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dukedom 发音

英:[ˈdjuːkdəm]  美:[ˈduːkdəm]

英:  美:

dukedom 中文意思翻译



dukedom 词性/词形变化,dukedom变形

动词现在分词: duking |动词过去式: duked |动词过去分词: duked |动词第三人称单数: dukes |

dukedom 反义词


dukedom 同义词


dukedom 短语词组

1、dukedom def ─── 公爵领地

2、dukedom of argyll ─── 粘土的出现

3、dukedom game ─── 公爵领地游戏

4、dukedom tn ─── 杜克多姆tn

5、dukedom ky ─── 肯塔基州公爵

6、dukedom of ─── 公爵领地

7、dukedom uk ─── 英国公爵领地

8、dukedom of savoy ─── 萨瓦公爵领地

dukedom 相似词语短语

1、dogedom ─── n.总督;总督的权威

2、duncedom ─── 邓塞多姆

3、duked ─── n.公爵,(公国的)君主;公爵(种)樱桃;n.(Duke)人名;(西、俄、瑞典、英)杜克

4、Junkerdom ─── n.德国贵族地主;德国贵族地主之精神或政策

5、dufferdom ─── n.笨蛋;不明道理的人;骗人货(duffer的变形)

6、archdukedom ─── n.大公,皇太子(archduke的变形)

7、blokedom ─── 方块

8、dukedoms ─── n.公爵的爵位;公爵的领地

9、duked up ─── 被撞了

dukedom 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You should confer dukedom on your brothers ─── 应该为您的兄弟们封爵封侯

2、As the story begins, Prospero uses magic to shipwreck Antonio and his followers on the isle and, assisted by his loyal spirit Ariel, seeks to regain his dukedom. ─── 经多年修练,成为统领小岛自然生界的魔法师波布罗。

3、During the Spring and Autumn period, over two thousand years ago, in the Han Dukedom there lived a girl named Han E. ─── 韩娥的歌喉与众不同,声音清脆嘹亮,婉转悠扬,十分动人。这次演唱,轰动全城。

4、And, upon their engaging to restore his dukedom, he said to the king of Naples, "I have a gift store FOR you too. " ─── 当他们保证一定要恢复他的爵位的时候,他对那不勒斯王说:“我也给你预备了一件礼物。”

5、In 1358 Schwerin became a part of the Duchy of Mecklenburg, making it the seat of the dukedom from then on. ─── 1358年,什未林成为梅克伦堡公国的一部分,并从那时起就成为该公国的都城。

6、Raising a storm to bring his brother - the usurper of his dukedom - along with his royal entourage, to the island, Prospero contrives his revenge. ─── 普洛士帕罗用魔力掀起一阵暴风雨,把他那阴谋篡位的弟弟和他的随员一起刮到岛上来,以完成他的复仇大计。

7、On the Dukedom System of the Northern Dynasties ─── 北朝诸卿制度的变迁研究

8、The marquis will succeed to the dukedom at his father's death. ─── 在其死后,侯爵就将继承公爵的爵位。

9、The marquis will succeed to the dukedom at his father's death. ─── 在其父死后,侯爵就继承公爵的爵位。

10、As soon as Zhou Xu and Shi Hou arrived in the Dukedom of Chen, they were arrested. ─── 州吁和石厚一到陈国,就被抓了起来。

11、But their father in his old age fell in love with a woman who tried all means to pave the way for her own son to inherit the dukedom. ─── 但是他们的父亲在晚年迷上了另外一个女人,这个女人处心积虑想让自己的儿子当上晋国的国王,于是晋国发生了长时期的内乱。

12、And within a dukedom, the struggle for power frequently occurred. ─── 而且,在一个公国内部,权力之争也时常发生。

13、The marquis will succeed to the dukedom at his father's death ─── 在其父死后,侯爵就继承公爵的爵位。

14、"But how can we bet the king's approval?" Shi Hou asked his father.The old man said, "The Duke of Chen is trusted by the king and his dukedom has good relationship with ours. ─── 石厚把他父亲的主意告诉了州吁,然后他们来到了陈国。

15、Shi Hou passed his father's word to Zhu Xu and they went to the Dukedom of Chen. ─── 州吁和石厚一到陈国,就被抓了起来。卫国的大臣特地到陈国去执法处死这两个人。

16、In commenting the event, the then people concluded that “Dukedom Xi suffered a defeat for it made five mistakes, and it will die out soon”. ─── 当时,人们评论这事时曾说:“息国犯了五不韪所以才失败了,并且不久就要灭亡”。

17、dukedom system ─── 尚书公卿制度

18、One day, Han E went to the Qi Dukedom. ─── 可是旅店老板却对韩娥很不礼貌,韩娥忍不住放声大哭。

19、They recognize the Queen as their Sovereigns because she is the inheritor of the medieval Dukedom of Normandy. ─── 他们承认女王是他们的君主,因为她是中世纪诺曼底公国的继承人。

20、And within a dukedom, the struggle for power frequently occurred. ─── 而且,在一个公国内部,权力之争也时常发生。

21、Albanian is an old people who lived in Balkan. In history, the Albanian people had ever established an independent dukedom of Albania with the territory of 100 000km 2, which is far beyond the present region. ─── 阿尔巴尼亚人是巴尔干半岛上的一个古老民族 ,历史上 ,阿尔巴尼亚人曾在 1190年建立起一个独立的阿尔巴尼亚公国 ,其疆域达 10万km2 ,远远超出目前阿尔巴尼亚的范围之外。

22、The territory ruled by a duke or duchess; a dukedom. ─── 由大公或女大公统治的领土。

23、the Danes founded the dukedom of Normandy and finally conquered England. ─── 丹麦人建立了诺曼底公爵领地,并最终征服了英格兰。

24、As expected, Xi was wiped out by Dukedom Chu a few years later. ─── 果然,没几年,息国就被楚国所灭。

25、the Danes founded the dukedom of Normandy and finally conquered England. ─── 丹麦人建立了诺曼底公爵领地,并最终征服了英格兰。

26、within a dukedom, the struggle for power frequently occurred. ─── 在一个公国内部,权力之争也时常发生。

27、1. Duke and Duchess of Gloucester live in their own dukedom. ─── 格洛思特公爵及公爵夫人住在他们自己的公国里。

28、Dukedom of Milan ─── 米兰公国

29、In the 14th century, with the invasion of the Ottoman Empire, the dukedom of Albania and the other old medieval countries in Balkan collapsed completely at the same time. ─── 公元 14世纪 ,随着奥斯帝国的入侵 ,阿尔巴尼亚公国覆灭。

30、Luxembourg | Dukedom of Luxembourg ─── 卢森堡| 卢森堡大公国

31、Dukedom of Luxembourg ─── 卢森堡卢森堡大公国

32、The territory ruled by a duke or duchess; a dukedom. ─── 公爵或女爵的领地;公国

33、I think no dukedom should be conferred on them. ─── 我看就不必再为他们封爵封侯了。

34、They recognize the Queen as their Sovereigns because she is the inheritor of the medieval Dukedom of Normandy. ─── 他们承认女王是他们的君主,因为她是中世纪诺曼底公国的继承人。

35、The old man said, "The Duke of Chen is trusted by the king and his dukedom has good relationship with ours. ─── 他们斩了州吁,但对石厚是否要被斩首很迟疑,因为他毕竟是石碏的亲儿子。


37、At least bring forth a wonder, to content ye As much as me my dukedom. ─── 至少也要献出一个奇迹来,使它给与您安慰,正像我的公国安慰了我一样。

38、Duke Wen had been a prince of the State of Jin.He and his two bothers were all legitimate heirs apparent to the dukedom. ─── 晋文公原来是晋国的王子,他和他的两个兄弟都被看作是王位的合格继承人。

39、The first act of his newly-conceived penitence was to send a messenger to his brother to offer to restore to him his dukedom ─── 他痛改前非以后,头一件事就是派一个送信人到他哥哥那儿去,表示要把公园归还给他。

40、He was claiming the dukedom in right of his wife. ─── 他根据其妻所有的权利要求统治公国。

41、At one time during his early life, and before the birth of the 10th Duke, Sir Winston Churchill was heir to the Dukedom. ─── 在第十代马尔博罗公爵诞生前的丘吉尔的早年生活中,他曾一度成为了公爵爵位的继承人。

42、This is, after all, a modern government, not a medieval dukedom. ─── 毕竟,如今是一个现代的社会,而不是中世纪的王国。

43、is, after all, a modern government, not a medieval dukedom. ─── 毕竟,如今是一个现代的社会,而不是中世纪的王国。

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