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09-13 投稿



flix 发音

英:[[flɪks]]  美:[[flɪks]]

英:  美:

flix 中文意思翻译



flix 短语词组

1、joo flix sequeira ─── 是的,flix亮片。

2、flix movies flix ─── 电影

3、flix login flix ─── 登录

4、flix schedule ─── 航班时刻表

5、bow wow flix ─── 鞠躬哇飞

6、joo flix ─── 是的,弗利克斯。

7、dirty flix ─── 肮脏的电影

8、flix tricks bmx flix tricks ─── 宝马

9、flix play ─── 飞行游戏

flix 相似词语短语

1、flir ─── abbr.前视红外(ForwardLookingInfra-Red);前视红外雷达(ForwardLookingInfraredRadar)

2、flax ─── n.亚麻;亚麻纤维;亚麻布;亚麻织品;n.(Flax)人名;(英、法、西、捷)弗拉克斯

3、flit ─── v.掠过,轻快地飞;移居;躲债搬家;不停地移动;很快转变;n.轻快的飞行;移居;躲债搬家;夜间偷偷逃走;n.(Flit)(美、俄、以、德)弗利特(人名)

4、fix ─── v.(使)固定;确定(价格、日期等);维修;安排;(使)(颜料、影响等)经久不褪;n.(非正式)(难以脱身的)困境;(非正式)一剂麻醉品;使人兴奋上瘾的东西;极致的感受;(非正式)仓促的解决办法;目侧方位;(非正式)欺诈行为;n.(Fix)(美)菲克斯(人名)

5、flim ─── 荧光寿命成像系统(fluorescence-lifetimeimagingmicroscopy)

6、flex ─── vt.折曲;使收缩;vi.弯曲;收缩;n.屈曲;电线;松紧带;adj.弹性工作制的;n.(Flex)人名;(意)弗莱克斯;(法)弗莱

7、flic ─── n.警察

8、flip ─── vt.掷;翻转;轻击;vi.翻转;蹦跳;adj.无礼的;轻率的;n.弹;筋斗

9、faix ─── n.(Faix)人名;(法)费

flix 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fa in the two countries can choose from the names" Zagi and Zigi"," Flitz and Bitz" or" Trix and Flix". ─── 来自主办国的球迷可以从“扎吉和吉吉”、弗里茨和比茨”和“特里克斯和弗里克斯”这三对名字中挑选。

2、Animal of 1. precious flix. ─── 1.珍贵毛皮动物。

3、And sale leather or flix criterion conversely, but economic benefits however prep above is former. ─── 而营销皮革或毛皮则反之,但经济效益却高于前者。

4、In money of this kind of shoe, color is general it is first selection with the dark look such as black, brown, ash, now and then also try to turn over flix and crocodilian skin. ─── 在此类鞋款中,颜色一般以黑、褐、灰等暗色为首选,偶然也尝试翻毛皮与鳄鱼皮。

5、Its ability that eat grass and the rumen that develop, can use grazing and the hotpot that people place needs translate into of straw coarse fodder, flix to wait in great quantities. ─── 它的食草能力和发达的瘤胃,能大量利用牧草和秸秆粗饲料转化为人们所需的羊肉、毛皮等。

6、Fa in the two countries can choose from the names "Zagi and Zigi", "Flitz and Bitz" or "Trix and Flix". ─── 来自主办国的球迷可以从“扎吉和吉吉”、“弗里茨和比茨”和“特里克斯和弗里克斯”这三对名字中挑选。

7、Boot of the dazzle eye coat on beautiful field, chic vanity, new fund wantonly reinstate flix makes decoration, want to follow thick chill do or die it seems that. ─── 秀场上的炫目外套、别致手袋、新款长靴大肆起用毛皮作装饰,似乎要跟浓浓的寒意决一死战。

8、The jacket of shrink was turned over wool is gotten, add rich and generous flix adornment, hang down continuously continuously knee, line is worn the short skirt of plot, xi skin and recreational. ─── 缩水的夹克被翻出了毛领,加上丰厚的毛皮装饰,直直的垂到膝盖,衬着绘图的短裙,嘻皮而又休闲。

9、to agree with with aluminous, zirconium change of production dress glove, vamp change, insole change, also apply to all sorts of flix tan to make. ─── 适合于制造服装手套革、鞋面革、鞋内底革,也适用于各种毛皮鞣制。

10、Don't kill blockbusters. Choose original DVDs over pirated ones. Big flix. ─── 不杀大片。选择在原来的DVD盗版。大毛皮(这是品牌名字)。

11、Finnish government takes raise height of fox course of study seriously, installed thremmatology of animal of institute of national flix animal, flix technically association of school, flix. ─── 芬兰政府对养狐业高度重视 ,专门设置了国家毛皮动物研究所、毛皮动物饲养学校、毛皮协会。

12、flix courts ─── 亚麻平布

13、Fans in the two countries can choose from the names Zagi and Zigi, Flitz and Bitz or Trix and Flix. ─── 来自主办国的球迷可以从“扎吉和吉吉”、“弗里茨和比茨”和“特里克斯和弗里克斯”这三对名字中挑选。

14、He looks for a fox to discuss seriously, should pare the flix that takes it; ─── 他郑重其事地去找狐貍商量,要剥取它的毛皮;

15、Relatively chamois Yi Qing manages turn over flix, cowhide, soft lambskin to all be main material to pledge. ─── 较麂皮易清理的反毛皮、牛皮、柔软小羊皮均为主要材质。

16、The felt of cloth with soft nap that used in the past, flix material of a kind of heat preservation, have a variety of drawback eventually. ─── 过去使用的绒毡、毛皮一类保暖材料,终有种种缺点。

17、Flix rash market, include guinea fowl, Bai Yu chicken of black chicken, Hei Yu black, crane is columbine. ─── 毛皮鲁市场,包括珍珠鸡、白羽乌鸡、黑羽乌鸡、鹤鸽。

18、Chafe with flix amber, amber attract downy; ─── 用毛皮摩擦琥珀,琥珀就吸引绒毛;

19、Because the flix of its design and color and leopard is very similar, reason has "leopard skin is beautiful "renown. ─── 由于它的花色与金钱豹的毛皮极为相似,故有“豹皮花”之名。

20、Arrive in the winter, its flix becomes white, with the color lump of snow, differentiate hard. ─── 一到冬天,它的毛皮就变成白色,与雪的颜色混在一起,难以分辨。

21、The product that peltry wool is made via depilating tan and becomes cries " change " , the product that the tan that take wool makes cries " flix " . ─── 生皮毛经脱毛鞣制而成的产品叫作“革”,带毛鞣制的产品叫作“毛皮”。

22、Be as follows integratedly now: (1) whole nation has market of 3 big flix. ─── 獭兔商品生产中,皮货商最关心的是獭兔皮的销路。现综合如下: (1)全国有三大毛皮市场。





“你看到的绝对是相机拍摄的照片。”K2项目科学家杰西·多森(Jessie Dotson)说,“开普勒实质上就是一台非常巨大的相机……但我们没有下行所有的数据。对于我们感兴趣的恒星,我们只是下行了其周围天空的像素。”这是那些行星“影子”的间接照片,但确实是照片。

开普勒的相机高达9500万像素,这幅GIF图之所以模糊不清,是因为它只占到照片的极小一部分,只有11x11个像素。“这好比把手机照片放到最大,只看其中11x11个像素的某个点。”天文学者、华盛顿大学研究生伊森·克鲁斯(Ethan Kruse)说。








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