regulus 发音
英: 美:
regulus 中文意思翻译
regulus 短语词组
1、Regulus calendula ─── [网络] 金盏花
2、regulus missile ─── 雷格斯导弹
3、regulus cristatus ─── 鸡冠轩辕肌
4、Regulus Inertial Navigation ─── 摄动惯性导航
5、Regulus regulus ─── [网络] 戴菊;戴菊鸟;戴菊莺
6、regulus fit ─── 调节器配合
7、antimony regulus ─── [化] 锑块(含90%锑的粗制金属锑)
8、regulus star ─── 天王星星
9、regulus lxc ─── 雷古勒斯lxc
10、genus Regulus ─── [网络] 属Regulus
11、regulus group ─── 正则群
12、regulus black ─── 黑斑
13、regulus leo ─── 雷鬼狮子座
regulus 词性/词形变化,regulus变形
名词复数: reguli |形容词: reguline |
regulus 相似词语短语
1、regulars ─── n.常客;僧侣;政党的中坚分子;正规军(regular的复数)
2、Regulus ─── n.锑块,金属渣;狮子座的一等星
3、regals ─── 礼品
4、regulise ─── 规则
5、regales ─── vt.取悦;盛情款待;vi.参加宴会;享用;享受;n.款待
6、regulas ─── n.平条;边条;方嵌条;n.(Regula)人名;(英)雷古拉
7、ramulus ─── n.小枝,小分支;[植]副枝
8、argulus ─── 鱼虱
9、reguluses ─── n.锑块,金属渣;狮子座的一等星
regulus 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Stubby Boardman is Regulus Black No, he isn't. Nice idea, though. ─── 开玩笑。不是“哈利波特与记忆的墓地”这个名字。
2、In this photo, a crew prepares a for test launch on the Regulus, a submarine with nuclear firing capabilities, in the Pacific. ─── 在这张照片中,位于太平洋上拥有核打击能力的Regulus号潜艇正在进行测试发射。
3、In the Norwegian edition, Regulus Black is called Regulus Svaart, and the initials R. ─── 他出自一个黑魔法家庭,接触到一些高深的黑魔法也是极有可能的。
4、The northbound carriageway of two kilometers a dragon Valley, the Grand Canyon West is Jingdong, Regulus Taiwan, Ya Jishan, the East has Jinhai Hu. ─── 北行2千米有飞龙谷,西有京东大峡谷、轩辕台、丫髻山、东有金海湖。
5、The Moon during the eclipse. You can see Saturn to the left and Regulus above the moon. ─── 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。
6、He also noted that this was followed by three conjunctions of Jupiter with Regulus, the royal or king star within the constellation of Leo, and then by the conjunction with Venus. ─── 他也注意到这随后是木星与狮子座的一等星相关系,王室或者帝星在狮子座里面,然后与金星相关。
7、Regulus regulus ─── n. 戴菊鸟(莺科)
8、Regulus satrapa ─── n. 金冠戴菊(莺科)
9、Sirius was the very last of the line as his younger brother, Regulus , predeceased him and both were childless. ─── 小天狼星是布莱克家的最后一个人,他的弟弟雷古拉斯已经在他之前去世了,而他俩又都没有孩子。
10、antimony regulus ─── 锑块炼锑
11、Regulus was the younger brother of Sirius Black. ─── 雷古勒斯是小天狼星布莱克的弟弟。
12、regulus metal ─── 铅锑合金
13、I got his brother, Regulus, when he came along, but I'd have liked the set. ─── 他进校时,他哥哥雷古勒斯就在我们学院,要是两个人都在我那儿就好了。”
14、“William Duke, here is the best country Regulus embroidered Square, a few days before your wife to sell the embroidered pieces of the Embroidery is here.” ─── (威廉公爵,这里就是轩辕国最好的绣坊了,前几天给您夫人卖的绣件就是这里的绣品。)
15、By the way, Regulus is the 21st brightest star, but it attracts more attention than many bright stars. ─── 另外,轩辕十四是第21个明亮的星星,但是它比其他的许多星星更能吸引人们的注意。
16、Parnassius imperator regulus ─── n. 君主绢崃祁连亚种
17、Regulus = 'the little king'; ─── 雷古勒斯=“小王星”;
18、abtimony regulus ─── 锑块精炼锑金属锑
19、copper matte regulus ─── 铜锍冰铜
20、Friday evening, look westward soon after sunset to see the waxing crescent moon not far from the planet Saturn and star Regulus in the twilight sky. ─── 星期五的夜晚,日落后向西看去就能看到暮色天空中距离土星和狮子座轩辕十四不远的娥眉月。
21、In the past couple of years, Regulus has served as a fixed reference for watching the motions of the moon and Saturn. ─── 在过去的几年里,它经常被作为观察月亮和土星运动的固定参考。
22、Regulus calendula ─── n. 红玉冠戴菊(莺科)
23、Eptesicus regulus ─── n. 王棕蝠
24、Unlike his brother, Regulus was favored by his parents because he shared their pureblood prejudices; ─── 与他的哥哥不同,雷古勒斯很受父母的宠爱,因为他继承了他们家族对高贵纯种血统的偏见;
25、Morphologies and elemental compositions of Sm4 (SiO4)3 crystals with splinter-, lath-, branch-, pillar-and needle-shape in the holes of regulus of Sm2O3/ diopside(CaMgSi2O6) were studied with electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) . ─── 利用电子探针显微分析仪(EPMA)对Sm2O3/透辉石(CaMgSi2O6)复合助烧剂熔块孔洞中的Sm4(SiO4)3晶体进行了形貌和元素分析。
26、regulus antimony ─── 金属锑
27、regulus of Venus ─── 耐腐蚀合金
28、They favored their younger son, Regulus, who shared their views; ─── 他们偏爱他们的小儿子Regulus,并且后者有着和他的父母一样的想法;
29、conjugate regulus ─── 共轭二次线列
30、Venus regulus ─── 维纳斯锑铜合金
31、JK tells us "Regulus got in a little too deep. ─── JK说“雷古勒斯陷的有点太深了。
32、Brightening slightly from magnitude +0.7 to +0.5, Saturn appears twice as bright as the bluish star, Regulus, the brightest star of Leo, the Lion. ─── 土星亮度在+0.5--0.7之间,为狮子座最亮的蓝色恒星--轩辕十四亮度的两倍。
33、Eothenomys regulus ─── n. 东北绒鼠
34、' Sirius was the very last of the line as his younger brother, Regulus, predeceased him and both were childless. ─── 小天狼星是布莱克家的最后一个人,他的弟弟雷古拉斯已经在他之前去世了,而他俩又都没有孩子。
35、Regulus survived only a few days after defying Voldemort (reason unknown) (HBP6). ─── 雷古勒斯在不服从伏地魔之后只活了几天(原因未知)(HBP6)。
36、dingot regulus ─── 直熔锭块
37、The result is the varied, rainbow like trail for Regulus (left) and the steadier, consistently reddish trail for Mars. ─── 结果就是这张多彩、像彩虹般的Regulus(左)和更为稳定、持续发出红光的火星轨迹了。
38、Gu Jian golden color of the millennium, the legend is heaven gods for giving Regulus beat Chiyou of the Yellow Emperor Kuang Shi Excalibur. ─── 黄金色之千年古剑,传说是天界诸神赐予轩辕黄帝击败蚩尤之旷世神剑。
39、The names of many of Sirius' family members are the names of stars or constellations: Sirius, Regulus, Bellatrix, Andromeda. Narcissa would seem to be the exception. ─── 小天狼星家族的成员都是以恒星或者星座来起名的,如小天狼星,雷古勒斯(辕十四,狮子座的双星)贝拉特里克斯(户座的参宿五)安多米达(女座)只有纳西莎是个例外。
40、Machaeropterus regulus ─── n. 条纹侏儒鸟(侏儒鸟科)
41、Regulus Inertial Navigation ─── "天狮星"惯性导航
42、In the past couple of years, Regulus has served as a fixed reference for watching the motions of the moon and Saturn. ─── 在过去的几年里,它经常被作为观察月亮和土星运动的固定参考。
43、Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation Leo. ─── 轩辕十四是狮子座中最亮的星星。
44、Saturn and the Moon, with Regulus, from Leo the Lion Constellation ─── 土星合月
45、That's because Regulus routinely pairs up with the moon and planets on the dome of night. ─── 这是因为它经常和月亮以及夜晚苍穹上的其它行星结成一对。
46、Gu Jian golden color of the millennium, the legend is heaven gods for giving Regulus beat Chiyou of the Yellow Emperor Kuang Shi Excalibur. ─── 黄金色之千年古剑,传说是天界诸神赐予轩辕黄帝击败蚩尤之旷世神剑。
47、On Sunday the Moon will move closer to a pair of celestial beacons, bright star Regulus and Saturn. ─── 星期六的晚间,明亮的火星会在月亮的附近,此外,老人星和土星也都离月亮不远。
48、Any of several small, grayish North American birds of the genus Regulus, having a yellowish or reddish patch on the crown of the head. ─── 载菊一种属于载菊鸟属的头冠上有黄斑或红斑的带灰色的北部美洲的小鸟
49、regulus of lines ─── 二次线列
50、" Yellow Emperor Temple The main building of "equine Zhuang", "positions five villages", Baidoa will be Taiwan, palaces, Regulus doors, doors, etc.Giang Vo. ─── 黄帝宫目前的主要建筑有“养马庄”、“仓五村”、拜将台、宫殿、轩辕门、讲武门等。
51、regulus metal alloy ─── 铅锑合金抗酸金属合金
52、regulus mirror ─── 锑镜
53、Silvery-blue Regulus may look pinkish in the twilight. ─── 银蓝色的轩辕十四在暮色里有一点点浅桃色。
54、Leo's royal star Regulus and red planet Mars appear in a colorful pairing just above the horizon in this starry skyscape. ─── 狮子座的王者之星轩辕十四和红色行星火星,在这地平线上繁星闪耀的天空中交相辉映。
55、regulus lead ─── 铅块合锑铅
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