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08-28 投稿


retrograde 发音

英:['retrəgreɪd]  美:['rɛtrəɡred]

英:  美:

retrograde 中文意思翻译





retrograde 网络释义

adj. 倒退的;退化的;次序颠倒的vi. 逆行;倒退;退步vt. 使倒退adv. 倒退地;向后地

retrograde 词性/词形变化,retrograde变形

动词第三人称单数: retrogrades |名词: retrogradation |动词现在分词: retrograding |动词过去分词: retrograded |动词过去式: retrograded |副词: retrogradely |

retrograde 短语词组

1、retrograde metastasis ─── [医] 逆行转移

2、retrograde infection ─── [医] 逆行性感染

3、retrograde hernia ─── [医] 逆行性疝

4、retrograde intussusception ─── [医] 逆行性套迭

5、retrograde condensation ─── [化] 反缩合; 逆冷凝

6、retrograde degeneration ─── [医] 退行性变性

7、retrograde aldol condensation ─── [化] 逆羟醛缩合

8、retrograde extrasystole ─── [医] 逆行性期外收缩

9、retrograde beat ─── [医] 逆行搏动

10、retrograde cancer ─── [医] 退化癌, 退行性癌

11、retrograde amnesia ─── [医] 逆行性遗忘

12、retrograde memory ─── [医] 近事记忆, 逆行性记忆

13、retrograde embolism ─── [医] 逆行栓塞

14、retrograde method ─── [经] 倒算法

15、retrograde invagination ─── [医] 逆行性肠套迭

16、retrograde menstruation ─── [医] 逆性月经

17、retrograde evaporation ─── [机] 逆蒸发

18、retrograde metamorphosis ─── [医] 退行性变态

19、retrograde embolus ─── [医] 逆行栓子

retrograde 同义词

backward | retreat | rehash | rearward | retrogress | declining | hash over | worsening | reversing | retral | retrogressive | regress | regressive

retrograde 反义词

direct | anterograde

retrograde 相似词语短语

1、retrograding ─── adj.倒退的;退化的;次序颠倒的;vi.逆行;倒退;退步;vt.使倒退;adv.倒退地;向后地

2、petrogram ─── n.岩画(史前洞穴中绘于岩石上的)

3、Petrograd ─── n.彼得格勒;列宁格勒(苏联西北部港市)

4、to retrograde ─── 逆行

5、anterograde ─── adj.顺行的;前进的

6、retrogrades ─── adj.倒退的;退化的;次序颠倒的;vi.逆行;倒退;退步;vt.使倒退;adv.倒退地;向后地

7、retrogradely ─── 后退地;颠倒地

8、retrograded ─── adj.倒退的;退化的;次序颠倒的;vi.逆行;倒退;退步;vt.使倒退;adv.倒退地;向后地

9、orthograde ─── adj.直立着身体行走的

retrograde 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A retrograde planet will always urge you to look back and fix things that have been left unfinished or unresolved. ─── 一个逆行的行星将会总是催着你去回顾并且解决你遗留下来没完成和解决的问题。

2、Ms.Clair noted, too, that Alzheimer’s is retrograde: “Things fall off in the opposite order from the way they were acquired. ─── 克莱尔女士也指出阿尔茨海默氏症是逆行的:“遗忘的事情被从相反的方向重新记起来。”

3、Another 64-year-old male was referred for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography because of common bile duct dilatatin in sonography. ─── 我们提出两例接受诊断性内视镜逆行性胆胰管摄影检查及俄迪氏括约肌测压检查合并后腹腔,从膈腔,及皮下气肿。

4、Method Intravenous urography(IVU)and retrograde pyelography(RGP)are important methods for diagnosing ureteric polyps. ─── 方法IVU,RGP是诊断输尿管息肉的重要方法,本病应与输尿管癌、阴性结石及血凝块相鉴别;

5、Last month, in January, you were hampered with Mercury retrograde. ─── 上个月,也就是一月份,你因水星逆行而受阻。

6、The holidays are coming, and I had mentioned that it would be wise not to shop in December, due to Mercury in retrograde. ─── 假期就要来了,我曾提到,这将是最好不要铺在十二月,由于水星的逆行。

7、Urine PCR-TBDNA,IVU,retrograde urography and CT were highly positive in these patients. ─── 尿PCR-TBDNA、静脉肾盂造影、膀胱镜检逆行造影、CT等检查,在泌尿系结核感染病例中有较高的阳性率。

8、If you feel your career has stagnated a little over the past five months, the reason is that since April Pluto has been retrograde as well. ─── 如果你觉得在过去的五个月里你的工作停滞不前,那是因为自4月份起冥王星也开始逆行的缘故。

9、Methods 41 cases of defects in patients with a thumb-thumb-foot radius dorsal dorsal or repair of retrograde flap,Observation of survival results. ─── 方法对41例拇端缺损患者采用拇指尺背侧或桡背侧逆行岛状皮瓣修复术,观察成活效果。

10、It is concluded that methanol as an effective solvent for eliminating the retrograde condensate damage is of re-vaporizing effect on condensate oil. ─── 定容衰竭过程中的反凝析液量和凝析液粘度也明显降低;甲醇对凝析油产生有效的再蒸发作用,是一种有效的解除反凝析污染的溶剂。

11、Sometimes it's just a matter of the confusion that accompanies Mercury's retrograde cycle, which continues until next Sunday. ─── 有时候,这只是一个问题的混乱,伴随水星逆行周期一直持续到下周日。

12、Watching more TV will retrograde your brain. ─── 多看电视会使你的头脑退化。

13、However, with Mercury about to turn retrograde, you must buy your items or sign your deal between January 8 and 20. ─── 但是,随着水星即将逆行,你必须在1月8日到20日之间购买你要的东西或者签署你的合约。

14、IVP and CT scanning were performed in all cases, 3D reconstruction was used in 3 cases, retrograde pyelography in 3cases, MRI in 1 case. ─── 8例患者均行IVP和CT检查,其中3例做了输尿管三维重建,3例做了逆行肾盂造影检查,1例做了MRI检查。

15、Things purchased with Mercury retrograde prove to be troublesome later, and they don't deliver the long-range benefits that you assume they will bring. ─── 在水星逆行影响下的购物会是将来的麻烦,买来的东西也不会带来你当初认为会存在的长期好处。

16、The experimentally measured temperature dependence of retrograde velocity of vacuum arcs can be explained by the ion jet model for retrograde motion of vacuum arcs. ─── 实验测得的后退速度的温度关系可用真空电弧后退运动的正离子喷流模型加以解释。

17、Ah, it's part of the Mercury retrograde process. ─── 啊,这也是水星逆行过程中的一部分。

18、Abdominal aortic dissection with retrograde extension to the ascending aorta during diagnostic coronary catheterization has not been reported before. ─── 摘要诊断性心导管时并发腹部主动脉剥离并延伸至上升主动脉至今并无文献报告。

19、Nevertheless,we will not neglect the needs of people with disabilities,nor take any retrograde steps along the road to equal opportunities and full participation. ─── 不过,我们是不会忽略残疾人士的需要的,也不会在推广平等机会和鼓励全面三与的道路上倒退下来。

20、If urethral injury is suspected, urethral integrity should be confirmed by a retrograde urethrogram before the catheter is inserted. ─── 如果怀疑有尿道损伤,在置管前应先行逆行性尿道造影以确定尿道的完整性。

21、Title: Geochemical behavior of trace elements during retrograde metamorphism of eclogites: Study on the retrograde eclogites from the CCSD main hole. ─── 关键词:中国大陆科学钻探工程;榴辉岩;退变质作用;微量元素地球化学行为

22、To evaluate the effectiveness of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) as a treatment for benign postoperative bile duct strictures. ─── 摘要目的探讨术后胆道狭窄内镜治疗的效果。

23、As saidearlier, Mercury will be in a debilitated state now that it's retrograde, butto be confronted by Uranus too is overwhelming. ─── 像之前说到的,水星将会处在微弱状态逆行,但是与天王星的对冲威力也将势不可挡。

24、Amnesia may be anterograde (in which events following the causative trauma or disease are forgotten) or retrograde (in which events preceding the trauma or disease are forgotten). ─── 可分为顺行性(对损伤或疾病后的事失去记忆)、逆行性(对发病前的事失去记忆)。

25、However, miniscule Mercury will be retrograde in these houses from September 7 to 29, which can attract some nitpicky people on the job. ─── 从7号至29号,水星将在上述宫位逆行,工作上,你会发现突然来了一堆专门挑刺的大人们。

26、Methods 78 cases with urinary tract infection were examined by renal ultrasound and intravenous pyelography and retrograde micturition reoenterogrphy. ─── 方法78例尿路感染患儿经肾脏超声、静脉肾盂造影及排泄性尿路造影检查明确诊断,并给予相应治疗。

27、Improving the Success of Retrograde Tracheal Intubation. ─── 增加逆行气管插管的成功率。

28、Methods Thirty-five cases with 37 primary ureteral polyps were studied.Ultrasound, IVU, retrograde uretero-pyelography and CT were used to treat primary ureteral polyps. ─── 方法对35例37条输尿管息肉患者的临床资料进行分析。

29、The failure rate of selective common bile duct (CBD) cannulation varies from 10-15% in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). ─── 摘要实施内视镜逆行胆胰管摄影术,胆管摄影失败率自10-15%不等。

30、It's strange with your ruling planet (Venus) being retrograde, this truth is so much easier to see &appreciate. ─── 奇怪的是,你的所属星球(金星)开始衰退,这个真理很容易发现和体会到。

31、Jupiter, your guardian planet, will be retrograde until mid-October, so you won't be able to rely on luck to get out of tight situations. ─── 你的守护星木星在十月中之前都将退行,所以你不能再依赖曾经的好运来化解危机。

32、It's never wise to shop for expensive things, agree to big plans, or sign contracts when Mercury is retrograde. ─── 在水星逆行期间购买贵重物品、赞成重大计划或签订合约从来都不是一个明智的选择。

33、A communication between the tumor and the pancreatic duct was noted when endoscopic retrograde pancreatogram was performed. ─── 内视镜逆行性胆胰管摄影发现在壶腹下方有一肿瘤,且与壶腹相连通。

34、Accordingly, he has both anterograde and retrograde amnesia: he cannot form new factual memories and he cannot recall old ones. ─── 因此,他同时患有顺行性与逆行性失忆症:他既无法形成新记忆,也唤不起旧有的记忆。

35、Patients were followed by urethroscopy, retrograde urethrography and uroflowmetry at 3, 6 and 12 months after operation. ─── 从民国89年6月开始,我们对三位复发性尿道狭窄的病置放这种新尿道支撑物。

36、The occurrence and pathogenesis of these complications following endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and sphincter of Oddi manometry were discussed. ─── 在此陈述临床病史,影像学所见,并讨论这并发症的发生率及可能致病机转。

37、There is no use trying to outrun Mercury retrograde, for you began to feel the slowdowns as soon as late April. ─── 不要想试图逃脱水星逆行的影响,4月下旬你将会觉得事情的发展变慢。

38、Pierre Kunz "Big Date Retrograde Seconds" Mechanical self-winding movement with hours, minutes an... ─── 参考 G016 GD Sport/AC-Black;钢;自动上弦;所在地: 萭士, Gen鑦e;

39、Ah, life with Mercury retrograde! ─── 哦,生活在水星逆行期!

40、It was cowardly of him to retrograde in face of danger. ─── 他在面临危险时退却这是很懦弱的。

41、The problem is, Mercury will be retrograde, a holdover from last month, making it not a good time to accept a new position. ─── 但问题在于,水星将延续上个月的逆行状态,以至于现在并不是一个接受新职位的好时机。

42、The next day, Venus—planetary ruler of Libra—turns retrograde. ─── 第二天,天秤座的行星统治者金星开始逆行了。

43、Methods 12 cases with comminuted femoral intercondylar fractures were treated with retrograde interlocking intramedullary nailing. ─── 方法应用股骨逆行交锁髓内钉治疗12例股骨髁间粉碎型骨折,随访全部病例并进行临床效果评定。

44、closure of the factory is a retrograde step. ─── 工厂的关闭是一大退步。

45、We are still rather serious as retrograde Mercury conjuncts the Sun and heads toward repressive Saturn. ─── 我们仍旧相称地谨慎因为逆行的水星与太阳合相、奔向压抑的土星。

46、Methods Two groups of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatrogtaphy (ERCP) were investigated, the trials were given gabexate mesilate. ─── 方法两组行ERCP的病人,试验组应用加贝酯。

47、It is cowardly of him to retrograde in face of danger. ─── 他在面临危险时退却是很懦弱的。

48、Infection can spread retrograde down a drain from the exterior. ─── 感染能从外界经引流管逆行播散。

49、If Mercury retrograde were the only glitch thathappens with September, it would be fairly easy to navigate, but it is not. ─── 如果水星逆行是九月中唯一的不规则运转,那么事情将会相对容易驾驭,但是实际上并不是这样。

50、Objective To investigate the repair of forefoot cutaneous defect with retrograde foot vascularized flap. ─── 摘要目的探讨足逆行血管蒂皮瓣修复前足皮肤缺损的效果。

51、Will turn into direct movement or retrograde movement soon, stationary horoscope brings high forus and significant energy. ─── 将会变成顺行或逆行,静止的星座会带来强力集中与敏显得影响。

52、If you are organized, you can tiptoe between all these retrograde dates and time your actions perfectly. ─── 如果你计划好了,你可以在逆行的日子里踮起脚尖小心行事,你会完美的度过那些日子。

53、Backgroundl Aims: To appraise the value of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic ductal stones (PDS). ─── 摘要目的:探讨内镜逆行膜胆管造影(ERCP)在膜管结石(PDS)诊断与治疗中的价值。

54、The stylish Breguet Classique Retrograde Seconds Model #5207ba/12/9v6 showcases an entirely offset, ... ─── 参考 5207ba/12/9v6;黄金;自动发条;所在地: 美国, CA, Beverly Hills;

55、Shortly after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography procedure, right-sided pneumothorax, subcutaneous, retroperitoneal, and mediastinal emphysema were noted. ─── 两位病患者皆有乳突憩室,但都没有发现明确的破孔。

56、Mercury will be retrograde all month, too, so you will have to be patient while financial transactions and business negotiations hit snags. ─── 同样,水星本月逆行,所以你需要在财务和业务的商谈、交易中付出耐心。

57、Uranus will begin to retrograde July 1, but only until December 1 when this planet of creativity and unpredictability will awaken again. ─── 天王星从1号开始退行,到12月1号这颗掌控创造力和不确定性的行星将会再度铮醒。

58、Nevertheless, we will not neglect the needs of people with disabilities, nor take any retrograde steps along the road to equal opportunities and full participation. ─── 不过,我们是不会忽略残疾人士的需要的,也不会在推广平等机会和鼓励全面叁与的道路上倒退下来。

59、Retrograde Blood Flow in the Brachial and Axillary Arteries during Routine Radial Arterial Catheter Flushing. ─── 常规桡动脉导管冲洗期间臂动脉和腋动脉血液的返流。

60、Methods:73 cat teeth were studied in practical anatomy、Capping pulp.root canal treatment、apicectomy and retrograde filling. ─── 方法:对猫牙进行应用解剖、盖髓、根管充填术及根尖手术等实验研究。

61、Method Using the method of retrograde transport of biotinylatcal dextran amine (BDA) to study the projection from the vestibular nuclei to the spinal cord in 7 SD rats. ─── 方法 在 7例SD大鼠采用结合生物素的葡聚糖胺(BDA)逆行法观察大鼠前庭核群向脊髓的投射。

62、Selling off all our nationalized companies to private ownership is a very retrograde step. ─── 出售我们全部国有化的公司变成私人的所有权是一项非常倒退的阶段。

63、Methods:Acute pancreatitis-associated brain injury was induced in rats by retrograde injection TCA into biliopancreatic ducts. ─── 方法:采用雄性SD大鼠逆行胰胆管注射牛磺胆酸钠(2%、5%)1.0ml/Kg制成急性胰腺炎大鼠模型。

64、Of course, in contrast to the antialienation intellectual currents in the modern world, it is a spiritual struggle which flew retrograde to the poetic wisdom. ─── 当然,与现代文明中的反异化思潮根本不同,它是一种回归诗性智慧的精神奋斗。

65、Inhalation of buccal secretion and retrograde infection from stomach to pharynx to lower tracheal path are the main approach. ─── 口咽部定殖菌吸入及胃-咽-下呼吸道逆行感染为其重要感染途径。

66、Somehow during Mercury retrograde we all find we have more time to get to those pesky things on our to-do list. ─── 从某种程度上来讲,我们都发现我们有更多的时间来处理待办清单上的这些烦心事了。

67、You can draw up plans now, but with Mercury retrograde, it would be best to wait before you set things in stone. ─── 你可以现在就制定计划,但是随着水星倒退,你最好等到所有事前准备都好了再开始。

68、This is, as far as we're concerned, a real retrograde step for human rights. ─── 我们而言,这是在人权问题上真正倒退的一步。

69、The closure of the factory is a retrograde step. ─── 工厂的关闭是一大退步。

70、Anterograde amnesia and minimal retrograde amnesia with thalamic and hippocampal lesions in neuro-Behcet's disease is rare. ─── 丘脑和海马的神经白塞氏病引起顺行性遗忘和轻微的逆行性健忘症是罕见的。

71、Reed, J. M., and L. R. Squire. "Retrograde Amnesia for Facts and Events: Findings from Four New Cases." J. Neurosci 18 (1998): 3943-54. ─── 对事实和事件的逆行性遗忘:对四个新病例的研究发现〉,《神经科学学报》18(1998):3943-54.

72、Methods Two groups of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatrography(ERCP)were investigated, the trials were given gabexate mesilate. ─── 方法两组行ERCP的病人,试验组应用加贝酯。

73、In many people, ejaculation may be retrograde, i.e. the ejaculate goes into the bladder rather comes out, because the external sphincter may be open. ─── 在许多人来说,可能是逆行性射精,即射精进入膀胱而出来的,因为外括约肌可能打开。

74、Commercial banks previously criticised the decision to print such high denomination notes as a retrograde step in an economy that is aiming to move away from cash. ─── 各商业银行先前批评印制这样高额面值纸币的决定有悖于逐渐消除现金的经济目标。

75、As an aside, if you were starting a partnership for business, it would still not be wise to form it during the retrograde. ─── 另一方面,如果你在事业上要开始一段合作关系,在金星逆行的时间里,这不是个明智的决定。

76、The planet of harmony and values, Venus, is moving retrograde in your work sector. ─── 代表协调能力和价值观的金星已经逆行到你的事业宫了。

77、Both underwent retrograde pyelography which showed the typical S-shape of a retrocaval ureter. ─── 再由电脑断层和核磁共振确定为下腔静脉后输尿管。

78、The other involving calcific metamorphosis of canal space was treated by surgical endo-dontic therapy(retrograde filling). ─── 另一根几乎完全钙化,则施以手术性齿内治疗(逆行性根管充填)。

79、Neptune retrograde may have created a bit of a financial drain, or some unforeseen expenses. ─── 海王星逆行已经创造了个一段金融漏管,或一些不可预见的花费。

80、Saturn Retrograde may have been a time of slowing down outward progress in order to restore your feeling of vitality and confidence. ─── 土星逆行是一段放慢外界进程的时间,为了恢复你的活力和自信。

81、The rotation in the elliptic is retrograde. ─── 在椭圆内的运动属于逆进型。

82、The problem has been that both Neptune and Uranus have been in lethargic retrograde mode for months, moving backward for a very long time. ─── 主要问题是天王星和海王星这几个月来一直是无精打采的衰退状态,已经后退很长时间了。

83、Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) revealed biliary leak in right duct in 14 (70%) and in left duct in six (30%) patients. ─── 内镜逆行胆胰管造影术(ERCP)显示右胆道裂伤14人(70%),左胆管损伤6人(30%)。

84、Educating Anesthesiology Residents to Perform Percutaneous Cricothyrotomy, Retrograde Intubation, and Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy Using Preserved Cadavers. ─── 使用防腐的尸体训练麻醉科住院医师实施经皮环甲膜切开,逆行引导插管,以及纤支镜检查。

85、Prograde orbits are more vulnerable than retrograde ones. ─── 因此顺行的轨道会比逆行轨道更加脆弱。

86、At that time, Venus will retrograde in Scorpio and Libra for a time. ─── 在那个时候,金星将在天蝎座和天平座逆行一段时间。

87、You need to leave a few days' space on either end of a Mercury retrograde period. ─── 你需要在水星逆行期前后略留出几天空间。

88、Neither retrograde nor anterograde amnesia is associated with this drug. ─── 它既没有逆行性也没有顺行性遗忘的作用。

89、Contracting is notorious about overruns to budgets, and during Mercury retrograde, changes in costs are common. ─── 众所周知承包很容易超出预算,并且在水逆期间,报价上的变化会很正常。

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