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09-02 投稿



fricative 发音

英:['frɪkətɪv]  美:['frɪkətɪv]

英:  美:

fricative 中文意思翻译



fricative 网络释义

n. 摩擦音adj. 摩擦音的;由摩擦产生的

fricative 词性/词形变化,fricative变形


fricative 短语词组

1、fricative spectrogram ─── 摩擦谱图

2、bidental fricative ─── 双齿摩擦

3、fricative ipa ─── 摩擦式ipa

4、labiodental fricative ─── 唇齿摩擦音

5、fricative sounds ─── 摩擦音

6、Voiced dental fricative ─── 口腔摩擦

7、fricative vs plosive ─── 擦音vs塞音

8、fricative h ─── 擦音h

9、fricative set ─── 摩擦套

10、fricative consonant ─── 摩擦辅音

fricative 相似词语短语

1、writative ─── adj.爱好写作的

2、privative ─── adj.剥夺的;缺少特定性质的;n.否定的前缀;否定的字或词

3、affricative ─── adj.塞擦音的

4、fixative ─── adj.用来固定(或稳定)某物的;定色的;防挥发的;n.固定剂;定色剂,定影剂;香水稳定剂;(彩色蜡笔画或素描画上喷的)固色液;粘合剂

5、fricatives ─── n.膜擦声;摩擦音(fricative的复数)

6、urinative ─── 利尿的

7、fabricative ─── adj.建造的

8、precative ─── adj.恳求的;委托的

9、affricatives ─── 塞擦音

fricative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A voiceless palatal fricative. ─── 舌面清擦音。

2、fricative consonant ─── 摩擦辅音

3、of the sound changes phenomena in Shandong district proves that Round-mouth characters of Zhi-system read in labiodental firstly occur in fricative. ─── 现象在山东地区的地域流变情况可见,知系合口字的唇齿化有可能首先发生于擦音声母。

4、The uvular r's of French and the fricative, glottal ch's of German (and Scots) are essential to one's imagination of these languages and their speakers. ─── 人们一听到法语的小舌音、摩擦音,或者德语(和苏格兰语)的喉音,就会对语言本身和语言的使用者产生各种想象。

5、The DZS A brake is fricative brakes,.which are automatically set to work when an AC power lost occurs. ─── 型电磁失电制动器为通电脱离(释放),断电弹簧制动的摩擦式制动器(以下简称制动器)。

6、Affricate: A complex speech sound consisting of a stop consonant followed by a fricative; for example, the initial sounds of child and joy. ─── 塞擦音由闭塞音伴随着摩擦音而形成的复杂的语音;例如。

7、The transcription th(for the fricative p)caused Grimm to think not only that th was a double sound but also it was an aspirated occlusive ─── 擦音P的写法th曾使格里木相信,这不仅是一个复合音,而且是一个送气塞音。

8、dynamic fric tional coefficient ─── 动态摩擦因数

9、the dental fricative initials ─── 舌尖擦音

10、A voiceless blade-alveolar fricative. ─── 舌尖前清擦音。

11、a fricative sound uttered as an expression of dislike or contempt ─── 用以表达厌恶、不赞成、或轻蔑的嘘声

12、If in English pronunciation's short vowel, consonant cluster, by the fricative, the affricate conclusion syllable and so on do not have in Chinese. ─── 如英语语音中的短元音、辅音连缀,以摩擦音、破擦音收尾音节等在汉语中都没有。

13、slit fricative ─── 狭缝擦音

14、loss rate of fricative articulation ─── 辅音清晰度损失度

15、Such as English voice in the short vowels, consonants Lianzhui to friction sound, breaking fricative end syllable in Chinese, and so are not. ─── 英语有形态变化,如名词复数变化、动词时态变化等,而汉语基本上没有。

16、Velar fricative ─── 软腭摩擦音

17、voiceless fricative ─── 清音擦音

18、The transcription th(for the fricative p)caused Grimm to think not only that th was a double sound but also it was an aspirated occlusive. ─── 擦音P的写法th曾使格里木相信,这不仅是一个复合音,而且是一个送气塞音。

19、Affricate sounds They are produced by blocking off the breath-stream between the tongue and gum ridge, for a stop and a fricative. ─── 发音时先将舌尖和舌端接触齿龈,如发。

20、Latin Letter Pharyngeal Voiced Fricative ─── 拉丁文字母咽摩擦音符

21、Posterior nasal fricative ─── 后鼻摩擦音

22、a complex speech sound consisting of a stop consonant followed by a fricative; for example,the initial sounds of child and joy ─── 由闭塞音伴随着摩擦音而形成的复杂的语音;例如child和joy的第一个音

23、Condyle shape dash forward the main symptom that bone destroys is have in mouth motion successive fricative, show twist articulate or knead cellophane sound. ─── 髁状突骨质破坏的主要症状是在开口运动中有连续摩擦音,呈捻发音或揉玻璃纸音。

24、Source of the Dental Fricative Initials in TuJia Language ─── 土家语舌尖擦音声母的来源

25、glottal fricative ─── 喉擦音

26、voiceless, labiodental, fricative, aspirated, strong, long. ─── 清音,唇齿音,摩擦音,送气,强,长。

27、groove fricative ─── 槽擦音

28、A voiceless velar fricative. ─── 舌根清擦音。

29、fricative murmur ─── 摩擦音

30、Appication:The DHM3 brake is fricative brakes,which are automatically set to work when an AC power lost occurts. ─── DHM3系列电磁失电制动器为通电脱离(释放),断电弹簧制动的摩擦式制动器。

31、Near the latter point,the strain velocity of adhesive friction and that of slide friction is near to be equal and friction coefficient has almost no effect to the strain velocity with slide fric... ─── 在轧件与轧辊分离处,变形速度为零,在这点附近粘着摩擦和滑动摩擦变形速度值接近相等,摩擦系数几乎不影响滑动摩擦情况下的变形速度。

32、Keywords :Pile load test, Finite element method, Pile-soil inter action, Elasto-plasticity, Hardening index, Relative dispacement, Lateral fric tion resistance. ─── 作者简介:赵法锁(1954-),男,博士,教授,主要从事岩土工程方面的教学和科研工作.

33、Keywords Vibration tapping Spring back Fricative torque Titanium alloy; ─── 振动攻丝;表面回弹;摩擦扭矩;钛合金;

34、The stop and the fricative halves of these affricates are at the same place of articulation: the stop is in fact postalveolar rather than alveolar. ─── 严重时可能整个颚部纵向全裂,不过大部分的情形是单纯的软颚裂:最轻微的情况则是只有悬壅垂 (小舌) 有裂缝。

35、And the rate of mistakes in "fricative+glide" is higher than that in "fricative+liquid" . ─── “摩擦音+滑音”的错误率高于“摩擦音+流音”的错误率。

36、Of, relating to, or being a fricative consonant. ─── 摩擦音的与此有关的或成为摩擦音

37、Of, relating to, or being a fricative consonant . ─── 摩擦音的与此有关的或成为摩擦音。

38、Physical examination appears when articulatory activity fricative, joint increases, local have tenderness, slippery film fluid spends grow in quantity gently. ─── 物理检查在关节活动时出现摩擦音,关节增大,局部有压痛,滑膜液轻度增多。

39、a fricative sound uttered as an expression of dislike or contempt. ─── 用以表达厌恶、不赞成、或轻蔑的嘘声。

40、Pharyngeal fricative ─── 咽摩擦音

41、A voiceless blade-palatal fricative. ─── 舌尖后清塞擦音。

42、DZSJ1 series are fricative brakes, which are automatically set to work when an AC power lost occurs. ─── DZSJ1系列交流电磁失电制动器为通电脱离(释放),断电弹簧制动的摩擦式制动器。

43、Friction type and wearing in punch ing have been introduced with proposal method of re ducing fric tion and preventing wearing. ─── 介绍冲压过程中的摩擦类型与磨损,提出了减少摩擦、防止磨损的方法。

44、lateral fricative ─── 边擦音

45、A complex speech sound consisting of a stop consonant followed by a fricative;for example,the initial sounds of child and joy. ─── 塞擦音由闭塞音伴随着摩擦音而形成的复杂的语音;例如child和joy的第一个音

46、affricate: A complex speech sound consisting of a stopconsonant followed by a fricative; ─── 塞擦音由闭塞音伴随着摩擦音而形成的复杂的语音;

47、JDZS series are fricative brakes, which are automatically set to work when an AC power lost occurs. ─── JDZS系列交流电磁失电制动器为通电脱离(释放),断电弹簧制动的摩擦式制动器。

48、With increase in the Kevlar pulp content in the composite friction material, the wear rate of the fric... ─── 芳纶纤维在摩擦过程中起到了提高摩擦系数稳定性和降低磨损的作用.

49、In most languages, Qingzhuo confrontation occurred mainly in the plosive, Seca Yin, fricative, plosive, Seca Yin Most of the opposition in Qingzhuo unaspirated-on. ─── 在多数语言里,清浊对立主要出现在塞音、塞擦音、擦音上,塞音、塞擦音的清浊对立大多出现在不送气音上。

50、Test research on matching barrel-plunger fricative pairs of pump ─── 抽油泵泵筒柱塞摩擦副配对试验研究

51、Noisy fricative or explosive sounds are absent or hardly perceptible. ─── 粗糙重浊的噪音或根本没有,或难以觉察。

52、The DZS brake is fricative brakes, which are automatically set to work when an AC power lost occurs. ─── DZS系列电磁失电制动器为通电脱离(释放),断电弹簧制动的摩擦式制动器。

53、A complex speech sound consisting of a stop consonant followed by a fricative; for example, the initial sounds of child and joy. ─── 塞擦音由闭塞音伴随着摩擦音而形成的复杂的语音;例如child和joy的第一个音

54、The uvular r's of French and the fricative, glottal ch's of German (and Scots) are essential to one's imagination of these languages and their speakers. ─── 人们一听到法语的小舌音、摩擦音,或者德语(和苏格兰语)的喉音,就会对语言本身和语言的使用者产生各种想象。

55、Appication:The DHM3 brake is fricative brakes,which are auto-matically set to work when an AC power lost occurts. ─── DHM3系列电磁失电制动器为通电脱离(释放),断电弹簧制动的摩擦制动器。

56、fricative material ─── 摩擦材料

57、(4) For easy search from a huge database, items in the database are better arranged with their- "composite atonal spellings" ,in which the fricative and nasalization are neglected. ─── (4) 为了大宗资料的容易检索,可将资料依 "综合型主韵拼字" 来编排。其中,声母的是否摩擦音或鼻音,被忽视。

58、fricative sound of the larynx ─── 喉部磨擦音

59、On the Compound Consonant Combined with Fricative and Affricative in Ancient Times ─── 论上古塞音擦音组合复辅音

60、the loss rate of fricative articulation ─── 辅音清晰度损失率

61、Models of Stop, Nasal, and Fricative Consonant Production. ─── 停止式、鼻音式和摩擦式的子音产生模型。

62、voiced fricative ─── 浊音擦音

63、The DZS3 brake is fricative brakes, which are automatically set to work when an AC power lost occurs. ─── DZS3系列电磁失电制动器为通电脱离(释放),断电弹簧制动的摩擦式制动器。

64、The effec ts of coated materials,suface oxidation layer of samples and surface roughness of dies on fric tion coefficient are analyzed. ─── 文中也分析了诸如涂层材料、试样表面氧化层、模具表面粗糙度等对摩擦因数的影响。

65、The right groin area deep tenderness Obviously, no significant bone fricative and abnormal activities. ─── 右侧腹股沟区深压痛明显,无明显骨擦音及异常活动。

66、Third, joint activities will occur rattles or other fricative. ─── 关节活动时是否会发生喀嚓声或其他的摩擦音。

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