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09-13 投稿



ineffably 发音

英:[[ɪne'fəblɪ]]  美:[[ɪne'fəblɪ]]

英:  美:

ineffably 中文意思翻译



ineffably 词性/词形变化,ineffably变形

名词: ineffability |副词: ineffably |

ineffably 相似词语短语

1、ineffable ─── adj.不可言喻的;不应说出的;难以形容的

2、ineffability ─── 无法形容;说不出;避讳

3、inexpiably ─── 不合理的

4、ineffaceably ─── 抹不掉地;不能消除地

5、affably ─── adv.殷勤地;友好地;容易亲近地

6、inerasably ─── 不可逆转地

7、inexorably ─── adv.不可逆转地,不可阻挡地;adv.无情地;冷酷地

8、inerrably ─── adv.无误地;确实地

9、inevitably ─── adv.不可避免地;必然地

ineffably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But all grown persons ineffably distrust one another. ─── 但所有成人对彼此都有一种难以言喻的不信任感。

2、Do not know why, do I always feel ineffably sadness? ─── 不知道为什么,我总是莫名地觉得悲伤?

3、Do not know why, do I always feel ineffably sadness? ─── 不知道为什么,我总是莫名地觉得悲伤?

4、All these colored belts blending smoothly make a wall of light ineffably fine, and as beautiful as a rainbow, yet firm as adamant. ─── 这些彩色地带和谐地交织在一起,形成了一堵美如彩虹、坚如盘石、光芒四射的城墙,其光彩之绚丽令人感到无法用言语表达。

5、The scene is ineffably, absurdly touching, the sweetest expression of family love seen in recent films. ─── 这个场景是无法言喻的感人至深,它对家庭之爱的表达是最近所有电影中最贴心的。

6、The point of the whole attack consists in the use of slang epithets and phrases of the most ineffably vulgar description. ─── 全部攻击的要点由俚语,绰号,以及最隐晦粗俗的描述组成。

7、so warm, so rich, and yet so ineffably tender, that it gave a new and haunting beauty to the most elementary of human passions. ─── 它是那样强烈,那样丰富,又那样说不出的温柔,它赋予人类最基本的感情一种新鲜的、缠绵不绝的美。

8、I don't know the reason...I start to learn to give up, but I didn't know it's ineffably hard. ─── 装傻地过着每一天,我看起来似乎很轻松,甚至还能笑得出来。

9、Why to always syare blankly ineffably, feel sadness namely next. ─── 为什么总是莫名的发呆,然后就是感到悲伤.

10、Not to mention my ineffably addictive personality. ─── 不要提及我忌讳的已根深蒂固的个性。

11、But all grown persons ineffably distrust one another. ─── 但所有成年人之间的互不信任简直难以形容。

12、Jazz: The Smithsonian Anthology lands March 29 with an ineffably swinging thump. ─── 爵士:史密森尼精选集带着无与伦比的低沉颤音于今年3月29日横空出世。

13、All these colored belts blending smoothly make a wall of light ineffably fine, and as beautiful as a rainbow, yet firm as adamant. ─── 这些彩色地带和谐地交织在一起,形成了一堵美如彩虹、坚如盘石、光芒四射的城墙,其光彩之绚丽令人感到无法用言语表达。

14、Mr.Jiang Wei died ineffably, before dying, double foot is being bound by cord, there also is cord on the neck. ─── 江伟老师莫名地死了,死前双脚被绳子捆着,脖子上也套着绳子。

15、How is nose sheds nosebleed ineffably to return a responsibility? ? ? Am I how? ─── 鼻子莫名的流鼻血是怎么回事啊???我是怎么了?

16、The best evidence for that view would be minor key songs that are stubbornly, ineffably sad despite other song elements-lyrics, arrangements, tempo, etc.-that are emotionally neutral or positive. ─── 那些情绪上中性或是积极的音乐元素,像歌词、要素组合、节拍等,证明小调固含悲情元素的最好证明是小调音乐,因为他们本身就很悲情。

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