rationality 发音
英:[ˌræʃəˈnæləti] 美:[ˌræʃəˈnæləti]
英: 美:
rationality 中文意思翻译
rationality 网络释义
n. 合理性;合理的行动
rationality 词性/词形变化,rationality变形
rationality 同义词
judicious | intellectual | level-headed | balanced |sensible | coherent | wise | lucid | rational number | dialectic | logical | cogent | sane | realistic | normal | reasonable | intelligent | mental | advisable | noetic | enlightened | thinking | sound
rationality 常用词组
bounded rationality ─── 有限理性
rationality 反义词
absurd |irrational
rationality 短语词组
1、rationality definition ─── 合理性定义
2、rationality defined ─── 合理性定义
3、cognitive limits on rationality ─── [经] 理性认识上的限制
4、rationality and sensibility ─── 理性与感性
5、rationality ai ─── 理性ai
6、rationality define ─── 理性界定
7、rationality analysis ─── 合理性分析
8、bounded rationality ─── 有限理性
9、rationality synonym ─── 理性同义词
10、rationality iq ─── 理性智商
11、individual rationality ─── 个体合理性
12、religion and rationality ─── 宗教与理性
13、the trend toward rationality ─── 理性化趋势
14、optimal rationality ─── 最佳合理性
15、rationality rules twitter ─── 理性统治twitter
rationality 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The upshot of this is that it is simply foolish to assert that science and rationality support atheism. ─── 其结果是,断言科学和理性支持无神论完全是愚蠢的。
2、Ration tells me there is no way to think about it. ─── 其实我也想,但是我没有兴致
3、But to absolutize and dogmatize the reasonable factors will deprive them of their rationality. ─── 但把合理因素绝对化、教条化就丧失其价值合理性。
4、Both economic rationality and irrationality have achieved dialectical unity and can complement each other. ─── 从经济哲学层面分析,经济理性与经济非理性辩证统一,相辅相成。
5、The rationality of test results are discussedtheoretically. ─── 在理论上讨论了试验结果的合理性。
6、Therefore it may be a good approach to think the rationality of investigators' epistemic backgrounds. ─── 因此,反思研究者的背景知识的合理性,可能是人们解决情感认识困窘的一个重要途径。
7、No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality. ─── 不,要以稳定及合理的心情面对些事。
8、He with Hong Kong person's egoism behavior, is stems from one kind intrinsic the economical rationality. ─── 他与香港人的自我主义行为,都是出于一种内在的“经济理性”。
9、In the case of uncertainty, the definition of rationality becomes problematic. ─── 在非确定型的情况,合理性的概念却难以确定。
10、If I'm right, we should foster a creative spirit because a dose of illogical creativity will complement the rationality of the machine. ─── 如果我是对的,我们应该培养创新精神,因为不合逻辑的创造力将补充机器的合理性。
11、The allotment of ration coupons. ─── 定额配给券的分配
12、When food is ration people have to queue for bread. ─── 当食物定量配给时,人们只好排队买面包。
13、An example illustrates the rationality of the method and the validity of classified fusion. ─── 实例分析说明了这种数据分类方法的合理性和分类融合的有效性。
14、Our hope as Christians is not fundamentally in man's naked goodwill and rationality. ─── 作为基督徒,从根本而言,我们的希望不在于人天然无饰的善意和理性。
15、Low peak milk production might lack of protein in the ration. ─── 产奶高峰期奶量降低可能是日粮中蛋白质不足。
16、If rationality means omniscience, then it is indeed an unsound premise for economic reasoning. ─── 如果“理性”指的就是“全知全能”,那么,它确实不是经济推理的合理前提。
17、In my opinion, we must try to ration gas and electricity. ─── 依我看,我们必须实行煤气、电力的限量配给。
18、He does also accept that his ration coupons should be tradeable. ─── 他的确也承认,他的“配给券”应该是可交易的。
19、The subjectivity was the key concept of traditional aesthetics. It was that rationality was concretely embodied in literature texts. ─── 主体性是传统美学的核心概念,它是理性在文学文本中的具体表现。
20、An example of large scale triaxial test was taken to prove the rationality of the present model. ─── 并通过一个大型三轴剪切试验的算例,说明了该模型的合理性。
21、Finally an example is given to show the rationality and the effectiveness of the method. ─── 以某保险公司为例,对其分公司培训部培训绩效进行综合评价和结果分析,并讨论了该决策方法的优点。
22、Kant's moral principles and absolute laws come from purely practical ration. ─── 康德的道德法则和绝对律令来自纯粹实践理性。
23、A series of technical steps ensure the rationality and reliability of the adjustment result. ─── 一系列的手段和措施保证了平差结果的合理性和可靠性。
24、In addition, the rationality of the solution is analysed, and its v alidity discussed. ─── 分析了解的合理性,讨论了解的正确性。
25、For economists, however, frugality is not about national character but rationality. ─── 但对经济学家来说,节俭与民族性无关,而是一种理性的表现。
26、Second, to replace the rationality that bereaves him by anther rationality, the result lies on the type of the object. ─── 二是以其他的合理性来代替利益剥夺所依据的合理性,其效果受到不同层次的抗争对象影响;
27、He believed that rationality had triumphed. ─── 他认为理性终究占了上风。
28、Ration is widely used in manufacturing industry. ─── 定额是制造业中广泛使用的一个概念。
29、Different views on rationality could be explained and compared from the angle of decision. ─── 不同的理性观点可以从决策的视角得到系统地解释和比较。
30、Therefore,people's cognition can be reflected in three basic states: intellectuality,rationality and Savvy. ─── 可以说人类的认识有三种基本形态:知性、理性和悟性。
31、As part of the diet, allow yourself a small daily ration of sugar. ─── 作为饮食的一部份,每天要摄入少量的糖。
32、Which rationality? /Alasdair MacIntyre. ─── 书名/作者 Whose justice?
33、This syllogism enables the rationality of "Joseph Needham Questions". ─── “李约瑟难题”的合理性就是建立在这个三段论的基础上。
34、The correctness and rationality of the calculation method is verified by the practical ESP's working parameters. ─── 同时用实际的潜油电泵工作参数验证了该方法的正确和合理性。
35、The standard ration pack had to be portioned out among fourteen men . ─── 一箱标准的配给食物必须分给14个人。
36、The assumption that rationality is common knowledge is so pervasive in game theory that it is rarely stated explicitly. ─── 在博弈论中理性是常识这种假设几乎人人皆知,因此这个假设很少明确地陈述过。
37、The further philosophical research of the concept of critique may bring to light the very nature of rationality. ─── 对“批判”概念的进一步哲学探讨,将最终揭示合理性的内涵。
38、Power gain (18) The ration of output power to input power. ─── 功率增益(18)輸出功率對輸入功率之比值。
39、In my opinion, the common knowledge of rationality assumed by game theorists faces a similar demise. ─── 依我的看法,博弈论工作者假定的理性是常识也面临同样的消亡。
40、Kant's moral system is based on rationality. ─── 康德的道德体系奠基于理性之上。
41、To dispense in fixed quantities; ration. ─── 定量,配给供应以固定量分配;配给
42、The selection of belief should be based on rationality,reality,loftiness and healthiness. ─── 人们应当依据某种信仰是否理智、是否现实、是否崇高、是否健全等标准进行信仰选择。
43、The Hume's question is the greatest challenge to the human rationality in the modern cognition history. ─── 在近代认识史上,休谟问题是向人类理性提出的最大挑战。
44、The "Strong Programs" adopt the strategy of relativism to resolve the problem of rationality of science. ─── 强纲领对科学合理性问题的解决主要采用了相对主义的策略。
45、The product ration of sodium-copper chlorophyllin was 0. ─── 叶绿素铜钠盐的收率达到0。
46、Some see it as the opposite of rationality;others view it as an excuse for capriciousness. ─── 一些人认为它是理智的对立面,另一些人认为是善变的结果。
47、The rationality of the thing is not an argument to against its existences, rather a condition of it. ─── 尼采说:一件事情的不合理,不是驳斥他的存在,还不如以一种特定况来证明。
48、Study on Rationality of Food Fortification Behavior for Child and Adolescent in Tianjin. ─── 天津市市产儿童青少年食品营养强化行为合理性的研究
49、The development of pawnage right in China depends on the value rationality and formal rationality of pawange right. ─── 中国典权制度的未来发展完善取决于典权的形式理性和价值理性。
50、The empirical analysis of shanghai harbor and other harbors confirmed the rationality and validity of the method. ─── 以上海港等港口为例,进行了实证分析,证实了该方法的合理性和有效性。
51、At least one of these markets shows limited rationality. Investors must decide which. ─── 这些市场中,至少有一个显示出有限的理性。投资者必须判断出是哪一个。
52、Thus the problem that ration vary diversely can be solved. ─── 从而解决了在手工核算模式下所不能应付的定额变化频繁的普遍问题。
53、So the traditional rationalists try to argue the rationality of science by scientific methods, but fails. ─── 因此传统理性主义者试图从科学方法来说明科学合理性,都未能取得成功。
54、Many governments have tried to ration imports. ─── 很多政府试图对进口实行配给制。
55、For the school management change, its rationality, validity and conventionality must be sought for. ─── 对于学校管理的变革,我们必然要追问其合理性、合法性与合习俗性与否。
56、Kant understands rationality as the distinguishing feature of human beings, which enables them to have a free will. ─── 康德把理性理解为人的显著特性,这种特性赋予人自由的意志。
57、In the case of risk, rationality is usually defined as the choice of that alternative for which the expected utility is greatest. ─── 而在风险的情况下,理性通常被定义为选择那种期望效用最大的选项。
58、Rationality is ensured of designing-ecomomy and cost of building is efficiently controlled. ─── 从根本上保证设计的经济合理性,有效地控制工程造价。
59、If the economic rationality of project of unwarrantable orbit traffic, place city.. ─── 假如不能保证轨道交通项目的经济合理性,所在城...
60、In nearby Indore the ration is half an hour's supply every seven days. ─── 在邻近的印多尔则每7天才有一次半小时的供水。
61、We can only speak of rationality relative to a frame of reference. ─── 我们只能相对于一种参照系来谈论合理性。
62、But the people treat Japan's manner now, has surmounted the rationality by far! ─── 可是当今国人对待日本的态度,远远超越了理性!
63、Making good decisions requires us to balance the seemingly antithetical forces of emotion and rationality. ─── 做出好的决定要我需要我们平衡表面对立的感性与理性。
64、The issue of the rationality of inductive inference was raised by David Hume at first. ─── 归纳合理性问题最初是由休谟提出的。
65、We must aim to complement the rationality of the machine, rather than to compete with it. ─── 我们必须以添加机器的合理性为目标,而不是与之竞争。
66、A perfect bridge model plan must be technical feasibility,advancing united with economic rationality,advantageousness. ─── 一个被公认的优秀桥型方案,必须是技术上的可行性、先进性同经济上的合理性、有利性的完美统一。
67、"The body as a large rationality, a unified multiplicity, " Neitzsche uses "large rationality" and "self" to open up the topic of the body. ─── “身体作为一个大理性,一个统一的多元体”,尼采以“大理性”和“自体”来拓展身体这个论题。
68、There actually were soldiers at the gas stations to ration it out. ─── 实际上当时各加油站都有士兵在负责加油的份额配给。
69、After a frenzied market after short-term, will return to rationality. ─── 市场在经过短期疯狂后,必重归理性。
70、The change from extreme rationality to extreme irrationality, appearing to be paradoxical, is logically unavoidable. ─── 从极端的理性走向极端的非理性,看似悖谬,实则有着逻辑的必然性。
71、Philosophy of Medicine must reconstruct the publicness in the new context,then seek its own rationality back. ─── 医学哲学学科必须在新语境下重建“公共性”,才能寻回自身的合理性。
72、Have you used your ration of petrol for this week? ─── 你用了这星期给你定量的汽油了吗?
73、Course systems for undergraduate students of civil engineering in foreign countries have their relative rationality. ─── 国外高水平大学土木工程专业的课程体系有其相对的合理性。
74、Free judgment has its rationality and necessity. ─── 处罚自由裁量权,其存在有其必要的合理性及必要性。
75、Engineering students are supposed to be examples of practicality and rationality, but when it comes to my college education I am an idealist and a fool. ─── 工科学生应该是实用性和理性的典范,但是当谈到我的大学教育时,我便是一个理想主义者和一个傻瓜。
76、People's ration of meat limited to a pound of meat per week. ─── 人们的定量供应被限制为一星期一磅肉。
77、Results achieved by applying the theory into translating poetry further prove its advancement and rationality. ─── 应用这种理论于诗歌翻译及其批评都取得了很好的效果,进一步证明了该理论的合理性和先进性。
78、Ration: survey material contain the quantity of various compositions. ─── 定量:测定物质所含各种成分的数量。
79、Though this kind of view has certain rationality, its limitation is very obvious. ─── 尽管这种观点有一定的合理性,然而其局限性也是很明显的。
80、He predicated rationality of man. ─── 他断言人是有理性的。
81、Formalization can contribute to rationality in other, less obvious ways. ─── 形式化在其他不那麽显见的方面也为理性化做出了许多贡献。
82、Generally, out of consideration of economic rationality, commercial launches do not require excessively high guidance technology. ─── 一般情况下,出于经济合理的考虑,商业发射不需要采用过高的制导技术。
83、Failure to ration carefully becomes correspondingly less important. ─── 不去细致地安排日粮,也不太要紧。
84、Under the basis water body mines particularity,determination the rationality of safe mining. ─── 依据水体下开采的特殊性,确定安全开采的合理性。
85、The rationality of many aspects of a culture is often verified with the aid of borrowing many aspects of its opposite culture. ─── 这种把文化多方面合理性地证实往往需要借助多种文化以及各方面的援助。
86、Its three basic characters are rationality, being in harmony with the human touch and timeliness. ─── 合理性、合人情、合时代是新式儒者人格应当具备的三个基本特征。
87、The unity of finiteness of hunam rationality and the complexity of the objective necessity is the cognitive basis. ─── 人的理性的有限性和客观必然性的复杂性的对立统一,是合作-竞争的认识论基础。
88、Yuanpei Translation is a benchmark, a fresh ration and a leading concept! ─── 元培是一根标杆!元培是一缕风尚!元培更是一种理念!
89、The rationality limit of “Economy determines ethics” displays in all respects of ontology, axiology and practicalism. ─── “经济决定伦理”是 2 0世纪关于经济伦理关系的三大理论范式之一 ,具体表现为三个命题或三个理念。 其合理性限度表现在本体论、价值论和实践论诸方面。
1、禀赋效应(Endowment effect)指同一件物品,一旦人们拥有这个物品,相对于未拥有的人而言,会有更高的估值。也就是常说的“敝帚自珍”。
2、锚定效应(Anchoring effect),是指当人们需要对某个事件做评估时,会将某些特定数值作为初始参照值,这个初始值像锚一样制约着评估结果。“锚定效应”是一种非常典型的心理偏差。
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