journeyman 发音
英:[ˈdʒɜːrnimən] 美:[ˈdʒɜːnimən]
英: 美:
journeyman 中文意思翻译
常见释义: 熟练工人
journeyman 网络释义
n. [劳经] 熟练工人;短工;学徒期满的职工
journeyman 同义词
crossing | travel | pilgrimage | passage | trek | ride | outing |trip | voyage | tour | sail | expedition | flight | drive | jaunt | sightsee | cruise | journeying | junket | fly | excursion | go | roam
journeyman 反义词
journeyman 词性/词形变化,journeyman变形
journeyman 短语词组
1、journeyman lineman jobs idaho ─── 爱达荷州线人
2、journeyman synonym ─── 熟练工同义词
3、journeyman salary ─── 熟练工工资
4、journeyman project ─── 技工项目
5、journeyman stud ─── 技工种马
6、journeyman lineman jobs alaska ─── 阿拉斯加州线路工
7、journeyman imdb imdb ─── 熟练工
journeyman 相似词语短语
1、journeymen ─── n.旅行者;熟练工;雇佣工(journeyman的复数)
2、moneyman ─── n.投资者;金融家
3、journeying ─── n.(尤指长途)旅行;v.(尤指长途)旅行(journey的现在分词)
4、journeyer ─── 记者
5、cornerman ─── n.前锋,边锋;(拳击)场角指导
6、juryman ─── n.陪审员
7、journey ─── n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行;n.(Journey)人名;(英)朱尼,朱妮(女名)
8、journeyed ─── v.旅行(journey的过去式及过去分词)
9、journeys ─── n.旅行;历程(journey的复数形式);v.旅行(journey的第三人称单数形式)
journeyman 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Qualification of Journeyman Painters for Application of Coatings to Concrete Surfaces of Safety-Related Areas in Nuclear Facilities ─── 核设施安全相关地区混凝土表面涂层涂刷油漆工的资格鉴定
2、This should be done by a licensed journeyman tradesperson, who is recognized by the authority having jurisdiction and only when space is critical for testing or repair. ─── 错误的安装将会由于安全阀端口/排气口的过量排放或防回流阀可能出现的故障而导致水损害。
3、Joe kept a journeyman at weekly wages whose name was Orlick. ─── 乔还雇了一个伙计,名叫奥立克,他的工资是做一个星期算一个星期的。
4、Licensing of Electrical Contractors, Master, Journeyman and Residential Wireman electricians. ─── 发牌的电业承办商,硕士,熟练工和住宅wireman电工。
5、Journeyman status or equivalent experience is required. ─── 有车间一线工作经验。
6、The pay of a curate or chaplain, however, may very properly be considered as of the same nature with the wages of a journeyman ─── 但教区技师助理或教堂牧师的薪水与帮工的工资,却可正当地视为有同一性质的。
7、However boxing writer David Avila reports that one of Mayweather's sparring partners a junior middleweight journeyman named Juan Pablo Montes De Oca took credit for the injury. ─── 然而,拳击撰稿人阿维拉报道说:梅威瑟的陪练之一----一个名叫JuanPabloMontesDeOca的超次中量级二流拳手该为此次肋伤买单。
8、Qualification of Journeyman Painters for Application of Coatings to Steel Surfaces of Safety-Related Areas in Nuclear Facilities ─── 核设施安全相关地区钢表面涂层涂刷油漆工的资格鉴定
9、It would be indecent to compare either a curate or a chaplain with a journeyman in any common trade ─── 把教区牧师助理或教堂牧师同一般行业的帮工比较,未免有失体统。
10、Throughout he remained characteristically modest, describing himself as “a good journeyman soldier” and “one of the Unintelligentsia”. ─── /牛者性好忍,驴者多谦卑。/细品口中饭,暗觉味难居。/‘无异却乏味,不知何所为。’”
11、In return for enough food to get him to the nearest town,he offers you the Journeyman's Handbook. ─── 为了让你提供他足够的食物让他返回最近的城镇,他送给你一本旅行者笔记。
12、The mercer's journeyman came rushing upon me with such fury as very much frighted me. ─── 那个绸缎商的伙计气势汹汹地向我冲来,把我吓了一大跳。
13、Previously something of a journeyman, the Frenchman had a loving home at last. ─── 法国人也组建了自己美满的家庭。
14、When all was agreed, the case of the journeyman came up, and the mercer begged very hard for him ─── 把一切事情谈妥的时候,就谈到那个伙计,绸缎商尽力地替他求情。
15、That left the seldom-used Jordan, journeyman Brian Skinner and second-year player Thornton as the starters up front, and they were no match for the Lakers' big men -- especially Bynum. ─── 以前基本没怎么打过的,而且很少用的乔丹,斯金纳和才打第二年的索顿联手组成了快船的先发前场,而他们的内线根本无法和湖人的大个子抗衡,尤其是拜纳姆。
16、It seemed as if the man from the Ivory Coast was just going to be a journeyman striker. ─── 看起来这个来自科特迪瓦的男人仅仅会成为一个熟练但很普通的射手。
17、Instead, he immediately became an electrician after high school, working as an apprentice and eventually becoming a journeyman. ─── 而是在高中毕业后马上去当了电气技师,一开始是作为学徒,最后成为了一名熟练技师。
18、At level 60, epic Journeyman mounts become available with a standard 100% movement increase, but require additional training(600 , also subject to a faction discount). ─── 到60级,可以搞到跑速倍增的史诗坐骑,但同时需要与之相对应的中级骑术(会榨取你600大洋,折扣看声望)。
19、journeyman n. ─── 熟练工人 ?
20、You can see that to purchase Journeyman, you need at least level 50 in Engineering with your current Apprentice rank. ─── 你可以看到要购买熟练工称号,你得起码达到你当前学徒级工程技能50级.
21、George Webb, who had found a female friend that lent him wherewith to purchase his time of Keimer, now came to offer himself as a journeyman to us. ─── 乔治威勃交了一个女朋友,她借给他钱,以此赎抵基梅尔的工作期效,而想到我们这里做一个工人。
22、- Blade Material: The Journeyman Smith may test with any forged steel of his or her choice except Damascus. ─── -刀片原材料:除了大马士革,熟练刀匠可以根据自己选择的任何锻造钢进行测试。
23、be indecent to compare either a curate or a chaplain with a journeyman in any common trade. ─── 把教区牧师助理或教堂牧师同一般行业的帮工比较,未免有失体统。
24、But in baseball, it's up to a rookie like McGlinchy and a journeyman like Franco with the entire season on the line. ─── 但是在棒球里,有资格的人包括像McGlinchy这样的菜鸟以及Franco这样的旅人,打拚了整个球季。
25、Players will no longer need to relog after learning the Apprentice or Journeyman Riding skill. ─── 在学习学徒和普通级的骑术之后玩家将不在需要重新登入。
26、Each tradeskill is also divided into 3 rank...Apprentice (levels 0-50), Journeyman (levels 51-150), and Master (levels 151-300). ─── 同时每种交易技能分为3个级别:学徒(等级0-50),熟工(等级51-150),大师(等级151-300)。
27、Quite a shy and reserved man, the elder Mr Owen was as unassuming as his journeyman career through the lower leagues of English football. ─── 作为一名腼腆又有所保留的人,老欧文对于他在英格兰足球低级别联赛里踢球的经历很少提及。
28、There are several types of mounts, all which correspond to one of the four different riding skills (Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, and Artisan). ─── 这些坐骑类型各异,要想骑上它们需要学会与其等级相对应的骑术,这些骑术分为4个等级初级,中级,高级,大师级。
29、The work of a journeyman. ─── 雇佣性工作雇佣工的工作
30、A widow lady kept the house; she had a daughter, and a maid servant, and a journeyman who attended the warehouse, but lodge'd abroad. ─── 一个寡妇主持家务,她有一个女儿、一个女佣人和一个看守仓库的职工,但她却寄宿在外面。
31、The journeyman had greater responsibility but still worked under a recognized master. ─── 使用安全可靠的编程技术,避免常见的编程问题;
32、“The Curtain” is not a dispassionate book, written from the outside looking in, of the kind that you might expect from a journeyman critic. ─── “幕布”(引号改书名号)这本书并非不带丝毫个人感情,像常人脑海中的老练评论家一样站在局外观察。
33、He should have gotten to know the struggles of journeyman and minor league players who hold onto the game with everything they've got because it's the only chance they've got. ─── 他原本应该要去瞭解在各个联盟中短暂游走的球员以及小联盟球员的奋斗过程,他们会愿意用一切代价去留在球场上,因为这是他们唯一的机会。
34、To work as a Welder in Alberta, a person must be a registered apprentice or a certified journeyman. ─── 谢谢你的回复!但是我没有本地的证书(或执照)可以干活吗?
35、Berlocq might be a relative journeyman of the sport at 28 and with a career-high ranking of 50, but he did little wrong against Djokovic. ─── 贝罗基时年28岁可能是该运动相对熟练的一个选手,而且有着职业生涯最高排名的第50名,但他却很少对德约科维奇犯规。
36、Installation procedures must comply with all state and local codes and must be completed by a licensed journeyman tradesperson who is recognized by the authority having jurisdiction. ─── 安装程序必须符合州和当地所有的规程,必须由有关部门认证的有资格证书的数量熟练人员操作。
37、When all was agreed, the case of the journeyman came up, and the mercer begged very hard for him. ─── 把一切事情谈妥的时候,就谈到那个伙计,绸缎商尽力地替他求情。
38、EXAMPLE: The quality of building was quite superior because every worker on the construction crew was an experienced journeyman. ─── 这座大楼的质量非常高,因为每位建筑工人都是熟练工人。
39、Backflow prevention assemblies MUST be installed by a licensed journeyman tradesperson, who is recognized by the authority having jurisdiction, and inspected for compliance with local safety codes. ─── 防回流阀总成必须由有资格证书的熟练技术人员安装,安装人员必须通过有关主管部门的认可,并符合当地安全规程的要求。
40、After you pass your paper test, you will be a journeyman, and you have your journeyman ticket. ─── 四年期满,考试通过,你就是 journeyman 了,大家一般都说你有 ticket。
41、Instead, he immediately became an electrician after high school, working as an apprentice and eventually becoming a journeyman. ─── 而是在高中毕业后马上去当了电气技师,一开始是作为学徒,最后成为了一名熟练技师。
42、You might have planned your project using generic resources as placeholders, such as "Programmer 3" or "Journeyman Carpenter." ─── 在制定项目计划时,您可能将常规资源作为占位符使用,例如“程序员3”或者“临时木匠”。
43、Journeyman 80, 12 management staff. ─── 熟练工80人,管理人员12人。
44、EXAMPLE: The quality of building was quite superior because every worker on the construction crew was an experienced journeyman. ─── 这座大楼的质量非常高,因为每位建筑工人都是熟练工人。
45、Here's the intro to the original Old Love found on the Journeyman CD. ─── 作者:网友新闻来源:中国曲谱网整理上传更新时间:2009-02-20上传曲谱!
46、The journeyman power forward ought to play a key role in the postseason. ─── 这名经历了数队的大前锋应该在季候赛中发挥关键作用。
47、a journeyman printer ─── 熟练的印刷工人.
48、Last season, the Hornets tried to make do with lumbering combo guard Devin Brown(notes) and veteran journeyman Antonio Daniels(notes). ─── 上个赛季,黄蜂队曾试图与伐木队后卫布朗组合(债券)及资深老将丹尼尔斯(笔记)做的。
49、After a 6 year apprenticeship I became a journeyman at 19. ─── 学徒六年后,我19岁,那时我已经是一名熟练工。
50、At length they lay down to sleep, and the young journeyman also went to bed, and set his magic table against the wall. ─── 后来大家都去睡觉了,年轻人把小魔桌靠在墙上,也睡了。
51、Having been spoilt on seeing some of Europe's greatest teams I can still understand why some may want to go and see these fine journeyman of the European game. ─── 因为(球迷们)以前太过于习惯在主场观看那些欧洲最棒的球队来访,我能理解这些被宠坏了的球迷仍然想要看这些欧冠常客。
52、Then I proceeded to tell how the journeyman treated me. ─── 然后我继续说到那个伙计怎样对待我。
53、Jeff Lacy: On Friday, he barely outpointed a journeyman named Otis Griffin. In other words, he's barely hanging on as a viable big-name boxer. ─── 杰夫.莱西:周六,他仅仅以点数赢了三流拳手奥提斯.格里芬,换句话说,他只是个还能打的有名拳手罢了。
54、Chris Keniston served nearly 14 years in the United States Air Force, with a service record extending from Aerospace Maintenance Journeyman to Senior Maintenance Operations Controller. ─── 克里斯凯尼斯顿曾在美国空军工作近14年,由航天服务维修工晋升至高级维修操作管理员。
55、Pity the big man. Many assume that sprouting to a 7-foot height alone should guarantee a career as an NBA journeyman at the very least. ─── 好可怜的大个子们那。很多人认为只要有了7尺以上的上课就足够他在NBA里闯荡出一番事业来了。
56、journeyman teacher ─── 试用教师临时教师
57、Otherwise, you may end up with a troop of journeyman actors for whom this will be the highlight of their career. ─── 因为如果那样的话,你会以一群不知名演员而结束游戏,而这将成为他们职业生涯的亮点。
58、Journeyman Dan Dickau and D-Leaguers Eddie Gill and Blake Ahearn are among the point guards the Lakers have inquired about, agent Mark Bartelstein said last week. ─── 据经纪人马克传闻湖人队正在紧锣密鼓的寻找费舍尔的替补,其中流动大户丹-迪考、发展联盟艾迪-吉尔以及布雷克-阿赫恩都是湖人考虑的对象。
59、Be warned though, any paralyze spell has a very high magicka casting cost and you have to be at least a journeyman illusionist in order to cast the weakest (3 second duration) spell. ─── 而当你还晕倒在地板上时,你的对手已经恢复过来了,悲剧发生了。。。
60、As for any skill, people and organizations can have varying degrees of expertise in portfolio management skills, ranging from beginner and novice, to journeyman, and then master. ─── 对于所有技术,人和组织可以得到项目组合管理技术中的不同程度的专门技术,从初学者和新手,到技师,然后是大师。
61、some journeyman printers had on paper caps,their laughter was audible ─── 印刷厂里的几个学徒,戴着纸帽,又说又笑。
我十岁了用英语翻译是:;I'm ten years old.;重点词汇;old;英 [əʊld] 美 [oʊld] ;adj.老的; 古老的; 以前的; (用于指称被替代的东西)原来的;n.古时;扩展资料;
1.No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there's always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprises. ;不管你生活在哪里,你有多少岁,总有新东西要学习,毕竟,生活总是充满惊喜。;
2.As a group, today's old people are still relatively deprived. ;总的来说,当今的老年人依然相对贫困。;
3.Douglas was a 29-year-old journeyman fighter, erratic in his previous fights. ;道格拉斯29岁,是个技术不错的拳击手,在以前的比赛中发挥不太稳定。;
4. At 54 years old her energy and looks are magnificent. ;她54岁了,精力和气色都非常好。;
5. She acted in her firstfilm when she was 13 years old. ;13岁时她出演了她的**处女作。
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