filamentary 发音
英:[ˈfɪləmentəri] 美:[ˌfɪləˈmentəri]
英: 美:
filamentary 中文意思翻译
filamentary 短语词组
1、filamentary keratitis ─── 丝状角膜炎
2、filamentary cathode ─── [电] 灯丝
3、filamentary structure ─── 丝状结构
4、filamentary def ─── 丝状def
5、filamentary transistor ─── 丝状晶体管,线状晶体管,细长型晶体管
6、filamentary cornea ─── 丝状角膜
7、filamentary algae ─── 丝状藻类
8、filamentary define ─── 丝状定义
9、filamentary appendage ─── 鞭状附肢
10、filamentary material ─── 丝状材料
11、filamentary nebula ─── 纤维状星云
12、filamentary fungi ─── 丝状真菌
filamentary 相似词语短语
1、filamentous ─── adj.纤维所成的;细丝状的;如丝的
2、elementary ─── adj.基本的;初级的;[化学]元素的
3、filaments ─── n.[植]花丝;细丝(filament的复数);[电子]灯丝;电加热丝
4、fragmentary ─── adj.碎片的;不完全的;断断续续的
5、filament ─── n.灯丝;细丝;细线;单纤维
6、alimentary ─── adj.滋养的;食物的
7、ligamentary ─── 韧带
8、placentary ─── 胎座的
9、pigmentary ─── adj.色素的;颜料的
filamentary 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Having or using only one filament, such as a thread or wire. ─── 单线的仅有或用一根丝,例如纤维或导线
2、Info:Synthetic filament yarns are twist textured yarns owing to their thermoplastic property and the foll ...... ─── 主要材质:棉次要材质:棉颜色:有色的用途:梭织品种:精梳棉纱
3、Traditional filament lamp only has one bulb, so the lamp is easily put out. ─── 传统的白炽灯内只有一个灯泡,因此当灯泡坏掉时,灯就完全灭了。
4、A modification of the process involves three components, a center core of filament fibers encircled by staple fibers then wrapped by filament fibers. ─── 包缠纺纱的一种改进型包括三种组分,芯部采用长丝,长丝外由短纤维包缠,最外面的一层由长丝包缠而成。
5、The filament near the flare became active long before the start of the flare. ─── (1)在耀斑开始很早以前,耀斑附近的暗条就变得活动起来。
6、Info:We offer MX type yarn which is made up of any polyester single metallic mono filament supported with ...... ─── 主要材质:腈纶次要材质:涤纶颜色:有色的用途:梭织
7、Includes household filament light bulbs & luminaries. ─── 包括家用的白炙灯泡和光源。
8、The technology of producing heavy denier PA6 filament discussed. The details for process is parameters are given. ─── 介绍了锦纶6粗旦丝在生产过程中对工艺的选择和控制。重点针对粗旦丝的生产特性,进行合理的分析和工艺选择。
9、Info:Polyester Filament Yarn which consist of SDY (Spin Draw Yarn) &DTY (Draw Textured Yarn). SDY ha ...... ─── 主要材质:涤纶长丝次要材质:乙纶颜色:本白用途:梭织
10、This report examines the effects of using AC to heat the emitting structure ( filamentary cathode) of a Directly Heated Triode. ─── 本文旨在分析交流点灯对直热三极管电子发射部件(阴极灯丝)的影响与效果。
11、False -twist methods develop texture in filament fibers through the use of controlled heat. ─── 假捻法利用可控制的温度使长丝变形。
12、Even with the air pumped out the bulb, the tungsten filament slowly vaporizes. ─── 即使灯泡中的空气被抽出,钨丝也会慢慢地蒸发。
13、Usually the number of holes in the spinneret determines the number of filament in the yarn. ─── 一般喷丝头细孔的数量决定了纱中长丝的根数。
14、Fibroin is a component of cocoon filament. ─── 丝素是茧丝的成分之一。
15、This phenomenon was explained by a model based on filamentary conduction disturbed by dipoles in view of experimental results. ─── 在此基础上,结合文献提出了偶极矩微扰下的细丝传导模式来解释这种现象。
16、I can see clearly that the filament in the bulb is broken. ─── 我可以很清楚地看到灯泡里的细丝断了。
17、Semiconductor devices have no filament or heaters and therefore require no heating power or warmed uptime. ─── 半导体器件没有灯丝,因此不需加热功率或加热时间。
18、According to filament winding process, a composite flywheel rotor laminated winding process was approved. ─── 其次,结合复合材料缠绕成型工艺,进行了复合材料储能飞轮分层结构的工艺设计。
19、The article expounds the structure design and technical analysis of gear pump twin outlets for viscose filament yarn. ─── 介绍粘胶长丝双出口齿轮泵结构设计及技术分析。
20、An investigation was made of bamboo-pulp based viscose filament in terms of its production process and stability. ─── 以竹浆为原料开发粘胶长丝产品,对其工艺和生产稳定性进行了研究和分析。
21、Time after time a new filament would produce light for a few moments and then burn up. ─── 一次次,新的灯丝刚刚产生光,一会就燃尽了。
22、For example, consider a typical 100 watt, 120 VAC light bulb with a tungsten filament. ─── 例如,考虑一个典型的100瓦, 120醋酸乙烯酯的灯泡钨丝。
23、Posterior filament appendages short spurred. ─── 后唇瓣花丝附属物短距。
24、Ovary 3-loculed, placentation axile; anther short; labellum free from filament. ─── 子房3室,中轴胎座;花药短;唇瓣离生的花丝。(11
25、A natural or synthetic filament, as of cotton or nylon, capable of being spun into yarn. ─── 天然纤维如棉纤维或尼龙纤维等能够被纺成线的天然或人造长丝
26、There are two processes for manufacturing glass yarns, these are for continuous filament and staple fiber. ─── 制作玻璃纤维纱线有两种生产工艺,分别用来生产连续长丝和短纤维。
27、Visible was a spectacular view of the ion tail of Comet McNaught being swept away from the Sun by the solar wind in filamentary rays. ─── 可以看到上面影像中麦克诺特彗星有一条壮观的离子尾,经太阳风吹拂后出现丝状光束。
28、Low MU Thoriated Tungsten filamentary heating structure. ─── 低Mu敷钍灯丝结构。
29、The elongation of silk filament is 25%under normal conditions and is 35% at 100% R.H. ─── 在正常条件下,蚕丝的伸长率为25%,在相对湿度100%时为35%。
30、A glass bulb containing a wire filament (usually tungsten) that emits light when heated. ─── 一种玻璃球状物,含有加热时能发光的金属丝(通常是钨)。
31、produced from within the filamentary structure. ─── 灯丝结构本身所产生的HUM。
32、There are, however, exceptions; cotton satins as well as filament yarn sateens have been made. ─── 但是也有例外,棉经面缎纹和长丝纬面缎纹也已经问世。
33、Your DNA is a filament;a scientist would describe it as a connective filament. ─── 你们的DNA是一个丝状体,一位科学家会把它说成是一个连接着的丝状体。
34、The fabrics containing much stainless steel fiber, distributing evenly and using stainless steel filament, had excellent antistatic performance. ─── 不锈钢纤维质量分数增加、均匀分布、采用不锈钢长丝具有更好的抗静电性能。
35、M81 is gravitationally interacting with M82 just below it, a big galaxy with an unusual halo of filamentary red-glowing gas. ─── M81与其下方的M82存在着相互间的引力作用,M82是一个具有奇特红色炽热气体光环的大星系。
36、Characterized by the subulate appendage at the junction of connective and filament. ─── 在药隔和花丝的连接点以钻形的附属物为特点。
37、A filament wound inner pressure vessel with an inner metal bladder is analysed by a theory of laminated thin shell. ─── 对于带金属内衬的纤维缠绕内压容器,采用叠层薄壳理论进行了分析。
38、May 2001: Were Sherlock Holmes a cosmologist, he might have said, "It's filamentary, my dear Watson. " ─── 2001年5月22日:如果夏洛克·福尔摩斯是个宇宙论者,他可能会说,“它是单纤维状的,我亲爱的华生。”
39、Global or filament actin was visualized in cytoplasm and nucleus of tobacco pollen mother cells, under immunoelectron microscope. ─── 免疫电镜观察发现,花粉母细胞中的细胞质及核中存在线状和粒状的肌动蛋白微丝。
40、He aed string of 1 with filament in the rear of one part towel gourd head of a gravelstone. ─── 他在一部分丝瓜的尾部用细线吊了一个小石头。
41、It provides amazing detail and resolution of fragile filamentary structures, which show up as a reddish lacy structure surrounding the central bright galaxy. ─── 它提供了围绕在中心明亮星系周围略泛红色的蕾丝结构令人震惊的细节和解析度。
42、An inert gas such as argon is introduced to reduce evaporation of the filament. ─── 将诸如氩那样的惰性气体充入灯泡中,以减少灯丝的蒸发。
43、The effects of spining temperature,quenching air,stretching ratio on the tenacity of the filament are also studied. ─── 探讨了纺丝温度、冷却条件、单丝纤度、拉伸倍数等主要工艺条件对丙纶高强丝强度的影响。
44、It is discussed for decorated imfired filament spinning and air-texturing process. ─── 对装饰用阻燃长丝的纺丝及空气变形工艺进行了讨论。
45、In small lamps, all the air is pumped from the glass bulb, forming a vacuum, which prevents the white-hot filament from burning away. ─── 在小照明灯中,所有的空气都从灯泡中抽出,形成真空,以防炽热的灯丝被烧毁。
46、Popular Chuan, the two pull strings, a filament can pull off rock bottom. ─── 俗传,两人牵线,一根细丝能从岩底拉过。
47、By observing the filamentary structure, astronomers were, for the first time, able to estimate the magnetic field's strength. ─── 通过观察“纤维”结构,天文学家第一次可以估计该磁场的强度。
48、The advantages of pupal protein-viscose filament and Lycra fiber mixed knitting fabric are described. ─── 描述了蛹蛋白粘胶长丝/氨纶针织物的优点。
49、The filament gives off light when heated by an electric current. ─── 当灯丝藉助于电流而加热时,就会发出亮光。
50、Having the form of or resembling a thread or filament. ─── 丝状的,纤维状的具有或象线或细丝形状的
51、Labellum reflexed, adnate to filament to form a slender tube above lateral staminodes and corolla lobes. ─── 唇瓣反折,贴生于花丝到在侧生退化雄蕊和花冠裂片上形成一纤细筒。
52、Magnetron has filamentary cathode with small time hearting, the shielded cathodic site, liquid cooling and the filter built - in by radio. ─── 它具有加热时间短的细丝阴极,液体冷却和内建无线电滤波。
53、By the end of 1880, Edison had produced a 16-watt bulb with a special carbonized cotton filament that could last 1,500 hours. ─── 1880年末,爱迪生终于利用特别碳化棉做灯芯,创制了一个16瓦特灯泡,用上1,500小时。
54、Thomas Edison, who invented the incandescent filament lamp, made important contribution to science. ─── 发明了白炽灯的托马斯·爱迪生,对科学作出了重要贡献。
55、Impact and vibration resistant; comes with cast-in LED chips instead of fragile filament. ─── 抗碰撞和振动;以发光二极管取代易断的灯丝。
56、However, nano- filamentary composites display both composites' and nano-materials' properties. ─── 纳米纤维复合材料的出现结合了复合材料和纳米材料的特殊性能。
57、As one of the most important cellulosic fiber, diacetate filament has been available commercially in 1920's. ─── 二醋酯长丝在上世纪20年代就实现了工业化,是纤维素纤维的主要品种之一。
58、And the contrast is made between the method and another method-caving mining with bottom column and parallel vertical concentrated filamentary hole. ─── 即“束状孔有底柱崩落采矿法”,并概括论述了该方法与其类似的“垂直平行密集束状孔落矿的有底柱崩落采矿法”的区别和各自的特点。
59、Processing of ramie aramid core-spun yarn which heart yarn is high strength high modulus aramid filament. ─── 并介绍了高强高模的连续芳纶纤维作为芯纱,苎麻芳纶摩擦纺包芯纱的工艺。
60、M81 is gravitationally interacting with M82 just below it, a big galaxy with an unusual halo of filamentary red-glowing gas. ─── M81与其下方的M82存在着相互间的引力作用,M82是一个具有奇特红色炽热气体光环的大星系。
61、Reel off the raw silk filament from the cocoons. ─── 把丝从蚕茧中抽出来。
62、An extremely fine filamentary crystal with extraordinary shear strength and unusual electrical or surface properties. ─── 强化水晶一种极度精纯的针状结晶体,具有超常的剪应力及不同寻常的电性及表面属性
63、Dear Customer and Partner, Thomas Alva Edison's tungsten filament lights are being replaced by LED lights. ─── 以爱迪生钨丝为基础的传统光源已渐渐被LED光源所取代。
64、Before all the acetone has evaporated, the still-plastic filament is stretched slightly to align the long molecules and develop the inherent strength. ─── 在丙酮被完全蒸发掉之前,依然呈塑性的长丝被轻轻地拉伸,目的是使长分子顺直,增加固有强度。
65、In general, all types of yarn, singles, ply or continuous filament, benefit from a lubrication procedure prior to weaving. ─── 一般来说,所有的纱线,不管是单纱、股线,还是连续长丝纱,在织造之前经过润滑,对纱线都是有益的。
66、Physically, the filament minutely heats up and cools down at twice the line rate, due to AC applied to the filament. ─── 实际上,由于加载在灯丝上的交流电,灯丝基本上是以两倍市电频率加热或冷却。
67、And the correlation of morphology and spinnability of bamboo-pulp based viscose filament was discussed systematically. ─── 对竹浆纤维的结构形态与其可纺性的关系进行了系统讨论。
68、Average filament tensile force and good integrity. ─── 张力均匀,具有良好的成带性。
69、First production of glass filament in Saint-Gobain. ─── 1939年:圣戈班公司开始生产玻璃丝。
70、An axial filament, with a similar structure to a bacterial flagellum, is spirally wound about the protoplast inside the cell wall. ─── 在细胞壁内部,和细菌鞭毛有相同结构的轴向细丝包绕细胞质并使之螺旋化。
71、A threadlike anatomical structure; a filament. ─── 丝,丝状组织丝状的结构;细丝
72、An extremely fine filamentary crystal with extraordinary shear strength and unusual electrical or surface properties. ─── 强化水晶一种极度精纯的针状结晶体,具有超常的剪应力及不同寻常的电性及表面属性
73、A salt or ester of acetic acid of cellulose made into a synthetic filament, yarn, or fabric. ─── 一种醋酸盐或醋酸纤维素制成的一种人工细丝,纱线或者织物。
74、Lateral staminodes petaloid, basally adnate to filament and labellum. ─── 侧生退化雄蕊瓣状,基部贴生于花丝和唇瓣。
75、A small, slender fiber or filament. ─── 小纤维一种细小的纤维或丝
76、Semiconductor devices have no filament or heaters and therefore require no heating power or warm-up time. ─── 半导体器件没有灯丝,因此也不需加热功率或加热时间。
77、The above image captures much of that filamentary and gigantic shock in visible light, spanning almost 100 light years and appearing twenty times the diameter of the full moon. ─── 上图是用可见光波段拍摄的,可以见到许多巨大的丝状震波,大小约为100光年,在地球上看来,视角约是满月的20倍。
78、Stretch filament socks, availaBle in one size which, however, fits everyone. ─── 弹力长丝无跟袜,只有一种尺寸但伸缩自如。
79、This is primarily caused by the lack of "infinite mass" of the filament. ─── 主要原因在于灯丝本身质量很轻。
80、The deposition of filamentary coke is closely related to the alloy compositions, but this is not for the lamellar and spheroidal coke. ─── 局域丝状焦崦的沉积与材料表面化学成分必切相关,其变形成和生长本质上不受材料成分的影响;
81、Textured yarns are composed primarily of filament fibers. ─── 变形纱主要由长丝纤维构成。
82、Gas-filled lamp containing a tungsten filament and a small proportion of halogens. ─── 含有钨灯丝和少量卤素的充气灯。
83、A design method for linetype of elbow for filament winding is presented. ─── 提出了一种弯管缠绕线型的设计方法。
84、These yarns can also be used as filament of light bulb, from which incandescence can be emitted at small power input. ─── 我们将这种碳纳米管线平行排列起来构成的偏振片,可以工作在紫外波段。
85、If the filament transformer has a center tap, don't use it. ─── 如果变压器灯丝绕组有抽头,请不要使用它。
86、Kitchener is milling the carrot into filament. ─── 厨师正在把胡萝卜磨成细丝。
87、An extremely fine filamentary crystal with extraordinary shear strength and unusual electrical or surface properties. ─── 一种极度精纯的针状结晶体,具有超常的剪应力及不同寻常的电性及表面属性。
88、Pollution for noise,dust,vapour,waste liquid in manufacture of PET fiber filament were investigated and measured. ─── 对涤纶长丝生产过程中的噪声、粉尘、气体、废液等的污染进行了调查和测量。
89、Tropomyosin adds structural rigidity to the thin filament. ─── 原肌球蛋白增加细丝的结构刚性。
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