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09-13 投稿



inhumanities 发音

英:[ˌɪnhju(ː)ˈmænɪtiz]  美:[ɪnhjuˈmænətiz]

英:  美:

inhumanities 中文意思翻译



inhumanities 同义词

tyranny | callousness | viciousness | ruthlessness |cruelty | sadism | atrocity | inhumaneness | cold-bloodedness | brutality

inhumanities 反义词


inhumanities 词性/词形变化,inhumanities变形

名词复数: inhumanities |

inhumanities 相似词语短语

1、humanities ─── n.人文学科(humanity的复数)

2、unhumanizes ─── 不人道

3、inhumanity ─── n.不人道,无人性;残暴

4、unhumanises ─── 不人道的

5、inanities ─── n.空虚;愚蠢;浅薄

6、insanities ─── n.疯狂;精神错乱;精神病;愚顽

7、inhumates ─── inhumates公司

8、the humanities ─── 人文科学

9、indemnities ─── n.赔偿(indemnity的复数);保障

inhumanities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The suppression of reason that materialism requires makes one a little inhuman. ─── 基于唯物论所需要的压制这些想法使人变得有点不人道。

2、Devil means being evil and inhuman which could push one off coast cliff into sea, whereas Parade gives the impression of magnificence and luxuriance. ─── Devil意味着邪恶,不近人情,甚至把你从悬崖边推到海里去。而Parade又给人太多华贵而奢靡的印象。

3、On this DVD, you will learn Will’s complete two minute impromptu body magic miracle where he bends and snaps his finger completely inhuman ways. ─── 在此的DVD ,您将学习将完整的两分钟即兴人体神奇的奇迹,他和急弯手指照片完全不人道的方式。

4、Unilateral declaration by Member States against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment ─── 各会员国反对酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的单独宣言

5、 双语使用场景

6、I am inhuman! ─── 我不是人!

7、I felt that her sudden fear had to do with the escalator's mechanical nature, its basic inhuman untrustworthiness. ─── 我 觉 得 老 人 这 种 突 如 其 来 的 恐 惧 与 自 动 扶 梯 的 机 械 性 质 有 关 - - 它 归 根 结 底 是 非 人 性 的 东 西 。

8、You cannot kill humans with less than 12 minutes of life left (inhuman calculations). ─── 不能用死亡笔记杀死生命少于12分钟的人类(以人间时间计算)。

9、After Lili vent on the right Lili inhuman torture. ─── 在对丽丽发泄完后对丽丽进行了非人的折磨。

10、I quit this inhuman job.I quit working for a machine. ─── 不干这份非人的工作了,我不要再为一部机器干活。

11、I wander about the dread nocturnal countryside of this inhuman season ─── 在这无情的季节里,在这可怕的夜间,我在乡野徘徊。

12、Most of these doctors were friends of the United States before the war, and despite their inhuman experiments, the U.S. attempted to rebuild a relationship with them after the war. ─── 大多数医生在战前是美国的朋友,尽管他们进行了非人道试验,美国企图在战后与他们重建关系。

13、Convention on Inhuman Weapons ─── 关于不人道武器的公约

14、In 1988 China formally acceded to the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. ─── 中国于1988年正式加入了《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》。

15、In the winter of 1943, against the background of battle scenes, a young German Lieutenant who increasingly distrusts the inhuman Nazi ideology struggles with the concept of war. ─── 大意是:1943年冬天,在斯大林格勒战役中一位年轻的德军中尉逐渐感觉到纳粹的残忍、战争的残酷...

16、China shines like a gem in the dark days of such inhuman disaster. ─── 中国在这场灾难中就像宝石一样闪耀。

17、protection from inhuman or degrading treatment ─── 免受不人道和有辱人格的待遇

18、She turned to a life of exhausting, alomost inhuman labor. ─── 她所选择的是一条从事令人精疲力竭,几乎是残酷的劳动的生活道路。

19、She was doing an absolutely wild, inhuman, senseless thing. ─── 她在做极端疯狂的、不人道的、愚蠢的事情。

20、The imagination that human bodies or souls were transformed into inhuman or objects, blended with primitives" pious religion of pantheism and souls" eternity, origins in primeval tribes. ─── 人类的形体或是灵魂产生变幻,化为异类生灵或是无生命的物体这样一种幻化想象源自原始社会,融合了远古初民对万物有灵与灵魂不灭的虔诚信仰。

21、Now, in the full glare of the morning sun, with everything shimmering in the heat haze, there was something inhuman, discouraging, about this landscape. ─── 今天,火辣辣的太阳晒得这片地方直打颤,既冷酷无情,又令人疲惫不堪。

22、On October 21, 1994, the United States became a State Party to the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. ─── 在1994年十月21日,美国成了反折磨和其他酷刑会议的一个缔约国,野蛮的或者可耻的对待或惩罚。

23、The cottage industry, so vital for India's existence, has been ruined by incredibly heartless and inhuman processes as described by English witnesses. ─── 对印度的生存如此重要的家庭手工业遭到了灭顶之灾。 就像英国一些目击者所说,其过程之惨无人道是难以置信的。

24、To put an incurable dying man away may not be inhuman. ─── 患不治之症的垂危病人安乐死未必是人不道的。

25、They punished people in a cruel and inhuman manner. ─── 他们惨无人道地惩罚他人。

26、ason I don't like dictators is that they are inhuman, and anything which is inhuman is bad. ─── 我不喜欢独裁者是因为他们的残酷,任何残酷的事情都是不好的。

27、Build up control of the city as you hold off the human and inhuman threats of the post-apocalyptic world. ─── 建立控制该城为您举办过人权和不人道的威胁后,世界世界末日。

28、Amnesty International opposes the death penalty unconditionally in all situations as a violation of the right to life and the ultimate cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment. ─── 国际特赦组织无论在任何情况下,一向毫无条件地反对死刑,因为死刑不仅违反人权,更是一种极为惨忍、不人道及卑劣的惩罚。

29、He was paler than ever, tired, but his eyes showed with an inhuman fire. ─── 他比以往更加苍白、满脸倦容,然而两眼却发出一种奇异的光芒。

30、They killed many upright civil and military officials as well as ordinary people by framing up cases against tham and by administering inhuman corporal punishment to them. ─── 他们利用诬陷、控告和惨无人道的刑法,杀害了许多正直的文武官吏和平民百姓。


32、I am not an inhuman disposition, sir. ─── 我不是冷血动物,先生。

33、An inhuman religion is no religion, inhuman politics is foolish politics, inhuman art is just bad art, and the inhuman way of life is the beast's way of life. ─── 一个不文明的宗教称不上宗教,野蛮的政治是愚蠢的政治,不文明的艺术是不好的艺术,野蛮的生活方式是野兽的生活方式。

34、In the next place it occurr'd to me, that albeit the usage they thus gave one another, was thus brutish and inhuman; yet it was really nothing to me: these people had done me injury. ─── 其次,我又想到:尽管他们用如此残暴不仁的手段互相残杀,于我却毫无干系。他们并没有伤害我。

35、Roderigo. O damn'd Iago! O inhuman dog! ─── 吝德利哥啊,孺?的伊阿古!?有人心的狗!

36、Prolonged incommunicado detention can in itself be a form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. ─── 延长隔离禁见本身就是残酷、不人道、污辱人格之情事。

37、They did not reconcile to the inhuman treatment and rose up to change their fate, and gradually became mature in the struggling process. ─── 他们不甘心忍受种种非人的待遇,为改变自己的命运进行了顽强的反抗斗争,不断探索新的出路,逐步走向成熟。

38、Foreigners were constantly shocked by the inhuman and cruel treatment of prisoners or animals to which the Chinese show very little sympathy. ─── 外国人总是惊讶于中国人对囚徒和动物所经受的不人道和残酷的对待并无同情之心。

39、Even if people in reality are downright inhuman, you can choose to ignore their behaviour or not view it negatively at all. That is real self mastery. ─── 就算人们确实太过分,你都可以积极地看待它,或对他们的行为不予理睬,这是真正的自制。

40、"Snakelike and inhuman. ─── " “不象人,象蛇。

41、I quit this inhuman job. I quit working for a machine. ─── 不干这份非人的工作了,我不要再为一部机器干活。

42、He describes too the dark side of his work as an RSPCA warden, chronicling some of the inhuman cruelty he witnessed during his years at the forefront of animal welfare in Cornwall. ─── 作者也描写了其防虐工作的另一面,记录了一些令人发指的残忍虐动行为。

43、Success was due to his inhuman efforts. ─── 成功归功於他超人的努力。

44、Even if people in reality are downright inhuman, you can choose to ignore their behaviour or not view it negatively at all. That is real self-mastery. ─── 即使那些人当真是十足的野蛮,你也可以选择无视他们的行为或者不要完全从消极角度来看。那才是真正的自我克制。

46、Another four hour ride, you are crossing a refugee camp, filled with hundreds and thousands of Internally Displaced People living under inhuman conditions. ─── 另一个四小时的行程,穿过难民营,内部住满成千上万在不人道的条件下生活的流亡人民。

47、She only knew she had left her tired body and floated somewhere above it where there was no pain and weariness and her brain saw things with an inhuman clarity. ─── 她只知道自己摆脱了疲乏的身躯,飘浮到上边什么地方,那里没有痛苦和辛劳,她的脑子能以超凡的透明度洞察周围的一切。

48、Brutal and callous; inhuman; cruel and inhuman ─── 惨无人道

49、The inhuman treatment of Chinese women is well known. ─── 中国妇女受到非人的待遇是世所共知的。

50、And Connie pulled on the disguise, then the long motoring coat, and she sat down, a goggling inhuman, unrecognizable creature. ─── 午茶时候出去了的克利福,到暴风雨开始时才回去,夫人哪儿去了?

51、Holst directed that it be played slightly faster than a regular march, giving it a mechanized and inhuman character. ─── 关于这一点,霍尔斯特在 1920年全曲公演时曾这样对记者说:"这些曲子的创作曾经受到诸行星的占星学意义的启发。

52、No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. ─── 任何人不得加以酷刑,或施以残忍的、人道的或侮辱性的待遇或刑罚。

53、The declaration states that any act of torture or other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is an offence to human dignity. ─── 宣言声明任何酷刑或其他残忍的,非人道的或侮辱人格的待遇或刑罚都是对人类尊严的一种侵犯。

54、It is inhuman to refuse him permission to see his wife. ─── 不容许他去看自己的妻子是太不近人情了。

55、Gives by the hitter first is hung up the enemy or the inhuman label, then resorts to arms righteously, this set from bestows on the valid procedure, in the modern society, nobody will already approve. ─── 先给被打者挂上敌人或者非人的标签,然后理直气壮地动刀,这套自赋合法性的做法,在现代社会,已经没有人会认同了。

56、make brutal, unfeeling, or inhuman. ─── 变残忍、无情或野蛮。

57、It is inhuman to strike at helpless people. ─── 伤害无依无靠的人是残酷的。

58、It was inhuman to refuse him permission to see his wife. ─── 不容许他去看自己的妻子是太不近人情了.

59、If you wage war, do it energetically and with severity. This is the only way to make it shorter, and consequently less inhuman. ─── 如果打仗,就要毫不留情地全力去打.这是缩短战争的唯一方法,因而也可以减少战争的残酷.

60、You know you're really inhuman. ─── 你知道吗,你这个人的确不通人情。

61、Nothing but the impression that Indonesia is a "barbaric" and "inhuman" country. ─── 只能给全世界留下印尼是个“野蛮”、“惨无人道”的国家的坏印象。

62、These inhumanities, she cloaked with her professionalism ─── 她用职业的幌子隐藏自己的残酷无情。

63、In violation of natural feelings;inhuman. ─── 变态的违背自然的情感的;不人道的

64、Because it was inhuman to embark the rickshaws, someone suggested abrogating them. ─── 因乘坐人力车不人道,有人提出应废除人力车。

65、You do remember an inhuman tenseness of muscle and nerves. ─── 你能想起来只是超出人体承受的肌肉强直、神经紧绷。”

66、study the anticancer action of BTW abstract inhuman SCLC and colon cancer HT29 on nude mice. ─── 在人癌-裸鼠动物模型上,观察白头翁提取物对裸鼠接种的人小细胞肺癌、大肠癌HT29的抗癌作用;

67、She began to make weird inhuman sounds. ─── 她开始发出可怕的非人的声音。

68、Today I am proud to say that I am inhuman, that I belong not to men and governments, that I have nothing to do with creeds and principles. ─── 如今我骄傲地说自己没有人味,我不属于其他任何人和政府,任何信条和原则都同我没有任何关系。

69、If it is true that the only paradises are those we have lost, I know what name to give the tender and inhuman something that dwells in me today. ─── “据说只有失去的才是乐园。果真如此,我就知道怎样称呼今天停留在我心中的、那温柔而不属于人类的事物了。”

70、An inhuman or cruel act. ─── 不人道的做法一项非人的、残暴的行动

71、She turned to a life of exhausting, almost inhuman labor. ─── 她所选择的是一条从事令人精疲力竭,几乎是残酷的劳动的生活道路。

72、And then I wander about the dread nocturnal countryside of this inhuman season. ─── 于是在这无情的季节,可怕的夜间,我在乡野徘徊。

73、To drag a man in fetters into the grand illuminated temple of liberty, and call upon him to join you in joyous anthems, were inhuman mockery and sacrilegious irony. ─── 将一个身着镣铐的人拖过自由的雄伟光辉的圣殿,叫他和你们一起高唱欢乐的圣歌,不啻是惨无人道的嘲弄和亵渎神明的讽刺。


75、the severity of his punishment was inhuman. ─── 他的惩罚方式的严酷是令人发指的。

76、In this sense, DICA is the most inhuman and radical fulfillment of the avant-garde. ─── 从这个意义上来说,协会却是最野蛮与激进的先锋派。

77、In a letter to the Committee she wrote: "But the hurt innocent people whom I knew many years ago in order to save myself is, to me, inhuman and indecent and dishonorable. ─── 在对委员会的一封信中她写道:“但是这些很多年前我为了拯救我自己而认识的这些被伤害的无辜的人,对我,是野蛮、猥亵、可耻的。

78、Besides, considering his performance, it would be inhuman if Wang still blamed himself for the loss. ─── 况且以他这样的表现,如果他还是因为输球而责怪自己,那也未免太残酷了。

79、Right to freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; ─── 不受酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的权利;

80、Freedom from torture, inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment ─── 不受酷刑、非人道或有辱人格的待遇和惩罚

81、It is a few people who are pathologically sick, who have lost all compassion, all sensitiveness, whose hearts have become inhuman -- it is because of these people you are poor. ─── 只是因为少数人,他们如此病态,他们失去所有的同情、敏感,只有野蛮的心灵,就是因为他们的存在,你们才遭受贫穷。”

82、Everyone was indignant at his inhuman conduct. ─── 大家对他不近人情的行为无不感到愤慨。

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