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09-04 投稿



odorless 发音


英:  美:

odorless 中文意思翻译



odorless 反义词


odorless 词性/词形变化,odorless变形

副词: odorlessly |名词: odorlessness |

odorless 短语词组

1、odorless garlic ─── 无味大蒜

2、odorless paint ─── 无气味涂料

3、odorless keroseneOK ─── [化] 无臭煤油

4、odorless kerosene fuel ─── 无味煤油燃料

5、odorless oven cleaner ─── 无味烤箱清洁剂

6、odorless mineral spirits ─── 无味矿物酒精

7、odorless bengay ─── 无味本吉

8、odorless gas ─── 无味气体

9、odorless monomer ─── 无味单体

10、odorless kerosene ─── [化] 无臭煤油

odorless 同义词

unscented | inodorous | neutral | odourless

odorless 相似词语短语

1、doorless ─── adj.没有门的

2、borderless ─── adj.无边界的;没有边际

3、colorless ─── adj.无色的;苍白的;无趣味的

4、orderless ─── adj.不整齐的,无条理的

5、odourless ─── adj.无气味的;无臭的

6、colourless ─── adj.无色的;不生动的;颜色黯淡的

7、honorless ─── 光荣的

8、oarless ─── 无桨的

9、motorless ─── adj.无发动机的;无马达的

odorless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、odorless oil that's high in healthy polyunsaturated fat. ─── 玉米油没有气味,健康多不饱和脂肪含量高。

2、ESS-type solid sulfurizing agent presents itself the cylindrical particles;it is odorless, nonvolatile and of non-spontaneous combustion. ─── ESS型固体硫化剂呈颗粒状,常温下不挥发,无气味,不自燃。

3、Appearance: colorless viscous liquid absorbent and stable, almost tasteless and odorless. ─── 外观:无色粘稠稳定的吸水性液体,几乎无味无臭。

4、Many gases can be produced also that are quite smelly and a few are odorless and very toxic in nature. ─── 有很多非常有刺激味道的气体也会产生,而有一些却是无味有毒的。

5、a white odorless crystalline sulfa drug; the parent compound of most of the sulfa drugs. ─── 一种白色无味的水晶状磺胺类药物;主要由磺胺药物制成的母体化合物。

6、a clear odorless hygroscopic syrupy carboxylic acid found in sour milk and in many fruits. ─── 一种干净、无嗅、吸湿的浆状羧基酸,见于酸牛奶和许多水果中。

7、Install a CO detector to alert you of the presence of the deadly, odorless, colorless gas. ─── 安装一氧化碳检测器来警告是否存在这种致命的、无色无味的气体。

8、PosiSeal PS#3 is a colorless, odorless solution of specialized reactive chemicals that penetrate concrete surfaces to seal, densify and harden the material. ─── 3是无色无味的专业化学药剂.通过对混凝土表面的渗透,可以起到密封,密实,以及强化混凝土的功效.

9、North African annual resembling the sweet pea having showy but odorless flowers ─── 北美洲的一年生的植物,类似于香豌豆,具有艳丽但无味的花朵

10、A white or almost white crystal powder, odorless, bitter taste, hardly soluble in water or alcohol. ─── 7 性状Characters:为白色或类白色的结晶性粉末;无臭,味苦。在水或乙醇中极微溶解。

11、any of various carbon-containing compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine and fluorine, odorless and invisible, once widely used as aerosol propellants and refrigerants; ─── believed to cause depletion of the atmospheric ozone layer 各种由碳、氢、氯和氟组成的碳化合物,无色无臭,不易发觉;以往曾被广泛用作为喷雾推进剂和冷却剂;

12、A white crystal powder, odorless, tasteless, sparingly soluble in water, soluble in hot water, insoluble in ethanol or acetone, freely soluble in sodium hydrate test solution. ─── 性状Characters:本品为白色结晶性粉末,无臭,无味。本品在水中略溶,在热水中溶解,在乙醇或丙酮中不溶,在氢氧化钠试液中易溶。

13、Strongly adhesive, odorless, easy to use, safe and sanitary, an ideal product for catching mouse and rat. ─── 强力粘胶,无味无臭,简捷易行,安全卫生,为理想的捕鼠器具。

14、They have good color vision but a poor sense of smell, so they are attracted to bright (often red), odorless flowers. ─── 他们具有良好的颜色视觉不佳,但嗅觉,所以他们被吸引到光明(通常是红色) ,无臭的花朵。

15、odorless paint ─── 无气味涂料

16、A common nonmetallic element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless inert diatomic gas; constitutes 78 percent of the atmosphere by volume,a constituent of all living tissues. ─── 一种常见的非金属元素,通常为无色无嗅无味的惰性二原子气体,体积占大气的78%,活细胞的组成成分。

17、Odorless garlic for health food ─── 大蒜美容保健品

18、Most cryogenic liquids are odorless, colorless, and tasteless when vaporized into the gaseous state . ─── 当蒸发到气态时,大多数低温液体是无嗅、无色和无味的。

19、With low price, low mass, high corrosion resistance, good strength, our products have also good closeness and are odorless as well as poisonless. ─── 产品密封性能好、价格低、重量轻、耐腐蚀、强度高、无毒、无味。

20、Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) is a toxic, colorless, odorless, nonflammable, oxidizing compressed gas. ─── 三氟化氮(NF3)是有毒、无色、无嗅、不可燃的氧化性压缩气体。

21、a heavy odorless colorless gas formed during respiration and by the decomposition of organic substances; absorbed from the air by plants in photosynthesis. ─── 一种重的无嗅无色的气体,在呼吸过程中和有机物分解时形成,在空气中被植物通过光合作用吸收。

22、A white, odorless, bitter crystalline compound, C17H 17NO(C 2H 3O 2) 2, that is derived from morphine and is a highly addictive narcotic. Also called diacetylmorphine ─── 快克:一种经过高度化学提纯的可卡因药丸,通过玻璃烟管吸取,很容易使人上瘾

23、" Our waste treatment equipment in the process of efflux smokeless, odorless, water, dust-free. ─── 我们的设备在处理废弃物的外排过程中无烟、无味,无水、无尘。

24、Sulfur hexafluoride is an inorganic compound with the formula SF6.It is a colorless, odorless, non-toxic and non-flammable gas (under standard conditions). ─── 六氟化硫(化学式:SF6)是一个无色、无味、无毒的气体,不可燃,微溶于水。

25、Properties: colorless, odorless non-toxic volatile liquid easily. ─── 性状:无色无味无毒不易挥发的液体。

26、a colorless odorless gas used as a fuel. ─── 一种无色无嗅的气体,用作燃料。

27、Panicles terminal, bright red, to 25 cm.Flowers odorless. ─── 圆锥花序终端,鲜红色,对无味25厘米花。

28、an odorless deodorant ─── 一种无味的除臭剂

29、an odorless very poisonous gas that is a product of incomplete combustion of carbon. ─── 一种无色有剧毒的气体,是碳不完全燃烧的产物。

30、a white odorless crystalline sulfa drug; ─── 一种白色无味的水晶状磺胺类药物;

31、Folic acid is a yellowish to orange, crystalline powder, odorless or almost odorless. ─── 叶酸是淡黄色至橙色结晶粉末,无臭或几乎无臭。

32、Product Introduction: Non-toxic, odorless, safe, weatherproofing, thermal insulating, fire-retardant, highly adhesive and easy to construt. ─── 产品介绍:具有无毒、无味、无污染、耐候性好、抗冻耐热、耐水性能好、收缩率低、粘接强度高、保温性好、施工方便等特点。

33、a white,odorless,tasteless crystalline ester ─── 一种白色、无嗅、无味的晶体酯

34、In a classic experiment, researchers in France colored a white wine red with an odorless dye and asked a panel of experts to describe its taste. ─── 在一个经典的实验中,法国研究人员以没有味道的染料将白酒变成红色的,然后要求一群品酒专家描述它的味道。

35、Low-nitrogen combustion technology, smokeless and odorless, without harmful gas. ─── 无二次污染低氮燃烧技术,无烟,无臭,无有害气体。

36、Yet many researchers are not sold on the idea that these odorless compounds play a role in human attraction. ─── 不过,很多研究对于这种没有气味的物质在人类吸引力中的作用并不买账。

37、Appearance and properties: white crystal, odorless and tasteless, there are deliquescence. ─── 外观与性状: 白色结晶,无臭无味,有潮解性。

38、a white tasteless odorless crystalline product of protein metabolism; found in the blood and urine. ─── 一种白色、无味无嗅的晶体,是蛋白质新陈代谢的产物,见于血液和尿中。

39、Sevoflurane is nonpungent and odorless, and coughing and breath-holding are absent on rapid inhalation induction. ─── 七氟醚无臭,无味,快速吸入诱导无咳嗽、屏气发生。

40、That means it takes less of Duche's fine powder to produce a neutral medium: a crystal-clear, odorless gelatin that's easy to work with. ─── 这意味着它用少量的Duche的优质粉就可以达到适中:容易处理的水晶般清澈、无味的胶质。

41、A white crystal powder, odorless, tasteless, freely soluble in glacial acetic acid, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol or chloroform. ─── 性状Characters:本品为白色结晶;无臭,无味。在冰醋酸中易溶,在水中溶解,在乙醇或氯仿中不溶。

42、Carbon dioxide is colorless, odorless and heavier than air. ─── 二氧化碳是一种无色、无味并且比空气重的气体。

43、Stinking sulfides, such as H2S and CH3SH were eliminated.After treatment, the wastewater was made odorless and colorless. ─── 去除了硫化氢和甲硫醇一类的恶臭物质,处理后的废水无色无臭。

44、A colorless, odorless gaseous alkane, C2H6, that occurs as a constituent of natural gas and is used as a fuel and a refrigerant. ─── 乙烷一种无色无味的气态链烷,分子式为C2H6,是天然气的组成成分,可用作燃料或致冷剂

45、Dimethyl ether (DME, methoxymethane), Mr 46.07, is a colorless, almost odorless gas at room temperature and atmospheric pressure and has the following physical properties: ─── 我这里有一点关于二甲醚的物性常数是英文的,来不及翻译,请见谅.

46、a heavy odorless colorless gas formed during respiration and by the decomposition of organic substances; absorbed from the air by plants in photosynthesis ─── 一种重的无嗅无色的气体,在呼吸过程中和有机物分解时形成,在空气中被植物通过光合作用吸收

47、The sale of distilled water, Ben Pinwei distillation from the water, the clarity colorless liquid, odorless and tasteless. ─── 出售蒸馏水,本品为蒸馏所得的水,无色的澄明液体,无臭无味。

48、a colorless,odorless gaseous alkane,C2H6,that occurs as a constituent of natural gas and is used as a fuel and a refrigerant ─── 乙烷;一种无色无味的气态链烷,分子式为C2H6,是天然气的组成成分,可用作燃料或致冷剂

49、Carrageenan is a red algae from the ocean plants in the extraction of natural polysaccharide hydrophilic plastic, generally white or yellowish, odorless, tasteless; ─── 卡拉胶是从海洋植物红藻中提取的天然多糖亲水胶,一般为白色或淡黄色,无嗅、无味;

50、EMA is Monsanto's trademark for a series of white, odorless, freeflowing resins made by copolymerizing one mole of ethylene with one mole of maleic anhydride. ─── EMA是蒙山都公司生产的一组树脂的商标,这些树脂白色、无味、流动性好,是经1克分子马来酐聚合而成的。

51、.Sometimes I do not like the breath had read a book, Journey to eat like pig like ginseng fruits, fresh and odorless. ─── 我有时不喜欢一口气就把一本书看完,那样就像猪八戒吃人参果,食而无味。

52、Many smokeless, odorless incinerators for disposal of animal carcasses are available commercially. ─── 市场上有许多种处理尸体的无烟、无臭的焚尸炉出售。

53、Product Introduction: Non-toxic, odorless, safe, weatherproofing, waterproof and easy to construct. ─── 产品介绍:具有无毒、无味、无污染、耐候性好、防水透汽性好、施工方便等特点。

54、Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas, slightly lighter than air, that is produced by the incomplete burning of carbon in fuels. The main sources are internal combustion engines, mostly in motor vehicles. ─── 一氧化碳(co)是一种无色无味的有毒气体,比空气稍轻,这是由燃料中的炭不能完全燃烧生成的,主要来源是内燃机,大多产生于机动车辆。

55、Chief among them are odorless gases including nitrogen, hydrogen, methane and oxygen, with a trace amount of some other odorous gases like ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, etc. ─── 其中主要成分是氮、氢、二氧化碳、甲烷、氧等无臭气体,以及微量的氨、硫化氢、等形成臭味的气体。

56、Characteristics: Yellow powder, moisture absorptive, odorless, tasteless or little salty in taste. ─── 性状:本品为黄色的粉末,有一定吸湿性;无臭,无味或味微咸。

57、6.A white, odorless powder, C9H12N2O6, that is the nucleoside of uracil, important in carbohydrate metabolism, and used in biochemical experiments. ─── 尿苷,白色无味粉末,c9h12n2o6,是尿嘧啶中的核苷,在糖类新陈代谢作用中很重要,用于生化实验中。

58、When you smell an odorless gas, it is probably carbon monoxide. ─── 你闻到一种没有味道的气体时,那可能就是一氧化碳。

59、A white, odorless, crystalline compound, C19H23Cl2N5O, used as an antidepressant. ─── 三氮一吡啶一种白色的无味晶体化合物,C19H23Cl2N5O,用于作抗抑郁剂

60、The product characteristics:Hot environmental protection plastics product,no tasteless and odorless after burning,do not produce the poisonous air. ─── 产品特点:热塑性环保塑料产品,经燃烧后无臭无味,不产生有毒气体。


62、a colorless odorless gas used as fuel. ─── 一种无色无味的气体,用作燃料。

63、It exists in this world colorless, shapeless, soundless, odorless, and painless. ─── 它存在于世,无色,无形,无声,无嗅和无痛

64、a colorless odorless inert gaseous element occurring in the earth's atmosphere in trace amounts. ─── 在地球的大气层中少量存在的无色无味的惰性气体。

65、Hutchinson is annoyed but says they're planning on gassing the brothers out floor by floor;they're using a colorless odorless gas.Back at the townhouse Mahone finds and frees the tied-up Sara. ─── 他们不能从楼梯间跑到屋顶,因为那将会触发火警警报,警察们会在他们找到洗衣房通风口之前找到他们。

66、CO2 is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas found naturally in our atmosphere. ─── CO2是一种存在于空气中的无色、无味、无嗅的气体。

67、a white odorless slightly bitter powder (trade name Seconal) used as a sodium salt for sedation and to treat convulsions. ─── 一白色无味稍苦粉(贸易名字seconal)作为一种钠盐有镇静作用并且治疗抽搐。

68、A pink, odorless , tasteless powder of zinc oxide with a small amount of ferric oxide, dissolved in mineral oils and used in skin lotions. ─── 一种粉红的、无气味且无味道的氧化锌粉末,含有少量三氧化二铁,可溶解在矿物油中,并可用于皮肤防护。

69、They have good color vision but a poor sense of smell, so they are attracted to bright (often red), odorless flowers.Mature bees visit flowers to collect pollen and nectar to eat. ─── 他们具有良好的颜色视觉不佳,但嗅觉,所以他们被吸引到光明(通常是红色),无臭的花朵。

70、1.Strongly adhesive, odorless, easy to use, safe and sanitary, an ideal product for catching mouse and rat. ─── 强力粘胶,无味无臭,简便易行,安全卫生,为理想的捕鼠用具。

71、a clear colorless odorless tasteless liquid. ─── 一种清亮无色无嗅无味的液体。

72、The holiday resort has abundant spring resource(s) which is featured by the clear, colorless and odorless water, with the temperature above 70? ─── 度假区温泉资源丰富,水质透明,无色无味,水温高达70?

73、Induction: the product is non-toxic, odorless, the texture is soft and it has the character of acid resistance, stability and cohesiceness. ─── 介绍:产品无毒,无味,质地柔软,又很强的稳定性,粘结性,吸附性。

74、Nitrate in water is undetectable without testing because it is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. ─── 如果不进行测试,硝酸盐在水里是察觉不到的,因为它是无色、无气味及无味道的。

75、They are odorless and flavorless sedatives which can be easily mixed into a drink or punchbowl. ─── 他们是无味无臭和镇静剂可轻易混入饮料或潘趣酒杯。

76、All nipples are made of food grade, heat-resistant liquid silicone, which is Nitrosamine-free, non-sticky, odorless, safe and conformed to the FDA. ─── 奶嘴采进口食品级耐高温液态硅胶制成.不含致癌物质亚硝氨,无毒,无味.符合美国FDA标准.

77、Tasteless, odorless, but fast. ─── 没有味道,没有气味,但很快。

78、Character: crystal powder, it likes white or grey, asepsis, odorless, and can dissolve in muriatic acid, nitric acid. ─── 性状:结晶粉末,呈白色或灰白色,无毒、无臭、能溶于盐酸、硝酸。

79、The mattress is odorless or has an enjoyable scent. ─── 床垫要有令人嗅了感到身心舒畅的香味或没有味。

80、A nonmetallic univalent element that is normally a colorless and odorless highly flammable diatomic gas,the simplest and lightest and most abundant element in the universe. ─── 一种非金属单价元素,通常为无色无味、极易燃烧的双原子气体,宇宙中最简单、最轻、最丰富的元素。

81、An odorless, colorless, tasteless gas that you know as natural gas. ─── 甲烷是一种无色无味的气体,大家都知道这是一种天然气。

82、a white odorless slightly bitter powder (trade name Seconal) used as a sodium salt for sedation and to treat convulsions ─── 一白色无味稍苦粉(贸易名字Seconal)作为一种钠盐有镇静作用并且治疗抽搐

83、North African annual resembling the sweet pea having showy but odorless flowers. ─── 北美洲的一年生的植物,类似于香豌豆,具有艳丽但无味的花朵。

84、A white, odorless powder, C9H12N2O6, that is the nucleoside of uracil, important in carbohydrate metabolism, and used in biochemical experiments. ─── 尿苷白色无味粉末,C9H12N2O6,是尿嘧啶中的核苷,在糖类新陈代谢作用中很重要,用于生化实验中

85、Since argon is odorless, colorless, tasteless, and non-irritating, it has no warning properties. ─── 由于无嗅、无色、无味、无刺激性,氩没有警告性特征。

86、All nipples are made of food grade liquid silicone, which is heat-resistant, non-toxic, non-sticky, odorless, Nitrosamine free and complies with the FDA. ─── 奶嘴全部原材料均采进口食品级液态硅胶,材质安全,不含致癌物质亚硝氨,无毒无味耐高温,符合FDA标准.

87、An abundant tasteless odorless multivalent nonmetallic element,best known in yellow crystals,occurs in many sulphide and sulphate minerals and even in native form (especially in volcanic regions). ─── 含量丰富、无味无嗅的多价非金属元素,在黄水晶中最为人熟知,见于许多硫化物和硫酸盐矿物中,甚至以天然形式存在(尤其在火山地区)。

88、Carbon monoxide( CO) is a colorless, odorless gas produced by incomplete combustion of fuels or other material containing carbon. ─── 摘要一氧化碳是一种无色、味的氧体,只要各种燃料或是含碳物不完全燃烧就会生成。

89、It's done?This concoction is odorless! Now I can fill up the washbowl. ─── 完成了?混合物没有味道,现在我可以把它放进脸盆里。

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