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09-07 投稿



craziness 发音


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craziness 中文意思翻译



craziness 网络释义

n. 愚蠢;狂热;摇摇晃晃

craziness 反义词

sanely | saneness

craziness 同义词

romance | flakiness | stupidity | folly | indulgence | tomfoolery | foolery | foolishness | madness | daftness | lunacy | idiocy

craziness 短语词组

1、craziness claw ─── 疯狂爪

2、craziness gif ─── 疯狂gif

3、craziness coco ─── 疯狂可可

4、craziness defined ─── 疯狂定义

5、craziness define ─── 疯狂定义

6、craziness definition ─── 疯狂定义

7、craziness synonym ─── 疯狂同义词

craziness 词性/词形变化,craziness变形

形容词比较级: crazier |副词: crazily |名词复数: crazies |名词: craziness |形容词最高级: craziest |

craziness 相似词语短语

1、cragginess ─── n.崎岖;多峭壁

2、crappiness ─── 废话

3、crabbiness ─── 脾气暴躁

4、craftiness ─── n.狡猾;熟练;巧妙

5、caginess ─── n.小心;狡诈

6、coziness ─── n.安逸,舒适;畅快

7、cakiness ─── 结块

8、chariness ─── n.谨慎;节俭;吝啬

9、crankiness ─── n.偏执;古怪;狂妄

craziness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Which brings me to the culpability of those who are only now facing up to the G. O. P. 's craziness. ─── 回过头我们再来说说那些现在才勇于正视共和党疯狂的人的过失。

2、Keats' poems is just like a combination of contradictions, as well as the two sides of a coin, with one side being direct and imaginary craziness and the other reasonable comprehension and extension. ─── 摘要济慈诗歌的走向恰似一个矛盾的组合,就像一枚钱币的两面,一面是直觉与想象的迷狂,另一面是理智的顿悟和伸张。

3、Definition of craziness:crazy,stands for the human spirit of transcending oneself. ─── 疯狂的定义:“疯狂”代表着人超越自我的精神,

4、According to them, only an obsession to the extent of craziness would make one oblivious to all else, transforming him or her into a super-achiever. ─── 大概是这样一个过程。

5、Definition of craziness: crazy stands for the human spirit of transcending oneself. ─── 疯狂代表着人超越自我的精神。

6、At least once in your life, you should experience total craziness!!! ─── 在你的生活中,至少应该体验过一次极度疯狂!

7、a collection of memorable pieces about the general craziness that was going down in those days(James Atlas) ─── 许多发生在那时的狂热而值得怀念的琐忆(詹姆斯 阿特拉斯)

8、Once you have this craziness, you can achieve anything you want. ─── 一旦你具有疯狂的精神,你就能成就你所要的任何事。

9、In addition to the external oppression of male-dominated society, feminine craziness, the tragic fate of the feminine rebel, results from the dependence on men and inner directive. ─── “疯癫”的形成既来自外部环境男权社会的压抑,又来自因女性主体性缺失而造成的男性依赖和内心指令的强迫,“疯癫”成为女性反叛的悲剧性宿命。

10、Please be forewarned: sometimes these attacks of craziness last a long while. Days. Weeks. Months. ─── 事先得提个醒:有时这种不理智的行为可能会持续相当长的一段时间,几天,几周,甚至几个月。

11、When you see people abiding by a big fat double standard, step outside their duplicitous perspective by telling yourself that the craziness you feel is coming from the critic. ─── 当你发现人们带有某条很大双重标准,那么就可以对自己说你感到的疯狂是来自批评一方,从而走出他们的两面性看法中。

12、In this craziness you gave me life ─── 在这种狂热之下你赐予我生命

13、English soccer fans are notorious for their craziness and barbarism. ─── 英国球迷因他们的疯狂 和野蛮而臭名昭著.

14、One of the things to keep in mind about this thought is about how you need to keep your craziness in check. ─── 关于这种想法,要记住的一件事就是要如何保证自己的疯狂受控制。

15、At first we are very much interested in him,but now we are afraid of his craziness. ─── 最初我们对他很感兴趣,可现在我们对他的疯狂感到恐惧。

16、Many of the days are filled with stress and uncertainty,rebellion and craziness and... (well, you get the point). ─── 许多时候,他们的生活里充满了压力、不确定性、叛逆和疯狂(不错,的确如此)。

17、that life of commonplace sacrifices closing in final craziness. ─── 那种生活是平庸的牺牲,最终以疯狂结束。

18、All your life you think you have to hold back your craziness, but when you're sick you can let it go in all its garish colors. ─── 你一辈子都认为应该遏制住你的狂热想法,但是当你病了,你不妨让它绽放出耀眼的光彩。

19、There's craziness out there but its dumb craziness. ─── 现在剩下的都是那些傻里兮兮的疯狂。

20、craziness in the Middle East. ─── 这股疯狂劲儿可不只存在于中东。

21、How do you navigate through boy craziness? ─── 你们是如何应对男孩的疯狂追求呢?

22、Night, Snow and Craziness--Comment on Lu Xun's Artistic World ─── 夜·雪·狂--鲁迅小说的艺术世界

23、No disastrous letdowns late, just screams echoing from the craziness of Lakers' faithful, witnessing a vintage performance and Kobe dominating like no other player on the plant. ─── 科比点燃了斯台普斯中心的死忠粉丝们狂热的激情,这一刻,我们无比肯定的相信:对于科比这样的神,在这个星球上,无人能出其右。

24、once you have this craziness,you can achieve anything you want, ─── 人一旦有了这种疯狂,做任何事都可以成功

25、A small mole could bring the changes and impacts to the environment? This story exaggeratedly shows human's craziness of pursuing beauty. ─── 一颗小小的痣,居然可以掀起狂风巨浪、造成陨石坠落毁灭地球?以讽刺手法探讨时下人们过度追求外表的行为。

26、Craziness was also necessary. ─── 疯狂也是必要的。

27、"He immediately becomes a psychological basket case, embittered to the point of craziness" (New York)"After World War I, when the Hapsburg empire was split up, little Austria seemed a basket case" (Paul A. Samuelson) ─── “他立刻就完全绝望了,痛苦得快要疯狂”(纽约)“第一次世界大战之后,哈布斯堡王朝瓦解了,小小的奥地利看起来毫无作为”(保罗A.塞缪尔森)

28、' 'That was the greatest thing anyone could have told me,because she made me feel like all the hard work, and the craziness, had been worth it. ─── 这简直是世界上最好的称赞,因为她让我感觉我为电影付出的一切----那些疯狂的或者艰辛的工作,都是值得的。”

29、Once you have this CRAZINESS, you can achieve anything you want, let along learning English. ─── 人,一旦有了这种“疯狂”,做任何事都可以成功,何况攻克英语!!!!

30、You can feel the slight craziness of the tower in a strong wind. ─── 在强风中你能够感觉到塔在轻轻摇晃。

31、a metaphor that sums up the craziness of Mr Herzog's epic film and his memoir about making it. ─── 这个比喻概括了赫尔佐格先生这部宏大的电影和他这本拍摄回忆录的疯狂之处。

32、Once you have this craziness, you can achieve anything you want.Let alone learning English! ─── 人一旦有了这种疯狂,做任何事都可以成功,何况攻克英语!

33、Once you have the craziness,you can achieve anything you want.Let alone learning English! ─── 人一旦有了这种疯狂,做任何事都可以成功,更何况英语!

34、Craziness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. ─── 疯狂,就是做同一件事情,并期望出现不同的结果。

35、Although LIN Shu was aware of this, he still couldn't withdraw his craziness. ─── 林纾对此虽有所觉察,但狂傲之气至老仍未收敛。

36、Above the doorway leading into the arena: “At least once in your life, you should experience total craziness. ─── 去训练场的门口:“在你的生命中,你至少应该经历一次彻底的疯狂。”

37、Boy: Because of the craziness , we find English is really interesting and beautiful . ─── 因为这份疯狂,我们发现英语真的有趣也很美丽。

38、If you want to measure the level of craziness on Wall Street at the moment, take a look at what just happened to Wal-Mart Stores. ─── 果你想知道眼下华尔街的疯狂程度,只要看看沃尔玛(Wal-MartStores)的情形就好了。

39、feminine craziness ─── 女性“疯癫”

40、Attorney for Bakers guided by craziness ─── 贝克家律师受疯狂引导

41、The noisiness and busyness adds to the craziness of shopping-particularly at night-in Taiwan. ─── 这种吵吵闹闹和忙忙碌碌一尤其是晚上一增加了在台湾逛逛买东西的疯狂。

42、The novel not only resolves the riddle of craziness of the Creole girl from West Indies, but also reflects the crisis of identity of the author as a Creole woman writer. ─── 小说的独特之处不仅在于解开了《简·爱》中那个来自西印度群岛的克里奥耳女子的疯狂之谜,而且折射出身为克里奥耳女作家的里斯本人的身份危机感。

43、Mimi and GaGa's “adult's naivety”, their behavior and appearance no doubt provides many vivid and absurd aspects of the blindness and craziness of the modern consumption culture. ─── 咪咪与嘎嘎“成年幼稚主义”的种种行为和表象特征,对应于现代消费文化的盲目与疯狂,无疑是一个个鲜活而古怪的横截面。

44、Once you have this craziness, you can achieve anything you want! ─── 人一旦有了这种疯狂,做任何事都可以成功!

45、At first we are very much interested in him, but now we are afraid of his craziness ─── 最初我们对他很感兴趣,可现在我们对他的疯狂感到恐惧

46、Leo held himself to be a critic of craziness. ─── 利奥把自己看成是一名疯狂症的鉴定家。

47、However, I am willing to share my craziness for Mozart with anyone, as long as my efforts are not denied by deleting my name. ─── 不过,流传时,只要别把我名字抹掉,我很乐意把我当初的狂热和任何人分享。

48、"a collection of memorable pieces about the general craziness that was going down in those days" (James Atlas) ─── “许多发生在那时的狂热而值得怀念的琐忆”(詹姆斯·阿特拉斯)

49、Btw: Winterspring Screechers have Screech rank 3. As well as Claw 7 and Dive 3. Craziness! ─── 此外:冬泉谷的尖啸者带有3级尖啸,同时还有7级爪击和3级俯冲。真不错!

50、Nevertheless,crazy"rotation" is the real incantation and magic power that guide Khorchin Saman preachers into the state of craziness. ─── 然而 ,将科尔沁博导向昏迷 (迷狂 )境地的真正咒力和魔法是疯狂激荡的“旋转”。

51、His behavior bordes on craziness . ─── 他的行为有时近于疯狂,

52、Definition of Craziness. ─── “疯狂”的定义.

53、Can't wait to tell you all about it....let the craziness begin! ─── 真是迫不及待的告诉你们在那里发生的一切,让我们一起疯狂吧。

54、a collection of memorable pieces about the general craziness that was going down in those days(bJames Atlas) ─── 许多发生在那时的狂热而值得怀念的琐忆(b詹姆斯 阿特拉斯)

55、Love always goes with certain craziness. ─── 爱总是有某种疯狂。

56、It was craziness seem give me life ─── 一片痴心我该寄托何处

57、At first we are very much interested in him, but now we are afraid of his craziness. ─── 最初我们对他很感兴趣,可现在我们对他的疯狂感到恐惧。

58、Now it's off to the final flyaways. Heat, craziness and jetlag await! Hasn't the European season just flown by!?! ─── 现在是最后动身起飞的时刻。期待高温,疯狂和时差!难道欧洲赛季还没过去吗?!

59、I was impressed by those disordered information that everyone was crazy which seemed to be "mass craziness" named by some sociologists. ─── 这些混乱的信息,给我一种人人都在发神经的感觉,好像有社会学家说过的“群体性的癫狂”。

60、Once you have this craziness,you can achieve anything you want. ─── 一旦你具有疯狂的精神,你就能成就你所要的任何事。

61、Most of us go crazy when we can't find things and such craziness could be an everyday routine for a person working from a messy and cluttered home office. ─── 当找不到东西时,大部分人们会发狂。对于在一个肮脏和混乱的家庭办公室里工作的人们来说,这样的发狂会变成每天的例行公事。

62、Boy: Because of the craziness , we regain our confidence and enthusiasm . ─── 因为这份疯狂,我们重新获得自信和热情。

63、IN ONE of his short stories, "The Quantity Theory of Insanity" , Will Self suggests that there is a fixed amount of craziness in the world. ─── 威尔•塞尔夫在他的短篇小说《疯狂数量理论》(“TheQuantityTheoryofInsanity”)中提出——在这个世界上,疯狂的总量是既定的。

64、Yet, the tidiness so typical of Japan, its craziness about work and passiveness of the new generation, would come up from time to time, as they have left such a deep impression on my mind. ─── 但日本那特有的整洁,对工作的狂热,新生代的消极,总是会不时的浮现在我的脑海,已经深深烙印我的记忆深处。

65、It was "Guinness World Records" day on Thursday, a chance for the weird and wacky to win a place in the compendium of craziness. ─── 据路透社11月9日报道,“吉尼斯世界纪录日”为那些有着奇才怪艺的人提供了入选《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》的机会。

66、Given the craziness at LSU at the moment, NBA sources think he's nearly a lock to declare this year. ─── 以目前LSU令人疯狂的状况来看,NBA的数据说他今年几乎铁定将宣布加入选秀。

67、If you are sick, alone, in a war, dominated by craziness and despair, money cannot save you. ─── 假如你患病,孤独,或身处战事,疯狂和绝望占据着你的灵魂,金钱拯救不了你。

68、Being close to craziness, and being close to you. ─── 我上了花神得到好处的还不是你们。。

69、Personally, it is self-evident that this kind of craziness will do a lot of harm to the youth. ─── 依我看,很显然,这种狂热对年轻人颇为有害。现在该是教育年轻人如何正确敬仰偶像。

70、I mean I'm not talking to you from the point of view of just wishful thinking or imaginary craziness. ─── 我的意思是,我并不是只在所谓的“满怀希望的思索”这个角度来讨论问题,或者所谓的“想象力”甚至“疯狂执著”。

71、I mean, I'm not talking to you from the point of view of just wishful thinking or imaginary, craziness. ─── 我的意思是,我并不是只在所谓的“满怀希望的思考”这个角度来讨论问题,或者所谓的“想象力”甚至“疯狂执著”。

72、she hugged Tom and thanked him for all of his craziness. ─── 她拥抱汤姆,感谢他所有的疯狂举动。

73、DEFINITION OF CRAZINESS "Crazy" stands for the human spirit of transcending oneself. ─── "疯狂"代表着人类超越自我的精神。

74、But "now it is one of the few areas that has enough people and craziness going on all the time, and restaurants. ─── 但“现在,它在任何时候都不缺人,都很热闹,还有餐馆,是少数几个这样的地区之一。

75、In other words, this craziness isn't likely to end soon. ─── 换言之,疯狂的状态可能不会很快结束。

76、so thank u and no worries the MY WORLD Tour will be going worldwide and im excited to share all the craziness with you. Im still. . . ─── 所以谢谢你们,不用担心,myworld巡演将会是世界的,很开心与你们分享,我仍然是……

77、Although this towering concrete treehouse isn’t really green, we couldn’t help but be awestruck by its sheer craziness. ─── 虽然这个高耸的水泥“树屋”不是用木头做成的,我们还是惊艳于它的疯狂。

78、Being close to craziness and being close to you. ─── 但现在我感觉和你心有灵犀,

79、style of craziness ─── 迷狂式

80、That is life. A spirit of craziness is essential to it, if you want to make something out of it. ─── 这就是生活。如果你这一辈子想有所成就,你就得有点疯狂的精神。

81、You can see his craziness and his cunningness both in his face. ─── 在他的脸上你可以同时看到他的愚蠢和狡猾。


madness (名词)


例句:His madness is out of control


crazy (形容词)(名词)


例句:The crazy man started screaming


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