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09-13 投稿



hybridism 发音

英:[ˈhaɪbrɪdɪzəm]  美:[ˈhaɪbrɪdɪzəm]

英:  美:

hybridism 中文意思翻译



hybridism 相似词语短语

1、hybridise ─── v.使杂交(等于hybridize)

2、hybridist ─── n.杂交工作者;杂种繁殖者

3、hybridize ─── vt.使杂交;混合生成;vi.杂交;混合

4、hybridises ─── v.使杂交(等于hybridize)

5、dihybridism ─── n.双因子杂种(dihybrid的变形)

6、hybridity ─── n.杂种状态,杂种性

7、hybridists ─── n.杂交工作者;杂种繁殖者

8、hybridiser ─── 杂交者

9、hybridised ─── v.使杂交;混合生成(hybridise的过去式和过去分词)

hybridism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shielding Gas Method of CO2Laser-TIG Hybrid Welding[J]. ─── 引用该论文 高明,曾晓雁,胡乾午,严军.

2、A property is a hybrid between a field and a method. ─── 属性是字段和方法之间的混合。

3、The authors propose a new hybrid conjugate gradient method. ─── 摘要给出一个新的杂交共轭梯度法。

4、The new hybrid is more resistant to drought. ─── 新的杂交品种更能抵御干旱。

5、They even passed a hybrid virus through a series of ferrets. ─── 他们甚至在一系列的雪貂中传播一种混合病毒。

6、Joes J W. Hybrid vigor in rice., J.Awer .Soc. Agr., 1926: 423-428. ─── 岩规信治.稻热病高度耐病性水稻品种的育成经过[J].育种研究,第一辑,1952(日文).

7、The hybrid offspring of a male horse and a female donkey. ─── 駃騠公马与母驴所生的杂交种

8、For I have seeded the Hybrid on many,Many worlds. ─── 因为我有“播种”许多、许多的种子,于这广大的世界中。

9、A very clean and pure sound, but lean compared to a tube amp or even a hybrid. ─── 一个非常干净和纯洁的声音,但精益相比,电子管功放,甚至是混合。

10、It is misspent time to calculate and report hemagglutinating titers for cell hybrid studies. ─── 在细胞杂交过程中计算和报道血球凝集的滴定度是浪费时间。

11、BDM factors also can cause hybrid weakness or inviability. ─── BDM因子也可以导致杂种劣势和杂种无活力。

12、Latest Development of Hybrid Uncooled Pyroelectric IR FPA[J]. ─── 引用该论文 胡旭,黄承彩,太云见,蔡毅.

13、A optoelectronic hybrid integrated active optical bistable device[J]. ─── 引用该论文 张培亮,郭奕理,孙成城,薛保兴.

14、Another innovation, is the "Trombe Wall " hybrid solar-heating system. ─── 另一个发明是“特兰勃墙”,混合型太阳能加热系统。

15、We will collect money nation-wide to make all cars hybrid, all houses solar. ─── 在全国各地募捐,将所有的汽车都变成混合动力汽车,将所有的房屋都变成太阳能房屋。

16、An adaptive hybrid DPCM/DCT coding method is proposed for solving this problem. ─── 如果不含有较强的边缘,则使用DCT编码器.

17、Title: Study on breeding of double-low hybrid Yuyou No.4 in Brassica napus L. ─── 关键词:甘蓝型油菜;双低;“三系”杂交种;豫油4号

18、Tasting Notes: A unique blend of premium vinifera and hybrid grapes. ─── 品尝:独特的优质葡萄及杂交葡萄。

19、A CAN-bus based AMT control system is developed based on a hybrid electric bus. ─── 摘要以某混合动力电动大客车应用为例,设计开发了基于CAN总线的AMT控制系统。

20、A new type of intelligent hybrid arcless AC contactor was introduced. ─── 介绍了一种新型的智能混合式无弧交流接触器。

21、A New Sweet Corn F1 Hybrid -'Fengtian No. ─── 丰甜1号甜玉米的选育。

22、We are manufacturers of environment-friendly hybrid cars. ─── 我们是环保混合型汽车的生产商。

23、If you were to cross two species you would get a hybrid. ─── 如果你要将两种物种进行杂交,你会得到一个混种。

24、Neither the VOX or the hybrid require any adjustments. ─── 无论是vox或是混合线路都不需要任何调试。

25、Mankanga Ismail, who planted hybrid trees about six years ago. ─── 当地的每棵树能产5-6捆小果肉果实。

26、The drawings reveal Ferrari is working on an all-wheel drive hybrid system. ─── 图纸透露法拉利是工作的全时四轮驱动混合动力系统。

27、The study of hybrid refractive-diffractive telephoto lens[J]. ─── 引用该论文 杨智,戴一帆,张沛.

28、Aboard Cylon base ships, what is a "hybrid"? ─── 在塞昂基地之星上,什么是“混合体”?

29、A new species and a new hybrid of Athyrium from Yunnan. ─── 云南蹄盖蕨属一新种和一新杂种.

30、A hybrid insertion scheme for on-chip global interconnects is presented. ─── 摘要提出了一种用于片上全局互连的混合插入方法。

31、Monoculture crops are often hybrid varieties of a traditional species. ─── 单一栽培作物通常是某种传统品种的杂交种。

32、Design of infrared hybrid athermal optical system[J]. ─── 引用该论文 温彦博,白剑,侯西云,杨国光.

33、The Gheep is a hybrid sheep made in Cambridge. ─── “Gheep”是剑桥大学研究出来的一只杂交羊。

34、This paper describes simplex hybrid genetic algorithm called SM-HGA+. ─── 摘要 构造了单纯形混合遗传算法SM-HGA+。

35、A hybrid language or dialect;a pidgin. ─── 不纯正的语言一种混合语言或方言;混杂行话

36、We can get nonmalignant hybrid cells. ─── 我们可以获得非恶性的杂种细胞。

37、The element-geochemical features reflect that hybridism of continental crust occurs in the source area. ─── 地球化学特征反映了陆源地壳杂化。

38、A hybrid car that recharges by simply plugging into the wall. ─── 插电式的充电套件,让油电混合车更有效率,也更加环保;

39、Mendel called the second generation the hybrid generation. ─── Mendel将第二代称为杂交代。

40、"Aeroplane" is a hybrid which is made from a Greek word and a Latin one. ─── aeroplane(飞机)是一个由希腊词和拉丁词组成的混合词。

41、You can get a different perspective with satellite, hybrid, and street maps. ─── 地图可以变换不同的视角:卫星图、鸟瞰图和街道图。

42、Spherochromatism Correction of a Hybrid Refractive-Diffractive Singlet[J]. ─── 引用该论文 赵丽萍,邬敏贤,金国藩,严瑛白.

43、There were tiny gaps or voids in hybrid layer of flowable composite resin. ─── 光固化流动复合树脂与牙袖质表面形成的结合面记忆体在微小裂隙。

44、The main exceptions to this are hybrid and polyploid speciation. ─── 对于这一点,最主要的例外是杂种和多倍体物种。

45、A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid -'Wanjiao No. ─── 宛椒1号辣椒的选育。

46、On hybrid embryo culture in vitro of Syringa L. ─── 丁香(Syringa L.)种间杂交幼胚离体培养研究

47、On Abies sibirica and a new hybrid of the genus Abies in Heilungkiang, China. ─── 中国黑龙江省冷杉属新增的一种新杂种.

48、We design a set of experiments to evaluate performance of hybrid models. ─── 在此基础上设计了一组实验对混合模型进行了性能分析与评价。

49、"Cablegram" is a hybrid; half the word is Latin and half is Greek. ─── "海底电报"一词是混合语,半为拉丁语,半为希腊语。

50、The origin and utilizing value of weedy rices were discussed according to their hybridism, stomata distribution disordered i. e. middle stomata on leaves, etc. ─── 对杂草稻的特征特性进行了描述,对其利用价值进行了探讨。

51、If you can,buy a hybrid car. ─── 如果你有能力,请购买混合动力汽车。

52、A hybrid language or dialect; a pidgin. ─── 不纯正的语言一种混合语言或方言; 混杂行话

53、But there is disagreement about where hybrid technology is heading. ─── 但是有人对油电混合车技术的发展前景持不同意见。

54、Altman D. Hybrid rocket development history. AIAA Paper 91-2515. ─── 单建胜等.固液火箭发动机的研制及其应用.固体火箭技术,1997,20(3).

55、Optical design of a triple-waveband hybrid system[J]. ─── 引用该论文 马韬,沈亦兵,杨国光,白剑.

56、The name is often applied uncritically to material of hybrid origin. ─── 名字通常被随意地用于杂交起源的标本。

57、RAM-ROM hybrid that can be erased and rewritten under software control. ─── 一种RAM-ROM的混血儿,它能在软件的操纵下被擦除和重写。

58、The chemical emasculation in hybrid as emphasis was explored. ─── 以化学杀雄杂交技术作为重点进行探讨。

59、A New Sponge Gourd F1 Hybrid 'Zhusigua No. ─── 早熟丝瓜驻丝瓜1号的选育。

60、Closure is a unique hybrid of a plastisol-lined metal disk and a plastic band. ─── 封闭是一种独特的混合了塑内衬金属磁盘和一个塑料带。

61、So this variety is a monogerm hybrid with higher sugar content in recent years. ─── 工大甜单1号是近年来含糖率较高的单胚品种。

62、Responsible for agronomy study of commercial hybrid and pipeline. ─── 对已经和将要商业化的杂交种进行农艺研究。

63、Breeding of Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid 'Jiangshu No. ─── 早熟大果辣椒新品种江蔬1号的选育。

64、It occurred only on "hybrid habitats". ─── 它只在“杂种生境”内表现出来。

65、Cymbidium hybridism is a very important ornamental plant . Hybridization is a primary method of breeding of Cymbidium hybridum. ─── 大花蕙兰是一种具有极高观赏价值的兰属植物,其主要的育种方法是杂交育种。

66、"Breetish ?"she asked in a halting French-English hybrid . ─── “你是英国人?”她不肯定地问道,说的英语明显夹着法语的口音。

67、Fabrication of UV-curable acrylates/Silica hybrid antireflective film[J]. ─── 引用该论文 任洪波,张林,杜爱明,邓龙江.

68、Statuses of CO2Laser-MIG Hybrid Butt Welding with Various Parameters[J]. ─── 引用该论文 双元卿,王康健,陈武柱,单际国,张永强.

69、Subaru is unveiling its own gasoline -electric motor hybrid (the B5-TPH). ─── Subaru汽车公司揭示自行研发的汽油电力混合动力车B5-TPH。

70、Athermal Design for Infrared Hybrid Refractive/Diffractive Optical System[J]. ─── 引用该论文 李升辉,杨长城.

71、Soilburial tests showed a good biodegradability of this hybrid membrane. ─── 土埋实验表明该杂化膜具有很好的生物降解性。

72、It may survive and give rise to two mononucleate hybrid cells called synkaryons. ─── 可存活并产生两个称为合核体的单核的杂种细胞。

73、Gendering equality in physical education: Toward hybrid bodies? ─── 体育教育中的性别平等:走向男女合班上课?

74、The resulting hybrid material offered a combination of advantages. ─── 制造出的复合材料提供了优势的联合。

75、Hybrid cars will help us conserve gas and protect the environment. ─── 复合动力车将会帮助我们节省汽油和保护生态环境。

76、Hybrid LOD was proposed and a framework for distributed terrains was presented. ─── 在此基础上提出了混合LOD算法,并给出了分布式海量地形实时绘制的框架。

77、But the researchers say the hybrid virus did not spread easily. ─── 但研究员们说这种混合病毒并不容易传播。

78、I have a hybrid face, the typical oriental build and savvy of tolerance. ─── 我拥有混血儿的面容,典型东方人的身材,善解人意的宽容。

79、Powertrain Control System is a key technology of hybrid electronic vehicle. ─── 动力传动控制系统是混合动力汽车的关键技术。

80、IOS International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems. ─── 国际混合智能系统杂志。

81、They even passed a hybrid virus through a serious of ferrets. ─── 他们甚至在一系列雪貂身上注射这种病毒。

82、Toyota has yet a third route to success: muscling up on its hybrid strength. ─── 丰田以第三条道路制胜:靠混合动力发展壮大。

83、"Things" is a hybrid, but its existence has been scattered open. ─── “东西”是一个混合体,然而它的存在却是分散开的。

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