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08-30 投稿



crawls 发音

英:[krɔːlz]  美:[krɔːlz]

英:  美:

crawls 中文意思翻译




crawls 短语词组

1、crawls 2019 ─── 爬行2019

2、crawls by ─── 爬过

3、crawls def ─── 爬网def

4、crawls movie ─── 爬虫电影

5、crawls bow ─── 爬弓

6、crawls away ─── 爬走

7、crawls means ─── 爬行意味着

8、crawls baby ─── 爬行宝宝

9、crawls birds ─── 爬鸟

crawls 词性/词形变化,crawls变形

动词过去分词: crawled |动词第三人称单数: crawls |动词现在分词: crawling |动词过去式: crawled |副词: crawlingly |

crawls 相似词语短语

1、craws ─── n.嗉囊;嗉子;胃;n.(Craw)人名;(英)克劳

2、wrawls ─── 缠绕

3、brawls ─── n.喧闹,斗殴,闹事;布劳尔舞;v.打斗,闹事,大声争吵;(诗、文)小溪哗哗地流

4、crawl ─── vi.爬行;匍匐行进;vt.爬行;缓慢地行进;n.爬行;养鱼池;匍匐而行

5、craals ─── 克拉斯

6、trawls ─── v.用拖网捕鱼;查阅(资料),网罗(人或物);彻底搜查;(在水等液体中)拖,拽;n.用拖网捕鱼;(在大量文件中)搜寻;彻底搜查;拖网;排钩

7、crawly ─── adj.痒痒的;悚然的

8、drawls ─── v.(拉长调子)慢吞吞地说;n.慢吞吞拉长调子的说话方式(或口音、拖腔)

9、scrawls ─── v.马马虎虎(或潦草)地写;n.潦草的笔迹;潦草的字条(或短信)

crawls 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was big and hearty, a great beer drinker, a jolly companion on a pub crawl. ─── 他高大,强健,喜好喝啤酒,是一位有趣的酒伙伴。

2、A baby crawls on all fours . ─── 婴儿四肢着地爬行。

3、If I have to crawl on my belly to every fat old cat who hates me, I'll do it. ─── 即使我必须五体投地爬到每一位恨我的胖老猫面前去,我也心甘情愿。

4、Changes made to this option affect only subsequent crawls . Crawls in process will not be affected by a change in this option setting. ─── 对此选项所做的更改只会影响后续爬网,不会影响正在进行的爬网。

5、You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. ─── 你要用肚子爬行,终生吃尘土。

6、Like the shadow at dust, pride crawls up imperceptibly, eroding sympathy and peace, leaving prejudice. ─── 傲慢如同黄昏的阴影,悄无声息地蒙蔽心灵,侵蚀同情心和平常心,唯留偏见。

7、Once a child can crawl,he won't stay put for long. ─── 一旦孩子能爬了,一刻也不能呆。

8、An orange crab crawls on a leaf on Panay Island in the Philippines. ─── 一只橙色的螃蟹在菲律宾班乃岛的一片树叶上爬行。

9、The very thought of it makes my flesh crawl. ─── 一想到此事我就不寒而栗。

10、The earth moves at a crawl compared with the speed of light. ─── 与光速相比,地球也只是在爬行。

11、You're trying to crawl round Chamber-pot Tu and be his concubines! ─── 你们想巴结屠夜壶,自管去做他的小老婆!

12、Not really. I'm just average and I can do the crawl and the breaststroke. ─── 不是。只是中等水平,我会自由式和蛙泳。

13、Rather than hosting all-night keggers and attending boozy pub crawls, you may find yourself spending entire afternoons playing peekaboo. ─── 不是整晚的聚会和去酒吧喝得酩酊大醉,你会发现你花了整个下午在躲猫猫。

14、Traffic is slow train crawl. ─── 交通很慢,象在爬行。

15、Cris Angel pulls a lady apart and then half of her crawls away! ─── 一个女人被当场分尸,之后上半身还会爬行相关节目2006-6-280:00:00

16、A baby wearing open-crotch pants crawls on the ground. ─── 一个穿开裆裤的婴儿正在地上爬。

17、Hina keeps most of her dolls and teddies in this tent.She crawls into the tent and plays with all the toys in there. ─── Hina把大部分的娃娃和小熊之类的布绒玩具都存放在这里。

18、You must not crawl into the favor of your superiors. ─── 你不应卑躬屈膝地讨好你的上司。

19、The baby often crawls on all fours. ─── 婴儿经常爬行。

20、He can swim breaststroke, backstroke and crawl. ─── 他会游蛙泳、仰泳和自由泳。

21、Tortoise, tortoise, crawl, crawl, crawl. ─── 乌龟,乌龟,爬爬爬;

22、Everything that crawls on its belly or goes on four legs, or has many legs, may not be eaten. ─── 不论是用腹部爬行的,或用四足爬行的,或多足的,凡是地上的爬虫,你们都不可吃,因为都是可憎恶的。

23、If is crawls on the table rests, I rather lie down on home's bedrest... ─── 书籍 如果是爬在桌子上睡, 我宁愿躺在家的床上睡...

24、Cleanse ourselves of these vile traits. And crawl back from annihilation. ─── 净化我们的邪恶特质.从毁灭中爬出.

25、Once a child can crawl, he won't stay put for long. ─── 一旦孩子扔爬了,一刻也不能呆。

26、In the Crawl rate section, select "Let Google determine my crawl rate". ─── 在抓取速度区段,选择“让谷歌决定我的抓取速度”。

27、Yuck!there's a cockroach crawl along the wall! ─── 哇!有一只蟑螂在墙上爬著!

28、University graduates go rent this house this Hill Road or crawl? ─── 大学毕业生走租房这条道还是爬买房这座山?

29、He was just able to crawl into the temple. ─── 他勉勉强强爬进庙去。

30、Soldiers quietly crawl to advance to enemy. ─── 士兵们悄悄地向敌人匍匐前进。

31、They have no right to crawl me for what I wrote. ─── 他们无权责怪我所写的东西。

32、They have to crawl under yards and yards of barbed wire. ─── 在这一项目中,挑战者需要在带刀片的铁丝网下爬行。

33、With time goes by, wrinkles crawl on your forehead. ─── 任岁月在你额头刻划。

34、But progress has slowed to a crawl. ─── 但该计划进展缓慢。

35、He knew that he could not crawl half a mile. ─── 他知道他连半哩路也爬不了。

36、Mrs. Goodhart swam an orthodox crawl. ─── 古德?哈特太太用正规的自由式游。

37、And you crawl and you break. ─── 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身。

38、Traffic crawls, even on the new multilane overpass. ─── 即使是在多车道的快速路上,车辆也在爬行。

39、Instinctively,she dropped to her belly to crawl. ─── 她本能地趴在地上匍匐前进。

40、Yuck! there's a cockroach crawl along the wall! ─── 哇!有一只蟑螂在墙上爬着!

41、Looking into the crawl space one day, I saw the outline of a large snake. I killed it easily with one shot. ─── 一天,我在窥视那块爬行空地时,发现一条大蛇的轮廓,我轻而易举地一枪结果了它。

42、The more you creep and crawl trying to placate him, the more pleasure he gets in taking it out on you. ─── 你越是对他俯首贴耳,竭力安抚他,他就越要把气往你身上撒,好使他更开心。

43、Today,I crawl out the fully defeated wound callus. ─── 今天,我爬出满是失败创伤的老茧。

44、The ground crawls with ants. ─── 地上爬满了蚂蚁。

45、If you want to find the key, you will have to crawl through the same squalor that your customers have. ─── 如果你想找到钥匙,你必须像你的客户一样爬过同样肮脏的地方。

46、It makes my flesh crawl to hear you. ─── 听你这么叫我身上都起鸡皮疙瘩。

47、She crawl onto the river bank and lie there gulp in air. ─── 她爬上河岸,躺在那里喘着大气。

48、On your belly you shall crawl, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. ─── 你要终生以肚皮爬行,啃泥过活。

49、He won two gold medals in the Australian crawl. ─── 他在澳大利亚式爬泳大赛中夺得了两枚金牌。

50、Do you really wanna see me crawl? ─── 你难道真要看我匍匐爬地?

51、He watched the baby crawl across the room. ─── 他看著婴儿从房间这边爬到那边。

52、But I'd go in just the same, even if I had to crawl over the high door-sill. ─── 可是我必须进去,似乎是爬进去,那个高门坎儿是那么高。

53、He jumps and crawls along the way, his light-brown flying like butterflies with the wind, the grass tickling his feet. ─── 他跳跃和检索1路上,他地浅棕色飞行像蝴蝶在风地帮忙下,基层tickling他地双脚。

54、The ribbon of Dow tickers crawls across the actors' faces as if Wall Street were the Matrix. ─── 股票报价机打出的纸带在演员脸上扫过,仿佛华尔街成了“母体”。

55、In Tel Aviv a young man crawls into a room in a construction site where a number of people are staying. ─── 在特拉维夫,一位年轻人爬进一个工地,在那里居住著很多人。

56、A lime green leaf scratches through a pile of brown leaves, finds nothing of interest, and crawls toward another pile. ─── 一片淡绿色的“叶子”在一堆枯叶中刨来刨去,感到无甚意思,于是慢慢爬向了另一堆叶子。

57、Meanwhile, Don, his leg fractured, crawls out of the water at the wharf. ─── 同时,赛尔夫拖着受伤的腿,从水中爬上了码头。

58、The down is trying to crawl out from an inner skin. ─── 下层的东西在试图从体内皮层往外爬。

59、Any place you can crawl up to a bunker without being seen? ─── 你能否有地方可以爬到掩体不被看见?

60、The girlfriend asked once more, and he sighs and finally gives up. That night James crawls into bed with his wife while she was sleeping. ─── 在女朋友再三请示下,他终于屈服同意了。夜里,在妻子熟睡时,詹姆斯爬上了床。

61、He crawl on his belly under the lee of a stone dyke . ─── 他在一条石堤的掩护下匍匐前进。

62、Every pusillanimous creature that crawls on the Earth or slinks through slimy seas has a brain. ─── Back where I come from, 即便那些懦弱卑微的动物,无论是地上爬的,还是海里游的,都有一颗脑袋。

63、Looking into the crawl space one day, I saw the outline of a large snake. ─── 一天, 我在窥视那块爬行空地时, 发现一条大蛇的轮廓。

64、But he could never crawl those four miles. ─── 可是,无论如何他也爬不完这四哩路。

65、It crawls over the edges of the snow. ─── 在雪的边缘爬行。

66、He will crawl anywhere if he can gain something by it. ─── 他到处钻营,只要能有所得。

67、While we unburdened crawl toward death. ─── 好让我安安心心地等死。

68、I developed on a low-mid range system that can play m&B using DX7.0 fine and crawls using DX 9.0. ─── 余上制定了低范围的系统中可以发挥并购乙使用DX7.0罚款和检索使用尖端9.0。

69、So , he focuses on the vase , and, with deliberate intent, crawls across the vast expanse of the living room floor to the coffee table . ─── 所以,他特意聚焦于这个花瓶,他从宽广的卧室爬到咖啡桌。

70、Head lice cannot jumpfly they can only crawl. ─── 头虱不会跳,也不会飞。它们只能爬。

71、You should learn to crawl before you can walk. ─── 在能走之前你先得学会爬。

72、He crawls over to the toilet and finds an allen bolt.He inserts the wrench and begins to turn it. ─── 他爬到马桶的旁边,找到了一个六角螺栓,把扳手插了进去,开始旋动。

73、Fact: We can crawl dynamic URLs and interpret the different parameters. ─── 事实:我们可以抓取动态网址和解释不同的参数。

74、He never crawls to his superiors. ─── 他对上司从不卑躬屈膝。

75、She slowed the car to a crawl. ─── 她把车开得很慢。

76、Last crawl (population) that the full-text index has completed. ─── 全文索引完成的上一次爬网(填充)。

77、You have to learn crawl before you can walk. ─── 学走要学爬。

78、Across is helpful for movement of abecedarian control crawl and breath before. ─── 前交叉有利于初学者掌握自由泳动作和呼吸。

79、Underneath the ice, spikes meet spikes as an Alaska king crab the size of a nickel crawls over a knobby sea star. ─── 在冰下,一只镍币大小的阿拉斯加皇帝蟹刺对刺爬过一只多节海星时。

80、ID of the database in which the full-text crawl was started. ─── 启动了全文爬网的数据库ID。

81、Looking into the crawl space one day,I saw the outline of a large snake. I killed it easily with one shot. ─── 一天,我在窥视那块爬行空地时,发现一条大蛇的轮廓,我轻而易举地一枪结果了它。

82、I can have two whole days every week to crawl on the checkers without disturbance. ─── 一个礼拜可以有两天时间在家踏踏实实地爬格子。

83、A baby crawls (around) before it can walk. ─── 婴儿先能(到处)爬, 然後才会走.

84、All right! I can crawl and make webs. ─── 好吧!我会爬而且会织网。

85、If it walks, hops, swims, crawls, slithers, had eyes, a mom and a dad, don't eat it. ─── 如果它会走路,跳跃,游泳,爬行,滑动,有眼睛,有妈妈和爸爸,不要吃它。

86、He crawls through the door into his bedroom.When he reaches his bed, he tries one more time to stand up. ─── 他爬过门进入卧室,当摸到床时,他再次想站起来,这次他努力把自己向上拉,但又立刻跌到了床上。

87、She's not very clever but the teacher likes her because she crawls to him. ─── 她并不十分聪明,但老师却喜欢她,因为她巴结老师。

88、After he crawls, once more flushes by a quicker speed goes upstairs, joins gangs up on. ─── 他爬起后又以更快的速度再次冲上楼,加入群殴。

89、Babies may not try to crawl or roll over. ─── 婴儿可能不会尝试着去爬行或者翻身。

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