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08-29 投稿



dizzying 发音

英:[ˈdɪziɪŋ]  美:[ˈdɪziɪŋ]

英:  美:

dizzying 中文意思翻译




dizzying 网络释义

adj. 令人昏乱的;极快的;灿烂的vt. 使人眼花撩乱(dizzy的现在分词)

dizzying 常用词组

feel dizzy ─── 头晕;感到晕眩

dizzying 短语词组

1、dizzying pictures ─── 令人眼花缭乱的图片

2、dizzying designs crossword ─── 令人眼花缭乱的纵横填字游戏

3、dizzying means ─── 令人眩晕的手段

4、dizzying pace ─── 令人眩晕的步伐

5、dizzying intellect ─── 令人眩晕的智力

6、dizzying visuals ─── 令人目眩的视觉效果

7、dizzying designs crossword clue ─── 令人眩晕的纵横字谜线索

8、dizzying designs ─── 令人眼花缭乱的设计

dizzying 词性/词形变化,dizzying变形

动词过去分词: dizzied |形容词比较级: dizzier |名词: dizziness |动词第三人称单数: dizzies |形容词最高级: dizziest |动词现在分词: dizzying |副词: dizzily |动词过去式: dizzied |

dizzying 相似词语短语

1、divvying ─── vi.分摊;n.部分;分配;vt.分摊

2、dizzyingly ─── adv.令人昏乱地;灿烂地

3、vizying ─── 使兴奋

4、-zying ─── 齐英

5、-ifying ─── 化

6、dirtying ─── n.弄脏某物;v.(使)变脏;(精神上)玷污(dirty的现在分词)

7、quizzifying ─── 提问

8、dizening ─── vt.修饰(等于bedizen)

9、birdying ─── 观鸟

dizzying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Today, Guangzhou is no stranger to modernity or a dizzying array of Western food, products and technology offerings from KFC to Adidas to Microsoft. ─── 今天,广州已不稀罕现代或令人眼花缭乱的一系列西方食品,产品和技术来自肯德基等的产品,从阿迪达斯直到微软。

2、That dizzying run of records has led to rumblings of a bubble. ─── 作品可能只是艺术家作出社会交往时所用的一个手段而已。

3、The fight sequences are so well arranged, which are dizzying and amazingly choreographed by director Yuen Woo-ping. ─── 导演袁和平安排的动作场面精彩刺激,尽显他对武术的了解及其出色的拍摄技巧。

4、During the day, his contracting business kept him operating at a dizzying pace, hopscotching across towns and states to meet with clients. ─── 他的承包业务运作,让他以令人眩目的速度,以满足客户。

5、FOR a few dizzying moments, Japan's prime minister, Naoto Kan, looked likely to take his country down the radical path towards freer trade. ─── 一些令人头晕目眩的时刻,日本首相菅直人似乎要带领国家走上一条通往更自由贸易的全新道路。

6、The tourists will find themselves engrossed in an involuntary admiration of the dizzying arrays of the exact scenic reproductions that are unbelievably true to the original. ─── 其复制程度之精确,形象之逼真,足可以以假乱真,令游人叹为观止。

7、A young woman lies in a small room outside of mosquito netting and next a dizzying scene of a dance club with loud Techno music appears inter cut with animated shots from underwater. ─── 一个躺在小房间里蚊帐外老太太和一个播放着电子音乐的昏睡般的舞池突然被水底动画打断的场景。

8、He said the AIDS virus, also known as HIV, has been so difficult to stop because it mutates at a dizzying rate. ─── 他表示,艾滋病毒,即人体免疫缺陷病毒非常难以防控,因为它的突变速度快得惊人。

9、The Lakers otherwise stayed quiet, and calls to Bryant's representatives went unreturned Thursday. So, one day after Bryant's dizzying trade-me, don't-trade-me radio tour, the issue remains unresolved. ─── 湖人另一方面也在保持沉默,周四通知科比经纪人的回复还没有收到。所以,一天前的关于科比的交易与不交易的问题仍然没有解决。

10、the dizzying wheel of the dance ─── 使人晕眩的旋转舞

11、Honesty is the best policy; the only way out is deeper in: a candid confrontation with existence is dizzying, liberating. ─── 诚实是最好的手段,深入是唯一的出路:坦诚面对存在本身令人眩晕,也让人解放。

12、Ancient hundred stroll garden, see Yong Chun colorful poetry, flourish, dizzying randomly pick几朵slowly read Goods, one of unknowingly has intoxicated. ─── 漫步古诗百花园,只见咏春诗姹紫嫣红、争奇斗艳,令人目不暇接,随意采撷几朵,慢慢品读,不知不觉已陶醉其中。

13、I couldn’t face another run-in with the Tamiflu, so the night passed relatively uneventfully between dizzying trips to the bathroom and sweat-soaked sheets. ─── 我无法再次忍受达菲的副作用,那天夜里除了几次迷迷糊糊的上厕所和湿透的床单,相对来说还算安稳。

14、A glowing top in a dizzying spin, the Remix II dazzles patrons wandering the Kansas State Fair midway after dark. ─── 白热的顶部让人目眩地旋转着,“搅拌机二代”使得天黑之后在堪萨斯州博览会里漫步的游客们眼花缭乱。

15、Across the region, the price of food, from wheat to pork, is increasing at dizzying rates. ─── 在整个亚洲地区,从小麦到猪肉,食物的价格在以令人眩晕的速度飞涨。

16、His muse pullulated with dizzying speed. ─── 他的灵感以令人发晕的速度滋长着。

17、Dearer food is a chance to break this dizzying cycle. ─── 因此,日益高涨的食品价格为我们打破这一恶性循环提供了机会。

18、The workforce is one critical place where we can witness the dizzying pace of change. ─── “劳动力(市场)是一个我们可以见证这种有着炫目改变速度的关键地方。

19、Gexianshentong participating developers, playing a collective call selling, Qiu Jiaohui discount promotions in the period in full swing, a dizzying variety of discounts chaos. ─── 参展开发商各显神通,集体上场吆喝卖房,优惠促销活动在秋交会期间全面展开,各种折扣令人眼花瞭乱。

20、Standard items dizzying number of people. ─── 标准名目之多让人目不暇接。

21、The consequences for the Chinese economy, which has seen dizzying rates of growth since economic reforms began in 1978 (growth in the 1990s averaged 10.5%), could now be dire. ─── 自从1978年经济改革以来,中国的经济增长数字令人感到如此目眩,而停滞对于中国经济造成的影响将是十分可怕的。

22、Even for simple networks, finding and testing all combinations of paths would be a dizzying task. ─── 即使是简单的网路,想要找出并测试所有的路径组合,仍是令人抓狂的工作。

23、The truth is , we are all borm with potential greatness and blessed with numerous opportunities to soar dizzying new heights. ─── 事实上,我们所有人生来都拥有巨大的潜力,享有无数的机会,可以到达令人眩晕的新高度。

24、IIn the blue skies far above me; contrails drew dizzying, circles around in a crazy waltz. ─── 我看见远处的蓝天上,轨迹云正在缭乱地划着,交错围绕着,就像一场疯狂的华尔兹。

25、The PUA alphabet turns out to be a dizzying cacophony of mind games, all designed to make a woman feel intimately connected to him, painstakingly mapping her psyche for manipulation. ─── 泡妞是个思维游戏:其目的就是孜孜不倦地分析女人的心理,加以控制,让她产生心有灵犀的错觉。

26、Laser dizzying and blinding of photoelectronic detector ─── 光电探测器件的激光致眩和致盲

27、Over the past Kam-goods vehicle will definitely be a feast for fans, a variety of automotive brands in this together, autonomous sections of the new, the concept car debut, so many fans are dizzying. ─── 刚刚过去的汽车品鉴会绝对是一场车迷的盛宴,各种品牌汽车云集于此,各款自主新车、概念车闪亮登场,令众车迷们目不暇接。

28、The Magic, with their man-child center Dwight Howard, and dizzying stable of 3-point shooters, have proved to be a problematic match-up for just about everyone this year, including the Lakers. ─── 拥有大男孩中锋霍华德和一群让人眼花缭乱同时又稳定的3分射手的魔术队,已经证明了今年他们会让包括湖人在内的所有球队感到头痛。

29、The truth is, we are all born with potential greatness and blessed with numerours opportunities to soar to dizzying new heights. ─── 事实上,我们所有人来来都拥有巨大的潜力,享有无数的机会,可以达到令人眩晕的新高度。

30、I had a dizzying flashback to an image of a child prostitute I had seen in Cambodia, in a disturbingly similar outfit. ─── 我突然感到一阵晕眩,脑中闪现出我在柬埔寨看到的一名雏妓的形象,也是类似的打扮,令人颇感不安。

31、I was listening to Paul Haslinger's multifaceted new gem.Score is a dizzying panorama of musical montages;the CD artwork reflects this notion, in wide-screen format even. ─── 每个人听到专辑不同部分都会做出不同评价,就像这个老外说的,盲人摸象。

32、Given the dizzying progress in miniaturization, one can playfully contemplate a day when quarks will serve to store information, one bit apiece perhaps. ─── 于微型化的进展极为快速,我们可以随兴地想像,有一天,夸克可以用来储存资讯,或许每个夸克就是一位元。

33、Add the recent, dizzying collapse in oil prices to that picture, and you have a raft of companies rethinking their investments and scurrying to cut costs. ─── 在最近这种情况下,油价暴跌令人眩晕,许多公司重新投资,急于削价。

34、I would go flying through the air with dizzying swiftness. ─── 我会眼花缭乱地从天空中飞过来。

35、China's trade with many of its neighbors is increasing at a dizzying pace. ─── 中国和它的许多领国间的贸易增长速度极快。

36、With a dizzying jolt, my dream abruptly became a nightmare. ─── 一阵令人作呕的眩晕,我的梦境瞬间变成恶梦。

37、The car drove past with dizzying speed. ─── 汽车以令人眩晕的速度疾驰而过。

38、With its "dizzying" adaptability to a range of habitats, the boa constrictor could easily colonize much of the southern U.S., a new USGS report says. ─── 美国地质调查局的一项最新报告称,凭借惊人的环境适应能力,红尾蚺很容易在美国南部大部分地区繁衍。

39、Beyond the city limits, a dizzying assortment of wineries, historic townships and unspoilt beaches lie less than an hour away by car. ─── 此外阿得莱德更为它的文化成就而感到自豪,每两年会举行盛大的节庆活动.邀请国际知名的戏剧、音乐、舞蹈团体前来与会,参予精采的艺术和文化飨宴.

40、We build, invent and discover at a pace that is dizzying for us, perhaps turtle footed for you. ─── 我们以令自己惊讶的速度建设着、发明着、发现着,也许对你来说那只是一小步。

41、The leaps in valuation are dizzying. ─── 这些公司估值的变化令人眩目。

42、We're descending now at dizzying speed. ─── 我们正从令人目眩的速度中逐步减速。

43、A thousand novels might sound like an awful lot of pages and a dizzying number of words, but the idea behind this series was always to come up with a list that was, in its own way, realistic. ─── 一千本小说,可能听起来是一个好像是有非常多的书页和令人眼花缭乱的语句数,但在这一系列漫长的书页和语句数背后的思想观念通常也会提出一张清单。

44、The younger President Bush's invasion sent American prestige into a dizzying fall. ─── 小布什总统对伊拉克的入侵则使得美国的威望一落千丈;

45、Now the world is seeing falls in exports that are dizzying and close to universal, and which exceed declines in output. ─── 当下,世界出口以令人眩晕的速度下滑,而且几乎全球范围皆是如此,速度还超过了产出的下滑。

46、The dizzying light is harmful for eyes. So it is important to choose a proper bulb. ─── 眩光伤眼,所以灯泡的选择很重要。

47、These people can see the fireworks dizzying, China Education Network documents the total channels to the sky too colorful embellishment. ─── 这些烟花使人看得目不暇接,中国教育总网文档频道把天空点缀得五光十色。

48、Hearn pondered his responses, and lost himself quickly in the dizzying heights of chess. ─── 候恩默默地思考着对策,很快就沉浸在奥妙无穷的棋局里。

49、We looked at the sky in the Roman shed rain water on the open-stemmed Yinhua, colorful, our dazzling, dizzying. ─── 我们望着天空中洒下的滴滴金雨,水面上开的朵朵银花,五颜六色,我们眼花缭乱、目不暇接。

50、Like the rest of the economy, corporate profits have clawed back from the abyss -- but dizzying heights are still far away. ─── 经济其他方面一样,美国企业利润已经走出了深渊,但距离此前的眩目高峰依然非常遥远。

51、Flashing lights, singing tactful, beautiful dance, lights Qiqiao changes of hundreds of colorful designs, it dizzying. ─── 灯光闪烁、歌声婉转、舞姿美轮美奂,七巧灯变幻出上百种色彩斑斓的图案,让人目不暇接。

52、But the inexorable rhythm of American celebrity dictated a fall from this dizzying peak. ─── 1989年,即《神秘的匹萨饼》完成后的一年,朱莉娅因在《钢木兰花》中的表演获奥斯卡奖提名。

53、Full, pencil, mini and A-line even with these four favorites there's still a dizzying variety of choices out there, and women love to wear them. ─── 安德里亚:如果我要挑选一款每位女士必备的裙子,非A字裙莫属。它非常舒适又能够突出臀部线条。

54、Thanks to these networks, the two countries can offer a dizzying array of services. ─── 20世纪90年代,日本和韩国在很大程度上与因特网的兴起失之交臂。

55、Their America will be more dizzying in its diversity, its culture more polyglot. ─── 她们所拥有的未来美国,种族会更加地多样化,文化更加地多元化。

56、sad ani wai.....still happi but i fel dizzi cos i didnt have mi cup of coffe....... ─── 今天本来应该是我和老婆们约会天,但应为家里的原因所以没有去成。。。。

57、Forget flashing text, reversing text, gymnastics text, or other eye-popping and dizzying effects, which do nothing more than annoy your site visitor. ─── 用户最不希望浏览过期内容,错误价格、不再提供的产品、陈旧的内容、过期的广告都会让用户感到厌烦。

58、The economic restructuring proceeded at a dizzying pace. ─── 经济重构以令人目眩的步伐进行着。

59、And if we can make this trek, which spirals steeply down and up sheer gorges and over dizzying passes, then we hope to rendezvous with Ed and witness his cardinal climb. ─── 如果我们成行,那盘旋的上上下下,陡峭的山峡,令人眩目的垭口,在经过一番艰苦跋涉后与Ed会合,见证他这至关重要的一次攀登。

60、It's a dizzying reversal of traditional gender roles in a country long known for geishas pampering male clients with conversation, singing and dancing. ─── 对于长期以来以艺妓用交谈、歌舞来哄得男性顾客欢心的国家日本来说,这算是一次令人晕眩的传统性别角色转换。

61、The older Marine shook his head and smiled.Ardo could barely see the man through his own dizzying pain and embarrassment. ─── “别紧张,兄弟,”他说,“看来你刚从改造箱里出来。

62、The number of options is dizzying. ─── 可供选择的方式多得让人眼花缭乱。

63、A salad bar has a dizzying variety of uncooked vegetables, pickled salads, cold fish, and cheese. Putting together your own choices makes sense but you also don't have to wait to be serwd. ─── 沙拉餐柜有令人眼花镜乱的各种各样的新鲜蔬菜、泡菜、冷鱼、奶酪等,顾客按自己口味自选自配,不必等人招待。

64、European banks were collapsing at a dizzying pace even as Christian Noyer, governor of the Bank of France, declared that “there is no drama in front of us. ─── 欧洲的银行正在以一种令人昏乱的步伐濒临倒闭,即使法国央行行长诺亚大放厥词“我们眼前的这一切毫不戏剧化”。

65、Number 8: Soho Supper Club(Istanbul, Turkey) What not to miss: The dizzying array of martinis. ─── 第8名:Soho夜总会(土尔其伊斯坦布尔)重点推荐:令人眼花缭乱的各种马提尼酒。

66、First love may register in the blood with dizzying effect,but the love that endures takes up residence in the soul . ─── 初恋的灿烂、美好也许会流淌在血液里,但持久的爱情更让人刻骨铭心,占据灵魂的最深处。

67、I remember looking it over and thinking it was a forest of graves.But the rows were like this, dizzying, diagonal, perfectly straight, so after all it wasn't a forest but an orchard of graves. ─── 但那个景象看起来令人晕眩,墓碑整齐地排列成一条条斜线,而且每一个都垂直矗立于地面,所以我现在觉得那比较像是一座人工果园而不是森林。

68、It includes a dizzying array of handouts, mandates and technical standards for everything from hot-food-holding cabinets to portable spas. ─── 它包括一系列令人眩晕的传单,指令,和涵盖从热食柜到便携水疗仪等等的技术标准。

69、Harajuku girls lined up on five floors chock full of clothes, shoes and accessories in enough dizzying array to make any young woman swoon. ─── 原宿女孩排队上五楼选购商品,大量的衣服,鞋子和配件,足以令人眼花缭乱,使任何年轻女子昏厥。

70、The population on the Nile has grown at a dizzying rate, giving rise to a great metropolis of the size of Cairo the second most populous city in the world. ─── 现在,尼罗河沿岸人口激增,首都开罗已经是世界人口最多的第2大城市。

71、Like prose poems, the stories work not through conventional structures of plot or character but by building up a welter of images that create their own logic.Their anthropomorphism can be dizzying. ─── 多年以后,当男孩问他的父亲那本书去哪了,他被告知那只是“一个神话,当我们还年轻的时候相信它是真实的,但等我们变老了,我们就不再把它当一回事了。”

72、So, yes, production of a commodity can rise to dizzying heights and drop meteorically but resource depletion isn’t the only explanation for the drop in production. ─── 因此说是,一种产品的产量可以极快地上升到极高点,也可以像流星似的急速下降。但是,资源减少并不是其产量下降的唯一解释。

73、Ideas are traded, tested and put into practice with an alacrity that can be dizzying. ─── 新想法经过交流和试验,然后以惊人的速度投入实际应 用。

74、Some have even blamed affluence itself, arguing that the dizzying range of lifestyle options that we now confront frustrates the pursuit of happiness. ─── 一些人甚至谴责富裕本身,他们辩称,如今我们在生活方式上面对着令人眼花缭乱的选择,这妨碍了我们对幸福的追求。

75、Its ratio of pay to revenues continues to hover near the dizzying 50% level that was the norm on Wall Street before the meltdown (see article). ─── 公司薪金与收入比仍在保持在令人羡慕的50%,这在华尔街危机到来之前曾是通行的惯例。

76、The dizzying whirl of sudden celebrity has not been easy, Mr. Lechner said. ─── 突然之间成了名人让他目眩神摇,不过Lechner先生说这一切并不容易。

77、Whip out spectacular skids and dizzying jumps and push your opponents into the surroundings. ─── 在华丽刺激壮观的加速、漂移以及跳跃的同时将对手推入重围,感受成功的喜悦!

78、Dizzying summary of the strategy report, obtained such a general framework: unilateral fell over, but the trend has yet to come up opportunities. ─── 总结目不暇接的策略报告,大体得出如此框架:单边下跌已经结束,但趋势性上涨机会仍未到来。

79、The element of dizzying wave, disk style, glinting metal flake, net-eye bead flake and deep marine blue clash in this scheme with each other, and result into a particular harmony. ─── 令人目眩的海涛,迪斯科风格,以及金属亮片、网眼珠片及其金属的深蓝色在这一期的主题中相互碰撞,并形成一种特殊的和谐。

80、plaza in all new developments have been organized by a number of Peony artistic activities will make the masses dizzying; ─── 在各个广场举办的多项牡丹花会群众文艺活动将使人目不暇接;

81、With the click of a mouse, information from the other end of the globe will be transported to your computer screen at the dizzying speed of seven-and-a-half times around the earth per second. ─── 只要用鼠标一点,在地球另一端的信息马上就会以每秒钟绕地球七周半的光速跑到你的电脑荧光屏上。

82、The car drove past at a dizzying speed. ─── 汽车风驰电掣地驶过。

83、Meanwhile, increasing computer wizardry made it possible to create a dizzying array of derivative instruments, allowing borrowers and savers to unpack and trade all manner of financial risks. ─── 同时,与日俱增的计算机法术使的构造令人眩晕的系列衍生品成为可能,从而允许借款人与投资者可以分解并交易任何种类的金融风险。

84、Patient:Not very well. I have a headache, severe dizzi?鄄ness and poor memory. ─── 病人:我觉得不太舒服,头痛、头晕的厉害,还记忆力差。

85、A 150-foot-high Ferris wheel from 1920 still creaks in the sky, children squeal on dizzying rides, and lurid, hand-painted signs advertise sideshows of snake-charmers and fire-eaters. ─── 150英尺高的摩天轮从1920年起至今仍耸立空中,吱吱作响;孩童们在晕眩刺激的机动过山车上发出尖叫;

86、Millions of amateur investors like you have to rely on a dizzying array of financial newspapers, magazines and commentators to get investment information. ─── 数以百万的像你这样的非专业投资者都依赖那些令人眼花缭乱的金融报纸、杂志和评论员来获得投资方面的信息。

87、In a drive to reduce waste and increase recycling, Japan is raising the number of trash categories to dizzying heights, but the citizens are just not used to it. ─── 为减少浪费并提高回收利用率,日本政府细化了垃圾分类,类别多到令人头晕。对此,日本民众很不适应。

88、Another odd quirk of the movie's setting is the dizzying array of leopard, jaguar, tiger, and other animal prints. ─── 另一个奇怪的夸克电影的设置是令人眼花缭乱的豹,美洲虎,虎和其他动物的照片。

89、Many analysts believe the economy -- which logged a mild contraction in the second quarter after a dizzying free-fall in the prior six months -- is growing now. ─── 一些分析师认为,经济在经过前六个月的急剧下滑之后,在第二季度有了一个温和的收窄,而现在正在增长之中。

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