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09-11 投稿



sordidly 发音


英:  美:

sordidly 中文意思翻译



sordidly 短语词组

1、sordidly meaning ─── 卑鄙的意思

2、sordidly in a sentence ─── 脏话

3、sordidly crossword clue ─── 肮脏的纵横字谜线索

4、sordidly unscramble ─── 卑鄙地解读

sordidly 词性/词形变化,sordidly变形

副词: sordidly |名词: sordidness |

sordidly 相似词语短语

1、horridly ─── adv.可怕地;讨厌地

2、torpidly ─── adv.迟钝地;麻痹地;动物休眠地

3、solidly ─── adv.坚固地;坚硬地;团结一致地

4、torridly ─── 炽热的

5、wordily ─── adv.唠叨地;罗唆地

6、morbidly ─── adv.病态地

7、cordially ─── adv.诚挚地,诚恳地;友善地

8、sordid ─── adj.肮脏的;卑鄙的;利欲熏心的;色彩暗淡的

9、sorrily ─── adv.悲伤地;拙劣地;可怜悯地

sordidly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If only to make sure that there was no sordid story coming out just as the crown was placed upon her head. ─── 如果仅仅是为了确保没有任何卑鄙的故事曝出的树冠被放在她的头部。

2、Give us one more sad sordid story ─── 再多一个伤心卑污的故事也无妨

3、I want no part of this sordid business. ─── 我决不卷入这一卑鄙勾当。

4、It is sordid because the objective is to make profits for Golden State %26 Light. ─── 它是卑鄙龌龊的,因为它完全是为金州电力公司赚取利润的。

5、She was barefooted and in rags, as on the day when she had so resolutely entered his chamber, only her rags were two months older now, the holes were larger, the tatters more sordid. ─── 她赤着一双脚,穿一身破烂衣服,仍是那天那么坚定地走进他屋子时的那模样,不过她的破衣又多拖了两个月,洞更大了,烂布片也更脏了。

6、Studios created stars to peddle the Hollywood dream to an enthusiastic audience.But, the sordid private lives of these new celebrities threatened the screen fantasy. ─── 娱乐圈创造明星,展开灿烂星途让观众欣赏,但这些明星背后一塌糊涂的私生活威胁着他们幕前的形象。

7、If this girl can create the sense of beauty in people whose lives have been sordid and ugly, she is worthy of all your adoration. ─── 如果这个姑娘能为生活下贱而丑恶的人们创造一种美感,那么她配受你的全部崇拜。

8、but Saturn and Mars, or Saturn with Mercury in the 7th, render men sordidly covetous. ─── 而土星和火星或者土星合水星落在第七宫的人,吝啬小气。

9、though his conversation be replete with the most sordid and selfish maxims, his heart is deleted with the most unbounded love. ─── 他心里对人们充满着无限的热爱,满嘴里说的却是卑鄙自私的口头禅。

10、1. He lived in a sordid slum . ─── 他生活在一个污秽的贫民窟。

11、Friendship! No, that is an affection of earth, of vulgar habits and sordid sympathies. ─── 友谊,不,那不过是凡人的感情,不过反映了庸俗的习性和下贱的共鸣。

12、The sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils ─── 他狂欢作乐的卑鄙细节令自己都感到厌恶

13、He assumed that his mom had found that sordid carrot, but nobody in his family ever confronted him, yet his teen years were scared by this no-longer visible carrot. ─── 他假定他的妈妈已经 发现肮脏的胡萝卜, 但是没有人曾经在他的家庭中面对他,然而他的青少年的年被不- 比较长的看得见的胡萝卜惊吓。

14、Such sordid things as stabbing affrays were evidently not fit subjects for conversation with a lady. ─── 在小姐面前谈这类打架动刀子的事显然有失体统。

15、Unethical or corrupt; sordid ─── "不道德的,腐败的;肮脏的"

16、They lived in a sordid apartment. ─── 他们住在肮脏的公寓房子里。

17、he said, weighing the purse in his hand -- for, being a man of unbounded expense, he had almost constant occasion for money -- "The base, sordid scullion! ─── 他用手掂掂钱袋说道。由于他这人开销大得无边,他几乎随时都得花钱。“这卑鄙龌龊的小人!

18、But let`s not talk about sordid things like money. ─── 但是让我们现在不要谈钱这样的肮脏事情了.

19、sordid desires ─── 卑鄙的欲望

20、After thirty, even the sight of a shabby and sordid taxi may sicken me.Ok ! ─── 三十岁之后,看见破旧肮脏的的士都心烦,拜托!

21、a sordid practice ─── 卑鄙的手段

22、As usual, Lorne de Havilland had a camera minutely recording every sordid detail. ─── 如同以往,罗兰的录像机详细记录了每一个肮脏的细节。

23、He depicts the sordid and vulgar sides of life exclusively. ─── 他只描写人生肮脏和庸俗的一面。

24、He was sick of the sordid deal. ─── 他厌恶这笔肮脏的交易。

25、He had also carefully listened to those women who talked with him, but they also definitely hadn't mentioned anything about any sordid things.Oh! ─── 他对于和他讲话的女人,也时常留心听,然而伊又并不提起关于什么勾当的话来。

26、I didn't want to hear the sordid details of their relationship. ─── 我不想听他们之间的那些龌龊细节。

27、in a sordid or squalid way. ─── 以肮脏或者污秽的方式。

28、One who does is Mr.Cohan, 47, who spent 18 years on Wall Street, including six at Lazard, before setting out to lay bare the secret and frequently sordid workings of his former employer. ─── 了解个中滋味的是柯罕,他现年47岁,曾在华尔街工作18年,包括在拉札德任职6年,后来开始揭发前雇主的秘密,通常是龌龊不堪的勾当。

29、Do not eat sordid food. ─── 不吃不干净的食物。

30、Uncover thrilling discoveries, potentially paranormal activity and sordid secrets in your quest to help Dr.Lynch disprove rumors of the supernatural. ─── 在你的任务中,你要揭示惊悚的发现,潜在的超级自然行为,以及肮脏的秘密,帮助林奇博士证明超自然的谣言是不可信的。

31、It is sordid because the objective is to make profits for Golden State & Light. ─── 它是卑鄙龌龊的,因为它完全是为金州电力公司赚取利润的。

32、But the breast washing a face with if the choice is clean weaker force, have again wash sordid misgive. ─── 但若选择洁净力较弱的洗面乳,又有洗不干净的疑虑。

33、Within three or four minutes he was out of the area which the bomb had affected, and the sordid swarming life of the streets was going on as though nothing had happened. ─── 不出三四分钟,他便离开被炸的地方,街上也依然挨挨挤挤,一切如旧,仿佛一直平安无事。

34、"The sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils" (James Joyce) ─── “他狂欢作乐的卑鄙细节令自己都感到厌恶”(詹姆斯·乔伊丝)。

35、But let's not talk about sordid things like money! ─── 先别谈论金钱这种肮脏的玩艺儿吧!

36、When he repeated to me the sordid little scene I was outraged . ─── 当他对我回述这幕令人作呕的丑戏时,我真是气坏了。

37、But his execution on December 30th looked less like the meting out of justice than like one of the sordid snuff videos circulated on the internet by al-Qaeda. ─── 不过,12月30日施行的绞刑,与其说是正义的实现,倒不如说更像基地组织在网上散布的骇人录像片段。

38、sordid merchants' ways; philistinism ─── 市侩习气

39、A generous fellow plays for the play, a sordid one for the stake. ─── 慷慨的人为玩牌而玩牌,而卑贱的人为赢钱而玩牌。

40、The sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils(James Joyce)See Synonyms at mean ─── 他狂欢作乐的卑鄙细节令自己都感到厌恶(詹姆斯·乔伊丝)参见

41、Above all he remembered his continuous hunger, and the fierce sordid battles at meal-times. ─── 他尤其记得他老是肚子饿,吃饭的时候总要吵个不休。

42、I rail at the sordid you ─── 我怨恨这肮脏的你

43、She held in her hand a gold cup that was filled with the abominable and sordid deeds of her harlotry. ─── 她手里拿着满盛可憎之物和她淫污的金杯。

44、a sordid sight ─── 悲惨的景象

45、You know I am a sordid piece of human nature, ready to sell myself at any time for any reasonable sum. ─── 你知道我是那么一个贱坯,只要有人出相当数目就随时准备把自己出卖。

46、The huts they lived in were sordid and filthy beyond belief. ─── 他们住的小房真是异乎寻常地脏。

47、He symbolises redemption in the face of a sordid past.It's the dawning of a new era. ─── 他象征着对黯淡的过去的拯救,象征着一个新时代的黎明。

48、Though his conversation be replete with the most sordid and selfish maxims, his heart is dilated with the most unbounded love. ─── 他心里对人们充满着无限的热爱,满嘴里说的却是卑鄙自私的口头禅。

49、Garment said the "sordid mess" had many dimensions. ─── 加门特说,“这桩缺德事”牵涉面很广。

50、He is in on the whole sordid business. ─── 他参与了整个这场肮脏的勾当。

51、6. I want no part in this sordid business. ─── 我不想和这一肮脏勾当有任何瓜葛。

52、I've washed my hands of the whole sordid business. ─── 我已经彻底洗手不干那种肮脏的勾当了。

53、In spite of over a century of sordid colonial oppression, and the ignoble opium trade, the Chinese still view the departing British not as ex-colonial masters but as friends. ─── 尽管遭受了过去一个多世纪的悲惨的殖民压迫以及臭名昭著的鸦片贸易,中国人仍视这些即将离去的英国人为朋友,而不是原来的殖民者。

54、You think me a horribly sordid woman, don't you? ─── 你认为我是个利欲熏心的女人,对吧?

55、I know it sounds sordid ─── 我知道听起来卑鄙

56、I believe your every word so you are my a natural part of my heart as a result ,I become sordidly , I am not admit other boy to come into your hart !You will ... ─── 也不知道自己想要的到底是什么,每天一个的想法,让我现在迷失了自己. 那天跟爸爸说,想回家了,不愿待在这个地方工作.昨天他就告诉我可以,工作已经调节好了.可现在我自己...

57、sordid avarice; sordid material interests. ─── 卑鄙的贪心;肮脏的物质利益。

58、If this girl can creat the sense of beauty in people whose lives have been sordid and ugly, she is worthy of all your adoration. ─── 好多人的生活下贱而又丑恶,如果这个姑娘能为他们创造一种美感,那么她配受你的全部崇拜。

59、She complained of the room being sordid. ─── 她抱怨那房间肮脏。

60、dirty police officers; a sordid political campaign. ─── 卑鄙的警官;肮脏的政治运动。

61、Cronshaw's slim bundle of poetry did not seem a substantial result for a life which was sordid. ─── 克朗肖写的为数不多的几首诗似乎不能算是他的悲惨肮脏的生活的丰硕成果。

62、The den upon which his eye now rested was abject, dirty, fetid, pestiferous, mean, sordid. ─── 他眼睛现在注视的那个破烂住处却是丑陋、腌臜、恶臭难闻、黑暗、污秽的。

63、And you twisted it into something sordid. ─── 可你却把它歪曲成了肮脏的动机。

64、She always felt uneasy driving past this dirty, sordid cluster of discarded army tents and slave cabins. ─── 因为这里有一些军队扔下的帐篷。 还有一些石头房子,又脏又乱又臭。

65、The sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrilsJames Joyce)See Synonyms at&b{mean{2 ─── 他狂欢作乐的卑鄙细节令自己都感到厌恶(詹姆斯 乔伊丝)参见

66、I am here to protest an ill-conceived sordid scheme ─── 我来这就是要对一项考虑欠妥,卑鄙龌龊的计划表示抗议。

67、He has sordid motives on us. ─── 他对我们有卑鄙的动机。

68、a base (or mean) action; sordid conduct; abject behaviour ─── 卑鄙行为

69、Chicago:The Sordid World Hidden Behind The Gorgeous Stage ─── 《芝加哥》:绚美舞台后的卑琐世界

70、We're doing a series on the ten most sordid social welfare cases. ─── 我们正在做一系列关于十大最肮脏的社会福利案件。

71、sordid; foul ─── 卑鄙龌龊

72、Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? ─── 你们这群肮脏的盗娼,叛经逆道、无恶不作;把上帝的殿堂变成了窃贼的巢穴;你们把这神圣的地方玷污得还不够吗?

73、It was a shock to discover the truth about his sordid past. ─── 他以往的丑行被发现时,人们感到震惊。

74、In glowing sentences he painted a picture of Animal Farm as it might be when sordid labour was lifted from the animals' backs. ─── 他用热烈的语言,描述着当动物们摆脱了沉重的劳动时动物庄园的景象。

75、Did I do medicine to shed menstruation to often went sordid to a few days go to come again did a month come 4 times is I want to know to answer? ─── 我做了药流月经老是走不干净走了几天又来一个月来了四次我想知道是应?

76、Beneath this pseudo-radical phraseology there hides the most sordid passivity;we can't escape defeat anyway! ─── 在这种伪激进主义的措词之下,他们把最卑鄙的消极情绪隐藏起来了,无论如何,我们无法逃避被击败的命运。

77、Today, the majority of them live without any income, inside sordid huts covered with plastic, without water or electricity. ─── 如今,这些人之中的大多数没有任何收入,住在肮脏的棚屋里,房顶上遮着塑料布。那里没有自来水,没有电。

78、An obsessive observer of sordid or sensational subjects. ─── 刺探隐秘者极喜欢观看下流或耸人听闻事件的人

79、early 20th-century United States painting: realistic and sordid scenes of city life. ─── 世纪早期美国的一种绘画艺术;反映城市生活的现实与丑恶。

80、The Amazon's Largest Catfish: The piraiba boasts the title of largest catfish in the Amazon River, and it has a sordid reputation for biting off more than it can chew (or, in this case, swallow). ─── 亚马逊流域最大的鲶鱼:皮拉鲇被冠以亚马逊和最大的鲶鱼称号,而且其名声也不佳,因为它会咬下远超自己能咀嚼的食物(或者说是吞下去)。

81、a sordid story ─── 悲惨的故事

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