于雅拉香山,山上终年冰雪覆顶,云雾缭绕。
36、Do not change your embouchure or anything. ─── 不要改变你的口型或者其它什么。
37、24K Gold: Tubings &Embouchure Others: 14K Gold. ─── 管体及吹口为24K纯金,其他部位为14K纯金。
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